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DWW Superstars

"Big D" Danny Alexander

Big D

Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 225 lbs.

Hails From: The Psych Ward

Signature Move(s): Straight Jacket (Chokeslam into Rock Bottom), Gore

Theme Music: "Paris in Flames" by Thursday

Bio: Big D made his debut at the side of his former RCW friends, Steven Cross and Sean Starr, in a lethal six man tag match. With little effort, he uses his massive size to demolish his opponents with such moves as the Gore and variations of the powerbomb. Causing Chris Andrews internal injuries, and powerbombing Lucifer Tyre through a flaming table on his first day in DWW just shows that this man is purely psychotic. He seperated from his former cohorts and started on an absolute rampage through DWW. He won the DWW Hardcore Title, and his currently enjoying a undefeated streak as one of the most popular men on the roster. He is completely unpredictable, and hardcore to fullest thus making him the most dangerous man on the roster.

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