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Mercedes Martinez vs. Violet Flame

These pictures were from a recent NECW Show in Watertown, MA, which featured me against Mercedes Martinez...

Mercedes used her size advantage early, getting me into the corner and,

putting the boots to me.

But, I managed to turn the tables on her in the ropes, and used a boot of my own!

Then, I took advantage of the ropes to put a little pressure on her knee.

I continued to work on the leg, dropping an elbow on it, then locking it up to go for a submission

But, she pulled my hair to get herself out of it...and everyone was booing ME!

Then, after nearly scalping me, she went for a pin, but I still had plenty of fight left in me

I went back to work on her leg, getting her in a leg bar

But, she kicked me off and again went for a pin

After that near fall, I knew it was time to get serious, so I took a little breather to clear my head...she tried to grab me, and got her leg slammed into the post for her trouble!"

She's a wily one though, I'll give her that, once I got back in, she surprised me with a backslide

But, I knew that leg was hurting so I went for the kill, slapping on the figure 4!!

She refused to give up though...

She even managed to reverse, and tried for a backdrop, but ducked her head too early...I knew was was coming, and had a counter, I smashed her to the mat

Then went for the kill! There I was, perched on the ropes, but she managed to hobble over, and send me crashing down with a neckbreaker!

A quick rollup later, and it was done, but believe me, Mercedes Martinez has not seen the last of me!

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