::SMH vs The Three Is::

Stephanie McMahon Helmsley vs The Three I's

By Kurt Angle/WWF Mag Crew

July, 2000

As Angle was discussing Triple H, Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley happened to walk by. The two made eye contact and he lost his focus. He suddenly stopped talking about Triple H and began instead to analyze Mrs. McMahon-Helmsley.

Intensity: "At times she shows her intensity level, but she tends to stay pretty calm and lets Triple H show his own intensity."

Integrity: "She doesn't have much integrity. She's proven that by taking the Women's title from someone who definitely deserved it. She didn't earn it on her own, yet she acts like she did."

Intelligence: Stephanie does have intelligence. And, as much as I hate to admit it, she does have intelligence to go the distance. I think that's why she and Triple H have had a lot of success -- she carries the intelligence gene in that family.

Upon overhearing Angle's comments, Stephanie couldn't help but respond:

"Kurt's just jealous because he doesn't have the WWF World Championship gold right now. All he's got are those lame gold medals," said Stephanie. "In terms of intelligence, Kurt is right, I am highly intelligent. As for intensity...I'll slap him across the face and show him some intensity. He'll feel that for a while."

"The only time she shows intensity is when she slaps a cheap shot," Kurt replied.

"Wait a minute," said Stephanie. "In terms of winning the Women's Championship, I beat Jacqueline 1-2-3. You can't deny that."

"With help from another woman," said Kurt.

"There was not other woman in the ring when the ref counted," said Stephanie. "He's just jealous."

At that point, Stephanie tossed her head and walked away with a big smile on her face. Was it the smile of a woman in love, or a woman who believes she just put Kurt Angle in his place? This story is far from over.

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