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2001 PPV History

2001 PPV Matches

Royal Rumble 2001

Benoit almost breaks his leg.
Benoit takes an insane variation of the Walls of Jericho
Suicide Dive into a chair.
Y2J's desperate attempt to keep Benoit grounded.
Killing Jericho with a Crossface.
Swandive from the ladder.

Chris Benoit versus Chris Jericho
Intercontinental Title Ladder Match

Chris Benoit is certifiably insane. The two went after each other with their usual chops and submission holds at first, but once the ladder came into play they risked it all for the title. Benoit took a chair to the head on a suicide dive attempt, and Jericho got superplexed off the ladder. Later, Benoit was put in the Wall of Jericho on top of the ladder! After several more brutal spots, Jericho managed to grab the title for the win.

No Way Out

Jericho has felt THAT before.
Then again, Benoit has been on the wrong end of that as well...
Swan Dive Headbutt

Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit vs. X-Pac vs. Eddie Gurrerro
Intercontinental Four-Way-Dance

I'm having trouble finding the results what with Scott Keith currently unavailable. Chris Jericho retained his IC belt after pinning X-Pac.

WrestleMania X7

Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle

("Taken" *coughstolencough* from

Benoit went for the Crossface early, but Angle sensed it and went for the ropes. The technical feeling out continued, and Benoit again went for the Crossface. But Angle again got to the ropes. A third time, Benoit took down Angle and went for the Crossface. But a third time, Angle got to the ropes!
As Benoit jawed at the ref, Angle nailed him from behind, knocking him out of the ring! There, Angle threw Benoit into the ring steps!
Back in the ring, Angle continued his assault on Benoit, wearing down the Rabid Wolverine. The Olympic Hero soon rocketed Benoit with a series of belly-to-belly suplexes. Benoit fought back against Angle, and the technical masterpiece was soon evolved to a brawl.
Benoit took Angle up top and hit a huge superplex, but only scored a two-count. Benoit then hit three German suplexes on Angle, but on the third suplex, Angle took Benoit down and went for the ankle lock. But Benoit reversed that and put the ankle lock on Angle!
After Angle escaped, Benoit locked the Crossface on Angle -- but Angle reversed it and put Benoit in the Crossface!
Benoit escaped, and the ref was soon knocked out. Benoit locked Angle in the Crossface and Angle tapped -- but there was no ref there to see it! Benoit went to revive the ref, and Angle snuck up from behind and delivered an Olympic Slam. But Benoit kicked out of the pinfall attempt!
Angle then went up top, but Benoit put his knees up as Angle went for the moonsault. Benoit then nailed the diving headbutt on Angle, but Angle kicked out!
As Benoit went for a German supled, Angle reversed it into a pinning combination -- but he was pulling Benoit's tights at the time!

WWF Backlash 2001

Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle
30 Minute Ultimate Submission Match

Thirty minute Iron Man match in which the only falls that count are submissions. Angle wins fall one with a leg bar, Benoit wins fall two with a cross arm breaker. Angle comes back to lead 2-1 with a chair shot and the Anglelock. Benoit was still out from the chair shot, so Angle slaps on the Crossface for a 3-1 lead. Benoit pops the crowd with a sharpshooter, then uses a half crab with a knee on Angle's face brings it to 3-2. Benoit evens the score with the rolling German suplexes and an ankle lock. Match goes into over time with Angle holding the Anglelock as the clock runs down. Over time starts, and Benoit picks up the win with the Crossface.

WWF Judgment Day 2001

Fall 1
Benoit walking to the ring.
Benoit uses irony as a finisher.
Benoit's hand is raised.

Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle
Best 2 Out of 3 Falls

Pin falls only: We don't waste any time as Benoit hits the Angle Slam on Angle at 1:33 to win the first fall.

Fall 2
Benoit escapes the Anglelock.
Wonder where he learned that one...
Submission only:
They brawl outside, during which Benoit gets crotched against the ring bost. More brawling and Angle tries a Belly to Belly suplex, only to get put in the Crossface. He makes the ropes, and tries to roll up Benoit for whatever reason, but gets suplexed instead. Angle goes for an Indian Death-Lock, and Benoit putts him in the Walls of Jericho. Figure-four by Benoit, but Angle still does not submit. Benoit then DDTs him, but gets caught in the Angle Slam and the Anglelock to even the falls at 1-1.
Fall 3
"Oops. It was an accident, really!"
HAHAHAHA! Snap him like a TWIG!
Ladder Match:
Kurt Angle's Olympic medals are haning above the ring. Angle throws Benoit into the stairs, and reaches under the ring to get his own ladder. It's too short to reach the medals, oso Benoti pushes him over easily. Benoit nails Angle with the offical ladder, and starts to climb only to get low-blowed. German suplex by Benoit after dumping the ladder on Angle. Angle suplexes Benoit onto the ladder. Benoit starts to climb with Angle underneath the ladder, but gets pushed off. Edge and Christian run in and interfere, giving Angle plenty of time to climb his way to a win.

WWF Judgment Day 2001
Tag Team Turmoil
Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho were the fifth team in. They easily beat X-Factor, then Benoit got his chance for revenge as Edge and Christian came out. They beat the snot out of E & C with such moves as a drop kick off from the top rop with Christian on Jericho's shoulders. Y2J and Benoit win after Christian submits to the Crossface.
...and the next night they faced the tag team champions, HHH and Steve Austin, and big things started to happen...

The UnOfficial Home of the Crippler

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