~The scene opens up with a shot of cement paved ground. We can see several cracks that exist throughout the cement as well as stains, chewed gum and other items that have left their mark on the ground. We then see three sets of feet walk down the cement and we follow the feet as they keep walking. We see one set wearing some nice doc martin boots, another wearing some brown dress shoes and the last pair wearing some brand new tennis shoes. As we pan back into full view, we see the three men as they are Derek Mobley, Martin and of course, Eugene. Derek has a look of intensity on his face, while Martin looks a bit confused and Eugene has a big smile painted all over his face. Out of nowhere, someone comes up to Eugene and puts his arm around Eugene’s neck. The man is wearing torn up jeans, sandals and a pink tank top, rolled up in a ball. The man speaks to Eugene~

Man: Well hey there….you sure do look good, now don’t you?

Eugene: Well thanks! I just got the hair and the goatee done! Derek doesn’t like it, but I think it’s great!

~The man hears Eugene’s words and sees the man Eugene points to, who is Derek, and he looks at Derek~

Man: Pssh! Don’t listen to him, you just keep doing your thang baby! Here’s my number, give me a call anytime!

~The man hands Eugene his number and gives Eugene a peck on the cheek. Eugene takes the number and stuffs it in his pocket and smiles. Derek, with a look of mortification, speaks to Eugene~

Derek Mobley: Holy Crap man, your not really keeping that number, are you?

Eugene: Well why not? What if I need some advice on my next fashion statement? He obviously can sense style when he sees it!

Derek Mobley: Oh yea, that and the fact that he is, well GAY!

Martin: Huh? Who’s gay?!

Derek Mobley: That guy that just walked up to Eugene!

Martin: Oh, you mean the Fag.

Derek Mobley: Fag, Gay whatever!

Martin: No, you see Gay is a term for being happy and enjoying happiness. Just like right now, whenever I’m hanging out with you two, I feel completely gay!

Derek Mobley: Ugh! Man, get up off me what that gay shit, you go ahead and be gay with Eugene, you two are gay enough for the three of us anyways.

Eugene: I just think your jealous Derek! Just because I have a friend that doesn’t like you more! But hey, I am willing to forgive you, seeing as you must be all on edge with that big match this Friday, I’m willing to let is slide!

Derek Mobley: Oh gee, well thanks Eugene, you are a real humanitarian. But if you think I’m sweating this match as much as you make it sound, then I’ve got an insight for you…your crazy! Sure, Kylo is a Hardcore Legend, sure he is one tough son of a bitch and sure he is even something that I am not…an ICWF Hall of Famer, but how scary can a guy be when he’s done all that, but fail to capture the World Title. What does that tell you about Mr. Badass? It tells you the man does just enough to get the match and then completely blows it by choking worse than Greg Norman on Masters Sunday. I guess you could say it is sad, but how can you pity a man who wastes his life away inside of liquor bottles. He is truly pathetic.

Eugene: Yea, well you’ve beaten him, so I didn’t expect you to be worried about Kylo. It was Handy Man I was thinking more along the lines of. You’ve never faced him, he is a legend and now…you have to go one on one against the Handster!

Derek Mobley: Hmm, Handy Man…yea this is quite the intriguing match up. I remember back when I was breaking through here in the ICWF, one of the men to beat was Handy Man. He has been at the top of the ICWF ever since I can remember. But now, he finds himself just one notch below the upper echelon. Now he finds himself in a match chasing me, rather than everyone chasing him. The one thing I’m wondering is which Handy Man will show up? The Handy Man who has had his ass handed to him time and time again since the ICWF reopening by House of Pain members, or the Handy Man that whipped Titan 3 to become the new Hardcore Champion? It’s really hard to tell, what with the ups and downs this guy seems to have…but I’ve gotta be prepared for him to be at the top of his game.

Eugene: Uh huh, well it’s gonna be tough Derek, but don’t rag on my new friends!

~Eugene and Derek begin to bicker when Martin grabs them both by their shirts as he sees something off in the distance. He then yells out loudly~

Martin: Hey! That’s my tupperware! I want my Tupperware back damnit!

~Martin then takes off running full speed at Bud the Bum, who can be seen sitting down eating some spaghettios inside of his Tupperware. Martin then reaches out and grabs the Tupperware out of Bud’s hands and keeps on running with it. He keeps running and dumps the spaghettios out of the Tupperware and then turns the corner and disappears from sight. Derek and Eugene then look at each other and Bud spots them and starts screaming at them. Eugene and Derek then take off running to get away from Bud. As soon as they get a safe distance away, Derek looks at Eugene and speaks~

Derek Mobley: Damnit, stupid Martin! He just won’t leave that damn bum alone. If he doesn’t quit it, what he does to that guy is going to come up and bite him in the ass!

Eugene: Yea, too bad he isn’t as good looking as I am right now. Damn I look so good, look how sexy I am. This new look is definitely me. Watch out, I am sexy…Dead Sexy! My looks kicks everyone’s ass!

Voice: Speaking of Ass…..

~And as we hear that, we see a big muscular arm slide around the neck of Eugene as a big, bald man comes into view, licking his lips and looking at Eugene. Eugene looks up at him and looks a little unsure. Derek jumps back with his eyes wide open and in shock. The big man keeps on looking at Eugene and speaks~

Bald Man: My, My, My….well look what I’ve come upon, ain’t you good lookin….

Eugene: Really? You think so? Thanks man! I really like the look to! But he doesn’t think so, he wants to make fun of me!

~The bald man looks at Derek and shakes his head. He then takes his index finger and every so slightly strokes it across the side of Eugene’s face and speaks~

Bald Man: Well, don’t worry about him, he’s nothing. You just listen to me baby. Here is my number, I’ll give you all the workout action you can stand!

~The man hands Eugene his phone number and slowly backs away staring at him. The man then makes the telephone sign with his hand to his ear and mouths “Call me!” and then walks off. Derek then, shocked, speaks to Eugene~

Derek Mobley: Good lord! You’re changing that hair style as soon as we get back! This is ridiculous!

Eugene: What, are you insinuating he is gay also? Your nuts! He just wants to teach me how to buff up, I mean look at the guy, he is ripped!

Derek Mobley: Ugh…enough about that, it’s making me sick.

Eugene: Yea, well I’ll let you talk about your match, maybe that will make you happy…geez.

Derek Mobley: Heh, what else is there to talk about really? Kylo, Handy Man, Handy Man, Kylo…basically the same wrestler, just different names. Both make their living by jumping off of twenty mile cliffs and working a match while swimming through acid or something…neither has any wrestling talent. Both guys have achieved success, yet fallen just short of a major goal. Kylo has never won the World Title, while Handy Man has never made it into the Hall of Fame. Neither man has been able to achieve that one thing which would make their career complete. However, in this match, both men have that opportunity. They have the chance to defeat me and for Kylo, it would be the chance to finally win his World Title and for Handy Man, a second title reign may be what gets him into that elusive Hall of Fame. But you know what….it ain’t gonna happen. Neither one of these guys has anything close to what it takes to dethrone Derek “The Thriller” Mobley….and That’s Just The Way It Is!!!!!

Eugene: Okay, cool…so what do we do know, where is Martin?

Derek Mobley: Well, he knows we are headed down to the police station to meet that lady who owns the plane, so lets just go there and see if he shows up. Besides, it’s about time I caught that flight…a champ who is not at a show, can’t possibly defend his World Title.

~Eugene and Derek finally agree on something and they make their way down to the Police Station. And as they head off, the scene ends and the screen fades out~

Derek "The Thriller" Mobley's Stats
Record: 16-2
ICWF World Heavyweight Champion
ICWF World Co-Tag Team Champion
2 Time North American Champion
1 Time World Hardcore Champion