Monday Riot September 20th

Monday Night Riot
September 20th, 1999
Metrodome, Minneapolis, MN
BJWC Productions

(Pyros flare up shoot high in the jam packed Metrodome in Minnesota the BJWC's home town! Fans have fit in every nook and cranny and are all on their feet to cheer Billy Jay down to the ring. Highway to Hell is his music and mic is in his hand.)

Billy Jay: Welcome BJWC fans and addcits! RIOT has returned to MINESOTA! The home of me, the home of the BJWC, and possibly the best damn PLACE on EARTH! (big cheers) Now, tonight we have a line up consisting of tons of people! #1 contender a match which will be very interesting and the winner WILL fight KAHN Friday! Also i am announcing that Paco is not fighting in the four way battle but is fighting Dark Sentry in his debut match tonight. Tag Title Triple Threat! Tag Division has grown. And DENTED is right around the corner! Let's get the matchs under way!!!!

James Edgebrook: Well, BJWC Tag Division has been on fire. And we got two team ready to prove to be worthy of Tag Title Contention, wait a sec, Billy Jay is returning back out with a mic, he seems to have an announcement for this battle.

(Billy Jay rolls into the ring and waits. Billion Dollar Ted and Sharp Dressed Man come out and roll into the ring. Billy Jay finally begins to speak.)

Billy Jay: I really LOVE when the BJWC Tag Division heats up like this! And since all four of you guys dissirve a bigger push this match will be for the #1 Contendership for the Tag Titles! (Fans cheer) Winner will meet the Tag Champs at DENTED!!!!

TAG MATCH for #1 TAG Contendership
Billion Dollar Ted/Sharp Dressed Man
Big Head Machine (Richard Head/Big Machine)

Billy Jay leaves the ring as The Big Head Machine comes to the ring. Richard Head has gotten alot of reaction and is getting bigger and better every week and the fans showing it! Camera picks out a Head sign! Match starts out fast. Head goes to work on both members BDT and SDM. Big Machine just watches. Head with neck breaker and then hip tosses BDT over the top ropes. DDT by Head and a kick out on the cover. Head cleans up the place and tags in Big Machine for some power moves. BDT and SDM quickly turn the tables with a ton of double team manuevers. Two unseccessful kickouts, after a double team powerbomb and a double drop kick. Big Machine with a clothesline and a dicing tag to Richard Head. Head hits a inverted suplex and then CAN OPENER!!!! CAN OPENER!!!!! Slides under the legs grabbing the arm for an amazing PUMP HANDLE SLAM!!!! Fans cheer the amazing move!!! 1........2.......SAVE!!!! SDM with a diving save. SDM pounds away on Head as the Big Machine goes to work on BDT but BDT with a low blow! TKO!!! BIG MONEY!!!! BIG MONEY!!!! Big Machine is out!!! Head clotheslines SDM over the top rope Head turns around BIG MONEY!!!! BIG MONEY!!!! Cover! 1.......2......3. It's over! BTD and SDM have pulled off an amazing victory!

WINNER: Sharp Dressed Man and Billion Dollar Ted new #1 Tag Contenders for DENTED

James Edgebrook: Wow! Big Machine got his ass kicked all match long! Richard Head almost won the match by himself! But it was Head vs the two guyts and the odds favored the winners.
This next match WAS scheduled for a four way battle but is now only a three way. Tyler Lee's big ring return, already has a DENTED match for the Hardcore itle against Big G. Let's see if he is as good and he claims and is worthy of that shot at DENTED!

Tyler Lee (Return Debut)
Masta Killa
Wayne THE BLADE Coll

Wayne and Masta Killa are coming out together! This is looking more and more like a two on one match up! If MK and Blade work together like this I don't see any chance for Lee to get a win tonight. Fans giving MK and Blade very little cheer and alot of Boos but fans all know they can get the job done in the ring! MK picked up a huge 4 way win last week on RIOT he proved that he was better than people thought. Here comes the ICON!!!! Fans on their feet, some boos because of his past relation with the LAW and some cheer for his talent in the ring. Tyler Lee out with a bat the ref warns him this is not a hardcore battle, Tyler agrees and loses the bat at ringside. He dives in and the two on one handi-cap begins! Tyler Lee is taken off each rope with double elbows and shoulders and clotheslines. Coll nor MK going for any pin ,just keep bringing the offense. Tyler finally dodging a leg drop hitting a drop kick and grabbing MK ICON DDT!!! ICON DDT!!!!! Lee back up grabs Blade for another DDT reversed!!! REVERSED!!!! German suplez by Coll!!! Lee rolls to ringsde to regroup. Masta Killa dives over the top ropes with a SUICIDE DIVE!!!!! Fans going wild!!!! MK still proving how good he is when he is on his game. Tyler Lee has no chance against two guys. Tyler Lee rolled into the ring. MK tries to get the fans into it at ringside. Blade climbs the top rope!!! MOONSAULT!!!!! NO!!! Reversed!!!! Lee caught him in a JUVIDRIVER out of the MOONSAULT FANS ARE GOING WILD!!!!! 1........2.......KICKOUT!!!! Blade somehow kicked out. Here comes the SHOWSTOPPA!!!! MK rolls in just in time to clip Tyler's legs out from under him! Blade with a cover! 1........2........MK yells at him and Blade stops the count. MK reminds him about their plan. Blade agrees and climbs to the top rope! MK whips him into the corner! BLOODSWORD!!!! BLOODSWORD!!!!! Spinning DDT out of the corner. Fans love that move. Blade still with the BJWC's best record inside of a cage. Hit that same move on X-Hart from the top of a cage once. Blade picks up ICON holds him for a Superkick! MK back up! SUPERKICK!!!! Missed!!!! Tyler Lee ducked! Blade ducked! HE NAILED THE REF!!!!! MK tand Balde try to made sure the ref is ok, Tyler rolls out of the ring grabs his bat, and the fans go nuts!!! Bat to the mid section!!! ICON DDT WITH A BAT IN THE OTHER HAND!!!! SHOWSTOPPA!!!! He pounds away with his bat!!! He pounds over and over on both men choking MK and Blade with the bat. The ref starts coming too, and Tyler Lee rolls the bat out. ICON DDT!!!! Tosses Masta Killa over the top rope! SHOWSTOPPA AGAIN!!!!! cover!!! Ref rubs his eyes notices the cover! 1.........2.........3 MK dives in but it's too late!!!! Tyler Lee pulls it off!

WINNER: Tyler Lee

James Edgebrook: Tyler Lee showing his hardcore nature clobbering both men and even if it was a little unfair he pulled off the huge victory. His real test will come Sunday against Goliath the longest BJWC Hardcore Champ in BJWC history! Can Tyler be the one to knock him off his pedistole? Dented will be the decider!
Next we have another BJWC ring debut featuring Dark Sentry and the Mexican Superstar, and self proclaimed Volando Virus Paco Delgado. Paco needs a victory to spark his career again, and Dark Sentry wants his first one, to be remembered, he we go.

Paco Delgado
Dark Sentry (BJWC Ring Debut)

Paco getting some cheers but more boos, and many fans are leaving for refreshments. Paco flips into the ring dazzling few. He has been in and out of BJWC action for the very beginning of time. Long ago held the Lightweight Title before it became vacated! Paco known by only long time BJWCians! Dark Sentry steps out and for his first appearence he is getting alot of cheers. The match starts off all Dark Sentry with a series of powerbombs, slams and suplexes. Sentry pulls up the little guy to the top rope for a powerbomb but Paco reverses it for an xfactor type move and a cover. 1.....KICKOUT! Top ROPE X-FACTOR and Sentry got right back up! Delgado sent into the corner FLYING CROSS BODY caught! DVD!!! DVD!!!! Sentry covers. 1..........2..........KICKOUT!!! Fans aww!!! Delgado drop kicks the knee after a few quick moves he sets up the tornado DDT! HE HITS IT!!!!! cover! 1.......2..KICKOUT!!!! Sentry slowly getting worn down. Paco could lose it in one move. Sentry with a crucifix powerbomb but Paco struggles free and turns it into a backslide. 1.....KICKOUT!!! Dark Sentry not in any mood for that. Dark Sentry RUNNING SIT OUT POWERBOMB!!!!!! Fans are going wild!!! Dark Sentry is setting up his never before seen finisher....wait!!!!! Here comes Rebecca and Chris McClane! Rebecca has a RACK, yes a FULL RACK of STEEL, UNFORGIVING, DENTABLE STEEL CHAIRs!!!!! Fans going wild!!!! Chris hops in grabs Paco he is gonna prove he is ready for DENTED 1999 by assualting Paco!!! NO!!!! He turns!!! DARK SENTRY SMASHED WITH A CHAIR!!!!! Fans going nuts! Mcclane has found how to ignite the fans here in Minnesota!!!! The ref has been pulled ringside and taken care of curtesy Rebecca!!!! And McClane NOW TWO WEEKS IN A ROW is DENTING the hell out of BJWC WRESTLERS!!!! Now giving Dark Sentry a welcome to the BJWC Chair to the face! Another! That's THREE!!!!! Fans are counting out the chair shots!!!! Every chair shot McClane is tossing it aside and grabbing another from the rack of STEEL CHAIRS!!!!! McClane ANOTHER!!!!! Dark Sentry on his knees!!!! Another!!!!! Another!!!! That is SIX STEEL CHAIRS DENTED OVER THE HEAD of NEWCOMER DARK SENTRY!!!!! Sentry still trying to get to his feet! McClane grabbing another CHAIR!! To the TOP ROPES!!!! TOP ROPE CHAIR SHOT!!!!!!!!! Fans are going nuts as they yell SEVEN!!!!! McClane IS READY FOR DENTED 1999!!!!!! McClane drops his chair and grabs a mic!!!

Chris McClane: "Seven Chairs DENTED over this ROOKIES worthless face. I know I'm getting better, but I'm not even close to being satisfied!!!! Come DENTED 1999, I will become the MASTER of the DENTED CHAIR!!!!! (he points to the pile of chairs in the corner. he points to the rack of unused chairs.) DENTED 1999 will be MY DAY!!! "

Fans boo him as he promotes his HF t-shirt. McClane and Rebecca roll in the ref. Paco hops onto the lifeless Dark Sentry!!! McClane kicks him off! PARALIZER ON SEVEN DENTED CHAIR!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!! McClane has just proven to the BJWC Fans and the WHOLE DAMN WORLD that he will not be stopped at DENTED 1999!!!! The ref finally comes to and sees the chairs and two victims knocked out. He starts a ten count. 1..2..3...4...5...6...7...8...9...DARK SENTRY sits up!!!! He walks over to Paco!!! LOW BLOW BY PACO!!!! TORNADO DDT!!!! TORNADO DDT!!!!! His climbing up again NOW for the 360 Frog Splash, NO CAUGHT BY DARK SENTRY!!! Running POWERBOMB ONTO SEVEN ALREADY DENTED CHAIRS!!!!! Cover!!!!! 1........2........3 It's all over!!!! And PACO is DONE FOR!!!!!

WINNER: Dark Sentry

James Edgebrook: (JAW wide open) WHAT A DEBUT FOR DARK SENTRY!!!! Not only does he take SEVEN steel chairs to the skull he also hit two RUNNING SIT OUT POWERBOMB one of them onto the pile of chairs. Can you believe this? McClane on his PYSCHOTIC DENTED RAMPAGE!!!!! Who can stop this crazed pyshco???? DENTED should be renamed "McCLANE 1999"!
Well, after that amazing performence, we move on to the long awaited NUMBER ONE CONTENDERs MATCH!!!! Now we all know Dan and Cyris are part of D2K and that if Goliath won this match it would be Stable Mind Member versus Stable Mind member. Each man has certain reason to, and not to win this triple threat contenders match. Dan and Cyris claimed they would not hold back and fight like wrestlers and hold no grudges!!!

Winner fights KAHN on Friday Fire
Goliath (current Hardcore Champ)
Dan DeHart (return RING debut)

Here comes the Hardcore Champ and member of the Stable Minds, Goliath! Fans cheering the fact that this guy has held this title longer than any other in BJWC history. Goliath pisses off a few fans in front threatening them. The lights flicker, out steps former BJWC World Champ! Held the title for a great length also the first ever BJWC Champ along with the first and only man to hold and own the BJWC WrestleBowl RING! May have returned to the BJWC to defend that ring in a few months when WrestleBowl 2000 rolls around!!!! Fans booo the hell outta DeHart and DeHart just shruggs it off! Cyris steps out and his current heel turn has the fans nipping at his heels. D2K not very loved recruiting old LAW members. The bell has rung!!!! Dan and Cyris immidiatley attacking Goliath their rival. This match seems a little unfair. Hold the phone HERE come STABLE MINDs!!! Cooper and Sipple at least! KAHN has not been reported to be here and has just returned from family business. Just been told he WILL fight one of these three on Friday's Card! Goliath takes a double suplex. Cooper and Sipple have the radio flyer! WHAT IS THIS? It looks like Tyler Lee is INSIDE COOPER's RADIO FLYER!!!! Cyris points it out to Dan DeHart they are stunned and Cyris hops the ropes at the Radio Flyer to save his teammate DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE!!!! Ref can't do anything since Cyris charged them first!!!! The ref now noticing Tyler Lee trapped in the Radio Flyer and he hops the ropes to set him free as Cyris and Dan duke it out with Sipple and Goliath and Cooper! "STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN" by LED ZEPPELIN plays!!!! Flames shoot from the entrance everybody looks! Blue pyros shooting off now. Rain like stuff falling in the ring! Everybody watches nobody is coming out. Everyone is baffled! Tyler Lee finally freed by the ref and he immidiatley grabs a chair and hits GOLIATH in the back of the head!!!! WHO IS COMING OUT? Fans going wild as the pyros continues to go and the music plays! WAIT!!!!! CHAIR TO THE REF!!!! FROM BEHIND!!!! FROM BEHIND!!!!! It's EXODUS!!!! It's EXODUS!!!!! He has returned!!!!! Cyris turns around EXODUS DDT!!!!! DDT!!!! Cyris is out!!!! EXODUS quickly hops the rops a flees thru the crowd as the FANS GO BANNANAS!!!!! EXODUS has ONCE AGAIN RETURNED!!!!! Everyone is now at ringside accept the LEGAL MEN!!!! Cyris is out cold thanks to Exodus! Goliath out cold thanks to Tyler Lee and Dan "The Double D Express" The LONE MAN STANDING in the ring! He grins at what he sees! THE LAST STOP!!!! Inverted BRAINBUSTER into PINNING POSITION!!!!! GOLIATH MAY BE DEAD!!!! New number one Conteder!!! DeHart yells at the ref he rolls into the ring!!!! 1........2........WHAT?!!?!?!?!?!? The lights HAVE GONE OUT!!!!! The fans are going nuts!!!! Spotlight appears on the entrance!!!! No music!!! .............................."HIGHWAY FROM HELL" blares over the loud speaker!!! THE PREZ!!!! Billy JAY!!!! Billy Jay!!!!! Fans are going nuts!!!! He has a mic!!!

Billy Jay: HAVE YOU NOTICED how I havn't yet addressed you??? Have you figured out why you are here? It is not for you to get another CHANCE at the BJWC Title!!! No way in hell, IT IS SIMPLY FOR REVENGE!!!!!!!! (Fans go wild)

That is Dan DeHart I teased you with a #1 Contender!!! You think you have any say in this coorperation??? The answer starts with a "N" you figure out the rest!!!! DeHart you will never be BJWC World, BJWC Tag, BJWC Any CHAMP ever again if I have anything to do with it!!!! As long as "I" run this place you can consider yourself on the SAME damn list as Brian Hart!!!! (Fans cheer again)

You know what else? You know what else???? (Dan DeHart comes flying up the ramp and Billy Jay drops his mic and bolts thru the entrance way!!!! Billy Jay is running for his life!!)

DeHart is gone!!! Goliath crawls over and lays over Cyris!!! 1......2......3NO!!!! KICKOUT!!!! I can't believe it!!! Two chops to the chest!!!! Cyirs blocks the third!! DEATH SENTENCE!!!!! DEATH SENTENCE!!!!! Cover!!! 1........2........3 It's OVER!!!!! Cyris will FACE KAHN on Friday!!!! Cyris quickly jets out of the ring and walks away with Tyler Lee. Sipple and Cooper chase them off and tend to Goliath. FANS ARE GOING WILD STILL!!!!! The Billy Jay A Tron flips to backstage as Billy Jay is running down the hall! Dan tackles him from behind and pounds him!!!! Officials are trying to free the BJWC Prez for DeHarts attack!!! Billy Jay rolls away as DeHart got about 5 good shots in and Billy Jay is surrounded by officials and guided to the parking lot!!! DeHart restrained by over 10 BJWC Sercurity GaurdS!!!! Fans going wild!!!

WINNER: Cyris NEW #1 Contender for World Title

James Edgebrook: HOLY SHIT!!!! Pardon my french! But that was unbelievable! Dan was the only one not attacked during all the interfearences. Goliath had no chance after behind clocked with a chair to the back of the head and then DEATH SENTENCED!!!! That was a bit unfair!!! But Cyris was DDTed by the SUPRISE RETURN of EXODUS!!!!! Unbelievable!
Well, it is suposed to be Tag Title Main Event time but it seems as though Jeph Phillips has something to say!


Jeph Phillips: I am BJWC's TOP INTERVIEWER, BJWC's Most Resepcted and Trusted member of the BJWC Council and I am the GREATEST ANNOUNCER to ever come into the BJWC, no offence James Edgebrook.

Billy Jay has been chased out of the building by the LAW loving, LAW loser Dan DeHart. I have been handed Billy Jay's Announcements for tonight.
First! McClane's opponents for DENTED 1999 will be Masta Killa, AND Dark Sentry STIPULATION yet to be decided by McClane and it will be for the TV Title Belt!
Now, despite what Billy Jay has said he still has DeHarts name for DENTED, so it seems he will be FIGHTING for the BJWC NA Title at DENTED 199 against TA Tyrone Alguard in a match also without stips to be set by TA himself.
A newly announced match, DANICA vs. Rebecca the battle of the vallets!!! (fans cheer) TA's girl versus McClanes talks of a possible return of the Women's Strap have been rumored as well!
World Title Match Friday will decide which match at DENTED will be for the BJWC World Title but according to this sheet at DENTED 1999 will be the BIG REMATCH between PONCE and KAHN!!!! If KAHN wins Friday that will be the Title Match, if Cyris wins Friday his ARENA TOP match with Brian Hart will be for the BJWC World Title!!!!!!!

The winners of this next tag match will be champs and will defend at DENTED 1999 against Billion Dollar Ted and Sharp Dressed Man in another match without decided stips. So let's find a winner of this next match!!!!

Ohh and by the WAY Ponce you fight tonight or you ARE FIRED!!!! NOT MY WORDS!!!! Read them yourself!!! (Holds up the papers but you can't see.) So PONCE in the words of someone we know all to well, "LOVE it OR LEAVE IT!!!!!" End quote!

Triple Threat Battle
(Cooper and Sipple) STABLE MINDs
(Brian HART and Chris McClane) Hart Foundation
(TA Tyrone Alguard and PONCE) Team FOUNDATION (Tag Champions)

"Ready or NOT" by the Fugees blares up!!! Hart Foundation is here! THREE TIME WORLD CHAMP HART has stepped out, with Triple Crown Winner Chris McClane Rebecca once again dragging along the RACK of CHAIRS!!!!! Fans BOO like MANIACS!!!!!

"Puttin on the Ritz" blares up and here comes the Radio Flyer complete with Sir Sack and The Rock. Sir Sack is the Bag of Oranges and The Rock is simply a ROCK! Sipple with Fire title and Lander of Out and Cooper all leading the Radio Flyer to the lead! Cooper's styrofoam rocks flying like it's December in the snowy month of Minnesota. Fans are going nuts!

The champs!!! "Killa Beez" blares up and you know what the means! Ponce and TA Tyrone Alguard! With the gold glaring off their waist and TAs NA Strap over his shoulder! Danica attached to TAs side guided him to the ring. The fans cheer on these two. TA once again sporting his RIOT gear and they enter the ring holding up the three belts!

The bell rings and the Tag Titles are on the line! All six men battle it out punches and elbows and kicks and knees all being tossed! The lights blink and Masta Killa comes running down yelling "DENTED 1999 The TV title is MINE!!!!" he attacks McClane from behind!!! Danica and Rebecca just announced to be fighting at DENTED 1999!!! They are fighting it out at ringside!!! McClane tries to fight off MK who is beating him down with a chair!!! SUPERKICK!!!! Hart just crushed MK in the face and the ref tosses MK out and he retreats to the locker room. Hart just saved his partner! Still all six men fighting it out. Ponce and Sipple both clotheslined over the top rope! Hart and McClane double teaming Cooper and TA! Good teamwork! Ponce and Sipple with numerous moves as they fight there way all the way up the ramp! Fans are going nuts! DDT by SIPPLE!!!! Ponce may be out!!! Sipple stares him down and starts back towards the ring! Ponce grabs his feet!! Leg takedown! SUPLEX!!!! A non of the top ropes IDIOSYNCRATIC SLAM so less effective but ON THE RAMP!!!! Fans are going wild!!! Ponce celebrating!!! He IRISH WHIPS!!!! Sipple into the CROWD!!!! Ponce cheers on the ramp!!! In the ring, Hart is trying to lock the SHARPSHOOTER on TA but Cooper with a save. Cooper attacked by McClane from behind with a PARALIZER!!!!! PARALIZER!!!! McClane tells Hart the legal man to pin him he does!!! McClane tries ties up TA to stop a count break!!! 1........2......3NEW CHA...NO!!!! TA pulled his foot on the ropes!!!! McClane starts pounding TA for stopping the count like that! Cooper is lokced into the SHARPSHOOTER remind you of REUNION 99 at all???? Ponce still standing on the ramp waiting for Sipple to come out of the crowd. All of a sudden! "Call to Ktulu"!!!! KAHN is here!!! He has heard Ponce is his date for DENTED and he is not waiting! He steps from behind Ponce!!! Ponce jumps back!!! KAHN not the type to interfear, he is just making his presence known!!! He holds the WORLD TITLE HIGH OVER HIS HEAD and the FANS ARE GOING NUTS!!!!!! Ponce is going nuts!!! He charges at KAHN, Sipple WITH A SPEAR!!! SPEAR!!!! Ponce was distracted and Sipple saved his teammate KAHN from the assault!!!! What a move!!!! McClane pushes Danica away from Rebecca and tells here to grab a chair from the rack and stay their. Mcclane then grabs SIR SACK from the Radio Flyer and rolls in the ring!!! TA stops the sharpshooter! McClane hits TA in the head with the sack of ornages!!! Cooper in trouble! Hart tags McClane and McClane taunts Cooper with Sir Sack and hits a PARALIZER AGAIN on COOPER!!!! Sipple races down the ramp!!!! TA is hip tosses over the top rope by Hart!!! Mcclane hocks Cooper's leg. New Champs! 1...........2..........3NO!!! SAVED again!!! Sipple with the diving save!!! He starts pounding McClane!!! Cooper starts sliding in chairs from the chair rack and Sipple picks one up! McClane ducks!!! McClane grabs one!!! SMACK!!!! Sipple laid out!!! Cooper still tossing them in until REBECCA smacks him in the back!!! Ponce standing now still on the ramp trying to decide wether to go after KAHN or attack Sipple and remain in the match he races down the ring. McClane grabs TA in a PARALIZER but Ponce with a spear to the back of the leg!! TA lands on McClane!!! 1.........2.......KICKOUT!!!! Almost over that fast!!! Cooper tags back in by Sipple and grabs Sir Sack and tells him not to interfear , but then Cooper smacks him over Harts head. Cooper shakes his finger at sir Sack again! Fans are going wild!!!! McClane blocks the oranges Death Valley Driver!!! McClane has Cooper's number tonight!!! Ponce finds himself once again in a DDT from SIPPLE!!!! Sipple is tagged back in by Cooper and Hart tagged in by McClane! TA still the legal man for his team! TA stands! Sipple tries a drop kick caught by Hart! SHARPSHOOTER!!!! No!!! Sipple wiggles away just in time. Ponce getting to his feet and setting up a table at ringside! Hart turns around COCK BOTTOM!!!! TA Tyrone Alguard with a huge COCK BOTTOM slam to Hart! 1........2..Sipple saves easily! TA tosses Sir Sack into Sipples face! Lander of Out watching for any interfearences on the ramp! Hart reaching to tag McClane! Ponce has the table set right behind McClane who is trying to tag. Ponce grabs McClane from behind! TIGER DRIVER 89' THRU A TABLE AT RINGSIDE!!!!! Hart dives to nobodies hand!!! TA grabs Hart FOREVERs BEGINNING!!!! Hart is done for!!! Cover! 1..........2.........3NO!!! Sipple with a CULTIVATION off the top to break the pin at the last second!!! The ref grabbing his hand in pain after so many pins! Sipple covers TA and HART! 1........2......3KICKOUT!!!! KICKOUT!!!! I'm not sure which one kicked out but Sipple didn't get the THREE!!!! Fans are applauded the amazing match up!!!! Cooper grabs McClane Super Duper CHICKEN SLAM!!! Powerbomb into a backbreaker! Ponce taps Cooper EUROPEAN UPPERCUT!!! Sipple stunned at the kickout grabs Sir Sack once again!!! McClane is out. TA gets up, and kicks Sipple and grabs the Sack of Oranges! Cooper recovers from the punch and grabs Ponce sending him into the railing then following it with an drop kick!!! Ponce into the crowd. TA is kneed in the face but hangs onto the bag of oranges! Sipple lays McClane over the chairs! CULTIVATION FROM THE TOP ROPES!!!!! ONTO CHAIRS!!!!! SIPPLE has exicuted McCLANE!!!! Cover!! 1....TA stands up and winds up with the sack of oranges over his head!!! ..............2........... TA swings but Sir Sack goes but TA is pulled under the ropes!!!!! ...............3!!!!! New TAG CHAMPS!!!!! NEW TAG CHAMPS!!!!!! Sir Sack landed on top of Sipple and McClane but it didn't break the count. Cooper staring at McClane covered by Sipple covered by Sir Sack!!!! His jaw has dropped! Out comes KAHN and Lander of Out along with Goliath!!!! They all enter the ring each grabbing a chair form the rack and entering the ring, showing off all the gold in the NEWEST STABLE the STABLE MINDS now TAG CHAMPs, WORLD CHAMP, and HARDCORE CHAMP and EVEN FIRE CHAMP!!!!

Wait! Cooper is not accepting his belt!! Fans are stunned! Sipple insists but Cooper shakes his head!! Fans almost start booing! Cooper grabs the belt and undoes it and straps it around the waist of SIR SACK!!!! The bag of oranges!!!! He grabs a mic, "Please replay the clip!!!!" Cooper points to Sipple pinning McClane with SirSack on his shoulders for the third count!!!! Cooper is claiming Sir Sack won the match with Sipple!!! Fans laugh and cheer! Cooper holds up the now belt wearing bag of oranges and Sipples' hand in celebration!

WINNERS: Sipple and Sir Sack (Bag of Oranges) NEW BJWC Tag Champions

James Edgebrook: Once again Billy Jay not able to do his final announcement tonight so I will close out the show again!!!! NEW TAG CHAMPs and Sir Sack, NOT Cooper is Sipples Tag Partner, even Sly, the new New's Guy didn't predict this JUICY ONE!!!! One now Sipple and Sir Sack fight at Dented!!!!!!
This is just so nuts! DENTED PPV all named off and this shall be DENTED 1999 the all time greatest PPV ever!!!!! I can't wait so you next Sunday for that VERY PPV and I'll see you two days before that on Friday Night FIRE!!!!!!

(DENTED 1999 Logo pops up and Clips of Chris McClane denting the hell outta people. Showing Cyris and Harts classic title match in the cage. Clips of Ponce winning the title from Kahn. Clips of the STABLE MINDs all in the ring that just happened and it ends the segment and the screen blanks out clipping to NEWs.)