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By: Jody Who.

  • What is your goal in wrestling?
    To achieve all my dreams and earn the respect I deserve from all those who said I'd never make it, who said I'd never amount to anything, who said I was just a wannabe. My goal is to make them eat their words and kiss my ass!

  • What do you think about women in wrestling?
    Obviously I have no problem with it. Women love wrestling just as much as the men and if they can do it, then they should be allowed and should also receive the respect they deserve. And believe me, they deserve a lot. It takes a lot to step into that ring and some women do it quite often. Even the valets and managers step into the ring now and then. It's not an easy job, and no one should think that it is just because a woman's involved. These women bust their butts trying to get where they are today. And if that's not enough to convince the viewing audience, then I guess nothing ever will.

  • Are you afraid of getting hurt?
    You know, some say women don't belong in wrestling and that "Awww the poor little dears could get hurt." Well, I'll say this. Wrestling has always been a very physical sport. If you come in thinking that you're not going to get hurt once in a while, then you're in the wrong business! Sometimes accidents happen, and you get hurt. And everyone that steps in the ring knows that too. Women know they can get hurt, and obviously, they're not scared (maybe nervous, but not scared). If you think about getting hurt and don't focus on wrestling, then you increase your chances of getting hurt. I do have a fear of permanent injuries, but I try not to focus on that while in the ring.

  • What would you do to make the sport better?
    Take out the trash that call themselves valets and the catfighters that call themselves wrestlers. Also take out those that "claim" to be trained and are really nothing more than backyard wrestlers. People like that can really hurt someone.This sport calls for REAL wrestlers ... like me! :)

  • What other stuff do you have an interest in?
    I love all things Disney. Yep, I'm a big Disney freak. I also have a weak spot for carosel horses and dolls. Like the Franklin Mint dolls or Geppetto dolls. I also love art and poetry. I love reading and when I have time I can usually finish a book in one day. I love animals. I'm a big animal rights person. I also have a small obsession with Orlando Bloom. For those of you who don't know, he's an actor ... and a damn fine one at that. There are so many different things I like out of life ... there's just not enough room to list them all.

  • What else do you do besides wrestling?
    Besides wrestling, I'm also a writer. I write poems, songs and short stories. Currently I am working on my first novel and it's coming along quite nicely. But it will probably another year or so before it even comes close to being finished. And other than writing ... I design websites and volunteer for various animal organizations.
  • What is your most marked characteristic?
    My accent. I'm a southerner born and bred and my southern belle accent is enough to drive any man crazy. They love it.

  • How would you describe yourself like attitude/personality?
    I love my attitude. Most people say I'm a bit blunt and cocky but I don't care. I like it that way. If you can't handle my honesty then don't ask for it. My personality? Good question. I don't even know if I can explain it. I feel that I'm a southern sweetheart when it calls for it, but some people need to know that there are certain things I just will not tolerate. That's when I show them my ... not so nice side. It confuses people how quickly my moods can change and some would say it's like I have two personalities. I say, if you don't want me to act like that ... don't piss me off.

  • What is the one thing that can really make you angry at an event?
    When a fan tries to reach over the railing and slap my ass. It's so disrespectful to women and to me. It makes me want to grab the jerk who tried it, bend him over my knee and beat the sense out of him like his momma used to do (or, believe it or not, still needs to do). Then shove his nose in a corner till he can grow up and act like a real man. But the way some men act today, they might enjoy that too much. Especually from me!

  • Other comments or information you might want to add?
    I am a women who has worked hard to get where I am now. And if anyone wants to take that away from me they'll have to go to hell and back to do it. When I want something, I go for it, and I'll stop at nothing, and go through anyone to get it. So to all those thinking you can hold me back, I'll give you some advice here and now. Don't get in my way!

