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Neighborhood Title History

Date Champion

6/11/00 Fox
7/21/00 Da Puz1
8/6/00 Zo the Gigolo
9/2/00 El Huracan
10/7/00 Fox [Second Reign]
5/20/01 Corporate Enforcer2
8/15/01 Bruener
10/7/01 Griffin

1 RPI screws Fox out of his Neighborhood Title by convincing CE to strip him of the title due to lack of defense and put it on the rightful champion and current number one contender, Da Puz.

2 C.E. calls out Fox at Wrestlefest, but he's nowhere to be found so C.E. does what he does best and strips Fox of the title. He decides to at least have a match and calls out anyone in the back for a Neighborhood Title match. Fabuloso Fantasma comes out, but gets cut and C.E. becomes the new champ.