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Triple Crown Title History

Date Champion

6/11/00 Daddy Mac
7/18/00 Rainmaker
8/19/00 Cube1
8/19/00 Rainmaker [Second Reign]
10/7/00 Griffin2
5/20/01 Nimrod
8/18/01 Corporate Enforcer

October 7, 2001: Corporate Enforcer forms the DWW, RCW, and the UCW World Heavyweight Titles into one Triple Crown Heavyweight Championship.

1 The commishioner Corporate Enforcer took it apon himself to strip Rainmaker of his title due to lack of defense and set up a tournament for the World Belt. Cube fought hard through three matches to come out on top with the World Title.

2 Once again Rainmaker is stripped of the title, due to leaving the federation. Griffin becomes the next champion by pinning B-Lyte, thus filling the vacant title.