Disclaimer: I own the intellectual idea and the Katia/Kat character.
Distribution: Flights of Fancy. Anyone else, ask first.
Notes: Just because Test/Andrew might be the mole after all. Based on RAW from 01/07/02.
Limping, Andrew made his way into his hotel, dreading the upcoming confrontation. He found Katia sitting on the edge of the bed, legs crossed indian style. If there was something he loved about his girlfriend, it was her ability to look amazing even when wearing the simplest clothes. Today, or rather tonight, with her wide-legged blue jeans, almost white from years of washing, and her red tank top, she looked much younger than her twenty-seven years. Strangely enough, his eyes immediately went to her toes. Whenever she was nervous and alone, Kat painted her toenails. And the toenails that had been of a light metallic blue when he'd left that morning were now painted gold. That meant trouble.
"Baby, you didn't have to wait for me."
"That's OK. I had something to do."
"This is what I see. I like the gold."
"Thanks. Still drying though."
"That's cool. I'm just going to jump into the shower, OK?"
Katia watched him hurry into the bathroom and laid back on the bed, legs still crossed. Andrew was keeping something from her, that was for damn sure. Something that was bothering the hell out of him. She smiled and uncrossed her legs, sliding out of the bed, hobbling to the bathroom, all the while managing to keep her still wet toes curled up to avoid any smudges. As usual, his clothes were all over the floor and the intensely hot water had already completely fogged up the mirror.
"Yeah?" he answered, peeking from behind the shower curtain.
"Would you lie to me?"
"Would you lie to me?"
"No, of course not."
"Are you going to defect to WCW?" she asked while flushing the toilet, depriving him of the hot water he so loved.
"Holy shit!"
So he didn't expect me to ask, Katia realized as she watched Andrew slip in the shower and struggle not to fall and break something.
"Where did that come from?" he asked, turning off the taps.
"What you told Booker T. That you'd go if you were offered the right amount. Is that true?"
"Baby, you've got nothing to worry about."
"Who says I'm worried? I just wanna know what's up."
"You will, trust me."
"That means you're keeping something from me," Kat sighed.
"Not necessarily."
"Which is dumb boyfriend code for yes."
Not waiting to hear anything else, she walked out of the bathroom. By the time Andrew caught up with her, her platform sandals were already on and she was running her fingers through the short strands of her black hair.
WAIT A SECOND!!! Since when does she have short hair?
"You cut your hair?"
"Took you long enough to notice."
"B-b-but why?"
"I wanted to. It felt good."
"Not much fun is it?"
"Being put face to face with your loved one's decision like that when you can't do anything about it?"
"You telling me you cut your hair out of spite?"
"No. I've been thinking about doing it for a while now and tonight seemed like the perfect time."
"And this is the first I've heard of it because?"
"Didn't seem like it'd matter much to you..."
Tilting her head to the side, Katia struggled not to laugh as Andrew realized what she'd just said. Goddess help her, she loved the man even when he was that dense.
"I'm sorry baby. Sometimes I forget that it's not all about me."
"Well learn. Now tell me what the hell is going on. You going to WCW? Yes or no?"
"Like I told Booker... it depends on how much they offer me."
"What the hell does that mean?"
"That it's a money matter."
"GRRRRRRRRRRR!!! Fine, you be that way! I'm going out for a while."
"No. I'm in here for you, all of you, always. I share everything with you. My joy, my sadness, my successes, my failures. And above all, my love. And you can't even share the truth with me? Nuh huh..."
"But baby..."
"Call me when you come to your senses."
With that, Katia walked out of the room, holding back her tears. She had tried it once living with a man who'd made a habit of telling her the truth only as it suited him. Deciphering the truth after over more than a year of lies had taught her an important lesson: between her well-being and someone else's, hers would always win out.
Andrew watched the door close quietly behind Kat and sighed, running his hand through his long blond hair. He swept a hand across the coffee table sending both of Katia's bottles of nail polish, the blue and the gold, crashing into the wall, mixing in a surprisingly nice mélange.
Damn the McMahons anyway! Keep it a secret, they'd told him. Even from Kat? Even from Katia. And now, their secret, his partial truth was costing them so damn much! It was costing him everything!
She'll be happy enough if you tell her something, no need to tell her everything, McMahon had said. The partial truth was still the truth.
Partial truth... The partial truth wasn't the whole truth, it was still a lie and that lie was costing him his happiness.
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