Monday Riot September 13th

September 13th 1999
Monday Night Riot

(The HIVE lights up with pyros shooting from the ceiling. Then the ring is flooded with colored lights and the entrance flooded with more pyros. "Highway from Hell" blares up, and out walks the PREZ of the BJWC Billy Jay to a huge opening to RIOT pop.)

Billy Jay: (In the ring waiting for noise to drop.) Welcome BJWC Fans and Addicts to yet another installment of BJWC Monday Night RIOT! Do we have a show for you or what? I don't have time to give you arun down on all the great match ups we have planned for you tonight, so let me get the show on the road. Tonights KICK OFF match will be for the HARDCORE TITLE! And this will be a NON FALLs COUNT ANYWHERE MATCH! The Count Out Rule will be in place as if it were a regular match, but you can bring whatever you want into the ring. Let's get the show on the road!!!!

(Billy Jay exits to a nice reaction to Highway of Hell and screen cuts to James Edgebrook as you can hear the beginning of Dante's Music starts up.)

James Edgebrook: Ohh what a night this shall be. BJWC Stars left and right. A huge line up tonight and as Billy Jay stated the Hardcore Title Match is first. Dante is on his way to the ring. The HARDCORE CHAMP music has hit! Here comes BIG G, Goliath! Let's go to the ring!

Goliath (champ)

Dante has a chair in each hand and is ready for the champ to enter the ring. Goliath grabs a chair for himself tosses the Hardcore belt up into the air and rolls into the ring. The ref calls for the bell as the two hardcore stars start off clanging the chairs. Fans roar as the action picks up. Dante using one chair to guard and block the blows and the other to smack away at Golaith. Golaith finally gains an advantage after a few exciting minutes. Dante knees are taken out and he falls. Goliath hops on the first turnbuckle, Dante to his feet turns around! FLYING CHAIR TO THE FACE!!! Fans go nuts. Dante out cold. Goliath with the quick cover, hooks the leg 1.......2.......3NO KICKOUT! Dante out of his hibernation, and fighting back. Drop toe hold on a chair. Goliath rolls to ringisde to recover. What the hell is this? Here comes Sipple and Cooper! The newest Tag Team in the BJWC sheduled for later on tonight! Goliath and Sipple and Cooper staring down at each other. Dante grabs one of the chairs and rolls out. Sneaks up behind Goliath. CHAIR SHOT!!!! Big G is down. Sipple and Cooper just standing staring at Big G now out on the floor. Dante lifts Big G up THE HIT!!!! THE HIT on a cCHAIR!!!!!!! Fans are going nuts!!!! Dante has busted open BIG G!!!! Dante sends Big G into the railing, BIG G's forehead is bleeding into his eyes. The ref is calling for a DOUBLE DQ!!!!! Dante is IRATE!!!! He dives into the ring, grabs the ref, THE HIT!!!!! THE HIT!!!!!!! Fans are going wild!!! Goliath has rolled back in with a chair! Danted is still complaining to the now injured ref. He stands! CHAIR SHOT!!!!! Big G just laid him out. OVERDOSE!!!!! OVERDOSE!!!!! Implant DDT!!! Big G rolls Dante out of the ring. Sipple and Cooper rolling into the ring. Another STARE DOWN! Big G, Cooper and Sipple giving a huge stare down! WAIT!!!! "Enter Sandman" by Metalicca!!!!! Here come................ The ICON Tyler Lee!!!!!!! The ICON has returned again!!!!! He dives into the ring!! Drop kicks all around. Cooper gets up! ICON DDT!!!! Sipple hits him from behind, but Tyler Lee with a single leg take down, ICON DDT!!! Then Goliath grabs his Hardcore Title and tries to hit him but a blind DROP TOE HOLD sent Goliath down hard, he pulls him back up. SHOWSTOPPA!!!! SHOWSTOPPA!!!!! The gorilla press Death Valley Driver combination!!!!! The fans are going nuts, ICON grabs the Hardcore Title and holds it over his head, Sipple rolls in behind him, but Dante grabs his feet pulling him back out to ringisde as Tyler Lee lays the hardcore title over Goliaths chest and exits, and Dante joins him and they leave together. The fans are just going nuts.


James Edgebrook: Tyler Lee has just made a huge statement about where he plans to give his attention to right now. Sipple and Cooper seem to have some problem with Big G, I have no clue what that was all about.
Well, Paco has been making a slow comeback into the BJWC and has a tough match here tonight, against a man who needs to prove himself, leader of D2K! Cyris! Cyris and Dan and Tyler all on the same team, only problem I see is I'm not sure if Dan and Cyris both World Title Contenders can decide on a real leader, some may debate Dan would be a better leader than Cyris. Paco could really make a rankings jump if he wins a match here.

Paco Delgado

Paco came running out first trying to get the fans on his side, as he jumped around the ring a bunch. Cyris came out to a nice pop, and raced to the ring and Paco hit a nice hip toss and tried to pound away at the bigger man. Cyris went to work after a suplex was reversed. Cyris hit a tilt o whilr backbreaker to everyones suprise. After a near fall, Paco faught back, and hit two, yes two missle drop kicks. 1........2.........KICKOUT!!!! Cyris with a forceful kickout, and took it from there! A POWERBOMB over the top ROPES!!!! Was the end of Paco's chances. He didn't do another move. And Cyris dominated and covered for the easy victory. D2K flooded in after, Tyler, Dan and Dante all making an appearnce and knocking the crap out of Paco Delgado.


James Edgebrook: Cyris is on his game! That powerbomb over the top ropes was simply devistating and he had no real promblem, thus proving he has what it takes to stand with any man in this federation.
Well, Kros Hares AKA Sniper has returned but has stated to us that this will be his only match of his short BJWC return and then will decide later on his future in the BJWC! I hope that he returns for good!

Kros Hares (aka Sniper)
Wayne THE BLADE Coll

Kros Hares gets boos, due to his connections with the Hart Foundation, but the boos are heavy, The Blade Coll, get even more boos, and he doesn't like it. Kros starts out really strong and looked like he was a sure winner. He hit a huge brainbuster but only a near fall. Blade made a great comeback with scoop slams and body presses. A moon sault and a leg drop was hit and a piledriver.The screen flashes backstage and FAS is seen watching closly on a backstage monitor. Kros hit a sidewalk slam and a samoan drop and covered, but an amazing kick out by Blade. Blade hit the Tornado DDT BLOODSWORD but hesistated to make the cover because Sirach of the Hart Foundation stepped out to a huge number of BOOs and Wayne made sure he didn't get involved giving Kros enuf time and he kicked out. Fans amazed gave an AWWW. Kros started to fight back he had a boston crap locked on, but from the entrance steps Masta Killa! The fans give a mixed reaction. Blade gets a rope break. MK pulled the ref down and out of the way so he can't make any DQ calls. MK hops in the ring, lights up a fire ball. Fans go nuts. Blade holds Kros Hares and MK THROWS THE FIREBALL!!!!! It missed! Kros ducked just in time! THE FIREBALL hit Blade. Kros rolls out of the ring avoiding any double team or anything.of that nature. MK and Blade argueing and Blade screams "Go to hell" and MK shoves him and exits. Kros rolls back in and sands right in the face of Blade as if to say, it's all over, but all of a sudden "Highway to Hell" blares up! Why is BILLY JAY here now???? Fans stand. The screeen flashing to FAS still in the locker room watching. The Lights return! RYU! It's RYU he ahs a carpenters hammer and has Blade face first down and cut up. FAS still on the big screen reveals the big words "BILLY JAY vs FAS" and the fans cheer! The ref calls for the bell.

WINNER: No Contest

James Edgebrook: Talk about a ton of guys in that one. Men coming down the ramp every five seconds. Kros made it clear this was a one time deal unless he decides differently in the future.
Well the huge 4 man match up is next. This should be an excellent match up, with BJWC's newest and youngest talents. Heres comes Richard Head!

Sirach (Ring Debut)
Richard Head
Big Machine
Masta Killa

Head comes out first, and he waits in the ring with a mic. Big Machine steps out. Head then asks Big Machine if he could be his tag partner that he asked for. And BM accepts. Richard Head than says " Tonight we merge to form the BIG HEAD MACHINE!!!!!" Fans cheer. Sirach comes out next and he stares down both men, Head then whispers something to him. Sirach gives him an evil look then nods. Out comes Masta Killa he races to the ring. All three of the men in the ring jump MK. The bell rings. Masta Killa trying to fight off a 3 on 1 and he's not fairing very well. After each man hits a few nice power moves. Masta killa is out of the match pretty much. Head and Big Machine now on a team attack Sirach. All of a sudden FAS appears at the top of the ramp! He runs down and dives into the ring. He smacks MK over the head with a BRICK!!! Fans cheer. He shakes hands with Richard Head! He walks by Sirach who is leaning against the ropes. Big Machine just stands there watching. FAS has a mic. He points at Masta Killa! "Billy Jay I am coming!!!! See this! This will be you soon!!!" FAS drops the mic and SMACKS BIG MACHINE with the brick! Richard Head yells at him, for hitting his partner. Sirach with a inverted DDT from behind. Sirach covers but all of a sudden out comes a robbed person. Fans filled with question! Who the hell is that. Sirach breaks the pin and watches the robbed thing roll into the ring, he listens and then follows the robbed thing out thru the exit. The fans confused. Richard Head flops himself on top of Masta Killa! Wait, here comes Billion Dollar Ted! 1......2........NO! Ted made the save! He grabs Head for a suplex, Big Machine hits his legs. Reversed into a different suplex. Big Machine and Head double team BDT! Masta Killa rolls up Head from behind! 1........2........3NO!!! KICKOUT!!!! Almost a victory for MK! Big Machine rolls BDT out and then starts beating MK! Another double team. Here comes Wayne the Blade Coll!!!! He dives into the ring! Clotheslines Big Machine over the top rope to ringside. DDT to Richard Head. Masta Killa covers Head. 1...........2.........3 It's OVER!!! Masta Killa gets up and he and Blade stare each other down, they both pull back their fists!!! And remove their t-shirts!!!!! They both have "KORN DEVILs" t-shirt! Another new team formation!!!! They hop out of the ring and exit.

WINNER: Masta Killa

James Edgebrook: What a series of guys flooding the ring again! This is just nuts! Men flowing from the locker room in every match so far today! And now a BJWC Tag Team Match Up!
Billion Dollar Ted and Sharp Dressed Man trying to make a statement. Cooper and Sipple already making appearences together and look ready to kick off their Tag Ring Debut.

Billion Dollar Ted and Sharp Dressed Man
Sipple and Gary Cooper

The match starts out with Sipple and Cooper just dominating. The fans going nuts for Sipple and Cooper. Cooper was the chant, but after Sipple hit a double rock bottom type move to bove opponents the fans started the Sipple chant! Almost no offense by the rookie team. Cooper pulls BDT up to the top ropes! Sipple hits a DDT and climbs to the top ropes! SUPER DUPER SLAM and the CULTIVATION!!!!!!! Corkscrew leg drop by Sipple and Cooper with the top ropes choke slam! Fans are GOING WILD! It's all over already! Wait! Here comes STABLE MINDS!!!! Goliath and KAHN with Terrel!!! They take their time coming to the ring and the fans cheer them on. Sipple and Cooper watch them. Billion Dollar Ted gets to his feet, BILLION DOLLAR DREAM!!!!! Cooper is locked in. Sipple is more concerned with Big G and not paying attention. SDM goes for a flying forearm! NO! Sipple ducked! HE NAILED THE REF!!!!! I think Cooper tapped!!!! But the ref is out and didn't see it! Sipple stomps BDT off Cooper! Oh no here comes Big G!!!! KAHN and Terrel stay at ringside and watch. Big G has both Sipple and Cooper cornered! The HARDCORE Champ is pissed! Wait! He turns and catches BDT in the GRAVIS chokeslam!!!! FANS ARE GOING NUTS!!!!!! Sharp Dressed Man to his feet turns around GRAVIS chokeslam!!!!! Fans LOVE it! He steps over the top rope and to ringside. Sipple to the top, Cooper to the top! DOUBLE CULTIVATION!!!!!! Cooper covers!!! Sipple wakes the ref.......1.........2........3 It's all over!!!! KAHN Terrel and Big G join in the ring to celebrate with Cooper and Sipple! Sipple grabs a mic and announces the NEW version of STABLE MINDS!!!!! He notes Goliaths Hardcore Belt, and great record, notes the fact KAHN has a title shot in the main event and the fans lead them to the exit with a HUGE cheer!!!!

WINNERs: Sipple and Cooper (new Stable Minds members.)

James Edgebrook: What a aquisition. Possibly a stable with the talent to contend with D2K!!!! KAHN Cooper Terrel Sipple and the Hardcore Champ Goliath!
Now on to the Double Title Ladder Match! This one has been led up to for a long long time! Let's go to the ring, BOOs fill the arena we know who is coming out first.

Ladder Match
Two titles suspended in the air
Chris McClane (NA Title Champ)
TA Tyrone Alguard (TV Title Champ)

McClane makes his way to the ring with Rebecca. Fans booing as if it was their duety. TA comes running out in RIOT gear and the fans go nuts. He carries the ladder of his shoulder as he races to the ring sliding the ladder into ring and rolling in himself. The match went back and fourth early with suplexes and slams, no real leader after about 5 minutes of quality match. FAS steps out, and he walks to the announcers table and sits down. He doesn't put on a headphone because there is no extras he just watches. McClane hits a ladder to the skull and sets up the ladder for an attempt at the NA Title. TA grabs him in a cricifix powerbomb off the ladder down to the mat. Fans cheer. TA stomps him and makes a climb for the NA! McClane gets up and drop kicks the ladder sending TA over the top ropes and THRU A TABLE AT RINGSIDE!!!!! Fans go nuts!!! McClane retrieves the other ladder and pulls it into the ring, TA pulls himself to his feet. He watches McClane set up for the NA Title again, TA sets the other ladder on the ropes and shoves it into McClane who is flung off the ladder. TA rolls in, TOTAL ANNHILATION!!!!! Fans go nuts!!!! FAS gets out of his seat the lights go out?!?!?! They return! TA is down and out!!! What? FAS is laid out right next to him! What just happened? All three men out cold. Rebecca rolls into the ring and revives McClane the ref convinces her to get back to ringside, but she sets the ladder back up before he gets her to leave. McClane climbs the ladder. TA still not moving. McClane to the top! He reaches out his hand! NO! TA kicked the ladder but the ladder is still up! McClane reaching again for the NA strap! TA dives and hits it again! McClane jumps off with his hands in the air!!!! HE GRABS THE TV TITLE on his WAY DOWN!!!!! Fans boo!!!! McClane new TV Champ!!!!! Here comes Masta Killa!!! He races out to the ring and smacks the ref with a chair! MK rolls McClane in. MK is gonna crush McClane! Wait no he turns around and grabs TA, PARALIZER!?!?!!?!!?! MK just gave TA McClane's finisher! McClane shocked!!!! He whispers into mcClanes ear, DOOMSDAY!!!!! Death valley driver!!!! DOOMSDAY DRIVER!!!!! MK gets a huge pop from the fans as he rolls out!!!! TA back up!!! TOTAL ANNHILATION!!!! McClane is out! He sets up the ladder! He climbs up! He reaches! NA TITLE IS HIS!!!!! We have a new NA CHAMP!!!!! And a new TV Champ!

WINNER: TA Tyrone Alguard NEW BJWC NA Title Champ
WINNER: Chris McClane NEW TV Title Champ

James Edgebrook: Wow! McClane really showed alot! But in the end got cheated out of a chance to have both belts! TA got lucky to walk away a champ at all! Wow! Great match!
MAIN EVENT TIME, three way battle! This shall be awesome! Can HART defeat all the enemies he has and beat the odds and be 4 time champ? Can Ponce get past the current stage of "I won't fight" and be 4 time champ? Can KAHN pull of the upset over these two stars?

Brian Hart

"Call to Ktulu" by Metallica rocks it's way over the speakers. "Hailing from Detroit, balancing himself at 6 foot 4. Weighing almost 300 at a heavy 284 pounds. He is KAHN!!!!!!"

"Ready or Not" by the Fugees starts up over the speakers. "Hailing from Minneapolis, Minnesota, a man hated by most BJWC fans. Standing at 6 foot 2. Weighing 233. A man that has held his share of titles, one of the true TRICKSTERs of the Sport! He is the 3 time WORLD CHAMPION! He is none other than the Bad Guy Himself .............BRIAN HART!!!!!"

"Killa Bee Stylee" by Limp Bizkit starts up. "Ladies and Gentlemen now coming to the ring, standing at 6 foot 5, weighing in at 256 pounds. Led by Devon park. He is the self proclaimed FOUNDATION, he is the BJWC....... HART KILLER, he is the 3 time World Champion............. PONCE !!!!!"

PONCE is no where to be seen. Fans started cheering but now are booing hoping he will come out! We have Jeph Phillips in the back with Ponce. JP: "Ponce what are you doing? Your World Title Match is NOW! You have to fight" Ponce:"No! What's the point? It's not like I'm gonna win the title....I should, but I wont...." JP: "Stick with the storyline Son, anyways, People payed good money to see this main event...that INCLUDES you. If you AREN'T in that ring in one minute, then you are Suspended INDEFINATELY!" Fans boo. Ponce stands up and glares at Jeph. Soon, Ponce emerges from the curtain as the fans start to chant. The Foundation is sure taking his time getting to ringside. Ponce crawls under the bottom rope and sits down in the corner. The ref starts to talk to ponce, but ponce waves him away* Ponce: "I ain't fightin'" Ponce just sits in the corner. Hart stomps him a few times but KAHN keeps hitting him from behind. KAHN hit a clothesline sending Hart over the ropes! KAHN tried to attack Ponce and did for a short time, but decided Ponce was just not gonna fight so he let him be. Brian Hart hits a DDT and covers KAHN! 1.....2KICKOUT! Cyris steps out from the back! Fans cheer! He slowly walks to the ring. Sirach comes racing down to match Cyris and they fight! Dante comes down, McClane and Rebecca follow! TA comes racing out to attack McClane! KAHN is getting beat down by Hart with a chair, out comes STABLE MINDS!!!!! Big G, Sipple and Cooper! Terrel alredy at ringside! And Stable Minds clear out ringside! Cyris manages to fight free and grab Hart! DEATH SENTENCE!!!!!! Hart is laid out!!! The ref trying to break up a ringside battle! Fans go nuts as Stable Minds actually take out D2K and Hart Foundation! All of sudden here come Tyler Lee and Dan The Double D Express to back up D2K and the fans burst! A stable clash! D2K in full force and Stable Minds!!!! Fans are going wild! In the ring Ponce still refuses to fight! Hart is hit with the FACE DRIVER!!!! FACE DRIVER!!!!! But no cover because KAHN had been slammed in the head a few too many times! Finally KAHN rolls over with a cover! Fans still going nuts as the Stable War still going strong! Hart covered NEW CHAMP.....1........2.......3NO!!! KICKOUT!!!!! Hart fights back up!! Kick! FACE DRIVER AGAIN!!!! NO!!! Reversed into a RACK!!!! RACK!!!! Driver!!! Hart with an amazing manuever, Kahn fights to his feet! SUPERKICK!!!!! SUPERKICK!!!!! He is going to lock on the SHARPSHOOTER!!!!! No!!! Ponce has got up and stopped the hold!!! Fans go wild! He shoves Hart away, picks up KAHN!! IDIOSYNCRATIC SLAM!!!!! KAHN is down!!! Ponce gets the fans reaction and hops the ropes! Ponce grabs a mic and rolls back in! He holds out his hand for Hart, hart shakes his head and turns away! Ponce whips him into the corner! IDIOSYNCRATIC SLAM!!!!!! Both men out!

Ponce: Sorry BJ, I don't follow by the rules. EVERYONE HERE knows I should be champ...So, You've finally got YOUR champ...HEY KAHN...just call this OUTRAGEous karma...

Ponce pulls KAHN over HART and hops the ropes and walks right thru the stable war without being touched! Fans are going wild! 1..........2........KICKOUT!!!!! HART KICKED OUT!!!!!! Ponce at the top of the ramp turns around in shock!!! Hart off the ropes! SUPERKICK!!!!! SUPERKICK!!!!! Ponce races towards the ring! CLOTHESLINE by McCLANE!!!! Ponce is mauled by HF at ringside!!! He can't make the save! Hart covers! Here comes the robed man that cost Sirach his match! 1........2......KICKOUT!!!!! KAHN does it!!!! HART looks over his shoulder at the robed one! KAHN hits a clothesline!!! Short arm clothesline!!! FACE DRIVER FACE DRIVER!!!!!! Cover!!! 1........2.........3 IT's OVER!!!! New champ! KAHN now 2 time champ!!!!


James Edgebrook: This is choas!!! STABLE MINDs now have the World and The Hardcore belt in their stable! The robed man yet again played a part in the HF's members match! Unbeleivable!!!!!

Billy Jay: See you next week! Dented has been pushed back a week, so check it out! See you all later!!!!!

(Clips of KAHN highlights and cuts to the current ring filled with Stable Minds Hart Foundation D2K and others and the fans going wild as the screen cuts to late breaking news and BJWC Riot ends.)