DISCLAIMER: I don't anyone in the WWF, if only in my dreams.
DISTRIBUTION: Go for it, just stamp my name on it and let me know.
CONTENT: Sex scenes and language
SPOILERS: None that I know of.
SUMMARY: Sequel to The Massage. Jason delivers on his promise.

Kat sighed heavily before falling back on her pillows as Jason closed the door and got himself out of her room. To be perfectly truthful, she was way too tired to have Jason prove anything to her. She was exhausted and sleep was all too appealing. Her body's aches and pains had melted thanks to Jason's ministrations and the day finally took its toll on her as she fell into a dreamless slumber. But before she did, she remembered his words about sex and massages. One day, he was going to prove that to her.

"Back at work?" Andrew asked as Kat greeted him at the gym's entrance.
"Couldn't let you guys get too lazy," she answered with a grin.
"How you doing?" Benoît asked, quickly reaching out with tender fingers, feeling her no longer swollen glands.
"Better. Thank you all for yesterday. You guys really came through for me."
"It's because we're Canadian," Trish said with a shrug.
"Thanks again guys. Now, quit your chit chatting and get your asses working!"
For the next two hours, Kat did what she did best, looking over the WWF roster's physical condition, coordinating with her assistant, planning special training and physical exams. Usually, she'd be on the machines herself, leading by example, sharing a word with the people she often found herself referring to as her boys and her girls. But since she was still weakened from her cold, she sat back and let her assistant fill in for her.
She was reading through some reports from some of the performers' personal trainers and physical therapists when a voice pulled her out of her boredom.
"He wants you too," said the voice.
"Funny way of showing it."
"He's not always clear with his feelings."
"I know-- trust me, I know."
"Will you give him a chance?"
"Because you're the nice Canadian?"
"What does that make you?"
"The beautiful Canadian."
Kat looked over her shoulder at the same time as Adam and saw Jason on the bench press being spotted by Sean Morley.
"Tell him I'm waiting for my demonstration."
"Demonstration? What the hell does..."
"He'll know what that means."
"Are you sure?"
"He'd better."

A full week after the massage, Kat sat in her hotel room, listening to RAW with one ear as she read an article on new ways of cross-training athletes for optimal results. The knock on her door annoyed her more than it delighted her and she reluctantly put the magazine down to open the door.
"Am I disturbing you?" Jason asked as he took in the sight of her, barefoot and braless, in hip-hugging jeans and a black tank top with spaghetti straps.
"Jason-- shouldn't you be on RAW?"
"If you'd been paying attention, you'd know that Edge and Christian have made a cowardly getaway, leaving the Olympic champion to tackle the Undertaker and the Dudley Boyz by himself."
"My bad. I was just reading an article on cross-training. I got sidetracked."
"So I'm disturbing you?"
"No, not at all-- my Canadian manners have left me. Come in."
Her room was almost obsessively neat. The magazine she'd been reading from had been neatly laid out over the coffee table, a bookmark tucked into its pages.
"What can I do for you?" she asked.
"Well, it's more along the lines of what I can do for you."
"I'm sorry?" Kat played dumb willingly, with a slightly tongue-in-cheek attitude.
"I think I told you I'd prove to you that sex can be better than a massage.
"Oh, that..."
"Yes. That."
"Well, when you shut that door last week..."
"Last week, you wouldn't have been able to enjoy the demonstration."
"And tonight?"
"Tonight, you'll enjoy the full extent of my demonstration."
"Will I?"
"You will," he whispered confidently.
Jason slanted his mouth across Kat's and she stubbornly refused to respond. Slowly, he moved his mouth down her throat until his tongue was running along the lines of her neck. She took a deep breath, remained as stiff as a board and stifled a yawn. Jason looked up at her, grinned one more time and lowered his mouth until it covered her nipple through her tank top.
Her fingers dug into the blue denim and her eyes rolled into the back of her head as pleasure lanced through her body.
"How effective is that?" he asked, looking up at her, his eyes dark with lust.
"It could work. I don't know on who, but it could work."
Jason straightened and raised laughing eyes on Kat, noticing how her breasts heaved up and down.
"You're being a little harsh here."
"Well, I'm comparing to the massage you gave me and that was rather exceptional."
"Exceptional was it?"
"Truly exceptional," she said with a grin, reaching out to tuck some of his hair behind his ear. "Jason, you don't have to do this. I mean, it was a joke-- the whole thing about sex and everything. You don't have to do this now. You don't ever have to do this."
"What, you're backing out on me now?"
"Jason, I don't want to force you to do anything you're not willing to do."
"Willing to do? Do you mean you?"
"Yes," she gulped and blinked a few times. "I appreciated the massage, it made me feel incredibly good. But you don't have to follow through on the sex thing. That was just a joke, nothing more."
"Nuh huh, you don't back on me this easy sister. We are doing this!"
"Why?" she asked, "because you promised?"
"Not quite. We're doing this because I want you that bad."
Moving quickly, Jason put his arm around Kat's waist and pulled her into his arms, catching her completely off guard. He walked to the bed and threw her on top of it. Surprised, she looked up at him, trying her best not to smile as he whipped off his tee-shirt, showing off a well defined chest and a six pack that would make most men jealous.
His eyes hot on her, he undid the buttons on his jeans and took them off, revealing the erection his blood red boxers could not conceal. He watched, intrigued as her tongue reached out and ran over her teeth, her arousal clear. He kept looking at her as he slid the boxers down his legs and stood, proudly displaying his desire for her.
"Uh Jason," she sighed, "that's some impressive equipment you have there."
"Thank you. Now let's see yours."
"Fine," he sighed, mischief in his eyes, "I'll do it for you."
Before Kat could react, Jason's nimble fingers were at her belt, quickly flicking it open and undoing the zipper on her jeans. He pulled on the hem and got the jeans off her. He considered her panties for a moment and decided to take off her tank top instead. He took it off her quickly and soon her breasts, heavy with lust, topped with hard chocolate nipples flopped out of the tank top and spread generously over her ribcage and Jason had to stop himself from falling on them like a man starved.
Kat lay back as Jason's hands hovered a few inches above her skin. She was barely able to control her body's twitches as his head bent over her stomach, his breath hot through the thin barrier of her panties, making her feel each and every one of her pubic hairs. He pushed her slack thighs open and blew a breath over the leaking core of her.
The orgasm had been unexpected and Kat couldn't have been more surprised by it. She losed her eyes and lay back on the bed, trying to catch her breath. As she recovered, Jason took off her panties and lay down next to her.
"And," he asked, "was it better?"
"Than the massage? Was it better?"
Kat took a deep breath and laid her head in the hollow of Jason's shoulder, smiling through the pants still rocking through her body.
"It was good-- very good. As good as the massage."
"I told you so."
"You told me that sex could be better than your massage. So far, it's as good, not better."
"Well, darling," he explained, nipping at the soft skin of her shoulder, "that was just the beginning. You and I have all night. That'll give me plenty of time to show you over and over and over again how much better than sex a Reso massage can be."
"Over and over and over again? Jason, I work with the human body on a daily basis. A man your age is somewhat passed his sexual prime."
"My sexual prime?"
"It's perfectly normal, you know. And I'd be more than satisfied if you proved it to me just the one time."
"A man my age?" Jason growled as he rolled over on top of Kat, "I'll show you exactly what a man my age can do and I'll make you burn whatever books you might have had on stamina. A man my age indeed."
As Jason went about proving to her exactly what a man his age could do, Kat couldn't stop herself from smiling. There wasn't a man, any age, who couldn't resist that kind of a challenge and she knew, she just knew, she wasn't going to regret his demonstration of his stamina.

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