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Benoit's Matches
Chris Benoit's Matches
Year 2000

Thunder- - 1/12/2000 - - Kevin Nash and Jeff Jarrett versus Chris Benoit and Sid Viscous
Jarrett and Nash won after Kevin Nash pushed Chris Benoit off the top rope while he was attempting the Swandive on Jarrett. Benoit landed on the US Title belt andgot a pretty nasty cut on the side of his head. Jarrett picked him up, dropped him with "The Stroke", and scored the 1-2-3.

Wow!  It's much shinier than I thought!Souled Out - - 1/16/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Sid Viscious
WCW World Heavyweight Title Match
Match was booked after both Jeff Jarrett (Benoit's scheduled opponent) and Bret Hart (Sid's) could not compete due to injuries. As a result, Hart was stripped of the title, and this match took place to fill the vacansey. Benoit won the match and the belt after Sid submitted to the "Crippler Crossface". However, referee, Arn Anderson did not see that Sid's foot was under the rope.

Anybody got some Tylenol?Smackdown! - - 2/3/2000 - - WWF Champion HHH verus Chris Benoit
Non-Title Match
(If Benoit won, the Radicals got WWF contracts)

Chris Benoit had Hunter Hearst Hemsley in the "Crippler Crossface" in his first WWF outing, but the ref was out. HHH bounced back and hit the "Pedigree" for the win.

Raw is War - - 2/7/2000 - - HHH, X-Pac, Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn, Eddy Gurrerro, and Chris Benoit
The Rock, Cactus Jack, Rikishi, Scottie 2 Hottie, and Grand Master Sexay
One of the best Raw main events sees Chris Benoit as a heel pic up the win for his team by pinning Grand Master Sexay after a Swandive Headbutt.

Hey, kid, get your finger outa there.Smackdown! - - 2/10/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Rikishi Phatu
Benoit hits the German suplex, but loses by DQ after Saturn and Dean Malenko jump Rikishi. Too Cool gets involved and everybody gets a beatin'.

The Rock says, he's about to crap his pants! Raw is War - - 2/14/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus The Rock
Chris Benoit was accompianied by Eddy Gurrerro. Eddy distracted The Rock, and Benoit nailed him with a chair. Eventually, The Big Show came down, attacked The Rock, and Chris Benoit hit the German Suplex for the 1-2-3.

This is how I take a test.Raw is War - - 2/21/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Test
Pretty dull match by Benoit standards. Eddy Gurrerro hit Test with a pipe that gave Benoit a chance to nail the headbutt for the pin.

Smackdown! - - 2/24/2000 - - Kane (with Paul Bearer) versus Chris Benoit (with the Radicals)
Radicals attacked Kane at the start and then were sent to the back. Benoit controlled most of the match, which ended in a no contest after Kane chased Tori up the ramp and was then blasted with a fireball from X-Pac.

The ironic thing is that he left WCW because he REFUSED to kiss Sullivan's ***No Way Out - - 2/27/2000 - - Too Cool and Rikishi Phatu versus The Radicals; Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn, and Chris Benoit
Chris Benoit lost his first WWF pay-per-view match after Rikishi squashed Dean Malenko with a Banzi Drop.

Sorry, I was so mad about this match that I don't have anything funny to say about it.Raw is War- - 2/28/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Tazz
Oh how this match hacked me off. They could have let these two go and have one heck of a match, but no, they gave them two minutes, five moves, and a run in from the Big Bossman and Prince Albert. The Big Bossman and Prince Albert!??!?! COME ON!!!!! The only real highlight was when Eddy Gurrerro got sent to the back. Anyway, Benoit lost by DQ after Bossman and Albert interfered. Thanks, Vince.

Smackdown! - - 3/2/2000 - - Too Cool and Chris Jericho versus The Radicals; Perry Saturn, Dean Malenko, and Chris Benoit.
Good match that included Grand Master Sexay hitting a sunset flip/powerbomb on Benoit off the apron to the floor. The Radicals win it after Benoit nails Scottie 2 Hottie with the Swandive Headbutt for the one, two, three.

Oh crap, the People's Champ just bit the People's Tounge!Raw is War - - 3/6/2000 - - The Rock versus Chris Benoit
Steel Cage Match
HHH and the Big Show got a little upset when The Rock upstaged them earlier in the night, so they decided to get a measure of revenge by locking him in a cage with The Wolverine. Not a bad match, but Chris Benoit DID NOT even go for the headbutt off the cage. 8*( He did hit the headbutt off the top rope, and introduced the WWF to the Rolling German Suplex, but Rocky recovered and nailed the Rock Bottom. Benoit battled back, but got powerbombed off the top rope which gave The Rock enough time to knock HHH off the cage and climb out for the win. (Is it just me, or is Benoit's career not really going anywhere?)

Out with evolution...oh wait, wrong catch phrase... Smackdown! - - 3/9/2000 - - Chris Benoit and Perry Saturn versus The Rock
Handicap Match
Eariler, HHH and Stehpanie had a confrontation with The Rock which lead to a two minute match, where The Rock pinned Saturn for the win.

Raw is War - - 3/13/2000 - - Val Venis and Test versus Chris Benoit and Perry Saturn (with Eddy Gurrerro)
Not sure why Venis and Test are together, but it's Val's first match back, so they make it a good one. Venis hit a wicked Doctor Bomb on Saturn, and Benoit picked up the win for his team after German Suplexing Test. (Good match)

That guy on the front row doesn't look to be to happy about the view.... Smackdown! - - 3/16/2000 - - Chris Benoit and Perry Saturn versus The Hardy Boyz
Earlier Benoit came out and attacked Chris Jericho who had the Europeon and Incontinental Champion, Kurt Angle in the Walls of Jericho. Chyna attacked Benoit, then Eddy Gurrerro nailed Chyna, and then Benoit hedbutted Angle. Quick spot-fest that ended in a double countout which left people drooling for more.

Raw is War - - 3/20/2000 - - Chris Jericho versus Chris Benoit
Kurt Angle is at ringside doing commentary. After Benoit got dropkicked to the floor, he put a hand on one of Angle's belts, which Angle did not take kindly to. Thus, benoit nailed him, which only made things worse because Angle then nailed him with the belt, letting Y2J hit the Lion Sault for the win.

Sorry, I don't have anything funny to say about this one... Smackdown! - - 3/16/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Kurt Angle
Europeon (or maybe it was the Intercontenental?) Title Match
This was a little priview of the two fall Triple Threat Match at WrestleMania XVI in which both titles will be on the line. Doing commentary was Chris Jericho (who started calling benoit Ben-oyt on Raw), and when Angle reached for one of his belts, Jericho clocked him. He then nailed Benoit for the double disqualification(?) and put both of them in the Walls of Jericho.

Cheat cheat cheat to win win win...Raw is War - - 3/27/2000 - - Chyna and Chris Jericho versus Eddy Gurrerro and Chris Benoit
Would you beleive that before the match that Y2J had the adaucity to call our beloved Crippler the "robotic crappler"? He should be lynched for such blashpemey! This is Eddy's return to the ring, and the debut of the Radicalz new Titan Tron. Benoit pinned Jericho for the 1-2-3.

It's where it belongs...WrestleMania XVI - - 4/3/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Chris Jericho versus Kurt Angle
Two-Fall Triple Threat Match
Intercontinental & Europeon Title Match
The biggest wrestling show there is, and Benoit steps in as a challenger to two titles. Kurt Angle is the champion going in, and Chris Jericho and Benoit want a piece of him. The title goes to whoever gets the first pinfall, so Angle could lose both titles without getting pinned.
First Fall: Intercontinental Title
Action goes back and forth in a good contest, until Benoit throws Angle out of the ring, headbutts Jericho from the top, and pins him to claim his first WWF title!
Second Fall: Europeon Title
Benoit misses a headbutt, and gets pinned by Jericho to make Chris Jericho the new Europeon champion. Angle lost both titles to Canadians (he is an American hero, after all) without getting pinned. However, there is justice, as a Latino would beat Jericho the next night for the title...

Haven't seen one of those int he WWF for a while...Raw is War - - 4/4/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Tazz
Intercontinental Title Match
They go all over the place, with Benoi tlocking on a Sharpshooter and Tazz locking on the Katahajime. Saturn runs in and gets crotched on the ropes and a Katahajime for his troubles. Benoit retains after a German suplex. (NOTE: Eddy Gurrerro beat Chris Jericho for the Europeon Title, making Saturn the only Radical not a champion.)

Smackdown! - - 4/7/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Rikishi Phatu
Intercontinental Title Match
Title Defense Number 2-Hey, that's two more than the Benoit WCW World Title reign lasted! Rickishi goes to rub his posterior in Benoit's face, but Benoit escapes and Northern Light Suplexes the Sumo for the clean 1-2-3! Post match, Benoit gets beat up.

Raw is War - - 4/11/2000 - - The Radicalz: Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, and Perry Saturn versus Scottie 2 Hottie, Rikishi Phatu, and Tazz
Grand Master Sexay kind of said the wrong thing, to the wrong Big Show and is kind of out for the next six weeks. Anyhow, Benoit and Rikishi go after each other during the match. Scottie 2 Hottie puts Dean Malenko in the Texas Cloverleaf, but Saturn allows Malenko to roll him up for the Radical win!

Smackdown! - - 4/14/2000 - - The Hardy Boyz versus The Radicalz; Dean Malenko and Chris Benoit
You know, the correct way to make things plural is to add an "s" not a "z". Oh well, The Hardyz pick up the win after Jeff nailed Dean with a Swanton Bomb and Matt pinned him. (NOTE: Perry Saturn pinned Crash Holly, winning the Harcore Title, which meant that all The Radicalz had titles...for about ten seconds. Tazz came down, nailed Saturn, and pinned him for the belt. Then Crash did the same to Tazz, to regain the title.)

Heat - - 4/16/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Hardcore Holly
Intercontinental Title Match
Chris Benoit pins Hardcore after a German Suplex to retain the title.

Raw is War - - 4/17/2000 - - The Big Show versus Chris Benoit
Intercontinental Title Match
Interesting little tidbit: If I'm not mistaken, the first time these two locked up was at WCW's Clash of the Champions XXXIII. I'm not sure, but I think The Big Show (The Giant back then) squashed Benoit in a few seconds. Another interesting tidbit: The Radicalz quest of all members holding a title falls through as Malenko lost the Light Heavyweight Title to Scottie 2 Hottie. Malenko lost the match, the same way he lost his 1999 number contender match for the WCW World Title to Chris Benoit: Malenko superplexed Hottie, but Hottie hooked Malenko's leg and pinned him. Benoit did it better though... What's really weird is that I can remember all of this.... Anyway, Big Show does a huge gorrilla press slam that Benoit sells beautifully. They brawl on the outside for a little bit before they come back into the ring, where Big Show goes for the chokeslam. Before he gets Benoit up though, The Crippler *NAILZ* Show with a viscuos looking kick to should know... Benoit loses by disqualification, but retains the gold. After the match, Kurt Angle comes down and beats up Big Show.

Smackdown! - - 4/20/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Kurt Angle
Intercontinental Title Match
Benoit hit the rolling German Suplexes and was going for the headbutt, but The Big Show ran in for the disqualification. Benoit retains his title.

I don't know what I'm doing...Raw is War - - 4/24/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Road Dogg Jesse James
Intercontinental Title Match
Edge and Christian are at ringside doing commentary. They say they're going to do what is known as a "run-in". It is amazing that while the Armstong family has some superb wrestlers, the Road Dogg has no wrestling ability. He does the worst selling job for the Dragon Screw Leg-whip I've seen. Benoit takes a front suplex onto the crowd barrier. Christian distracts the referee while Edge spears James. Benoit then goes up for the headbutt and the 1-2-3. Alas, the night is still young becuase...

Ha don't HAVE a pretty gold belt.  Neener Neener Nee-nerRaw is War - - 4/24/2000 - - Chris Jericho and The Rock versus Triple H and Chris Benoit (Shane McMahon as the special referee)
Chris Benoit comes out as HHH's partner becuase he has a problem with Jericho too. Benoit's the main event! The crowd whoos along as Benoit and Jericho trade chops. Benoit gets caught in a spinebuster from The Rock and almost gets hit by the "Most Ludicrous Move in Sports Entertainment" the People's Elbow, but Vince McMahon kicks The Rock through the uprights allowing HHH to Pedigree him for the win.

Smackdown! - - 4/27/2000 - - Chris Jericho and Tazz versus Chris Benoit and Perry Saturn
Match goes on until Tazz hooks Saturn int he Tazzmission and they stumble outside. Jericho then hits the Lionsault on Benoit for the win.

Backlash - - 4/30/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Chris Jericho
Intercontinental Title Match
It's the Canadian Lion versus the Canadian Wolverine, bay-bee! They do not dissappoint, and throw everything at each other. Benoit takes a Lionsault. Jericho gets his "member" smashed in the ring steps. Benoit takes a sick suicided dive onto his head. Jericho gets hooked in the crossface for forever. Benoit then gets Jericho set up for the headbutt by suplexing him onto his title belt. However, Jericho moves and Benoit hits the belt for the DQ. Why was Jericho disqualified, but Benoit wasn't when he purposely suplexed Jericho on the belt? Beats me.....

Raw is War - - 5/1/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Tazz
Intercontinental Title Match
Perry Saturn comes down and distracts Tazz long enough for Benoit to nail him with a Fisherman's Suplex for the win.

Smackdown! - - 5/4/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Chris Jericho
Intercontinental Title Match Rematch time. Benoit goes for a sunset flip fromt he top which is turned into The Walls of Jericho which is reversed into the Crippler Crossface. Benoit gets nailed by the belt as Jericho connects with the Lionsault. Jericho gets the 1-2-3 and the IC Title.

Insurrextion - - 5/8/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Kurt Angle
This is a UK only Pay Per View. Benoit was sporting a bum eye from Chris Jericho. Benoit gets the Crossface on, but Angle jabs him in the eye and Olympic Slams Benoit for the win.

Oh the belt looks better on Benoit in the first place...Raw is War - - 5/8/2000 - - Chris Jericho versus Chris Benoit
Intercontinental Title Match
This was Y2J's third title defense of the night, previously facing Kurt Angle and The Big Show. HHH is the special referee. Late in the match, Stephinie McMahon Hemsley comes down and "distracts" her husband from his reffing duties while Benoit is in the Walls of Jericho. Benoit even taps after a while. Then when Jericho got up to confront HHH, Benoit slapped on the Crippler Crossface. HHH rung the bell, but it did not appear that Jericho taped out. Oh well, Benoit is the new Intercontinental Champion.

Smackdown! - - 5/11/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus The Godfather
Intercontinental Title Match
Well, to put it nicely, in the ring Godfather is worth less than a night with one of his "friends" costs. Benoit of course tries his hardest, but Godfather sucks the life from the match. Benoit wins by submission to the Crippler Crossface. He then goes and brawls with Jericho in the back.

Raw is War - - 5/15/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus The Rock
Non-Title Submission Match
Benoit has the McMahons on his side. During the match, Benoit gets Rock in a Sharpshooter and Rock puts Benoit in a horrible Figure Four Leglock. Rock kicks out of the Rolling German Suplexes. Triple H gets nailed by The Rock, but Benoit slaps on the Crossface. Vince McMahon has the bell rung (even though Rock did not submit) giving Benoit the match.

Smackdown! - - 5/18/2000 - - Chris Jericho and Val Venis versus Hardcore Holly and Chris Benoit
Jericho got in, hit the Lionsault and had Benoit in the Walls of Jericho, but then Hardocre casued the DQ by smacking Y2J with a chair.

Judgement Day - -5/21/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Chris Jericho
Interontinental Title Submission Match
Awsome match. They throw everything at each other. Benoit gets the Crossface on, but Jericho fights out twice. Third time is the charm as Jericho submits giving Benoit the win!

Raw is War - - 5/22/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Val Venis
Intercontinental Title Match
Benoit and Venis go at it with Benoit connecting with a tope rope superplex. Benoit wins by DQ after Hardcore Holly hits him with a chair.

Smackdown! - - 5/25/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Kurt Angle
Intercontinental Title Match
You can probably guess...Hardcore Holly runs down and (suprise) nails them both with a (whatever could it be..) chair. That ends the match.

Raw is War - - 5/29/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Hardcore Holly
Intercontinental Title Match
Benoit and Holly have a good match until Holly goes for a chair, but Jericho nails him with it. Benoit loses by DQ, but retains the tile. Smackdown! - - 6/1/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus D-Lo Brown
Intercontinental Title Match
Benoit counters the Low-Down into a Crippler Crossface for the win.

HeAt - - 6/4/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Rikishi Phatu
Intercontinental Title Mach
Chris Benoit crotches Rikishi out of the Stinky Face and then German Suplexes him for the win.

Raw is War - - 6/5/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Road Dogg Jesse Jammes
King of the Ring Qualifying Match (sorry about the next two months of match recaps being lame) Benoit wins with a German suplex.

Smackdown! - - 6/8/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Jeff Hardy
Intercontinental Title Match
Chris Benoit kicks out of the Swanton Bomb then reverses a suplex into the Crippler Crossface for the win. Post match-Benoit offers to shake Jeff's hand, then nails him with the belt. Chris is such an evil bas...uh...HEY HEY!

Raw is War - - 6/12/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Matt Hardy
Intercontinental Title Match
Chris Benoit retains after reversing the Twist of Fate into the Cripple Crossface.

Smackdown! - - 6/15/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Kane
Intercontinental Title Match
Benoit gets Disqualifyed after hitting Kane with the belt.

Raw is War - - 6/19/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus X-Pac
King of the Ring Qualifying Match
Chris Benoit stops the X-Factor and slaps on the Crossface for the win.

Smackdown! - - 6/22/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Rikishi
Intercontinental Title Match
Rikishi Banzai Dropped Benoit for the win and the title. (While I like champion Benoit, I'm kind of happy, because now I don't have to pput Intercontinental Title Match in each of these results)

King of the Ring - - 6/25/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Rikishi
King of the Ring Tournament Match
Rikishi gets the DQ win after Benoit blasts him with a chair.

Raw is War - - 6/26/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Rikishi Phatu
Intercontinental Title Match Tazz keeps Benoit from recapturing his title by hitting Rikishi with a chair. Benoit lost by DQ.

Smackdown! - - 6/29/2000 - - Chris Benoit and Val Venis versus Eddy Gurrerro and Rikisihi
Match ends when T&A and Too Cool run in.

Raw is War - - 7/3/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Eddy Gurrerro
Europeon Title Match
Benoit gets the win by DQ when Chyna hits him with the belt.

Smackdown! - - 7/6/2000 - - Chris Benoit, Edge, and Christian versus The Rock, Chyna, and Eddy Gurrerro.
The Rock hits the People's Elbow on Christian, then Chyna powerbombs him for the win. Raw is War - - 7/10/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus The Rock
If Benoit wins, he gets a WWF Title shot at Fully Loaded against The Rock. The ref gets bumped by Shane McMahon so Shane is the referee. Benoit hooks on the Crossface and Rock reaches for the ropes. But Rock's hand slips and Shane clals for the bell. Benoit wins...almost... Earl Hebner (the original ref) comes to and DQs Benoit. Rocky wins.

Smackdown! - - 7/13/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Eddy Gurrerro and Chyna
Benoit gets DQed for holding Eddy in the Crossface even though Eddy had the ropes. Benoit then puts the ref in the Crossface. Then The Rock runs down to save the ref.
Later: Rock cuts a promo, but Benoit beats the snot out of him.

Raw is War - - 7/17/2000 - - Chris Benoit, Edge, and Christian versus The Rock and the Acolytes.
Long story short, Benoit nails The Rock with a chair then hits Farooq as he's coming off the ropes. Edge hits the Downward Spiral on Farooq getting the 1-2-3.

Smackdown! - -7/20/2000 - - HHH and Chris Benoit versus The Rock and Chris Jericho
Rock knocks out the ref, which gets him and Jericho DQed. He then disgraces Benoit by putting him in the Crossface.

Fully Loaded - - 7/23/00 - - Chris Benoit versus The Rock
WWF Title Match
Main event, and the title can change hands on a DQ. Benoit got a chair, but Rock took it from him. Shane McMahon then blasted the ref with a different chair and Rock put Benoit in the Crossface. Ref comes to and we hear-
"Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this bout as a result of a disqualification, and NEW World Wrestling Federation Champion Chris Benoit!"
Benoit starts to leave, but then Mic Foley comes down and restarts the match. Benoit slaps the Crossface on The Rock for a minute but then succumbs to the Rock Bottom at 22:08.

Raw is War - - 7/24/2000 - - Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle versus The Rock and Kane
Match ends in a no decision after The Big Show and Shane McMahon attack Kane, and The Rock, Benoit, and Angle get counted out. Benoit stayed in a Crossface applied by the Rock for at least 30 seconds though.

Smackdown! - - 7/26/2000 - - Chris Benoit and Trish Stratus versus chris Jericho and Lita
This was originally supposed to be HHH and Trish, but HHH was having problems with his wife so he left and Benoit took his place. Y2J picks up the win after a Lionsault onto Benoit.

Raw is War - - 7/31/2000 - - Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle versus The Dudley Boys
Dudleys put Benoit out with a 3D but The Big Show runs in and chokeslams Bubba Ray Dudley. Shane rolls Benoit on top of him for the 1-2-3.

Smackdown! - - 8/3/2000 - - The Rock and Kane versus Chris Benoit and The Big Show
The Rock goes for the People's Elbow, but Shane McMahon stops him with a chair. Benoit goes up top, hits the headbut, and picks up the win.

Raw is War - - 8/7/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus The Rock
No DQ WWF Title Match
Benoit and Shane cheat to no end and Benoit slaps on the Crossface. Jericho runs in, powerbombs Benoit on a chair, then chases Shane McMahon off. Rock hits the Rock Bottom for the 1-2-3.

Smackdown! - - 8/10/2000 - - Chris Jericho & Eddy Guerrero v. Chris Benoit & Val Venis
Eddy tries to pin Venis, but he's not the legal man. Benoit gets the headbutt on Eddy while the ref explains that. Benoit and Venis win.

Raw is War - - 8/14/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus The Undertaker
Shane hits Taker with a chair causing the DQ, but Benoit slaps the Crossface on Undertaker just to let him know who's boss.

Smackdown! - - 8/17/2000 - - Steve Blackman versus Chris Benoit
Hardcore Title Match
Jericho nails Benoit with a chair then puts Blackman on top for the 1-2-3.

Smackdown! - - 8/24/2000 - - Edge & Christian and Chris Benoit versus Chris Jericho and the Hardy Boyz
Jericho gets the Lionsault on Edge for the win.

SummerSlam - - 8/27/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Chris Jericho
Best 2 Out of 3 Falls
1st fall-Jericho taps to the Crippler Crossface 2nd Fall-Benoit taps in the Walls of Jericho 3rd fall- They trade powerbombs, Benoit takes a Superfrankensteiner, and Jericho takes (making it's debut) the Dragon Suplex. Benoit then rolls up Jericho and grabs the rope for the win.

Raw is War - - 8/28/2000 - - Chris Jericho and The Acolytes versus Chris Benoit and T & A
Jericho hits the Lionsault for the win

Smackdown! - - 8/31/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Undertaker
Number One Contender Match
Kane runs in and attacks 'Taker for the DQ.

Raw is War - - 9/4/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Kane
Number One Contender Match
Chris Benoit gets DQed after a chair shot.

Smackdown! - - 9/7/2000 - - Chris Benoit verus Rikishi
Bull Buchanon distracts Rikishi allowing Benoit to hit the German Suplex for a win.

Raw is War - - 9/11/2000 - - Chris Benoit and Kane versus The Rock and The Undertaker
;Number One Contender MatchBenoit pins the Undertaker.

Smackdown! - - 9/14/2000 - - Chris Benoit and Kane versus The Acolytes
Benoit walks out on Kane leting the Acolytes win.

Raw is War - - 9/18/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus Kane
Kane wins by DQ after Benoit takes a swing at him with the bell

Smackdown! - - 9/21/2000 - - Kurt Angle, Kane, and Chris Benoit versus The Rock, Undertaker, and HHH.
HHH rolls up Angle for the win.

Unforgiven - - 9/24/2000 - - Rock versus The Undertaker versus Kane versus Chris Benoit
Fatal Four-Way Match
WWF Title Match
It looked like Benoit had won the title, but the decision was reversed. Rock pinned Benoit for the win.

Raw is War - - 9/25/2000 - - Chris Benoit versus The Rock
WWF Title Match
Benoit fights vailently, but gets in an argument with HHH (who came down to get Stephanie who came down to check on Shane McMahon who got clocked by The Rock) and HHH drops him on the ropes. Rock hits the Rock Bottom for the win. Afterwards, Benoit headbutts Stephanie.

Blast it, Rock, why won't you just JOB!?!? Smackdown! - - 9/28/2000 - - Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle versus HHH and The Rock
After some belt shots, Angle hits the Olympic Slam on the Rock for the win.

Raw is War - - 10/2/2000 - - Kane and Chris Benoit versus Rikishi and The Rock
Benoit nails Kane with a chair for no real reason and then Rikishi pins him with a Butt Drop. Later in the night Benoit freaks out Stephanie McMahon Helmsley and helps Kurt Angle beat HHH.

Smackdown! - - 10/5/2000 - - Chris Jericho verus Chris Benoit
Benoit came down to cut an interview and mentioned how he's been screwed (over and over and OVER I might add) our of the WWF Title. Jericho comes in, whines like a baby about how he's never whined about having the title stripped from him, then he gets his butt kicked for a while by The Crippler. At one point, Benoit was standing on the top rope and Jericho ALMOST blows a Frankensteiner causing Benoit to land pretty much on his head. Finally HHH comes down and nails Benoit letting that coward Jericho win by DQ.

Raw is War - - 10/9/2000 - - Chris Benoit and X-Pac versus Chris Jericho and HHH
HHH went for something off the top rope, but Jericho and X-Pac went through the ropes causing HHH to crotch himself. Benoit then pins HHH! Needless to say, HHH is mad and asks Mic Foley to make a match at the PPV

The UnOfficial Home of the Crippler

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