SWF Rules
These are some of the rules for playing this role-playing game...All the rules must be follwed for smooth palying and equality...Action can and will be taken for the nraking of the rules or missuse of the site. These are not empty threats...I can ban IP addresses from the site. If you don't belive me, tell me and I can show you! (I'll let you back in of course if you have'nt actually done anything wrong). If any one can think of any other rules in the site, please let me know.
- You MUST try and role-play as much as possible. The better the role-plays the higher the chance of winning your match. You don't have to role-play perticularly for that match, just in general. Try and role-play at least two times a week.
- You CANNOT attack other characters in your role-plays without there permission. It may be a good angle but if you don't have permission either from the handler or a member of staff, don't expect to win any matches soon.
- If you are beaten to a bloody pulp in a previous match. DON'T come out the next day looking fine...Role-play from the hospital. Keep it realistic. If I don't think your role-plays are realistic enough I may delete them no matter how good they were or how long you spent writing them.
- I have the power to delete or edit anything on the whole site. If you don't like that....Tough. Don't worry I do not abuse my power.
- I will NOT accept any whining about losing matches. It just reflects your role-playing ability or it's just a good angle.
- Do as much as you can in role-play keep the OOC'ing to a minimum. If everyone can forget there's people behind all of these great characters, real life fueds will be kept to a minimum. DON'T have arguments on the role-playing or OOC boards. This is not the place for imature little brats. This is a game! You play it to have fun! ok?
- Keep the html sensible. DON'T have millions of pictures. DON'T have a too big font size. You CAN use wav files (not midi files). You CAN use a few gifs (not jpgs). You CAN use any font color or face.
- If some one has already placed a wav file on a topic, don't add another one. If you do, it will count as bad rople-playing.
- Please let the managment know if you are planning to leave the federation, BEFROE you make your final role-play.
Useful Wrestling Terms
Face - A good guy.
Heel - A bad guy.
Pop - An burst of applause from the crowd.
Jobber - A new wreslter with no expirience.
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