::Steph InterView from 98.9KJFK in Texas::

Steph Interview from 98.9KJFK Radio Station in Texas

In a recent interview with 98.9KJFK Radio Station in Texas, Stephanie McMahon talks about her views on Playboy and more. Here it is:

Q: Did you ever think of doing anything else even though your father owned the WWF?

A: I always wanted to be a model, I wen't to modeling school a few days a week as a kid, then I had thoughts of being a lawyer, but I sort of fell into wrestling with my dad, mom, and brother.

Q: When you got into the wrestling industry what were your inital responsibilities and was your planning and opinion taken seriously?

A: I worked with the wrestlers before matches, as that isn't as common now, when I got started I thought I was pretty good at it. Secondly, my opinion is and has always been taken seriously and I appreciate that.

Q: How is your family life? You people see each other 24/7 in your business and personal lives, and how has that affected the ties in your family?

A: Well, obviously we sometimes fight a little, like all normal families. However, in all, this business has brought our family closer than it was ever been, and I would not trade this for any other job in the world.

Q: How has the on-air relationship between you and Hunter-Hearst-Helmsley affected your real lives? Were you friends with him before? How do you feel about one another?

A: Well, Hunter is the most sweetest person you will ever meet. Sure, he can get a little intense at times, but overall, he is a kind and decent human being who will do anything to put over the company and product. It's a pleasure working with him.

Q: Out of all the wrestlers in the WWF, which one are you the closest with? Besides HHH.

A: I would definitely have to say Test because he is a great guy and I loved working angles with him also. He was the first guy i ever did an angle with and he showed me the ropes on how to act and draw the crowd in.

Q: After WWF superstars like Sable and Chyna doing shoots for Playboy, breaking records for sales, and getting tons of outside promotions for it, would you ever consider doing a spread for Playboy?

A: I have thought of it on occasions but I just can't see myself doing something like that. I may do it sometime down the road but as of now I think it's out of the question. Sorry fellas. (laughs)

98.9 KJFK: Wow, thanks for doing this interview with us, and all of our 3 listeners enjoyed it as well. (laughs).

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