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"Uptown Girl" by Westlife is sang by the Choir Of Tortued Souls as massive pyros go off everywhere. The camera spins around the arena showing the gatherd spectators and finally settles on the EdenGate Stage where a curtain cover the whole thing. "Uptown Girl" stops and a heavy riff starts. Then the riff suddenly gets heavy and the curtain drops to reveal the SWF's house band; WAKE all playing instraments and slaming on stage. Then the song gets even heavyier and pyros go off on the stage and the CEO Sundance comes out of the entrance way and takes possition infront of a mic.

Sundance: Alright Dudes!!! Welcome evreyone to the Stygian Wrestling Federation's Comic Relief Special Event.

They carry on to play a song by WAKE with Sundance singing....The song ends and the lights fade. The scene goes to a comercial break.

*** COMERCIAL BREAK *** The scene shows Madilyn Hanson behind a kitchen counter in a TV studio.

Madilyn Hanson: Join me every night on the G.O.T.H. Network for "Can't Mame, Won't Mame". The greta "cookery" program for all you budding chefs out there, or some crap like that. You know I could actually say anything I want right now. They can't fire me. I present almost every program on the whole network. And no one else would do it anyway. Oh fu*kin Hell I feel like sh!t. I think I'm gonna go and get a cheap hit off someone...El Monpot!
Madilyn Hanson walks off. The camera follows him off and all the crew get in shot. They all look confused. The scene cuts quickly back to the SWF. *** COMERCIAL BREAK *** We're now at the announce table. Ozzy J. and D. Boss look confused aswell.

D. Boss: Uh, high. And welcome to the Stygian Wrestling Federation's Comic Relief, special event. I'm D.Boss.

Ozzy J: Yeah hi, and I'm Ozzy J. We've got some great stuff going on for you all tonight.

D. Boss: Stuff? Anyway, including more from WAKE.

Ozzy J: Yeah but now, what you've all bee wating for...

D. Boss: The Smashing 100! Special; the 100 man Royal Rumble!!!!

The arena is filled with spectators galore. All the
fans are on their feet screeming. The camera swoops
down to the announce table where
Topaz, KiSS Bunny and Vampiro Jackson sit
awaiting the action.
Topaz: Welcome to what will surley be the greatest
wrestling spectacle ever!!! The Smashing 100, 100 man
Royal Rumble!! This match will determin the new leader
of the Smashing 100!!!
Vampiro Jackson (V.J): Yeah that's right, and every
one's dying to see just who is left standin' at the
end of this one. But there's just one question every
one wants answered, just where is Captain Brown?

KiSS Bunny: who cares? The guy's a loser. If ya' ask
me, I should be the new leader.
Topaz: your not in the rumble or the Smashing 100.

KiSS Bunny: You kiddin' me? I could've aced those
auditions if that damn German guy didin't have those
girly sox!
V.J: that's it, blame someone else's sox.

Topaz:*stairing at the runway* But there's no time as
the first two participants make their way to ring.

Human Mule is first out followed by Ironic man. They
step into the ring and begin fighting. Human Mule
starts with an irish whip to the ropes followed by a
knee to the gut of Ironic man sending her flying over
onto her back. She gets up but Human Mule lands a
German suplex from behind, he locks onto the waist
delivering to more suplexes in succession. Time is up,
Crimson Skull enters. All three go at it. Ironic man lays a few well
place kicks to the shin on Skull then a huge kick to
the groin. Skull bends over, big mistake, as Mule
lands an axe kick to the back of Skulls head. Ironic
man goes up top and dives towards Mule with a cross
body, she follows up with a blatant choke and Mule
begins to pass out. The Man from Next
Door enters.
V.J: I understand he's fighting this one for a cup o'
KiSS: Dumb-a$$.
The action continues as Jeff, the Man from Next Door,
stands around not really knowing waht to do. He's more
of a fishing person. Mule however is up and battling
with Skull as Ironic is once again on the top rope.
Ironic man flies off hitting Skull and Mule with a
missile dropkick. Jeff sees an oportunity, but runs
away. Ironic stands in front of Jeff and looks set to
steart fighting she winds up for a huge punch, but
Jeff from nowhere hits a spine buster. The crowd are
But wait, the Big Time theme plays and here comes
Big Time Beavis.
Topaz: so only some of these guys have entrance music?

V.J: Must not be in their budget.
5 people are now in the ring, Beavis takes th
opportunity to really let loose by Jack-knife
power-bombinThe arena is filled with spectators
galore. All the fans are on their feet screeming. The
camera swoops down to the announce table where
Topaz, KiSS Bunny and
Vampiro Jackson
sit awaiting the action.
Topaz: Welcome to what will surley be the greatest
wrestling spectacle ever!!! The Smashing 100, 100 man
Royal Rumble!! This match will determin the new leader
of the Smashing 100!!!

Vampiro Jact happens, Abba's Money Money Money, plays
and out comes 24 pence Man
Unfortunatley, some fat fan in need of a
soda scoops up 24 pence Man and spends him before he
can fight. **24 pence Man
eliminated** . The others continue
fighting, Skull lands a pile driver on Beavis while
Ironic whips Mule to the ropes and hits a dropkick.
Then while she's distracted, Skull spins her around
and lands the Skull Buster. Skull picks her up by the
hair and throws her over the top rope.
**Ironic Man Eliminated**.
with the other two down, Skull takes the
opertunity to slide under the bottom rope and get a
drink. No time for that as the Choir music echos
through the arena.
Topaz: It's the Singing quartet!!
KiSS: now these guys make me laugh!! Ooohh Hoo Hoo!!
Yeah, welsh people ahahahahahahah!!!!

They rush into the ring and Skull tries fighting them
off, they beat him back and try to knock him over the
rope, he holds on as tight as he can, but luck is on
his side as Beavis and Mule start laying into the
quatet. Mule, Beavis and Skull, land a 7 man suplex on
the quartet and as they ready to turn on each other,
Normal Man enters.
His lack of any powers what so ever means he's no
match for the others, however as Skull creeps up
behind him, he turns around and punches him in the
face. Skull falls down and Normal proceeds to kick him
repetedly in the gut.
KiSS: Now that's how normal people fight!! *to Topaz*
even you could win if you fought like that!
Topaz: and I'm supposed to take fighting lessons off a
6 foot white rabbit? You ever heard of Foot and Mouth
disease? It's where I put my foot in your mouth and
you can suck on that, Drugs Bunny.
V.J: Hey Bunny, got Myxamytosis? ahahahah!!
Topaz and KiSS: What?
As Beavis and Mule fight the quartet against the
ropes, they both hit a huge double clothesline,
knocking all 4 men over. **The
Singing Quartet eliminated** and as
that happenes, Aaaaartifishial Man
enters. He quickly falls to pieces
though after Skull hits the Skull Buster for a seconed
time. Unfortunatley for Skull, Artifsials pieces start
attacking him Beavis soon comes along and starts
throwing them both around, he lands the Big Time Bomb
on Skull and Artifishial. **Ant Man**
enters. Ant man goes straight for
Mule and begins pummeling him then lands a snap suplex
and an elbow drop. Beavis turns his attention to
Normal man, and begins his assault with a whip to the
turnbuckle followed by body blows gallore. Time up
again as The Big Cheese
enters, Mule is fighting back against Ant
and Artifishial has pulled himself back together and
hits a sidewalk slam on Skull, Normal man is helpless
against Beavis, untill Cheese Intervienes with the
Stilton Stunner
Topaz: how the hell does he do any moves when he's
just a wedge of cheese?
KiSS: Ya' got me.
V.J: don't say that to his face, he'll put the Cheddar
Choke on ya'
They all laugh
KiSS: or the Edam Slam!
They all laugh some more.
Topaz: or the Red Lester driver!
V.J:............yeah that's great..... oh look!

The big cheese goes on attacking everyone, he stunners
Ant then Mule then Skull then Normal then Artifishial.
he pcks them up on by one then eliminates them.
**Aaaaaatifishial Man eliminated**, **Big
Time Beavis eliminated**, **Ant Man eliminated**,
**Normal Man elimninated**. but
befor he can do the others, Mule lands the Mule-Kick
sending Cheese crashing down. The
Siameese Twins o' Doom enter and
really start cleaning house, they knock down everyone
with a powerfull series of right hand punches. They
continue their barrage against their tired opponents
untill, Hawk eye
enters. He heads straight for the Twins and hits a DDT
to both of their heads. Mule staggers to his feet. He
and Skull go at it in a half assed disply of fighting.

KiSS: what the hell is this?
V.J: well these two have been in it the longest so
The remaing members of the Asian Invasion, bar Pablo
Sanchez, stand atop the ramp they watch the ring
carefully and as the timer goes, they all decide to
enter the ring at once they run down the ramp quickly
and Swm Ywng Gai, Ming and Kung-Fu
Kieth all join the rumble, helping
their team mate/s the Siameese Twins o' Doom. The
Asian Invasion begin eliminating the others, with
moderate success, **Human Mule eliminated**
no problem, but the Big Cheese holds onto
the ropes. Skull tries to fight back, but Kung-Fu
Kieth land the one inch punch sending him sailing over
the top rope. **Crimson Skull
eliminated**. Cheese continues to
hang on, but Hawk eye is irish whiped into him causing
him to fall over the top rope. **The
Big Cheese eliminated**
As Hawk eye is whipped once more, this time he is back
body dropped over the top rope by Swm Ywng Gai.
**Hawk Eye eliminated**
the Asian Invasion stand proud in the ring, confident
they can win the rumble. The time counts out and next
into the ring is The Fuzz
he stands outside the ring and waits.

KiSS: what's this loser doing?
Topaz: I think he's waiting for someone else to join
He doesn't wait long as soon enough, the time runs out
Has joined in. He and the Fuzz take on the Invasion,
Garylewis pummels Ming and Gai, while Fuzz works on
the Twins and Kieth. Garylweis holds his own with his
matrix style Kung fu action, but Fuzz struggles to
keep up with the deadly Keith and both of the Twins.
Garylewis, in one fell swoop, delivers his patented
final blow, causing both Ming and Gai to stumble
backwards in pain. He then meerley picks them up by
the head and catapults them over the top rope.
**Ming eliminated**, **Swm Ywng Gai
eliminated**. Soon, Garylewis
returns to the others who are pummeling the Fuzz.
Garylewis takes on Kung-Fu Kieth in a dazzling display
of martial arts stylings. 10001101010111000101010100.

Kung-Fu Kieth: Yes I aggree, we are evenly matched,
let us venture down to the local tavern for
And with that they both exit the arena
** eliminated**, **Kung-Fu
Kieth eliminated**. with just the
Fuzz and the Siameese Twins o' Doom left, the fight
continues. Next Mighty Roy
enters and the three battle, then the
lights go down, pyro bombs blast and
Muscular Vince makes his way to
ring. 4 men now and each begining to get into the
groove, Fuzz hits a Stubble Slam on Roy, and Vince
dropkicks the twins. The Twins don't stay down for
long as they are soon to their feet and they hit a
double suplex on Vince. Roy lands a heavy blow to
Fuzz's beard and Fuzz writhes around in pain. Now it's
The Human Phlegm's turn to enter

Human Phlegm: Phlegm on!! and with
that he transforms into the gooey fighter of crime and
slurps to the ring.
Roy, going to clothesline Vince sips on Phlgems juice
and lands hard on his back. Meanwhile Fuzz delivers a
huge body splash from the top rope landing on every
one and causing Phlegm to splash out of the ring.

Topaz: he's not out yet, more than 50% of him has to
touch the ground outside.
V.J: I think I'm gonna hurl.....
All the remaining members pick themselves up and
continue brawling, Phlegm reforms himself and Takes it
up with the Fuzz.
Then the arena lights go down, Limp Bizkits' Rollin'
plays and the Bulk makes his way down the ramp. As he
steps ino the ring the other's back away at his
superior size, he stands there not attacking. Some of
the more stupid ones attempt to take kim down, the
Siameese Twins are the first to go, ricocheting off
him after trying for a spear. They sail over the top
rope and clear into the crowd. **The
Siameese Twins o' Doom eliminated**.
other's try to shift him with no luck,
Vince tries a missle dropkick from the top, with no
luck, next the Phlegm tries, but collides with the
Bulk like sh*t hitting a brick wall. The Bulk wipes
off Phlegm as if he's nothin' more than a stain.
Phlegm to clears most of the arena landing on some
unlucky fans. **The Human Phlegm
eliminated**. But as the others give up, Surfin USZ
palys, the fat hunnies are on their feet, yes it's
him, the one the only, the Aisian Invasion himself and
current Intercocopop Champion, Pablo Sanchez. Pablo
rushes to the ring and slides in, he joins the rest in
their scheme to over power the Bulk. But after no one
can think of any thing, the next competitor enters in
the shape of Angry Gary
The ring is now, thanks to the Bulk,
dangerously overcrowded. With no room to wrestle, they
prepare to leave when,
Bulk: Uh oh, Seinfeld is on in 5 minutes!

And with that he leaves the way he came. The other's
continue to wrestle Pablo starts on the Fuzz while
Vince, Roy and Gary tussle.
Things proceed as normal, Gary has Vince up and,
Jackhammer to the ground but....
Angry Gary: OH SH*T! I was taping X-files, if Bulk
takes the tape out again, I'll kill him. He does it
all the time! It makes me so angry!!

Gary begins to boil over with anger, his rage burns
and his cowboy hat starts glowing, as does the rest of
him. He suddenly explodes with anger and runs after
Bulk at lightning speed.
**Angry Gary eliminated**
Topaz: well what can you say about that.

KiSS: the guy's an idiot, he used to be my roomie and
he always dropped the tooth paste in the crapper!

V.P: *to KiSS* maybe you shouldn't talk at all.
The action continues as The Stump
joins the rumble. Pablo starts on
Vince and hits the Pablo Driver. Roy takes on the
Fuzz, while stump bites his shins. Pablo irish whips
Vince to the corner and Vince collides hard with the
turnbuckle. Pablo delivers a series of revers elbow
jabs and Vince falls to his a$$. The fans cheer,
because they know what's next. Pablo turns around and
starts wiping his a$$ all over Vince's face he then
follows through with a hellacious fart.

V.J: oh my God!! OH MY GOD!!!
Topaz: that must be the Rings of Pablo!!!

KiSS: ain't no body deserve that kinda sh*t from no
one........Hey, get it? Sh*t? ahahahahahaha!!! I made
a funny!!!
The Choir break into a jazzy beat and
Jazz Man dances down to the ring
with his Saxaphone o' Doom. He joins the action taking
on the Mighty Roy, hitting him hard with the Sax,
Stump battles Fuzz with a flying head butt, and Vince
remains unconcious after the Rings of Pablo. Pablo
picks up his lfeless corpse and tosses it over the
rope. **Muscular Vince eliminated**
Pablo moves over to Jazz Man but
before he can lay a fist in him, Blink 182 plays, the
fans scream, and Jack the Biskit
runs straight into the ring and
tussles with Pablo. He lands a fisherman brainbuster,
then an elbow drop to Pablo's neck. Fuzz fights the
growing threat of stump, but Stump has no limbs to
hold. Jazz Man continues pounding Roy, but Roy blocks
his punch and lands a high-angle spinebuster.
Phil Mc Feeble enters
down the ramp
Mighty Roy: oh not this d*ck again!

and with that Roy picks up Stump and swings him hard
at Feeble. Feeble flies into the rope and bounches
back without touching the ground, Roy prepares for a
back body drop to throw Feeble over the rope, but
Feeble reverses by holding onto Roy's neck and hitting
a surprise neck breaker. Roy stumbles to his feet and
leans against the ropes. At this point, Jazz Man is
whiped into Feeble who knocks into Roy just hard
enough to send him over the rope!!
**Mighty Roy eliminated**
Topaz: oh my God!! Feeble just eliminated Mighty Roy!!
How? How the hell?
But before anyone can celebrate, The
Couch Potato joins the rumble. But
it takes him so long to get to the ring, by this time
Enourmously Large Jaw Man, Captain
Wales and El Hombre have joined
also. El Hombre explodes into action with a heavy
right hand to Fuzz, then Stump, then Fuzz again, he
beats them both down untill he delivers the Two Ton
Taco Bomb to Fuzz. He picks up stump by the head and
punts him over the top rope **The
Stump eliminated** Pablo and Biskit
go at it furiously and biskit hits the Biskit Barrel
on Pablo, then a ref runs down the ramp, Biskit pins
Pablo and the ref counts
V.J: oh wait, that's right, the Intercocopop
championship is in effect 16 hours and a half every
thursday!! Bsikit is trying to become the new champion
here at the Rumble!!
Topaz: he got it!! Biskit is the new Intercocopop
KiSS: my a$$
KiSS Bunny climbs into the ring and hits the "Kiss
where it smells funny" driver on Biskit, He goes for
the pin, the ref counts 1..2..3!! KiSS Bunny is the
new IC champ!! he walks back to the announce table and
says to the other two..
KiSS: how d'ya like THEM bananas?
Biskit staggers to his feet, Pablo throws him over the
top rope but Biskit hangs on, neither of his feet
touched the floor! Biskit climbs back onto the apron
and calls to Pablo. Pablo runs to him and Biskit
Punches him in the head, grabs him and hits a suplex
to the outside, eliminating him and Pablo
**Pablo Sanchez eliminated** **Jack the
Biskit eliminated**. Then.....
Retarded Goat Boy
makes his way to the ring, but once again, foiled by
lack of wheelchair access!!
Topaz: but officially, he never entered the rumble!

KiSS: who cares? the guy's a retard.

V.J: wait a minute! WAIT A MINUTE!!
then, Basket Case, by Greenday palys the fans go nuts
as Captain Brown
rushes to ring. He battles every one, eliminating
every one in the ring!! The fans are screaming the
house down. **Jazz Man eliminated**, **Phil Mc Feeble
eliminated** **Enourmously Large Jaw Man eliminated**,
**El Hombre eliminated**, **The Couch Potato
eliminated**, **The Fuzz eliminated**.
Captian Brown stops then stares at
Captain Wales. And before Wales can even breath out,
Brown starts pounding the sh*t out of him, stomping
right in his gut.
Topaz: Captain Brown! he came out of no where as Goat
Boy's replacement! He was cleenin' house, and now he's
cleenin' Captain Wales' clock!!
V.J: there's only room for ONE captain in the Smashing
100! As Captain Brown stomps away
on Wales, The Sulk
enters the match but is instantly ejected by Brown.
**The Sulk eliminated** Brown Stomps
away on Wales then lands the Brown Ground and Wales is
out cold.
Before Brown can capitalise, The
Chair's music plays, but he doesn't
come out of either entrance, suddenly as Brown turns
around he sees the Chair's haunting, muscular figure
at ringside. He calls Chair into the ring, but then,
Milk Man enters.
Milk and Brown begin to brawl and before they know it,
The Chair has entered the ring. Milk Man and Brown
deliver punch after punch onto each other while the
Chair awaits.
Topaz: I bet he's got a strattegy.
KiSS: even I wouldn't f**k with the Chair!

Next, The Brick
enters to a huge ovation. He joins in the ruckass,
taking on what's left of Captain Wales. Brick hits a
low blow on Wales, but as he taunts him it allows
Wales to capitalise by using his mighty Leek as a
weapon. Milk Man gets the better of Brown, hitting the
Milk-Float-Over DDT. He struggles to push Brown over
the ropes, but cant. Then, The
Decompositionator enters to his
theme tune "I'm a dead man", he wheels to the ring in
his coffin o' doom, and crawls into the ring. Brown
still hanging onto the ropes, slides back into the
ring, under Milk Man's legs, he raises up underneath
him and super kicks him over the ropes. color=cyan> **Milk Man eliminated**
Over the other side Captain Wales continues to twatt
The Brick with his Mighty Leek, while, Dead Man lies
on his face before Chair and they go at it in a clash
of the titans with Dead Man almost moving.
Mystic Maj enters to
"The memory remains" by Mettalica. She rolls into the
ring and begins to conjure up thoughts of ill meaning
towrards her foes. Wales stares at her, sighs and
takes one big swing with his leek and sends her clear
out of the ring **Mystic Maj
eliminated**. As the others
continue, Jono Boy
is soon in to join them along with his irritated cat.
Jono and Wales collide, Jono a fierce master of Cat
Swinging verses Wales, Champion Leek Fighter. Brown
Takes on Brick, Brick, being the tougher, gains
advantage putting Brown in a sleeper.
The Fudge Minor,s music hits, and
the man himself makes his way down the ramp. Shortly
Your Local Porn Mate
joins also. Brown breaks out of the
sleeper and hits the Brown Ground on Brick, and while
Fudge is destracted by his Mate's supply of porn, he
is Brown Grounded by the Cap also. Brown picks up
Fudge and continues to pound him.
Ethnic minority Man enters and
starts to join in with Jono and Wales.
Hardkore Harrisson's
music hits and the crowd cheer the hardkore veteran
down to the ring. He instantly takes on Brown and the
two remain fighting for some time. Jono has landed the
Cat Flap on Wales and Ethnic and proceeds to hit them
when they're down. Coyote Tim
is at ringside and he too, gets in for
some action with the Brick. Brick manages to aviod his
axe and land the Brick Sh*t House with no problem.
Fudge minor now takes on Porn Mate, delivering
viciouse scrams to his face. Ginger
Twat Boy enters. and imeadietly
goes for Jono delivering a visciouse Jack-Hammer.
Jono's cat runs off into the crowd after the attack,
Jono, distraugth, runs after it.
**Jono Boy eliminated**. Next Warm in
Winter Cold in Summer Man enters
burning and freezing the ropes as he enters the ring.
He takes on Ethnic minority Man with a freeze dried
DDT and then locks in a sleeper. Harrisson hits Brown
in the stumoch and then lands a Rocker Dropper while
he’s bending over. Ginger Twat Boy stops as the
‘Buffy’ theme hits the arena and Dink
the Deamon Slayer enters. Rushing
to the ring, he swings his sword around to create some
space. Porn Mate distracts Dink with his new range of
VHS releases. Ginger waits for a gap then spears Dink
to the ground. Coyote Tim is busy with the Brick and
Ethnic Has managed to get a leg lock on the colder
side of Warm in winter...
Geoffrey the Conservative
enters, passing out leaflets to the
crowd. He steps into the ring and begins preaching but
is immeadietly pounced upon by Wales and his mighty
leek. M.E.V enters
the rumble with his deadly crowbar he hits Porn Mate
from behind and runs off with his merchandise. color=cyan> **M.E.V eliminated**. As Porn Mate
struggles to recover, Coyote Tim hits the Didgery Doo
Driver before he can even stand properly.
Tracksuit Man and
Shelsuit Boy Run dwon
the ramp towards the ring and begin double teaming
everyone. Coyote tim is the first victim, then Ethnic
Minority Man, then Warm in winter cold in Summer Man.
The duo are soon interupted by Brick and Ginger who
show no mercy with Brick landing a huge spine buster
on Tracksuit, which echos through the arena. Fudge
Minor now stand on the apron, watching as
X – The Unknown ebters
the rumble to the sound of ‘X’ by Xzibit. He climbs
into the ring then sits in the corner with chair.

Topaz: What the Hell is he doing?
KiSS: I bet he’s got a strategy.
Dead Man crawls to Captain brown and weakly grabs his

V.J: Oh my god!! The ankle lock!!! Cap’s about to
Dead Man gets to his feet, and lurches up behind
Harrisson. Brown goes to kick Harrisson, who ducks, so
Brown kicks Dead Man who’s lower half flies out of the
ring. Both his feet smash on the floor. color=cyan> **Dead Man eliminated**.
Dead Man: Oh cripes chappies, uh I mean,
‘Voices’ by Disturbed hits the PA and
Turbo Squirrel is next in. He
climbs into the ring and as his opponents close in, he
lets rip with his Smoke Screen, coating the ring with
smoke. No one can see what is happening but to
evryone’s surprise, bodies begin flying out from the
smoke, Milk Man flies right into, and through the
Flemish announce table. **Milk Man
eliminated** soon, others follow,
**Ethnic Minority Man**, **Tracksuit
Man**, **Coyote Tim**, **Warm in Winter Cold in Summer
Man**, **Ginger Twat Boy**, **Dink the Deamon
Slayer**, **Your Local Porn Mate**, **Geoffry the
Conservative** all eliminated, the
others manage to grab the ropes at the last minute,
keeping themselves in the rumble. The mist clears and
Turbo Squirrel is seen spining in the ring. He stops
and begins to cheer.
Turbo: I’m number one!!! I’m number one!!! color=white> He hasn’t noticed the others creeping up
in him untill it’s too late. He realises he’s
surrounded, but before he can act,
Scary Clown Child runs to the ring
and hits the Clown Shoe on Turbo he then swing him
around by his tail and lets him fly clean out of the
ring. **Turbo Squirrel eliminated**
Shellsuit Boy attacks Clown from
behind and then puts a reverse arm lock on him. Brown
continues his assault on Harrisson whlie Brick, sick
of X’s lack of enthusiasm, chases him around the ring

V.J: he’s a f**king coward!!
KiSS: no, he’s leading him into a trap, I know it!!

As X searches for a way out, The
Kairopractor rushes in to the ring
and blocks him between her and Brick. As Brick
approaches X, he goes for a power bomb but X counters
into The Joy Of X.
As he taunts the Brick, The Kairopractor seakes up
behind him and with one smooth motion, diss-aligns X’s
spine. X falls to the floor in a clump. Kairopractor
picks up his body and tosses it out of the ring. color=cyan>
**X - The Unknown eliminated**
Kairopractor mounts the downed Brick and puts him in
the Spinal Tap. Max Package color=white> enters to a huge ovation from the ladies.
As he steps into the ring, Kairopractor goes to attack
him but she is distrackted by his rather large
package. While she’s distracted, Max grabs her arm in
a hammer lock and lands a hammer lock suplex from
behind. As the all others try to lift the Brick over
the ropes Max watches on. Eventually, the rope gives
way and The Brick falls out. **The
Brick eliminated**. The
Kairopractor gets to her knees and manages to hit a
low blow on Max, and with a package like that, you
KNOW it’s gonna hurt. Max rolls around in agony while, Invitro strides to the ring. He climbs in and laughs at the downed Max, but Harrisson form behind, lands a dropkick, he picks up Invitro again and irish whips him to the ropes and clotheslines him on the way back. Scary Clown Child is irish whiped to the corner by Shellsiut Boy, who then lands a couple of hard back elbow jabs. He climbs the turnbuckle for a super hurricanrana, but telegraphs it allowing Clown to push him over to the outside. **Shelsuit Boy eliminated**. Static Stan is next to enter, and as he enters the ring, Max Package and Cap Brown go for the double team. Unfortunatley, Stan is sporting his extra woolly jumper o' Doom, giving him the extra static charge he needs to keep the others away. On the other side, Harrisson has sliped un-noticed out of the ring and picked up his 2 by 4. He climbs back into the ring, then uses it to clothesline Clown, Invitro and Kairopractor. Lulu the Zulu enters to the tribal beats of somthing or other, but Harrisson cracks the 2 by 4 direclty down on to Lulu's head who is then knocked out cold.
Invitro goes for an attack but Harrisson is ready and grabs him by the throat and delivers a chokeslam to the out side. **Invitro eliminated**. Static Stan continues to out put mild electricity Max, realising he's wearing his boots with rubber soles, attacks with a spear take down. As all his hair gradually begins to stand on end, he climbs the turnbuckle and lands a Banzai Drop to Stan.
No one notices as The S.T.E.V.E enters without warning, creeping up behind Captain Brown and locking in The S.T.E.V.E-mission. Bronw counters by flipping Steve over his head and then locking in a Sharp-shooter. As 10 Bellies enters to Tubthumping by Chumbawumbawumbawumba, Kairopractor, Clown and Lulu are all being beaten by Harrisson.
V.J: That Harrisson looks to go all the way.
Topaz: no sh*t.
10 Bellies belly buts Harrisson to the ground then goes for a big splash, Harrisson moves however, screeming "Oh God no!!" The Logo enters next, followed by The Poet. Max is bested by Stan, who goes after Logo, he whips him to the ropes, but Logo counters sending Stan over. **Static Stan eliminated** . Max, is nearly attacked by the poet, but she too, stops distracted by his Package. She walks up to him alluringly, and in a surprise twist, low blows him.
KiSS: dear sweet Jesus, not again!!
This time, Poet and Kairopractor both eject Max out of the ring. **Max Package eliminated** Lulu is now up and jabbing the hell out of Harrisson with a staff. Clown runs at Brown but bangs into Steve, not realising he was there. Mongo enters to the theme of Radio Ga Ga by Queen. He leaps into the ring and begins mauling The Steve. Brown leg drops Clown Child right in the face and Clown's make up begins to run. Soon, every one has stopped and are gazeing into the center of the ring, where Kairopractor and Poet are having a b*tch fight. They all cheer like mad as piece after piece of clothing rips. Then, Cobalt Cutter by Wake plays, (just a suggestion Dave) and The Cobalt Kid enters. He jumps into the ring and powers up, he notices the two females and cries...
Cobalt Kid: No!! Naughty lady!! He continues to power up
Cobalt Kid: Cobalt Beam!! and with that, he lets loose and amazing beam of pure cobalt energy, which send the two ladies flying out of the ring and into some lucky fan's lap. **The Kairopractor**, **The Poet** eliminated Cobalt grabs Clown and knees him in the ribs. He follows up with a whip to the corner, but Clown doesn't notice Chair and collides with him, causing him to fall out of the ring. **Scary Clown Child eliminated**
Topaz: Oh My god Chair just eliminated Clown Child with ease!!
Kobra girl slithers her way down to the ring. she comes up behind Steve and lands an inverted hurricanrana. Mongo then bounces on what's left of him. Harrisson goes up top and wows the crowd as he hits his technically acurate Flying Harrisson attack on Lulu. he picks up Lulu and prepares to throw him over, when Captain Brown stops him and throws Lulu over himself. The immeadietly go at it like wild. and as action continues, Castle Gate Face enters. He goes straight for the corner and repeatedly hits 10 bellies and Steve with his lacrosse stick. Cobalt Kid takes on Mongo. Kid unleashes blast after blast of cobalt power, but Mongo's speed is to much for him. Mongo bounces off the ropes and hits a Thez Press on Kid. Kid kicks him off and with all his might, unleashes the dreaded Cobalt Cutter. It flies towards Mongo and though he ducked it, it continues to home in on him. Nocturno, as tired as ever lumbers to the ring with his trusty alarm clock he climbs in and goes to sleep in the corner. Gate Face is body slammed by 10 bellies while Kobra Girl gets the Python Grip locked in on Steve. As the Cobalt Cutter chases Mongo around, Epeleptic Fridge Boy draws to the ring, with great difficulty, he enters the ring but is knocked down by Gate Face. Harrisson Piledrivers Brown, while Steve is Powerbombed on top of Kobra Girl by 10 bellies. Fridge gets to his feet, but as Gate Face prepares to attack him, he has a fit and falls to the ground. While Gate Face looks upon him, Mongo ruches to him, ducking under his legs. Before he can act, the Cobalt Cutter collides with him, slicing him clean in half. Kobra girl and Mongo throw the pieces to the out side as EMTs rush to his aid, Staple gun at the ready. **Castle Gate Face eliminated**. Super Beast by Rob Zombie hits and who should enter but The Superbeast himself.
Followed by Lobster Boy and Ninja Cow Ninja Cow heads straight for Captain Brown but is interupted by the Logo. With one swift kick, Ninja Cow sends Logo over the top rope. **The Logo eliminated**. Lobster Boy and Steve go at it, while Beast takes on Mongo. Steve swings Lobster around by the claw and realeases him but as he flies to the out side, he stops before the ground.
Topaz: looks like Steve forgot Lobster Boy cloud Fly.
KiSS: idiot
The action heats up, with Mongo and Beast mauling each other sensless. Kid blasts Kobra Girl into 10 Bellies and she sinks into his flab. She screems so Kid in an attempt to put her out of her missery, lands a huge blast sending 10 Bellises out of the ring, he hits the floor and Kobra Girl pops out of his flab. She stands on top of him and tries to jum back to the ring, as her feet haven't touched the floor, but she lands short and is eliminated. **Kobra Girl** **10 Bellies** eliminated In huge explosion, Combusto enters. he stands in the ring and ignites his fuse. all the others step back but with no where to go, he explodes, blowing Fridge Boy to piceces. As the others continue fighting, Lobster Boy hits a high flying chokeslam on Steve. Ninja Cow, Cap Brown and Harrisson battle each other and Kid blasts Mongo and Beast. Speedo the Peedo enters to mass booing. As he enters the ring, Combusto prepares to explode again, but the quick thinking Lobster picks him up and flies to the arena roof. He throws Combusto as far as he can and Combusto explodes somwhere near the ceiling and lands somwhere outside the arena. **Combusto eliminated** Steve comes up behind Lobster and puts the S.T.E.V.E-mission on him. Mongo hits the Mong-plex on beast and then throws him over the top.
**The Superbeast eliminated** as Beast exits, The glockenshpiel music plays and Helmuy Von Grolch enters. He points straight to his pockets, the crowd cheer. They know what comes next. Grolch pulls out the Girly sox o' Doom. He puts one on each wrist and then lands a double mandinble claw on Speedo, which he then turns in to a sit-down mandible claw bomb. Cobalt Kid eliminates Ninja Cow with a flapjack to the outside but not before grabbing some milk. mmmmmm refreshing. **Ninja cow eliminated**. Speedo turns his atention to Kid while Grolch watches Thong Man strut down the ring to Sisquo's thong song. Speedo fires his Forbidden Torpeedo of Love and Kid fails to react. The blast knocks him out then he's thrown out by Mongo. **The Cobalt Kid eliminated**. Lobster Boy is pounded by Thong Man while Grolch throws the remaing bits of fridge boy over the top and then takes on Steve. **Epeleptic Fridge Boy eliminated**.
The remaining members of BUFF inc, Hard Edge, Buff Brandon and Rammy Mc Stynner (Ramrod) rush to the ring and help Thong man to beat Lobster Boy. Brandon and Edge land a flapjack and neckbreaker combo. Mongo comes to lobster boy's aid by biting Ramrod's head. The others laugh as Ramrod rolls around screaming 'Get this little b@stard off me!! Mongo hits the Mong-ton bomb on Ramrod and Thong Man assits his pal by kicking Mongo in the face.
Queue enters and multiplies himself and one by one, he takes on Grolch who just eliminated Steve with a German suplex to the outside **The S.T.E.V.E eliminated**.
One by one all of queues doubles are beaten by Grolch's superior knowledege of German wrestling. Lobster Boy locks his pincers on Brandon and Edge. Multi Bendo is next to enter and he makes his presence felt by booting Mongo into Thong Man's face. Ramrod goes for a full nelson lock but Bendo bends out of it with ease.

V.J: wow!! subissions don't work on him!!
KiSS: Must be a nightmare when he's havin' sex ohohohohohoh!!!
The arena goes dark and Time To Die flashes on the screen. The Death Clock enters and awrkwardly gets into the ring. As he struggles to pull off any wrestilng move, Mongo bumps into him and knocks the 'e' off of time on his costume.
Death Clock: You little pr*ck!
But then, a huge bellowing voice shouts,
Yes, it's Robot House and thanx to his size, with one stomp, he knocks most of the participants over the top. **Mongo**, **Ramrod**, **Speedo the Peedo**, **Queue** and **Thong Man** eliminated. Nocturno's alarm goes off and the clock reads 10 pm, he gets up ready to fight but needs to use the mens room, so he walks in to Robot House and uses the toilet. This provides the distraction needed for evryone to ram Robot House's leg. Robot falls to the out side and Nocturno, fresh from the toilet, walks out of him to realise he's not in the ring any more
Nocturno: Ahh crap. **Robot House**, **Nocturno** eliminated.
The others beat down on each other again as Flame Fist enters and burns Edge's leg. Brandon takes on Grolch but becomes a victim of the Girly sox. Brown powerbombs Harrisson continuosly and the crowd count along. Postman Ghostman enters but due to his ghostly nature, he can't actually touch any one. He floats off feeling low. **Postman Ghostman eliminated**. Deadly Ainsly is next in, he goes for Brown like a Gay-man possesed delivering a bull-dog from behind. Lobster Boy attacks Death Clock with a heavy claw shot to his head. The Steel Bulb enters now and head butts Harrisson who sits in the corner. Ainsly spies the opportunity and hits a bronko buster on him. Brown Raises up and super-kicks The Bulb who falls due to the weight of his bulb. Shocking is displayed on the helltron, and Electricuto runs in. He grabs hold of the Bulb and lights that sucka up like a christmas tree. As Ainsly begins to get cocky, Cap Brown hits the Brown Ground on him he then stomps constantly on his head. Hippo Dave joins the action and with Brandon's help, throws Bulb out. As bulb hits the ground, he leaves a huge dent in the floor. EMTs arrive to try and take him away but that bulb of his is too damn heavy so they don't bother. Mint Man in next, bringing a minty fresh breeze with him. He goes for lobster, getting minty on his a$$. Harrisson delivers a gorrila press slam to Ainsly who is then leg droped by Brown. Harrisson delivers the mother of all wedgies to Ainsly then turns it into a suplex to the outside. **Deadly Ainsly eliminated**. The Pulse is in next but then he's not as Grolch just throws him staight back out again. Grolch now tries to execute the Girly sox on Dave but can't because of his hippo mask, so instead, he lands a DDT. Hard Edge runs as Lobster Boy, so to stop Edge charing, Lobster takes away his crdit card and throw him over the top. **Hard Edge eliminated** Lobster tires the same thing on Brandon, but he only carries cash. Damn him. Brandon hits his Buff man slam and as he tries to force Lobster over the rope, Grolch enters at the last minute and performs a clothes line knocking them both over. **Lobster Boy** and **Buff Brandon** eliminated. Slicey Dicey enters and proceeds to try and cut up Multi Benado, who dodges with his bendy limbs. Death Clock comes up behind Slicey and tries to execute a reverse suplex but is impaled on Slicey's spikes. As Slicey laughs, Death Clock gets the bright idea of using Hippo Dave to hit Slicey with. With one almighty swing, Slicey flies clear of the ropes and into the crowd, stabbing about 14 fans to death. The holey carcass of Dave is brushed aside over the ropes. **Slicey Dicey**, **Hippo Dave** eliminated Electircuto shocks Grolch who thanx to being German can withsatnd it and puts the Grily sox on him. Cup o' Soup Man rushes to the ring followed by very angry Paste-E and Tip-X. they seem to be shouting "Put soup in OUR f**king samdwiches will you?" They all climb in to the ring but are mobbed by the others. Cueball, the last one enters. He goes straigh for Flame Fist and head butts him. He then delivers the Cueball Screweball and eliminates him with ease. **Flame Fist eliminated**
Topaz:with Cueball being this fresh, ya gotta belive he's the faveorite.
Multi Bendo and Cueball double team Death Clock and throw him out, then Cueball turns on Bendo and eliminates him. **Death Clock and Multi Bendo eliminated**
V.J: Cueball's cleaning house!
Cueball then does his finisher on Mint man and he's gone. **Mint Man eliminated** He stops and stares at the chair and takes him on
KiSS: The guy's nuts.
he wrestles franticly with the chair as the others fight around him.
Paste-E and Tip-X are trying to push Cup o' Soup man out but at the last minute, he shoves two packets of soup in their mouths. As they stumbel about coughing, he whips them both over the top. **Paste-E and Tip-X eliminated**
Cap Brown has Harrisson in an arm lock, but he counters and whips him accross the ring, Brown hits Cueball who hits Chair who hits Cup o' soup man over the top. **Cup o' Soup Man eliminated** Grolch eliminates Elecricuto and then tussles with Brown. But wait!! It's singin sensation Cat Stevens!! He rushes to the ring and as the rest fight he leaps in and throws a banana skin on the floor, then leaves the way he came. Harrisson and Cueball run at the other three and perform a double clothes line against the ropes but they slip on the Banana skin and every body falls over the top! **Captain Brown** **The Chair**, **Hardkore Harrisson** **Cueball** and **Helmut Von Grolch** eliminated.
Topaz: but wait, who's the winner? who's the new leader?
V.J: yeah! Did Chair retain his title or what?
KiSS: who cares? I'm off to clean my apartment.
Topaz: I think the official is about to make a ruling.

2 hours Later......

V.J: well that clears that up. Ses you next time fans!!
Topaz: Adios!

Once again WAKW take the stage with Sundance singing. They begin playin once more as the scen fades out.

( Mayovision appologises to any one who feels they wasted their lives reading this because it wasn't funny. Not that I give a flying sh*t )

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