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Crippling Cast
The Crippler's Cast:
Who's Who in Benoit's Carreer

Over Chris Benoit's career, there have been many faces. Let us now take a look at some of Chris Benoit's "co-stars". Keep in mind that this page is always under construction.

The Dynamite Kid Tom Billington
Chris Benoit's hero. Easily the most influential person in Benoit's career. Benoit idolized this man, and even today strives to live up to his legacy. Chris Benoit first saw Dynamite as a child in Canada, and has wanted to emulate him ever since. It may be possible, that if there had been no Tom Billington, there would not have been a Canadian Crippler.

"The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan
On the air, Chris Benoit and Sullivan had some wild matches in one of the better feuds of 96-97. At SuperBrawl VI Sullivan faced Brian Pillman (at the time, a member of the Four Horsemen with Chris Benoit) in an "Respect Strap Match". Kevin Sullivan had booking power at the time, and he worked an ending to the match that made it look unplanned (a shoot, for all you smart marks out there). The match ended about a minute in when Pillman picked up the mic and said "I respect you, booker man" and left-the match and the company. That an unfinished Horsemen-Sullivan feud, so Benoit took Pillman's place. They met at the Great American Bash '96 in a wild brawl that went through the stands and into the mens room. It ended when Benoit superplexed Sullivan from a table on the top rope. They continued the feud (bringing the Dungeon of Doom in) and faced each other in a San Francisco Street Fight at SupeBrawl VII. This time though, Jacquelin (Sullvian's valet) and Woman (Benoit's valet) were strapped together. Benoit won the match after splashing both Sullivan and Jaquelin on a table (which did not brake). The feud escalated further, and Benoit wanted another shot at Sullivan. Jimmy Hart (Sullivan's manager) told Benoit he had to go through Meng and the Barbarian first. Benoit easily defeated Barabarian. Benoit lost to Meng at Slamboree '97, but beat him him the return Death Match a month later at The Great American Bash '97. Benoit then got his shot at Sullivan in a retirement match at Bash at the Beach '97. Once again, they brawled, and Benoit picked up the win after Jacquelin hit Sullivan with a chair. Behind the scenes however, the feud was much more interesting and lasted far longer. There are a lot of stories about Sullivan, Nancy (Woman), and Benoit, and it's hard to find any confirmation. Anyhow, the rumour goes something like this. When Benoit came into WCW, Kevin Sullivan had booking power and saw great possibilities in Benoit. Thus, Sullivan made Benoit his own little project and got him involved in the wild feud. Their out of hand brawls were starting to get Benoit over, when Sullivan decided it would be a good idea to add his wife Nancy Sullivan(better known on the air as Woman) to the mix. On the air, it was told that Chris Benoit was trying to show Woman Kevin Sullvian's ways, and to lure her from him. Well, supposedly that's what was happening behind the scenes too. Apparently, Sullivan was upset that Benoit had stolen his wife from him, and this may have something to do with Benoit being held down throughout most of his WCW tenure. Ever notice the lack of titles Benoit had up until that last year? He did win the TV title twice for two one day title reigns in '98, but they weren't recognized until Benoit left the company. Then in the fall of 1999, Vince Russo jumped on board and took control of WCW's direction. Benoit really came into his own. Then in January, Russo was ousted, and Kevin Sullivan was brought in to replace him, despite his total lack of competence and the fact that he had helped run the comapany into the ground the year before. This infuriated Benoit, Dean Malenko, Eddy Gurrerro, and Perry Saturn because they knew they would never get their fair shake under Sullivan, who had once told them that they would never draw money. Sullivan was instrumental in Benoit dropping the world title and walking out of WCW with the rest of the Radicalz. It all worked out though, as Benoit's career is doing well, he has a healthy young son (mothered by Nancy), and Sullivan is out of a job after running WCW even further into the ground.

Woman- Nancy Sullivan (Benoit?)
Benoit's main love interest. You'll have to read the above Kevin Sullivan entry to get the full story here. On camera, Woman was Chris Benoit's valet, as well as Ric Flair's, for some time. She even strapped herself to Jacquelen when Benoit took on Kevin Sullivan in a San Fran Cisco Streetfight. Off the air though, her and Benoit are real life lovers. I cannot find any confirmation that they are married (the closest I've come is Patty Theere, who is one happening chick, saying they sign their Christmas cards as Nancy and Chris Benoit.) Just recently ( February 25, 2000 actually) Nancy gave birth to Chris Benoit's first son, Daniel Christopher Benoit.

Daniel Christopher Benoit
Benoit's first son. Daniel was born Friday, February 25, 2000 at 3:00 AM weighing in at 9lbs 9oz. Chris Benoit was really happy when Daniel arrived and was healthy, and he his really proud of his son. You can check out Daniel pictures at the Daniel Christopher Photo Gallery at Chris

Dean Malenko
Friends and partners, Malenko and Benoit's careers have paralleled one another for several years. Both men started in ECW around the same time. Along with Shane Douglas they formed the original Triple Threat. Malenko and Benoit teamed up to take on the ECW Tag Champions and they won the titles. In 1996, both men jumped to WCW at the same time. They had a very brief period as a tag team, and then fought each other in a classic match at Hog Wild. The two men feuded over the United States Title for a short period in 1997, and again squared off at Spring Stampede '97. Malenko retained his US Title after interference from Kevin Sullivan. In 1998, the IV Horsemen reformed and Malenko was again teamed with Chris Benoit. The two men won the Tag Team Titles at UnCensored '99 and dominated WCW's tag ranks. By the middle of 1999, the IV Horsemen had again died out. Seeing the upper card dominated by the old guard, Benoit, Malenko, Perry Saturn, and Shane Douglas formed the Revolution. They had a brief sucess, but again the faction failed. Near the fall, Benoit and Malenko were disgusted at Saturn and Douglas's heel tactics they used to win matches. Malenko then turned on Benoit at Halloween Havoc costing him the TV Title. Benoit and Malenko had a brief feud that included cage matches and flag matches. Benoit almost always got the better of Malenko. Then, in January of 2000, both men again jumped ship. This time they jumped to the World Wrestling Federation along with Eddy Gurrerro and Saturn. There they formed the Radicalz. Malenko was the Light Heavyweight Champion for the group. Benoit and Malenko did not work much together, and the groupd fell apart as each man went his own way. Now, Benoit and Malenko have teamed up to bring wrestling back to the WWF.

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