::Women's Championship::

Women's championship?
By Mike Pachuta

How long has Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley held the World Wrestling Federation Women's Championship? And how long has she held that very title without even defending it?

Too long.

That must be one of those great perks you get when your dad owns the business.

"Daddy, can I ride in the limo?"
"Sure, honey, no problem."
"Daddy, can I have the Federation Women's title?"
"Well, okay."
"Do I have to give it back?"
"Well, I don't see why you should…"

OK, so maybe that's not how Stephanie won the championship, but honestly, when is someone going to step in and at least tell her to defend it?

I gotta admit, she does look great carrying it on her shoulder every time I turn on Federation programming. But Stephanie looks great without it too (not to mention she looks even better without Triple H hanging on her arm).

I just can't get past the fact that she hasn't even had to defend the title. No challenges from Jaqueline, The Kat, or even Ivory. Not to say that any of those women have a problem with Stephanie, or that they should have a problem with her. The thing is, they've all held that title at one point in their careers and, not unlike The Rock, want to have another shot at it.

Whenever one of the Federation athletes wins a title, he or she immediately gains some sort of power. The power associated with any of those titles is power that Steph does not need -- she has the most power of any woman in the history of the World Wrestling Federation. That is, with the exception of her mother, Linda McMahon.

Maybe that's what needs to happen. Linda needs to make a triumphant return. She needs to tell Stephanie that the Women's title is for active competitors only, and that if she does not actively compete, she'll have to give it up.

And if Stephanie says no, maybe her mother will be the one to take the title from her!

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