Greensburg 03-17-2001
Black Widow vs Drucilla Davie
our referee...Sweet Cheeks
Drucilla Davie
Me...The Black Widow
right after the lock-up..i grabbed Drucilla for a headlock and was working it when she picked me up for a uranage..(belly to back)...and i kicked my feet..forcing the momentem foreward..then took her down with a fast headlock takedown. she countered out putting me in the headscissors, which i finally kicked out of....
she then came at me...grabbing me in the headlock...she was really cranking it i picked her up for belly to back (uranage)and hit it.
after the uranage..i picked her up...whipped her across the ring into the turnbuckle..following her in with a back elbow, then snap-mared her out and went into the chinlock.
she pulled my hair to break the hold..heres the proof!
she then picked me up, shot me off the ropes for a hip toss (ouch)..and when i got upfrom it, she did this arm drag.
she still had my i worked my way up to my feet, then pushed her into the turnbuckle and started ramming my shoulder into her...didnt i dropped down for an armdrag of my own.
then threw a kick at her, which she caught..the only thing i could do was the insegouri...then pulled her up off the matt..whipped her into the ropes, catching her when she came off with a standing firemans carry into a slam. she still kicked out!
uh oh....that got her going! she then beat me down to the mat...and started walking on me...
then stomped and kicked me over to the ropes..where she stood on me! aaaaaaarrrrrg!
the ref finally got her off me...and she pulled me up and shot me off the ropes for a back body drop...but i got her this time...i did a sunset flip! dang...she kicked out again!
ok...then i pulled her up, shot her into the turnbuckle, then went in for a monkey flip. She countered mid air...and landed on me in a pinning possition...with her feet on the ropes...but the referee saw it...*whew*
i know you are thinking what the heck is this one! *smacks photographer*. Well after the botched monkey flip...she whipped me across the ring into the turnbuckle...ran in for a big splash...then when i bounced out of the corner..she picked me up in a bear hug....then turned...and wham...did the low down to me!
yep..i kicked out! uh she is really mad!
i got the full force of her finisher here! The Drucilla Driver! incase you are wondering...its a spinning choke slam...yes that is my throat she is holding me up by....*cough*
soooo she went for the pin....she got the 1..2..3! but i saw it! she had not 1 but both of her feet on the ropes to hold me down! i saw it! didnt you see that ref?.....yep...the crowd saw it too! The referee reversed his decision...and i won the match. I think next time...maybe i should hide a steel chair under the ring!
photos taken by "Scarecrow"
sound played and recorded by my son L. Brook
Black Widow
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