Disclaimer: Still don't own him, please don't sue me.
Distribution: Flights.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Sequel to The Rattlesnake in Love series and part one of Hiss and Purr.

"Come on Steve," Kat said, wriggling in his tight embrace, "we have to get up."
"Oh honey, I'm up," he chuckled, sliding his erection between her soft thighs.
"Steve," she purred, "come on..."
"You only have to ask."
And with a movement of his hips, Steve entered Kat, cupping both of her breasts, his tongue darting into her ear as her hands went around both of their bodies and her nails dug into the firm flesh of his buttocks. He moved in and out of her easily and then rolled around until he was riding her from the back, a hand on her breast and the other on the crook of her shoulder.
Finally, they collapsed together on the bed, in a heaving, sweating mess. Kat sighed and turned around in Steve's arm, running her fingers over the expanse of his bald head.
"You know," she whispered, "for an old guy, you're surprisingly full of energy."
"Smart mouth."
"I know. It's a special talent."
Kat grinned and started sliding out of bed.
"Where are you going?" he asked her, pulling on her wrist.
"Dance practice, you know that."
"How come?"
"Oh Steve you're being a baby."
"Yep. Now tell me."
Clutching a sheet to her chest, Kat sat down on the bed and ran a lazy hand up and down Steve's strong arm.
"The crew's participating in this tribute to Jerome Robbins and we're doing a scene from West Side Story."
"And why today?"
"Because we have your routines down pat and it's the only time we have to get a good practice done."
"So I'm going to miss you for most of the day?"
"Damn it."
"Here's what we can do. Why don't you meet me after practice? There's a café in front of the studio. I should be done by four."
"Four huh? Well, I should give you something to remember me by."
Moving as fast as the rattlesnake he was so often compared to, Steve grabbed Kat around the waist and, ignoring her laughing protests, dragged her to the bathroom for a very long shower.

"Ta da da da da da America! Ta da da da da da America! Ta da da da da da America! Ta da da da da da America!!!" Kat hummed the song from West Side Story, trying out some of the steps on the staircase as she hurried down.
She was five minutes late and she didn't want to keep her man waiting anymore. She erupted into the busy New York street and saw Steve sitting at a table, a frown on his face as he watched some of the gypsy-like customers of the café across the street.
"Steve!" she shouted, waving at him.
He turned to her and grinned happily. Kat started walking across the street and when she was halfway through, Steve saw her flip up in the air in a tragic rise that in no way resembled her graceful dance moves. His heart stopped and he stumbled out of the café, rushing to her already bruising body as the car that had hit her sped away.
"Kat! Oh shit, Kat... are you all right?"
He reached out to touched her and suddenly remembered a Baywatch episode where they talked about not touching an accident victim.
"9-1-1! Someone get off their asses and call 9-1-1! Shit Kat, who the fuck told you to be at that damn rehearsal? You should have been in bed, with me... Kat..."

There was a reason why they called him the Rattlesnake and Steve proved that as he snarled at the nurses and doctors who refused to give him updates on Kat's condition. He'd just finished growling at a nurse when Stephanie and Norman walked in.
"How is she?"
"I'd tell you but those bastards, who wouldn't know their ass if it got up and farted in their faces, won't tell me a damn thing because I'm not related to her."
Stephanie nodded and went over to the nurses' station.
"I'd like to apologize for my friend. You see, Miss Wild is his girlfriend and he tends to get a touch emotional. All we'd like to know is how she's doing."
"And you are?"
"My name is Stephanie McMahon. I'm Miss Wild's employer."
"And you have proof of that?"
"I had an feeling you were going to ask for that," Steph said, pulling out the necessary information from her purse.
Minutes later, Stephanie, Norman and Steve were shown to a private waiting room and a doctor joined them.
"All right," Steve said, "what the hell is going on? How is she?"
"The impact was brutal," he started to say, "and Miss Wild suffered greatly from it."
"How bad?"
"Her right hip was shattered, and both of her legs were broken. The bones of her right wrist were broken too and there are scratches and bruises all over her body. Fortunately, internal injuries were at a minimum."
"Her spinal cord?" Stephanie asked, "is her spinal cord all right?"
"It should be fine. There is some swelling but it's mininal and she's responding to stimuli."
"So, can I see her?" Steve asked, already getting up.
"I'm not quite done. Mr. Williams, Miss Wild was pregnant."
"Excuse me?"
"She was a month and a half pregnant. She miscarried in the emergency room."
"She was on the pill," Steve muttered. "She's on the goddamn pill! She couldn't get pregnant!"
"The pill is not infallible, Mr. Williams."
"Steve, I'm sorry," Stephanie said, touching his arm. "I'm so sorry."
"You're not telling her a thing about the baby," Steve said, staring at the doctor. "Not one damn word."
"I can't do that Mr. Williams."
"You're going to have to."
"Steve, you can't keep this from her," said Norman, "that was her baby too."
"I know. But with everything else-- we have to spare her the pain. We'll tell her, in time."
"I'm sorry Mr. Williams," the doctor said, "I can't do that. Miss Wild needs to know about her physical condition. Everything about it."
The doctor's pager beeped and he rapidly exited. Stephanie sat down next to Steve and put her arm around his shoulder.
"She'll be okay Steve."
"You're just trying to make me feel better. This is bad Steph, this is really bad."

Kat tried breathing in and it hurt. She tried opening an eye and it hurt. She tried moving a toe and it hurt. She didn't remember much. Just crossing the street to meet Steve and then, there was pain. A lot of pain, pain that radiated throughout all of her body. Pain that she still felt. Too much pain. Somehow, she opened her mouth and tried breathing again and she realized something was in her mouth and down her throat. Her mind flashed to a scene from ER. She wasn't breathing on her own.
Steve saw the tears coming out of Kat's eyes and jumped out of his chair and reached for the buzzer to the nurses' station. A nurse in a light blue uniform came running.
"She's crying-- that must mean something. Maybe she's awake."
"I'll call the doctor."
Steve stood to the side as the doctor confirmed that Kat was coming around. They ran a few tests and the doctor came to see him.
"I have good news. Your girlfriend's awake and responding to stimuli and to our questions. She's able to breathe on her own and that's already something. So we're going to move her to her private room."
"That's good right?"
"Yes. And as soon as the sedatives wear off, I'm going to have to inform her of her medical situation."
"I'm sorry Mr. Williams but she deserves to know."
Kat watched, her throat parched as the doctor ushered Norman, Stephanie, Shane and Steve out of her hotel room. He came to stand by her bed and took a deep breath.
"All right, Miss Wild, we're happy to see you're awake."
"Thank you," she croaked.
"We're going to try to keep you from speaking, your throat's very raw."
Kat nodded briefly and looked up at the doctor who kindly brought a glass of lukewarm water to her mouth, complete with a bendable straw. She sucked on the water for a while and shook her head.
"All right, I'm going to give you a quick run down of your medical status. There was a slight concussion caused by the fall, but so far, so good. Now, several bones in your right wrist were broken, so we're looking at a cast here, for at least 4 weeks and some physical therapy."
"Nod," he grinned, "don't talk. Now, your right hip was shattered when you fell. We're flying in the very best reconstructive surgeons to rebuild it, but we can talk about this later, OK?"
Kat nodded again, her raw throat clogging with fear.
"What else?"
"Both of your legs were broken."
Kat couldn't stop herself from sobbing out loud.
"How bad?"
"I don't want to make any predictions right now but you're looking at extensive physical therapy, just to walk again."
"A limp?"
"It's very likely."
"Oh God!"
"With the proper therapy, the limp will hardly be noticeable."
Kat started to cry, tears coming out of her closed eyes. She reached up with her left hand, brushing them away angrily.
"I'll be fine," she whispered. "Get in touch with Ray Jefferies. He works out of the Montreal Jewish Hospital. He's a physical therapist who specializes in sports injuries, tell him I need him here."
"All right."
"And doctor?"
"Tell everyone who's out there to leave. I don't want to see them."
"Miss Wild, your boyfriend's out there and he's not going to take this very well..."
"I don't care. Just tell him I want him to leave."
"Miss Wild, there's more..."

Steve rushed into the room just in time to see Kat throw a vase of flowers against the wall. As pieces of glasses shattered a few feet from his head, he entered the room.
"Get out!" she growled at him, "get the fuck out of here!"
"Miss Wild..."
"Kat, it'll be fine..."
"Get out Steve! Get out now! I don't want you here! I don't want you in my life anymore!"
"Kat, you can't..."
"Get out Steve! Get out and stay out!"
"Miss Wild..."
"Just get me Ray," Kat whispered, closing her eyes and sagging back against her pillow. "Ray will fix everything."
Steve staggered out of the room, shocked by Kat's violent reaction. Who the hell was this Ray and why the hell did she think she needed him more than she needed her boyfriend-- her ex-boyfriend now, it seemed.

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