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Wrestlers of the Year: Griffin and Nimrod
DWW doesn't just have one wrestler of the year, no. A dead tie in this voting category has landed both Griffin and Nimrod the title of Wrestle of the Year, but it's no surprise as we see both these two young men heading for Wrestlefest to battle for the World Heavyweight strap. Griffin stormed through the ranks since his debut at card two and has since won the Hardcore Title a record breaking four times, became the first Tag Team Champions with partner Corporate Enforcer, and became the World Heavyweight champion with the poke of a finger. Griffin has also competed as part of three factions, The Coalition, The New Movement, and Team No Respect, the latter two in which he lead. Nimrod shares this prestigous award due to his wide range popularity among the DWW locker room, that comes with being an Untouchable. He has also been one half the Tag Team Champions with partner Dude, actually taking them from around the waist of Griffin, as well as becoming the first United States Champion, neither title he actually ever lost in a match. We've seen these two battle before and at Wrestlefest it'll be no different, they will completely tear the house down!

Best on the Mic: Corporate Enforcer
Corporate Enforcer comes from the head office of DWW to make sure everything flows in order, when it comes to the cards. Along with his extrordinary strength and wrestling ability, the commish has the superior ability to work the mic, second to none. With his cocky, arrogant attitude C.E. has known to dish out insults like no other, so in key won this award by a landslide.

Most Devestating Finishing Maneuver: Blackout's Lights Out
The first of two awards won by the silent assassin, is as unique an award as this man personality. Storming onto the DWW scene as part of the elite group known as Team No Respect, Blackout delivered harsh punishment to anyone who got in his or his groups way. To finish off his opponents he delivers the most devestating finisher in DWW, according to the locker room, in the Lights Out.

Most Improved Wrestler: Nimrod
Slowly coming up the ranks in DWW, beginning out with the Untouchables, Nimrod, with partner Dude, gained the Tag Team Titles from Brute Force shortly off the bat in DWW. After turning his back and throwing down the belts, Nimrod gained an unlikely ally in Corporate Enforcer when he entered in the Tag Team Title Tournament. When they didn't win the belts, CE got agrivated with Nimrod and turned on Nimrod. This did not appease Nimrod and made him snap turning him from the evil friend of CE to the fun-loving Nimrod we all knew and loved. Now on the hunt for the World Title, Nimrod went from the bottom to the top with a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. Will he ever manage to bring the DWW World Title back to where it belongs? If not, he is still the number one fan favorite to grace DWW.

Tag Team / Stable: The Untouchables
Since DWW Chaos #1, the Untouchables have been a prime force in DWW, in one way or another. Beginning out with Nimrod, Cube, and Zo the Gigolo, all top players since day one the Untouchables set out to have fun and cause havoc in DWW. Shortly after there formation they added the UCW newcomer, Dude, to their group. Quickly gaining a name for themselves going neck and neck against the Coalation, the Untouchables all came into there own role in the group. Still to this day in DWW, the Untoucahbles, still recovering after Nimrod's turn, Zo's departure from the fed, Cube and Dude still keep high hopes for there group to become top players once again.

Feuds of the Year: Rainmaker vs. B-Lyte and Da Puz vs. Corporate Enforcer
Rainmaker vs. B-Lyte was a feud that lasted the entire DWW season, and defined both of their DWW careers. DWW Card One sparked the powder-keg, as these two forces went head to head in a brutal hardcore massacre. Acts of treachery followed in Card Two, and they battled at the Card Four Battle Rumble as the last two participants, which saw Rainmaker going over again. At DWW Rage, Rainmaker and Lyte fought head on at the infamous double title ladder match. Also at Rage, Rainmaker captured the World Heavy Title, which made the feud even more intense! Still, Rainmaker seemed impervious to anything that B-Lyte handed out. Although, B-Lyte had one more trick up his sleeve, and that was a plan that was instrumental in getting Satan's man booted out of Draper World Wrestling! Rainmaker soon returned and recaptured HIS title, but the master of the Lyte Mission would not sit on his laurels. B Lyte was a part of the crazy fatal four way for the World Title at DWW Revenge, but still could not pry the biggest prize in backyard wrestling off of his supposed brother. Both men would eventually leave the federation due to various issues, but they certainly left their mark. Corporate Enforcer and Da Puz's feud was a different story. Starting off the DWW season as friends in the RPI Coalition, no one could've guessed in the immediate early going that these two would end up as bitter enemies. CE booked himself and his rowdy friend in a tag match at Card 3, in which Da Puz arrogantly missed a tag. Since that very moment there was no trust, or unity between the men. Daddy Mac tried to keep CE and Puz's relationship together, but it was no use. Da Puz and the Corporate Enforcer would embark on a feud that bluntly made Puz a classic babyface, and CE a hated heel. The two would first formally lock horns together at the World Title Tourney, where Da Puz stole a miracle fluke victory over the Corporate One. This enraged CE, so in his embarrassed rage he booked Da Puz for a gauntlet match, corporate style. But guess what, Da Puz survived this too, and earned his spot against CE at DWW Revenge for the hardcore title. CE would run triumphant in this last man standing favorite weapons match, but Puz's fire was not completely put out. Since then Puz has been a leading force against CE's tyrant rule, and has taken his hardcore title. This was definitely a feud for the ages.

Breakout Star of Next Year: Blackout
Blackout, Griffin's silent assassin, was brought into DWW for one reason and one reason alone. To wreak havoc on DWW and take care of Griffin's dirty work, and he did just that. He eliminated Dude from the picture in the horrifying first First Blood Match in DWW, and came incredibly close to taking the Tag Team Titles from the much bigger team of Disturbed. Though not in DWW for much of the 2000 year, Blackout won over the roster to win the title of Breakout Star of next year.

Commentator of the Year: Mohammed Abdul
The voice of Draper World Wreslting, Abdul was a important part of DWW production, and programing. In his DWW tenure he has called more matches than anyone, while taking part in some magical interviews. Mohammed has a passionate, yet sometimes humorous style that enhances the match taking place.