-Best Of The Game : HHH (tape 2)
6 Hours Of HHH
-HHH-Cactus int. (1.20.00 Smackdown)
-Street Fight Preview (1.23.00 Royal Rumble)
-HHH-Cactus ( Street Fight )
-HHH tells Radicalz to leave (1.31.00 Raw)
-HHH v. Cactus (2.27.00 No Way Out, Hell In A Cell)
-HHH/Steph/Shane/Show int. (2.28.00 Raw)
-HHH wants Rock
-HHH beats up Gunn
-Raw Recap
-HHH hits Big Show ( Rock-Benoit )
-HHH/Steph/Shane/Show/Rock int (3.13.00 Raw)
-Vince Return (3.15.00 Raw)
-HHH on SNL (3.18.00)
-HHH/Steph/Vince/Mick int. (3.30.00 Smackdown)
-HHH beats up Rock
-HHH/Steph hold up belts
-WMania Promo (4.2.00 Wrestlemania 2000 )
-HHH-Show-Rock-Foley ( Fatal Four Way Elimation Match)
-HHH-Jericho (4.17.00 Raw)
-HHH fires Hebner
-HHH/Steph/Linda int.
-HHH int Backstage
-DX v. Acolytes/Jericho
-HHH/Steph/Tazz int. (4.20.00 Smackdown)
-HHH/Steph/Shane int. (4.24.00 Raw)
-HHH int. (5.1.00 Raw)
-HHH challenges Rock to Iron Man (5.8.00)
-HBK int. (5.21.00 Judgment Day)
-HHH-HBK talk
-Rock-HBK talk
-HHH-Rock (Iron Man Match )