::Steph's Second Byte This!::

Byte This! Report - Thursday, July 13th, 2000
By Kevin Gregg

It's time for WWF Byte This!, and Dr. Tom and The Coach are in the studio. The Coach thanks all of the fans who are tuning in the video chat on WWF.com. Mick Foley has gone over seas. Tom says that Chris Jericho found out that the Game is still in play, and Triple H showed Chris Jericho, if you want to play the game, no one knows how to play it better than Triple H. Triple H isn't going to stand back and let things happen without him.

After Smackdown! tonight, we will know more about Fully Loaded, and the bottom line about Chris Jericho and Triple H is that DX had a plan to get at Chris Jericho. Tom says that we were all fooled with what DX did on RAW, and emotions were running high. Tom says that Chris Jericho probably got what he deserved when he stuck his nose in Triple H's business one more time. Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley joins the show, and she boots Tom right off the set!

The Coach welcomes Stephanie to the show. The Coach says it's a pleasant surprise, and Tom says that he was saying that Chris Jericho got what he deserved on RAW is WAR when he stuck his nose where it didn't belong. If Chris would have stayed in the back, none of this would have happened to him. Stephanie agrees, and she says that what happened was, Triple H out smarted Chris Jericho. He embarrassed and beat Chris Jericho down.

The Coach shakes his head, and then he says that DX had us fooled on RAW, and it really showed him how far Triple H will go to get his hands on Chris Jericho. The Coach says he's disgusted, and Stephanie tells him to be disgusted all he wants. Tom says it was an obvious plan, and if Jericho stayed where he belonged, none of that would have happened to him. Stephanie says that it's a lot further than staying in the locker room. If he hadn't called her those names and stuck his nose in Triple H's business, he would be fine.

Jericho was left a bloody mess, and it's thanks to Triple H's master plan. The Coach says that Triple H will face Chris Jericho at Fully Loaded, and the question is, will he be 100%, physically and mentally after what Triple H and Stephanie did to him on Monday night. Tom says that he saw Triple H take a sledge hammer to Jericho, and he doesn't see how he can be 100% at Fully Loaded. Tom says that he thinks that Jericho is going to find out once again that Triple H is the game, and he may be over his head in the WWF.

The Coach says that Kurt Angle has tried to make a peace offering on RAW, and the Undertaker didn't like the scooter one bit. Tom says that he isn't sure what the relationship is between Stephanie and Kurt, and Kurt is sometimes misunderstood, and the Undertaker misunderstood him on RAW. Stephanie says that they are friends, and their relationship is purely professional. Stephanie wishes Kurt luck against the Undertaker. The Coach asks Stephanie to reflect on the 8 months with Triple H. Stephanie says that the past 8 months have been the most wonderful 8 months in here entire life. Stephanie says that Triple H makes her feel like quite a woman!

The Coach asks Stephanie her thoughts on being the Women's Champion. Stephanie says that she has defended her title when a contender presented herself, and she took Lita on and defeated her in the middle of the ring. The three talk about the Dysfunctional Family picnic a few weeks ago, and they show footage of The Coach talking to Tazz, and out of no where came Stephanie. Stephanie got on the mic and started talking and The Coach told Stephanie that she didn't belong there, and Stephanie slapped The Coach!

Stephanie asks The Coach if he wants her to slap the taste out of his mouth again! The Coach goes to some emails, and it asks how Stephanie's life has changed since becoming a T.V. persona. Stephanie says that it hasn't changed much, except that it's a lot more fun. She loves being out there, and it's an amazing feeling to go out in front of 20,000 people and hear them scream and yell. The Coach asks Stephanie how much more enjoyable it is for Stephanie that she gets to travel with her family. Stephanie says that it's quite an honor to work in the family's business, and to be with them, more now than growing up, it's so much fun. To work together and be a part of a team, the business is her family.

They are fourth generation, and it's very exciting. The Coach says that the fans love to hate her, and Stephanie says that is the point. Tom asks Stephanie how it feels to have Chris Jericho call her a bottom feeding trash bag ho. Stephanie says that it doesn't make her feel different at all, and he uses the same expression every single week. Stephanie says that it's boring, and Chris bores her. The Coach goes over an email, and it asks if Stephanie McMahon has been training to become a full time wrestler. As hot as she is, it would be more interesting for her to kick everyone's ass and become the greatest Women's Champion of all time!

Stephanie says she thinks she is the greatest Women's Champion ever, and in regards to training, she does train. She and Triple H work out quite a bit. The Coach goes over another email, and it asks what Stephanie does in her off time. Stephanie says she loves to dance, and she goes out dancing with her friends, and they go to the movies. Stephanie says she's a typical girl. The Coach says that he likes to dance as well, and he says that they have footage of him dancing. The Coach asks Stephanie for her thoughts on it, and maybe he can hang with her on the dance floor.

They show the footage of The Coach dancing with Too Cool, and Stephanie laughs at it. The Coach says that if he can dance with Too Cool, he can dance with anybody! Stephanie says that she would embarrass The Coach on the dance floor! They go to the phone lines, and they go to line 1. The caller's name is Larry, and Larry asks Stephanie, now that she has become the Women's Champion, what is her next goal. Stephanie says her next goal is to have Triple H once again become the WWF Champion.

Tom goes over another email, and it asks if Stephanie and Marissa Mazolla are going to fight over Kurt Angle. Stephanie says that she is married to Triple H, and she was watching Livewire this week, and it seems as if Marissa has dumped Kurt. They go to line 2, and the caller's name is Jennifer. Jennifer says she has a question for Stephanie about the women in the WWF. How do they end up getting into the WWF.

Stephanie says that there are a number of different ways of getting into the World Wrestling Federation, and Trish Stratus came from the fitness world. Jennifer says that she's skinny, and her brothers are telling her to try to get into the WWF. They go to line 3, and the caller's name is Jim. Jim asks Stephanie why she never puts up the Women's title. Stephanie says that she does, and she asks Jim if he has been listening to the show.

Stephanie says that Triple H told her many times that it doesn't matter what many people think. Stephanie says it doesn't matter to her, and the fans can chant all they want. The caller says that after 8 months of chanting, it should get on her nerves, but it's cool that it doesn't. Stephanie says that people don't love to hate her, they just hate her. The Coach talks about how Vince McMahon let the world know that he was going to go home and become a genetic jack hammer. The Coach asks Stephanie's thoughts on not having Vince around all the time.

Stephanie says that she takes care of herself, and it doesn't matter if he is there or not. Tom says that Stephanie is running the show, and The Coach mentions that Mick is running things. Stephanie says that Mick is the Commissioner, and he's not running anything. The Coach would have to disagree with that. Stephanie says that there is no World Wrestling Federation without the McMahons. If Linda gave Mick power or not, she and Shane still have some power. The Coach asks Stephanie how Mick can make matches from thousands of miles away.

Stephanie says it's because he is the Commissioner, but not to count she and Shane out. The Coach talks about Smackdown! tonight, and Stephanie says that Smackdown! hasn't happened yet, and she asks The Coach how he knows what is going to happen on Smackdown!. Stephanie says that you'll have to watch tonight at 8pm EST for what goes down on Smackdown!. They go to the callers, and Ashley asks Stephanie what she thinks of her mother hiring Mick Foley as Commissioner. Stephanie says that it's a typical move on her mother's part. She is always sticking her nose where it doesn't belong, and this is another example.

Mike is on line 5, and Mike asks Stephanie if she was shocked when Jericho didn't go with her plan. Stephanie says she wasn't shocked, because it was all a part of the plan. It was to fool Jericho, and then later on in the night, a feud developed between Triple H and X-Pac. They knew that Jericho would take advantage of every opportunity that he had, and DX came out on top. The Coach goes to the phones, and the caller's name is Mandy.

Mandy says that she is a fan of DX and Triple H, and she asks if the other DX members get annoyed that Triple H is going after the title. Stephanie says that he is going after Jericho now, and since they took care of Jericho on Monday night, Triple H has been paying much more attention to her. The Coach says that over the past few weeks, Stephanie took things into her own hands, and Triple H didn't like that one bit. The Coach asks Stephanie how she feels when Triple H yells at her. Stephanie asks The Coach how he feels when she yells at him. The Coach says he doesn't like it.

They go to the phones, and the caller's name is Jimmy. Jimmy asks why she wants to get at Jericho so bad. Stephanie says that it's because Jericho has been very mean to her and her husband. Stephanie asks Jimmy how old he is, and Jimmy says that he's 8. The Coach thanks Jimmy for calling. They hit another caller, and it's Doug. Doug asks what the relationship is between her and Tori, as if they are good friends. Stephanie says that they are the best of friends, and Tori is the green Goddess. Stephanie says she was upset when Tori got injured, and she's anxious for her to come back to action.

They go back to the phones, and the caller's name is Jesse. Jesse asks Stephanie if she will participate in an Evening Gown match or a street fight. Stephanie says that she will face any challenge that comes to her. The Coach goes over an email, and it says that there seems to be a campaign to put Stephanie in playboy. Stephanie is high up in the running, and the question is if she was approached by playboy and the money was right, would she pose for playboy? Stephanie says that she's just not sure.

Tom says that Stephanie has the right to make up her own mind when she makes up her own mind. The Coach says that the fans think enough of her to want to see her in Playboy magazine. Stephanie says that the fans want to see her without her clothes on? The Coach says that he would want to see her in playboy magazine in a tasteful pictorial. Stephanie jokes and asks the Coach if he wants her to strip for her. Stephanie says that they need to change the subject.

They go back to the phones, and the guy's name is Larry. Larry asks Stephanie how it feels to be the Women's Champion. Stephanie says it feels incredible, and it's the most glorifying experience that one can possibly have. The Coach says Stephanie has a very busy schedule, and she's been here for a while. The Coach thanks Stephanie for joining the show, and Stephanie says that she thought the show was on until 7. Stephanie wants to stay until the show ends. Tom asks how she and Shane is getting along. Stephanie says that they haven't been talking much as he has a new friendship with Chris Benoit.

Stephanie says that she's been wrapped up with Triple H, and they have gone their separate ways, but everything is cool. The Coach goes to another caller, and the caller asks Stephanie if she is really married to Triple H, or is it more like a WWF Show thing. Stephanie says that it sure seems like they are married. They go to another caller, and the caller asks Stephanie if you need to get into acting classes to get in the business. Stephanie says that she was in school plays when she was younger, but that's pretty much it.

Stephanie says she definitely went to school. The Coach says that she has great facial expressions when she's at ringside. Tom says that when she slapped the living crap out of The Coach, she had a great facial expression. They go to another caller, and the name is Jennifer. Jennifer asks what Stephanie thinks about her parents trying to have another kid. Stephanie says she doesn't know what to think about it, and it was their relationship that caused Triple H to lose the WWF belt. She is glad that they are trying to work their problems out.

Jennifer asks Stephanie how it feels to work with the best looking man in the WWF. Stephanie says that it's great, and Jennifer says that she's jealous. Stephanie says that there are a lot of jealous people out there. The Coach says that Stephanie grew up in the business, and she has seen good times, and bad times. The Coach asks how the industry changed from the 80s. Stephanie says that in the 80s and early 90s, you'd see the typical good guy and bad guy, and now they have introduced a lot more women in the storylines, and it's all about storylines. It's like a soap opera, two times a week, every week.

If you miss one show, you miss a lot. Stephanie says that they have been so successful because of the incredible superstars. Tom says he thinks the women that you have today are hotter than in the 80s. Stephanie says that in the WWF, they have the hottest women and the hottest men. Smackdown! is actually the number one rated show with all teens 12-17. It outranks everything, and the younger audience needs the faster paced action. They don't like to be bored. If you watch the day time soap operas, it takes forever to get the storyline across.

They go to line 3, and the caller asks where Stephanie shops. Stephanie says that she gets a lot of her clothes from BB. Tom asks Stephanie what her feelings are on the XFL, and he asks her how she thinks it will affect his participation. Stephanie says that she's excited about the XFL, and she says that it's a 10 week season. It's a new football league, that isn't designed to compete with the NFL. It's different, and it starts on February 3 right after the Superbowl when all fans are craving their football. Getting back to the fast paced action, the XFL is going to do it.

With different rules and different plays, they are going to bring you the emotion and passion of the game. When you have a wide receiver who misses a touch down pass in the end zone. When he comes back, what does the coach say to him? It's like a movie, but the football action itself is going to be great. Stephanie says it's about the passion. There are going to be the toughest guy playing the game. Stephanie says that it won't hurt the WWF at all, and the WWF Superstars will not play for the XFL.

They go to another caller, and the caller asks about RAW going to TNN. The caller says that he won't be able to watch RAW anymore, because of the move. Stephanie says that they are trying to bring TNN to more places around the world. The Coach says that the WWF moving to TNN, it's going to force the cable companies to pick up the stations. Viacom got the rights to WWF programming, and it's going to be an exciting new wave for the WWF. Tom says the cable package will probably change all around the country.

The Coach says that everything is changing, and he asks how far the WWF can go. Stephanie says that there is nothing that the WWF can't do. If it's possible, it will be done. They go to line 2, and the caller's name is Jennifer. Jennifer says that Stephanie is so good at what she does, and she wants to know when Stephanie is going to show that she can compete by herself. Stephanie says that nobody has helped her. She defeated both her competitors in the middle of the ring, alone. Whenever she has a challenger, she takes them on.

The Coach scratches his head, and Tom asks him what he is scratching his head for. The Coach goes to line 6, and the caller asks Stephanie who her role model is. Stephanie says that she would have to probably say her parents. They have been wonderful parents, and she agrees that she and Shane are what they are, because of their parents. They have done nothing but love and respect, and Stephanie says that she can hope that she is half of the parents that Linda and Vince are. The Coach thanks Stephanie for joining the show, and Tom tells Stephanie that she is welcome to come to the show, anytime.

The Coach plugs Stephanie's web site, and it's WWFSteph.com. The Coach lets everyone know that Edge and Christian will be on Byte This!, next week. They show a clip of Stephanie winning the World Wrestling Federation Women's Championship to close the show.

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