Disclaimer: Don't own them but the idea's mine.
Distribution: Flights.
Note: Pretending it didn't happen doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Chyna was lying down on her back on a bench in the women's locker room, a wet towel over her face. She was crying. No one would be able to tell this way. And as it was, everyone was being wise enough to give her a wide berth. Except for the idiot who sat next to her right now, patting her leg. She ignored them. She wasn't in the mood to pretend anymore. She'd done that enough, pretending she enjoyed being the women's champion when it was a title she despised. She'd been a contender for the...
"How long are you planning to ignore me?" asked a voice that made her heart beat fast.
"Long enough," she replied tartly.
"Because you've been ignoring me."
"Well, you haven't been sending off the most positive vibes lately."
"I haven't? Gosh darn, what a shame."
"What's making you so crabby?"
Rubbing the towel over her face, hoping her eyes wouldn't look too red, the Ninth Wonder sat up on the bench and turned to Molly, shaking her head in dismay.
"Nothing," she replied.
"Come on. First there's the beatdown you gave Steve, and for the past week, you've been bitching at one and all. Even Kane's being wary of you."
"I need some room."
"So you want me to leave?"
"No, not you. I'm just not in the mood to be everyone's best friend."
"I know."
"So," Chyna sighed, dreading the question she was about to ask, "how are things with you?"
"Same old, same old."
That was a bold lie. Molly had lost the spunk that made her and Crash the cutest WWF blondes. There was no denying how sunken in her eyes were and that she'd lost weight.
"You haven't been sleeping," Chyna stated.
"I'm ok."
"Why are you lying to me?"
"I'm not."
"Fine Molly. You're not lying to me."
"I haven't felt like sleeping much."
"How come?"
"I don't know. I just lie there at night and I can't sleep."
As Molly said those words, an image came to Chyna's mind, an image of her and Tori, lying in bed together, making love and she almost screamed.
"Do you know why?"
"No. It's so frustrating. I wish I knew. I wish... ugh!"
"Chyna," said Test, peeking in, "can I borrow you for a second?"
"Yeah. Molly..."
"I'll be here."
Chyna hurried to the door and found Test leaning against a wall.
"If I gave you your shot at Molly, free and clear, would you say yes?"
"Come here."
Test pulled Chyna into the nearest men's room and checked the stalls before locking the door behind her.
"I'm not sure how your boyfriend will feel about this but I'm really horny so it's cool."
"Cute. Listen, Tori's on the prowl again."
"Excuse me?"
"She's been hitting on Steve, Raven, me and Hunter."
"What a whore," Chyna screamed, sending her fist into the mirror, shards of glass digging into her skin, "how the FUCK can she do that to her? Doesn't she know how lucky she is? I hope Steve says yes! They fucking deserve each other! Fucking cheaters!"
"Be careful," Test said, running to her and gently picking glass out of her hand. "Damn it Chy! I didn't tell you this so you could act so stupid!"
Sighing, Chyna let Test pick shards of glass out of her bloody hand. Shaking his head, he pulled her along as he dragged her over to see the trainers. Shane was there, checking on Kane when he saw them arrive.
"What the hell?"
"It's nothing," she sighed, sitting down next to Big Red.
"Your hand is fucking bleeding!"
"Fine, Trish was hogging the mirror and I got mad."
"Don't fuck with me Chyna! What the fuck is the matter with you? You've been a tempermental bitch for a while now and everyone is complaning about you. Now this? What do you want? To give us the perfect excuse to fire you?"
Chyna looked at Shane and almost said yes.
"Don't answer that," Test intervened. "She just got some fucking bad news and reacted kind of badly. She'll be fine for the house shows."
"Oh she will?" Shane asked the tall blonde. "Fine. If you're so sure of that, you keep an eye on her and make sure she is fine! It's both your necks!"
Shane stalked off, muttering to himself about children and their tantrums. The trainer quickly patched up Chyna and sent her on her way. Test escorted her back to her dressing room, telling her he'd be picking her up in fifteen minutes. When Molly saw her friend's bandaged hand, she rushed to her side.
"What the hell happened?"
"Nothing? Now it's your turn to be lying to me."
"Yeah, it is. I believe I'm right on schedule."
"What is it? What happened?"
Chyna looked at Molly and bit into her lower lip, her heart torn. Could she tell her? Should she tell her? Would she tell her? Would she be the one to possibly break her delicate heart? Maybe Tori did make her happy, in her fucked up, cheating way. Maybe...
"Nothing," Chyna said with a smile. "For once, the Ninth Wonder that I am slipped down to the level of the Eighth Wonder and I got banged up in the process."
"I'm cool Molly. Listen, Test is going to get me back to the hotel..."
"I could ride with you if you want..."
"Please. I want to know what made you do that."
"Fine, come along. But your bitch says one thing, looks at me funny and I'll break her in two."
"All right, let's get a move on."
Chyna waited outside the dressing room for Molly and Test when Tori came storming out of there, her face red with anger.
"What the hell are you up to now? Why the fuck are you interfering with me and Molly again? You faked an injury to draw her to you! Fucking Mrs High and Mighty! She's mine, don't you get it? Mine!"
Chyna looked at Tori and tilted her head to the side, trying to convince not to sink her nails into the woman's face and pull. She reminded herself that Tori was digging her own grave and that Molly would never see her in that light.
"Yes, she is yours, all yours and not mine at all."
"I know what you're up to! I know it so well but we connected, we bonded and I love her."
"Yes, you do."
"And she loves me back, ok? You can't change that, all right?"
"I can't change that."
"What are you? Noble or some shit?"
"You know what? No, I'm not."
Shoving Tori to the side, Chyna went back to the dressing room where Molly was closing her bag.
"I can't do this shit anymore. Tell your girlfriend to get off me before I kill her."
"Me? You want me to get off you?" Tori screeched, "you're in love with my fucking girlfriend!"
At that, all the women in the dressing room stopped what they were doing and turned to Molly, Tori and Chyna. The dark haired Amazon sighed.
"Yes, I'm in love with your girlfriend," she said. "But will I cheat and steal to get to her? No. First and foremost, she is my friend and I am hers and I need her. You can mind that. But I'm really not going to give a damn. Molly, it's up to you. I'll be out there waiting for Test. You take your time."
Molly watched Chyna go and turned to Tori.
"Don't," she whispered, "don't be mean, don't be abusive and don't make me choose."
"Molly, she's after one thing and one thing only. You!"
"That's not true. If she were after me, with all the shit you've been pulling, she would have had me. She's a friend, no more no less. Now and forever. You, you're my girlfriend right now."
"So you're telling me that Chyna could strip down to nothing and do her best to seduce you and you wouldn't react?"
"She's my friend. And I'm committed to you. Now my friend needs me. Do you think you can handle that."
"As long as you remember who your girlfriend is."
"Hey, I love you, that's all the reminder I need."
Outside the door, fresh tears ran down Chyna's cheeks and her hand drifted to her coat jacket and curled around a bottle of painkillers. What was the point, she wondered for the nth time.

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