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If you brake these rules once its a warning,twice it could be a suspension (depends which rule you brake) and three times could end up getting you fired (depends on rules broken ect)
1.There is NO maximum or minamum amount of wrestlers you can sign up for
2.Wrestlers can be real OR fake
3.You don't have to use a real wrestlers angle if you don't want to
4.You can not involve EZE or Shane McMahon in any roleplay
5.YOU MUST ROLEPLAY AT LEAST 3 TIMES A WEEK (unless you e-mail one of us, telling us why you can't)

If Owen Hart Is Taken And Is On The Rosters, You Cannot Fill Out An Application For The Blue Blazer Because It Is The Same Person. You Cant Cross Gimmicks. So, The Person Who Has Mankind Can Be Cactus Jack Or Dude Love Whenever He Wants By Changing The Gimmic And Name Of His Wrestler.

When Signing A Match, You DO NOT Need Your Opponents Agreement To Have The Match. BUT, When Making A Stable, You NEED The Agreement Of The People In Your Stable BEFORE Making It. You Can Ask Me For E-Mail Addresses Or Whatever Info You Need/Want.

The Basics:
1) You must roleplay at least 2 times a week.There is no maximum. If you cant' rp for a week or two, just tell me and it will be FINE
2) For Font Size... You Can Use "Font Size=+1" OR "Font Size=4" or 3.
3) Only use Pictures or Logos as the name. Use everything else, inside the rp
4) Use the colors,red,green,lime,yellow, ect not aqua,ect.
5)You CAN NOT fight someone in your roleplay UNLESS they are NOT in the XHWF
6) Call teh Titan tron, The Mega Tron
7) Don't Insult The Roleplayer, Insult The Wrestler.
8) If you need to swear use symbols.
(e.g. I'm gunnu kick your @$$,you son of a ^%@#$)
9) If You Challenge Someone, Don't Expect Them To Sign The Match, You Do It!
10) Don't Take Roleplay's Personally... Because I Don't Want To Hear How Your Going To Set Your Opponents Computer On Fire Then Throw Him In It.

If Your Being Beaten Badly By Someone And They've Given You A 0-6 Record.... Wake Up And Stop Dreaming About Beating Them. Move On To Other People And Just Admit To Losing. Don't Come Up With Excuses.

All my decisions are made and cannot be changed once that is so. Thats All!!! If You Go By These Minor Rules, You'll Be Fine!!! Thanks For Readng These Because I Know Most People Dont...