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DWW Superstars



Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 135 lbs.

Hails From: Berlin, Germany

Signature Move(s): Tooth and Claw (Death Valley Driver), Vengeance (Crippler Crossface)

Theme Music: "Of Wolf and Man" by Metallica

Favorite Quote: "Beat me if you can, SURVIVE... if I let you!"

Affiliation: The Coalition

Bio: The term "size is everything" without a doubt does not apply to this 5' 4" scrapper from Berlin, Germany. Argueably one of the most talented wrestlers on the DWW roster with his well rounded style of ariel and technical, mat wrestling Griffin made a name for himself quickly within the ranks of the original Coalition. Whenever his loud mouth and cocky attitude get him in trouble he usually backs it up in the ring and usually the only way to survive is if he lets you. Now with his second run with the Corporate Enforcer and the Coalition, he's already made a name for himself all he has to do is stay on top of the ladder.

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