::Biography of SMH::

Stephanie Marie McMahon. She is the powerful daughter of millionaire, Vince McMahon, who owns the foundation for the top shows on cable TV -- The World Wrestling Federation. Stephanie acts as a true heel -- a "bitch" if you will -- and she plays the on-screen wife of the WWF's Wrestler-of-the-Year 2000 and on-screen owner of ECW. She plays a woman who would give anything just to get things her way as the top female in the WWF. Find out every little detail about her onscreen character below or go to the bottom of the page to find out what Steph is like when the cameras aren't rolling.


Spring 1999
Stone Cold Steve Austin was really picking a fight with Vince and Shane McMahon, and they didn't like it at all. So, they came up with a plan -- make Stone Cold Steve Austin feel sympathy for them...

March 29th, 1999 was the night Stephanie debuted on TV to stay. Stephanie was a naive and defenseless young girl, and Vince knew it. Vince secretly hired the Undertaker to kidnap Stephanie and lock her up in a basement. He hired people to go to Stephanie's bedroom and turn it into a wreck. Stephanie was crying and scared, and her only comfort was in her dad's arms, safe from everything else. Vince gave all his attention to Stephanie, setting up Shane to "turn on his dad" for caring only about Stephanie, and not the corporation. Shane McMahon and the Undertaker then formed the Corporate Ministry, and guess who their enemy was?

All Stone Cold could do was watch the Corporate Ministry attack "defenseless Vince, who only wanted to protect his daughter." Stephanie knew nothing about her father being behind all this, and was kidnapped by the Undertaker one final time. Stephanie was sacrificed to the Undertaker in a dark wedding, where she was strapped to a symbol and carried down to the ring to marry the Undertaker. Stephanie was in protest the whole way down to the ring and she was screaming for her father. But, her father never came. And soon enough, before the two were married, Stone Cold Steve Austin came to the ring to stop the ceremony. He was the only person who could get past all of the Undertaker's crew and he saved Stephanie. Vince McMahon must have been smiling, because his plan had worked. He had earned Stone Cold's trust and sympathy. But it seemed like he didn't even care that he emotionally damaged his daughter in the process. He was willing to give up poor Stephanie simply so he could get his way and screw over Stone Cold Steve Austin.

It was finally announced by Mr. McMahon that it was HIM behind the mask, HIM who made plans for Stephanie to be married, HIM who had Stephanie locked in a basement. Stephanie was told that his actions were for business reasons and not at all personal, but she knew that Vince had made business personal. Stephanie was swept with feelings of betrayal after Vince told the world it was him acting as the "Greater Power."

However, Stone Cold Steve Austin eventually found out about it before Vince told everyone. He immediately told the unaware Linda McMahon and Stephanie McMahon about Vince and Shane. The women of the McMahons knew something had to be done, and they turned the tables on Vince by giving Mr. Austin 25% of the WWF Corporation and by making him Chief Executive Officer of the WWF! That summer however, Vince and Shane won the company back, and it seemed all was forgiven. But knowing the McMahons, they dont stay a happy family for long.


Summer/Fall 1999
Stephanie McMahon and lower-class wrestler, Test (Andrew Martin), were seen together on numerous occasions, but they told everyone they were simply good friends. Test eventually got down on one knee, and asked Stephanie out to dinner. Stephanie, grinning from ear-to-ear, happily said yes. Two were seen together more and more. Shane McMahon didn't like this at all, because he still cared about Stephanie and thought his baby sister deserved better. Shane and his co-horts, the Mean Street Posse, took every chance they had to demolish Test, but Stephanie and Andrew's love for one-another surpassed it all.

In one final test, Andrew and Shane fought at SummerSlam 1999 in a "Love Her or Leave Her" match, with Greenwich Street Fight rules. Test gave his all in one of the best matches of his career, winning over Shane. Stephanie and Test embraced in the ring afterwards and Shane realized how much they really cared for each other. He decided he was okay with Test and Shane, Stephanie, and Andrew could finally get along as they should.

When all was resolved, Test surprised the world, asking Stephanie to marry him! Stephanie accepted, and all of the McMahons were extremely happy, but it seemed Vince had other business to take care of -- he made sure that Triple H lost his WWF Championship gold, and was involved with many other problems. Stephanie and Test kind of ignored it. Until their relationship would soon have to overcome another challenge.

The British Bulldog accidentally hit Stephanie with a trashcan and Stephanie was diagnosed with a concussion and minor amnesia. She lost all the feelings she had for her fianceé and it looked like their marriage had to be held back. Test was demolished. But Stephanie eventually recovered and told Test that he had been nothing but supportive and patient while she was in the hospital. She then shocked everyone, and breaking free from tradition, asked him to marry her! Test, of course, accepted and the couple was set to be married on an edition of RAW is Love, November 29th, 1999. Stephanie had her bachelorette party on the 28th, and a mysterious bartender offered her one last shot of "wine." Stephanie reluctantly took it, and she was just hours away from becoming Stephanie Marie McMahon-Martin.


Fall/Winter 1999
The wedding was beautiful. Red roses everywhere, bridesmaids in red gowns, and best men in black tuxedos. Everyone looked their best, especially Stephanie. She came out with her arm in Vince's, wearing a long white gown, and the bride and groom couldn't wipe the smile off their face.

Just as the two were about to say, "I do," Triple H interrupted the ceremony. He showed a video clip that was very puzzling at first. It showed Triple H driving a convertable with some unknown guy filming him. Hunter was driving around Las Vegas and pulled up to "A Little White Chapel", a place in Las Vegas that offered $40 Drive-In Weddings. Helmsley pulled up to the drive in and rode through it. But why?

When the lady on the movie asked Triple H who he was marrying, the unknown camera man zoomed in on Stephanie -- unconcious and drugged out from that one last drink she had that night! The world gasped at what they saw and everyone in the Staples Center was speechless. Triple H said "I do," and faked Stephanie's voice, again saying "I do." He and an unaware Stephanie drove off, a now married couple. When Stephanie found out what happened, she was in tears, telling Test she didn't know what happened, and kept apologizing to him. She told Triple H, in tears, that she hated him, but he walked away with a smile on his face, and Test followed him, prepared to beat him up.

But why would Triple H marry Stephanie? For a simple reason. "You steal my title...I steal your daughter." Triple H married Stephanie to get back at Vince McMahon for robbing him of his title at Survivor Series, before the wedding. Triple H had made business PERSONAL.

The following few days were tough for Stephanie. For the first time after the wedding, Test and Steph saw each other. Test was really confused, and he walked out on Stephanie. I guess you could say that they officially broke up...

She later came to the ring on SmackDown and apologized to everyone. But she had a message for Triple H. She said, "...But as far as Triple H is concerned, I will never forgive him for wrecking my life! You used me as a tool, Triple H. You wanted...you wanted to to hurt my father. And guess what? It worked...he's CRUSHED. So, I have one piece of advice for you, Triple H. What goes around, comes around." Then she called her father Vince and brother Shane to the ring. She told them, "Dad, Shane, I've asked you to come to the ring because I know what your intentions are, and it's not what I want. Dad, you and by big brother have coddled me and protected me all my life, but it's time for me to stand on my own. I got myself into this, and I'll get myself out. I want you to promise me! You both need to promise me that you will let me handle this MY WAY!" Steph eventually made a reluctant Vince and Shane promise that they would let her handle this her way.

The next week on RAW, Triple H came down to the ring. He joked about how much he "loved" Stephanie and how he couldn't sign her annullment papers to annul the wedding. Stephanie hated Triple H's guts and the two eventually reached an agreement that if Vince McMahon could beat Hunter at Armageddon, Hunter would sign the papers. But, if Vince lost, Hunter would stay married to Stephanie and get a title shot.

Stephanie seemed like she had nothing but faith in her father and believed he could win the match.


Winter 1999
"A Woman never forgets..."
"...and a McMahon never forgives!"
-- King + JR
Finally, it was December 12th, 1999. Armageddon was being held in South Florida's own National Car Rental Center. As the match went underway, Vince and Triple H battled it out furiously in and out of the ring. Stephanie sat at ringside and looked on in great anticipation. Stephanie was cheering for Vince the whole way through. After numerous throws and punches, Vince had Triple H cornered. As he raised a sledgehammer high above his head, Stephanie came into the ring and asked her father if she could be the one to pound Triple H with the hammer. Vince agreed and gave it to her. She raised the sledgehammer high, and seeing HHH s scared face, she then hesitated. She turned to her father and apologized. She couldn't do it. Triple H quickly rose to his feet, pushed Stephanie out of the way and knocked Vince unconscious, thus pinning him for the win. Stephanie went to her father's side to help and praise him. Triple H then raised the sledgehammer to Stephanie's head as if to hit her with it, behind her back. She turned around and looked stunned. She slowly rose to her feet as Triple H backed away and dropped the hammer. Then the unthinkable happened. Stephanie's frown, and stunned face melted into a smile. She and Triple H embraced. The married couple then left the arena hand in hand.

Why would Stephanie do this? The next night, in Tampa, Vince McMahon asked for Triple H's presence in the ring. But instead, Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley came out. She was smirking, in leather pants, with more make up, and new curly hair. She had a new aura surrounding her. Stephanie teased her father, who wanted to ring his hands about Triple H. She smiled, saying the only way he would get to Triple H was by destroying her. The fearless and strong Stephanie reminded Vince about her past. She told Vince it was her way now. Not her father's way, as it was for the past year. She reminded Vince of the time when he abducted Stephanie. When he had her locked in a rat-infested basement, scared to death. When he had someone rifle through all of her personal and private things. When he had her sacrificed to the Undertaker, simply so he could screw over Stone Cold. Stephanie told Vince that she's not daddy's little girl anymore. She has been waiting for revenge on Vince ever since he revealed himself as the "greater power." Stephanie told Vince that she married Triple H so that she and Hunter could get revenge on her father. All Steph wanted was revenge.

And that's exactly what she got.

Stephanie and Triple H kissed in front of Vince and the Helmsleys were at the top. Vince and Shane left the WWF in embarassment and the Helmsleys took over.


Winter 2000
...mesozoic era, paleozoic era, cenozoic era, mcmahon-helmsley era...
Triple H and Stephanie were running things now, and it was officially the McMahon-Helmsley Era. They fooled with wrestler's heads, by making Tori fight X-Pac, and beating up Test on several occasions (because he dumped Steph). They made Mae Young and Moohlah fight the Acolytes and the Dudleys, and they made the Mean Street Posse fight the Acolytes on several occasions! They made Mick Foley fight his good friend, Santa Claus in a broiler room brawl! Stephanie even messed with Hunter's head for fun, and you could tell Stephanie was the WWF's head honcho.

Then, Triple H and his friends defeated the Big Show and Triple H was the new WWF Champion! Mick Foley decided to take a stand against this, but the Helmsleys and their D-Generation-X members quickly put Foley in his place. Foley challenged Triple H to hell-in-a-cell at the WWF's February Pay-Per-View, No Way Out. This match was brutal, and Stephanie was showing some major concern for her husband. In the end, Triple H won, and Mick Foley had to end his career! He left the WWF, for then, anyway. No one had even gotten close to ending this era. Or at least no one who you would suspect...


Spring 2000
Shane McMahon returned, and he couldn't stand any of this madness. Shane told Stephanie that she had to stop, and that she was acting like a cheap slut! Stephanie gave Shane one of her best slaps ever, and it was known as the slap heard around the world! Steph and Shane knew that they each had the same amount as power as one another and they hated it. They fought like children over who was top in the company. Daddy came back and stopped their fighting, but he still was against his two kids. Linda McMahon returned also, but Stephanie didn't need anyone telling her what to do. She told Linda McMahon that Stephanie was the ONLY dominant female in the McMahon family and slapped her down. A week later, Stephanie won the Women's title from Jacqueline and was the new Women's champ going into WrestleMania.

Then, a match was made for WrestleMania 2000. It would be a fatal-four-way ellimination match, with a McMahon in every corner! It would be Triple H (w/ Steph) vs Big Show (w/ Shane) vs The Rock (w/ Vince) vs Mick Foley (w/ Linda), and all of them would be fighting for Triple H's title. Hunter walked out of WrestleMania victorious, but in the end the 3 McMahons realized that they were family and didn't need to be fighting. The Rock couldn't take it anymore and gave Stephanie, after she slapped him, a rock-bottom AND a people's elbow!

Shane and Vince (along with Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco) + Steph and Triple H (along with DX) all were good friends now, and a match was made for Backlash '00, putting the Rock against Triple H with Vince and Steph in his corner. Week after week, Vince, Shane, Brisco, Patterson, Steph, Hunter, Roaddogg, X-Pac, and Tori -- then known as the McMahon-Helmsley Regime, took every shot they could against the Rock, prior to his match at Backlash.

Linda returned shortly after and told the world that she thought the Rock was outnumbered. She decided to place Stone Cold Steve Austin in his corner for Backlash, and the PPV was set. Steph attempted to Slap Linda again for doing that, but Linda, out of habit, reversed the slap, and struck Stephanie to the ground. Triple H went to pedigree Linda, but Shane stopped her, and then, Vince, Shane, and Hunter got into an argument, and Steph slapped all three of them!!

Backlash finally was among us, and Linda came out to the main event match. Steph tried to stop Linda but Linda pushed Stephanie to the ground at the PPV. Stone Cold helped the Rock win and there was a new WWF Champion!

Months later, it was time for King of the Ring, and Triple H would enter as the champion. Vince, Shane, and Hunter would fight the Undertaker, Kane, and the Rock, and whoever on the Rock's team pinned a member of HHH's team would win the title. But if a member of HHH's team pinned a member of the Rock's team, Hunter would still be champ. Unfortunately, the Rock pinned Vince McMahon, and the night after, the McMahon-Helmsley faction broke up.


Summer 2001
Stephanie and Triple H just went along with their jobs, Hunter wrestling his opponents, and Stephanie being ringside to support him. Everything was going peachy.

But then, Triple H and Trish were seen by Stephanie in what were innocent, but not innocent-looking, positions. And during Steph's absence, Triple H even hugged his former girlfriend, Chyna. Stephanie was irate! But that wasn't the only thing tugging at a divorce. Stephanie was kissed by Chris Jericho and seemed to be too much of friends with Kurt Angle. What happened?

Well, Stephanie started doing favors for Kurt Angle. She gave him matches against who ever he wanted, and the two, if ever together, seemed to always be flirting with each other. Kurt often complimented Stephanie, once even saying no one in Long Island has as much class as the Princess herself. Linda McMahon then returned and made Stephanie fight Lita. Lita looked to have the win, and Steph's title, until Kurt decided to be a good friend and help Steph out. He gave Lita the Olympic Slam, and Steph won. However, they got caught up in the celebration and hugged each other THREE times! Triple H was watching from backstage, and he had nothing but hatred for Kurt, who was hugging his wife.

Steph + Kurt kept running into each other, RAW after RAW, SmackDown after Smackdown. Steph kept helping Kurt win his matches (if it wasn't for Steph, Kurt might not have been King of the Ring 2000!) and the two kept flirting and complimenting one another. Triple H took notice of this, and after a short amount of time, Triple H was at Kurt Angle's throat. Triple H didn't like how Kurt was becoming such good friends with his wife, and Kurt didn't like how HHH was denying the fact that they were "just friends." However, matters got worse, and Stephanie and Kurt were seen hugging each other, and giving kisses on the cheek, and it was too much for Triple H to take. Triple H and Kurt's feud left its roots. They forgot about why they were fighting, all they knew was that they hated each other.

Steph often tried to break up their fights, but it only resulted in Stephanie accidentally getting hurt by one of the two men because they didn't want anything getting in between their feud. Their feud even caused Stephanie to lose her women's championship! Then, on the SmackDown before SummerSlam, Stephanie was half-concious because Kurt accidentally hit her. Kurt tried to apologize, and tell her how he was sorry and everything, and then he completely took advantage of Stephanie by giving her an 11-second kiss on the lips and hugging her. Stephanie was shocked and all Kurt could do was smile about it!

Then, there were many rumors circulating that Stephanie was having a sort of affair with Kurt Angle over the SummerSlam weekend, but Stephanie denied it, saying that she was bedside by her brother Shane in the hospital. Shane, after falling 50 feet onto the ground, said no one was in the hospital with him, though. Stephanie covered it up by saying that he was unconcious, and he couldn't have remembered if there were people with him or not. To this day, we still haven't found out the truth about SummerSlam weekend.

As September 2000 went by, it looked like Stephanie and Kurt's friendship was fading away. Steph didn't like how Kurt was accusing her husband the way he was. But then, Triple H pulled an outrageous stunt against Kurt. Triple H showed video clips of Angle in the olympics. Kurt was crying and was caught in certain positions with other male wrestlers. In short, Triple H was inferring that Kurt was gay! Stephanie was laughing with her husband, and Kurt was humiliated. The two then were to fight each other at the WWF's September PPV, Unforgiven. Triple H told Stephanie that she had to make a choice. Him or Kurt Angle. Stephanie didn't know what to do, so she lowblowed Angle and Triple H got the win. It seemed Stephanie had made up her mind and decided that Husbands are better than Friends...Or maybe she was still pondering.


Fall 2000
A few days later, Stephanie helped Kurt win over HHH on SmackDown! Stephanie eventually made Hunter upset by losing his #1 Contendership. Triple H decided that Stephanie was nothing more than a target at ringside, and it would be better if she just stayed in the dressing room and watched the match from her TV. Stephanie was really upset.

Then, Kurt Angle came up to Steph. He thought Steph was vital at ringside and asked her to permanently accompany him to the ring. Stephanie thought about it and told HHH what Kurt said. Triple H seemed like he didn't care, because he knew Steph would say no. But, Steph turned things around on her husband, and she decided to be Kurt's new business manager! With Steph at ringside, Kurt quickly rose to the top, capturing even the WWF CHAMPIONSHIP with Steph's help. Hunter seemed to respect his wife's decision, but he still hated Kurt. Stephanie supported her "face" husband and her "heel" business partner for a few weeks, until she caught some sort of flu and was off TV for some weeks. During these weeks, after we found out Rikishi was the one who hit Stone Cold, fans were wondering who Rikishi's accomplice was. He couldn't have done the whole thing alone -- he needed a mastermind behind his plan. But who? Also during Steph's absence, there were numerous attacks on Stone Cold & The Rock by Rikishi's accomplice, but we still had no clue as to who it was.


Winter 2000
Steph came back with a BANG on RAW and told off Stone Cold for threatening to hurt Vince and Kurt. Her father however, thought Steph was in a dangerous position after mouthing off Stone Cold, so he took her home. With Steph gone, Triple H must've seen an opportunity, as he revealed to the world that The Game was with Rikishi the whole time. Triple H & Rikishi battled Stone Cold & The Rock on numerous occasions, including Survivor Series 2K. Triple H fought Stone Cold in a no-holes barred matchup. The end result was Stone Cold using a forklift to capture HHH in a car. Stone Cold lifted Triple H 30 feet in the air, and dropped the car with Hunter in it that 30 feet. The car flipped in mid-air, and Hunter wasn't seen until the following weeks. Stephanie made a quicker return, and she came back the night after the horrible tragedy. Austin, however, reduced her to tears, after almost killing her husband, and the problem had gotten so personal that Stephanie promised Austin that Triple H would bring him where he belongs -- the depths of hell. Armageddon came around the corner and Triple H and Austin, as well as four other superstars fought in Hell in the Cell. Austin kept Hunter out of business for a few weeks after Armageddon, but when Kurt Angle retained his title that night, it seemed Austin had a new target.

But just as Austin left the Helmsleys alone and it seemed everything would go back to normal, matters got worse. Vince McMahon demanded a divorce to Linda McMahon's face. Linda was eventually hospitalized and diagnosed with mental incompetence! Stephanie was against her father, 100%, until a week or two later. Stephanie called her father a "Mean, old bastard" but later that night, gave him the job of Federation CEO! Daddy's Little Girl was back, and the first thing Daddy & Daughter did with their new power was fire the commissioner, Foley. Vince was satisfied, so he left the Federation cameras for a few weeks.


Winter 2000/2001
"...Dad? Who was that on the other line?..."
But during Vince's absence around Christmas time, Vince called Stephanie. He was at a Greenwich Soup Kitchen. Then the voice of some young happy girl came on the phone. That girl had the voice of Trish Stratus. Steph KNEW something was up. Austin saw Stephanie's concern and he knew she was weak, so he humiliated her and tormented her until Triple H returned. Triple H kicked Austin's butt for getting near Stephanie, and this gave Stephanie time to focus on her main concern -- Vince and Trish.

Trish & Vince were getting caught in multiple scenarios, getting worse by the show (Yes that does sound familiar, doesn't it?). Stephanie could see this, and she confronted Trish about it on more occasions than once. Finally the two divas couldn't take each other, so they ended up catfighting several times! To get on Steph's nerves, Trish decided to be Kurt's NEW business partner (filling in for Steph, who was supporting her husband). Stephanie was loyal to her husband, and the two couples feuded with each other. This lead up to the Royal Rumble, where HHH fought Kurt for the title. Steph was in Hunter's corner, and Trish in Kurt's. Trish tried to help Kurt get out of a hold, when Steph stopped her. The two exchanged slaps and ended up catfighting on top of the announcer's table! Vince broke up their fight, but Steph went straight for Trish AGAIN! Vince took both women backstage, and Kurt ended up retaining the title.

But this wasn't the end! The following night on RAW, Stephanie and her husband faced Trish and Kurt! Of course, Stephanie came out victorious. But still Vince & Trish seemed to be continuing their "friendship". Stephanie tried to find the truth about their relationship, but Vince & Trish continued their "We're JUST FRIENDS" thing. During this time, William Regal started to be Trish's "boyfriend", in what was a gag so Steph would think Vince was clean.

Steph was determined to get the facts. She hated Trish for getting near Mr. McMahon, and Steph knew that if Trish ever did get close enough to Vince, she could replace Stephanie as the WWF's leading lady. Stephanie wasn't about to let that happen! She took every shot she could get at Ms. Stratus and William Regal and Vince McMahon decided the two should fight at No Way Out.

Both women gave it their all, and due to a 'misunderstanding', Regal helped Stephanie pick up the win over Trish in an amazing match!

Vince was "furious" at Regal for helping Stephanie win, so he made a match putting Regal and Steph vs Vince and Trish on RAW! The match, however, was all a setup. In the end, it looked like Regal, Vince, and Trish all had Stephanie cornered, three against one! But then Vince McMahon turned his back on Steph and threw Trish into the ring! Stephanie and Regal beat Trish up and dumped sewage all over Trish!! Stephanie submerged Trish's head into the sewage and Trish was crying for help. Mr. McMahon laughed at Trish and told her that she was nothing but "Daddy's Little Toy!" The real daddy's little girl is Stephanie, and thats the way it will always be!

The next week on RAW, Trish apologized to Mr. McMahon and realized her place as a "toy". She still got to walk with Mr. McMahon, arm in arm, but she wasn't getting anywhere near replacing Stephanie.


Spring 2001
Shane McMahon didn't like Vince's ways and came back to stop it. He also came back to announce that Shane McMahon was the NEW owner of WCW!! This infuriated Vince. The two McMahons had a feud carrying on into WrestleMania where they had a streetfight, and Linda McMahon was pushed -- in a wheel chair -- by Trish Stratus down to the ring to watch. Stephanie was on Vince's side and she took advantage of Trish on numerous occasions, since Trish had 'accepted her place.' So, WrestleMania was upon us...but a shocking thing happened! Trish slapped Mr. McMahon, and Trish chased Stephanie up the ramp, but then Linda rose from her wheelchair and helped Shane win the match!!! Linda and Trish revealed that Linda was cured before WrestleMania, but continued to act sick, and Trish was with her the whole time! Linda then demanded a divorce! Vince McMahon, however, pulled off the divorce since he had other things to take care of.

See, also at WrestleMania, Mr. McMahon sided with his worst enemy -- Stone Cold Steve Austin! Why? So Austin could get the gold -- which he did. Stephanie, Vince, Stone Cold, and Triple H were on a powertrip in the WWF, even taking out The Rock. But when Triple H got a career-threatening injury while trying to help Austin, Austin started blaming Triple H for a number of things, which Stephanie was in no way supportive of, since she left the WWF temporarily to help her husband recover. Austin then decided to spend more time with Mr. McMahon, sucking up to him at every chance he got. But then Kurt Angle started to do it too and Austin got a little too paranoid when he thought Vince liked Kurt better than him. Austin decided he wasn't appreciated at all. But what was he going to do about it?


Summer/Early Fall 2001
The war of WCW (Shane) vs WWF (Vince) raged on, but the storyline took a major turn on July 7th, 2001. When things seemed like they couldn't get any worse for Vince, Paul Heyman came into the ring to announce that ECW was back! Shane then took the mic and created the most amazing twist the storyline has ever had -- he announced the new owner of ECW, Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley right infront of Vince's face! Vince was devastated as the alliance (wCw and ECW) battled with his federation, the WWF. After Invasion 2001, Stone Cold Steve Austin made a huge heel turn by siding with Shane and Steph's company to get back at Vince! It was revealed that Stephanie and Shane sold their WWF shares to an unknown person (he turned out to be Ric Flair) and that they took all their money and combined it with Paul Heyman to buy ECW to team up with wCw. All of their money was invested in the alliance, and they were confident that they would prevail with superstars such as Stone Cold Steve Austin, Rob Van Dam, Test, and Booker T in their roster. The alliance wanted to run the WWF straight into the ground. Vince had enough of the alliance and decided to put it all on the line at Survivor Series 2001 -- the WWF vs the Alliance in a 10-Man Ellimination Tag Match, whoever won would stay and whoever lost would be out of business. The alliance lost, and those long months of feuding were over. From July 7th to November 18th, 2001 the alliance stayed alive, but this was truly the end.

The next night Shane, Paul Heyman, and Stephanie returned on RAW, at the request of Vince McMahon. Shane and Stephanie appeared in a normal car, not a fancy limo. Why? Well, they had very very very little money due to the fact that they invested most of it in the alliance, which had failed and was out of business. Paul showed up to be fired, Shane showed up and walked away after admitting he lost to the better man, but Stephanie tried to reclaim the name "Daddy's Little Girl" in exchange for "Billion Dollar Princess" when she begged her dad to forgive her for listening to Shane telling her what to do, and she blamed all of the actions on Shane! Vince sure enough called the security and they picked her up and carried her out of the arena, Vince made sure Steph wasn't allowed into a WWF arena ever again...


Winter 2002

Luckily, Stephanie got a backstage pass from Triple H and was now allowed to enter WWF arenas, where she promised that when Triple H returned, there would be hell to pay.

On the SmackDown! before Triple H's long-awaited return, Stephanie came to the ring. She reminded the WWF of her power, but inadvertedly exaggerated it a little by saying that she could point at anyone and have Triple H kick their ass. When Triple H returned, he ignored it, as he had a sort of friendly rivalry with Austin to concentrate on. Stephanie was really moody and acting really weird, even going as far as to get into a catfight with Debra and to spill hot coffee on Lillian Garcia for no apparent reason.

Triple H's rivarly with Stone Cold fell short when Triple H defeated Angle at the Rumble '02 to win it. Then, Triple H and Angle started feuding and Austin found a new rival, Y2J. Stephanie continued to support Triple H, but she was still acting weirdly. She had a sit-down interview with JR where JR brought her down to earth on the topic of the Helmsleys' recent marital problems. Stephanie said that JR was wrong, and that she would prove to the world how much Triple H loved her.

The next week on RAW, Stephanie (who couldn't wipe the smile off her face) came down to the ring and called down Triple H. She proposed the idea to Triple H that they should get their wedding vows renewed, but Hunter quickly rejected the idea. Stephanie responded by saying he had to do it, provoking Triple H to ask why. He said he probably has to do it because she's Stephanie McMahon and she has to always get her way. Stephanie was in tears as her husband started to leave when she said that the reason they needed to renew their wedding vows was because....SHE'S PREGNANT! She didn't want to renew the wedding vows for her, or Hunter, she wanted to renew them for their baby! Triple H's reaction was uncertain at first, but then he walked over to Stephanie, and hugged and kissed her all over the ring in disbelief that he was going to be a dad. And that is why Stephanie has been acting so strangely ever since her return -- because she was pregnant!

Kurt Angle didn't see this as a way to put his feud with Hunter on hold, he saw it as an opportunity to annoy Triple H more. He insulted Triple H's future baby on the following SmackDown! while trying to stay on Stephanie's good side, promting Hunter to come to the ring and beat Kurt up. A match was then announced for No Way Out, where Kurt would square off against Hunter for a shot at the WreslteMania X-8 title shot. But Hunter has other things on his mind, as he and his wife will renew their wedding vows on the next RAW.

Everything was perfect and Triple H and Steph couldn't be happier. But then, just minutes before the ceremony, Triple H got a phone call from Linda McMahon who showed him with a tape she mailed him that the doctor Stephanie hired was an actor and not a real doctor, meaning Stephanie was lying the whole time! Vince and Stephanie walked down to meet Triple H at the beautiful, rose-filled stage. A real life couple came down to the stage to sing "Together," the same song performed at Steph + Test's wedding. Stephanie gave Triple H a speech about how much she loved him, and Triple H gave her the same thing, except for the fact that he said "Now I see you for what you really are... a no-good lying bitch!" He didn't renew the vows, meaning they were divorced! He then proceded to tear up the stage, give Vince the pedigree, and push Stephanie (wedding dress and all) down to the floor!

Stephanie was pissed as she and Vince entered the ring on Valentine's Day edition of SmackDown!, February 14th, 2002. Vince vowed to stay by his daughter's side just because he is daddy's little girl, and all she really did was told a white lie. Stephanie said she had a Valentine's day present for her ex, and came on later in the show to ringside for Hunter's match, where she announced to a beat-up Hunter that she will be the guest referee at No Way Out between Hunter and Kurt's match! And now, Stephanie is hell-bent on making Triple H's life a living...hell, you could say.

She has already acted upon this by counting to three for Kurt Angle at No Way Out, and making her ex lose his WM Title Shot. No one knows what she'll do next!

Credit: Stephanie Sector

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