Friday Fire September 10th
(The camera turns on and the stadium is dark. There is lots of yelling from the crowd. The spot lights is
going back and forth over the crowd. Fire works go off from the entrance and the ramp. The fans
cheer loud. Fire is blaring up from the entrance while the fireworks are going off. Then everything
stops. The lights stay off and it is totally dark. Expolsion in the ring! Fire come up from the posts and
around the side of the ring. The fans jump to there feet. This is the start to Friday Night Fire!)
Prez Pat: Welcome to Friday Night Fire! It has been a week but the wait is over. It is time. We only
have two matches tonight. Our smallest card ever. But not our smallest with wrestling talent. We have
some stars here. Like a wrestler of the month and the man with the best record. We have a title holder.
I man who has been working hard as a rookie. And a star who is in the running for the number one
contender for the world belt. So lets go to James Edgebrook so we can start this thing.
James Edgebrook: Thanks Prez Pat! In our first match we have one of the biggest wrestlers today in
our sport
.Ponce. His opponent will be a young wrestler who is really working hard to get to the
.Richard Head. Lets watch this first match.
Richard Head
Ponce has made his way to the ring. The fans are still cheering for him. The fans really love Ponce.
Coming through the entrance now is Richard Head. He requested this match. He has fought Ponce
before and came up with a loss. But there was interferance. He wants to do it right this time. One on
One. Best man wins. Richard Head has an up hill battle but he is the one to do it. Richard Head rolls
into the ring and stands in Ponce's face. Both wrestlers stare at each other in the eyes. The bell rings.
This match has started. Head punches. Ponce punches back. Both men punch back and forth. Ponce
gets more power in his punch and takes control. Ponce locks up with Richard Head. Double arm
suplex. Head gets back to his feet. Belly to Bell Suplex by Ponce. Head gets up this time even slower
but he still gets up. Ponce grabs Head. Implant DDT. Head is now down and not getting up. Ponce
does a little bit of a celebration. The fans cheer. Ponce goes to the top ropes. He stops on the top. He
stands up on the top turnbuckle. Five-star Frog slash. Head puts up his knee. Ponce lands on his knee!
Ponce lands on the mat and rolls back and forth holding his stomach. He is hurting. Head slowly gets to
his feet. He stomps away at Ponce. He kicks Ponce until Ponce can roll to the rope. The ref makes
Head stop. Ponce pulls himself up on the ropes. Both men are now standing. Ponce swings a punch.
Head ducks. He kicks Ponce. Ponce bends over. Pump Handle Slam! Richard Head pins Ponce.
..KICKOUT! How did Ponce kick out. Head stands up pissed off. Richard drops. Knee drop
on Ponce. Head stands back up. Double knee drop on Ponce. Head goes for a pin. 1
ROLLS THE PIN OVER! Ponce is now on top of the pin. 1
..KICKOUT! Ponce almost got a
quick win off of that. Ponce is pumped. Snap Suplex to Head. Head stands back up. Another snap
suplex. The fans are chanting for Ponce. Head jumps back to his feet again. Ponce throws Head into
the ropes. Clothesline by Ponce. Ponce whips Head into the ropes again. Boot to the face. Head is
down. The fans are going crazy. Ponce has total control. He goes for the pin. 1
Richard Head is staying alive. Head gets up. Ponce whips in to the ropes. SPEAR BY HEAD! Ponce
got planted into the mat. Head jumps to his feet. He jumps on Ponce with a leg drop. He goes for the
pin. 1
..Kickout! Both men get up. Head whips Ponce into the turn buckle. Head sits Ponce on
the tope turnbuckle. Richard Head stands on the frist rope. He is going for Ponce's finisher. The
Indiosyncratic Slam. Wait Ponce stops in. Ponce jumps off holding Richard's head. Tornado DDT!!!
WHAT A REVERSE TO HIS OWN FINISHER! Ponce goes for the pin. This is over.
..KICKOUT!!! How did Richard Head do it?! Ponce gets up frustrated. He pulls Head to his
feet. Head kicks Ponce. He breaks away from Ponce and runs back off the ropes. He jumps up onto
Ponce's Shoulders for a Huricanrania. Ponce blocks it. He holds Head on his shoulders like he is going
to power Bomb Head. Ponce spins around. CORKSCREW POWERBOMB!!! Richard Head just got
crushed into the mat. Ponce does not try for the pin. He pulls Head to his feet. Ponce whips Head into
the corner. He sets him on the top turnbuckle. INDIOSYNCRATIC SLAM!!! Ponce has finished
Head off with his finisher. 1
..3! After a long match it is over.
Prez Pat: That was on great match! This was a real wrestling match with no interfearance and no
weapons. Both men gave it all they had. I don't think I have ever seen so many pin attempts. No one
wanted to give up in this match. Richard Head has nothing to feel bad about. He gave Ponce a run for
his money. I thought he had him beat acouple of times. Richard Head came very close to beating the
man who can't be pinned. I will throw it to James Edgebrooks to start our main event.
James Edgebrook: Ready for our next match?! Because our next match is a title match. Cyris Has been
fighting for the world title as of lately. He is still a World title contender who wants to show the BJWC
hs can win a belt. Chris McClane won this belt one week ago on Fire. It was his first singles belt. Now
this is his defense. Lets see how this match fairs. Now it is time for the Maaaaaain Event!
Chris McClane
Sirach wanted into this match. Cyris or Chris never dissagreed but the Prez's turned it down. They
wanted a one on one match for the belt. Cyris has earned this shot by himself. So he is getting it by
himself. The challenger Cyris steps out first. He makes his way down to the ring deturmand to win. He
steps into the ring awaiting. Chris McClane comes out of the entrnace next and the fans start booing
and yelling bad stuff and throw things at Chris. Chris has his arm around Rebecca and he is holding his
belt with the other hand. He gets to ringside and Rebecca gives Chris a hug. Then Chris jumps into the
ring. He holds his belt up in the air. The fans boo more. Then he hands the belt to the ref. The bell
sounds. This match has started. Chris locks up with Cyris. German Suplex. Cyris somehow lands on his
feet. Chris turns around. Cyris kicks Chris. Cyris grabs him. SNOWPLOW!! This could be over. He
pins him. 1
..REBECCA PULLS CYRIS OFF! Rebecca saved the pin. Cyris stands up and
looks mad as hell at Rebecca. Before he can do anything Chris rolls up Cyris from behind while Cyris
was destracted by Rebecca. 1
..KICKOUT! Chris almost gets a cheap win. Both men stand up.
Rebecca grabs a chair on the outside of the ring and she gets up on the ring appearn. Chris whips Cyris
into the ropes. Rebecca hits him in the back of the head with the chair. Cyris falls face first. Chris goes
for the pin. 1
..KICKOUT!! Cyris will not give up. Chris can even get this match won by
cheating. Chris stands waiting for Cyris to get up. Cyris finally gets up. Chris punches but Cyris blocks
it. Piledriver! Chris is down. Cyris pulls him to his feet. Cyris picks Chris up. Powerbomb! Cyris is
destroying Chris. He does not go for the pin. Cyris pulls Chris to his feet once again. He sets McClane
up for his own move. PARALIZER!!! Cyris Did the Paralizer to Chris McClane. Cyris goes for a pin.
He wants to beat him with his own move. Rebecca gets in the ring with that chair.
DOWN THE RAMP INTO THE RING!! He was going to be in this match at first. It looks like HF is
going to destroy Cyris. The ref will have to call the match. WAIT! Sirach attacks Chris. He is on top of
Chris punching him in his head. Is the Hart Foundation breaking up already. The ref calls for the bell.
Since both people had been interfeared against he calls a double DQ! No one wins this match. Rebecca
hits Cyris again with the chair. Sirach stops hitting Chris. He helps Chris up. Now Sirach, Rebecca and
Chris are all attacking Cyris. HF is not breaking up. It was just a trick to not lose the belt. Cyris is
getting a beating of his life.
Prez Pat: This is not fair at all. Cyris was just killing Chris. McClane looked as if he did not have a
chance. But Brian Hart's stable out smarted everyone again. Chris McClane holds on to the belt but
does not get the win. This was a short night but a good one. Everyone make matches for next week or I
will just make matches for you. Have a good night.
(The camera fades off by showing Sirach, Rebecca and Chris McClane in the ring celebrating. Chris is
holding up the NA Title. The fans are not happy with this ending. They are booing and throwing food
and drinks in the ring. The screen turns black.)