::WWF Byte This! eport with Steph::

WWF Byte This! Report with Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley

By Kevin Gregg of PowerWrestling

Kevin Kelly is along side Dr. Tom Prichard for WWF Byte This! in it's new time slot. Droz enters the show later on. Kevin asks Droz his thoughts on the Stephanie and Trish match at WWF No Way Out, especially after what happened on WWF Smackdown!. Droz says that he would like to see this, and it's going back and forth. It's a power struggle, and it's about Stephanie being the top 'bitch' in the WWF. She wants to be the lead dog, and she feels that Trish Stratus is stepping in there. Hopefully this is going to put an end to it, and it's going to be interesting to see. He doesn't know who's going to come out on top, but there's going to be some swelling faces, after the slaps. Kevin tells Droz that he's (Kevin) gonna be on the show every week as the new co-host, replacing The Coach, so they can catch up on old times. WWF Byte This! goes to a break and they show the footage from last night on WWF Smackdown! when Trish and Stephanie got it on, and it wasn't a pretty sight!

Stephanie joined Kevin Kelly and Dr. Tom Prichard in the studio, and she talks about getting set up by Trish Stratus, and she's going to make Trish Stratus pay! They talk about the horse crap that Stephanie was thrown in, and Stephanie says that Trish Stratus will never be the same once she gets done with her this Sunday night at No Way Out. Kevin tells Stephanie to talk about the rivalry. Where does Trish stand in relation with with Vince? Stephanie says she doesn't stand, and she lies down, or maybe bends over a little bit. Kevin says that Vince is a grown man, and if he wants to have a relationship with another woman, be it Trish Stratus or anyone else, shouldn't Stephanie let him live his life? Stephanie says that in the current situation, Vince is still married to Linda.

If he doesn't want to screw up the good thing that they have going, then he better stop letting his ego get the best of him. Stephanie says that they are dealing with a fake, gold digger, who quite frankly is looking for a lot more than a relationship with Vince McMahon. She better think twice if she thinks that she's going to have any power in the World Wrestling Federation. We all know that Stephanie is the dominant female. Stephanie says that she is the top 'bitch,' in response to what Droz said, so yes, you can say that. Kevin asks Stephanie if having a match on pay per view caught her by surprise. Did she expect to do it? Stephanie says that Shane has practiced every possible move and hold on her, so she has wrestled all her life. As far as it comes to in front of the camera, she never thought it was possible. When she was growing up, there wasn't a large group of female wrestlers.

She's proud to be a part of it and incredibly excited. Kevin asks Stephanie if she will be nervous on Sunday, and Stephanie says she's always nervous, but she will kick Trish's butt! Tom tries to say that Trish is in a relationship with William Regal. Stephanie couldn't believe that Tom was buying into that. The three argue over the William Regal/Trish Stratus/Vince McMahon relationship. Stephanie says that Vince is a genius, and he seems to have all the bases covered, but you know what? Stephanie is his daughter, so don't go under estimating her. Kevin says that they are going to talk about Triple H's match with Stone Cold Steve Austin, and it's going to be a turning point both men's careers. Also, with the XFL, Stephanie has been doing some side line reporting.

Stephanie says that she has been kicked to the curb as the roving reporter has been canceled, but that's okay. They go back to talking about No Way Out and the match between Stone Cold and Triple H. Stephanie says that the match isn't going to make all 3 falls. Triple H is going to beat Austin, one on one, because he is all man. In the second fall, Triple H will once again kick Stone Cold Steve Austin's butt in the street fight. Don't underestimate Triple H. Triple H retired Cactus Jack in his own type of match. Stephanie says that her neck is still stiff from the stunner, and Austin is going to be beaten down. Triple H is going to beat Austin down like the dog that he is. Kevin asks Stephanie if Jim Ross deserved what he got, and Stephanie says yes, due to his remarks towards she and the Game.

Kevin says that he was with Hunter on Wednesday in Memphis, and Hunter is extremely confident going into No Way Out. This will be the night where Hunter is going to try to take Austin out, once and for all. Stephanie questions Kevin saying try to. Kevin says that's what the game plan is going to be, and Stephanie says that Triple H is the game. They go to line 5, and the caller asks Stephanie why she doesn't take her mom off of the medication so she can see what's going on between Vince and Trish. Stephanie says that's the unfortunate thing. Her mother needs to stay medicated so she can stay better. Stephanie will take care of Trish. The caller says that she looks forward to watching Stephanie on Sunday to kick Trish's butt.

Tom asks Stephanie if she's taking care of Linda every day to make sure she gets her medication. Stephanie says yes, and Kevin says that Stephanie is somewhat the cause that Linda is in this private sanitarium. There's a lot of things that have lead up to Linda's break down, and there was mother and daughter tussles every week between Stephanie and Linda. Stephanie says that's what happens when you're weaker. She's like her father, and she can't help it. They go to a caller, and the caller asks Stephanie what it felt like when she got her face shoved in poop on Smackdown!. Stephanie says she doesn't think that there is a way to describe just how disgusting that was. To feel it squish up into her nose and mouth. She could smell and taste it, and it was the most disgusting thing. She could throw up right now.

And then the bucket of mud was dumped all over her, and the liquid ran in her ears. It was disgusting! Stephanie is going to get even and then some, this Sunday with Trish. Tom asks what it will be with Trish on Sunday. Stephanie says that you never know what to expect from her, and in the WWF. Kevin says that they have a lot of emails, and it asks when Stephanie is going to realize that Vince isn't as loyal to her as she is to him. Stephanie says that it just underestimates Stephanie. Kevin says meaning that she has realized that and come to accept that? Stephanie says meaning that she's not a stupid person like Kevin Kelly. Stephanie is incredibly loyal to her father as he is to her. Blood is thicker than water. Kevin says let's say it came down to a choice with Vince having to choose between Trish and Stephanie.

Stephanie says that's a stupid question, and she may temporarily lean towards Trish Stratus, but in the long run, he'll recognize that what Trish can give him, he can get in many other places. Tom asks where Shane has been lately, and how does he feel? Stephanie says that she's not sure how he feels, and she hasn't been in touch with him lately. Maybe she should give him a call. Stephanie mentions that Shane has been real busy with the Media department and the XFL. Kevin asks what Stephanie does in her free time, and Stephanie says that she likes to watch her husband work out. It's a big hobby of hers. Tom asks Stephanie if she lifts weights next to him, and she says that she does. How heavy does she go? Stephanie says she goes hot and heavy.

They go to line 6, and the caller says that Stephanie is the most gorgeous female in the entire WWF. The caller asks Stephanie if she's going to rip her top off on Sunday, and Stephanie says she's going to rip off as much as she can. Tom says that he doesn't picture Stephanie or Trish Stratus as a wrestler per say. He doesn't picture this match as a wrestling match, and Stephanie says that Tom hit the nail right on the head. She's just going to go in there and rip Trish Stratus to shreds! Trish doesn't stand a chance. Kevin says that he remembers when he was in high school, he saw a great fight between two girls, and they scratched, clawed and punched and ripped each other's tops off. It lasted a few minutes until the guys broke it up. Kevin asks Stephanie if that's what we'll see at No Way Out. Stephanie says yeah, and no one better break it up.

Stephanie will make sure Trish bleeds as she uses her finger nails! Kevin asks Stephanie if Triple H has been helping her for this match up, and Stephanie says that it's somewhat of a secret. Kevin says that he'll take that as a yes, and then he asks her if he's been teaching her any moves, and then Stephanie says it's a secret! Las Vegas is the city of No Way Out, and that's the city where Stephanie and Triple H exchanged their vows! They go to another caller, and the caller asks Stephanie who she thinks Triple H will face at Wrestlemania. Stephanie says it all remains to be seen, and after Triple H puts Stone Cold out of action, she wouldn't be surprised if Triple H took Austin's spot. The caller asks about HBK fighting Triple H and Stephanie says she doesn't know, because she hasn't seen Shawn in a long time. Kevin says that there's a lot of discussion about new talent coming.

There's a lot of signings, and there's a lot of people who come from different backgrounds that are coming to the WWF. Where do all these new talents fit in, such as Justin Credible? Stephanie says that Justin Credible did something smart, by aligning himself with one of the toughest competitors in X-Pac. Kevin says that Justin Credible has really matured since being in the WWF last time. Tom says that he has this new found confidence, and Stephanie is right. X-Pac knows the game and the Federation, and he picked the right man to align himself with. Justin has a tremendous future ahead of him. Kevin says that there's a lot of fans that like to see the comings and goings, and they are going to have a lot to think about over the next few weeks.

Kevin goes over an email, and it asks if everything is over between Stephanie and Kurt Angle. Stephanie says that there was nothing to be over. Kevin mentions a kiss, and Stephanie says that Kurt got swept up in a heroic moment after she was knocked out. His emotions got the better of him! Stephanie takes a sheet from Kevin, and there's a bunch of questions on there. What was worse, the stunner or the people's elbow? Stephanie says they were both pretty vicious. They go to a caller, and the caller asks Stephanie who her best friends in the WWF are, and why? Stephanie says it's her husband, Triple H! He is that damn good. They go to another caller, and the caller asks Stephanie if she sees herself, in the future, maybe when Vince steps down, Stephanie taking over as the top dog with Shane? Stephanie says that seems to be the plan.

She is the dominant female, after all. They go to another caller, and the caller asks Stephanie if she remembers him and his friends meeting Stephanie at the Opie and Anthony show. Stephanie says yes, and they were the ones upstairs, wanting to take pictures. The caller says that's cool, and the caller asks Stephanie if she's going to be wrestling after Sunday's match. Stephanie says that all depends on the circumstances. She may still be wrestling, but Trish won't even be walking. Kevin complains about his chair, and how The Coach's big ass stretched it out, and Stephanie says that Kevin is calling The Coach's ass big? Ha! Kevin goes on to talk about the Right to Nudity with Jerry Lawler against Steven Richards. If Lawler wins, The Kat gets to get naked on the pay per view.

Stephanie says yeah, imagine the buy rate. Kevin asks if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Stephanie says that it depends on The Kat, and the fans. If you're The Kat or the fans, you'll be happy, but if you're the Right to Censor, you won't be happy at all. They go to another caller, and the caller asks Stephanie if she can win the WWF Women's Title back in the future. Stephanie says her focus has been away from the Women's Title, but in the future, she can see herself winning the WWF Women's Title back. She was screwed out of the title by The Rock and Mick Foley, and look at what they did to Mick Foley. They go to yet another caller, and the caller says that Stephanie is incredibly beautiful. Also, who would she feud with once she takes care of Trish. Stephanie asks female or male, and the caller says female, and suggests Lita.

Stephanie says that she's the most dominant female, and she doesn't think that anyone can stand up to her. They go to the callers, and the caller's name is Angela. Angela says she loves Stephanie so much, and she's her idol! The caller seems to be crying, and she put her friend on the phone. Kevin said to put Angela on, because he wanted to hear her cry. Stephanie says that Kevin is being rude, and the caller wrote an email for Byte This!, and she says that she respects Stephanie and loves her, as she cries. Stephanie thanks the caller very much, and Stephanie asks them if they are going to watch her kick Trish's ass on Sunday. The caller says that she doesn't like Trish Stratus, after Kevin told her to tell her what she thought of Trish.

Kevin seemed to have a stupid smirk on his face and then Stephanie reaches over to Kevin, seeming ready to slap him. Kevin then yelled at Big Country to shut up, and Stephanie says that Kevin is a big man from over there. They go to Randy, a caller, and Randy tells Kevin to watch himself before Stephanie sicks the Game on him. Randy says that now that Stephanie and Kurt Angle are split up, partner wise, is there going to be another business venture between the two of them? Stephanie says you can't predict the future, and it could happen. Randy asks about Eric Angle, and Tom says that Eric is training in Louisville, and he's making an effort to join his brother Kurt in the World Wrestling Federation. If he's half as good as Kurt, he's going to be something, and he is in the attitude wise. Eric's being well taken care of.

Kevin asks Stephanie about the Kurt Angle vs. The Rock match at No Way Out, and Stephanie says that Kurt impresses her more and more, and the way that Kurt so viciously wanted to break Rocky's ankle last night, she has never seen that side of Kurt before. Tom says that he has showed tenacity over the past couple of weeks, just to show The Rock that he means business. Stephanie says that Kurt Angle is the best wrestler in the world, and he wants the fans to cheer him, but they don't. They cheer The Rock. What does The Rock do? Drop the people's elbow on women, and give the Rock Bottom to women. Stephanie has never seen that out of Kurt Angle. Kevin says that The Rock has been hitting Kurt with the tick tock, and that has been causing Kurt to be a very dangerous man.

We're talking all about WWF No Way Out, and it's this Sunday live on pay per view. Stephanie will go against Trish Stratus, and the question will be answered, who is the most dominant female in the WWF?! Stephanie says there is no question. Stephanie asks Kevin who she thinks is going to win the Tag Team Championship match. Kevin says it's a table match, and that favors the Dudley Boyz. Kevin didn't give anyone but the Undertaker and Kane a chance. Stephanie then told Kevin that she doesn't care what he thinks, and then she asks Tom. Tom says it could be Edge and Christian. Kevin starts to say something, and Stephanie questions Kevin as to why he's still sitting here. They go to line 5, and the caller asks Stephanie if she's going to be in Triple H's corner in the main event, or is it going to be too violent for her to be out there? Stephanie says she thinks that Triple H is going to take this one, one on one with Austin.

We'll find out who the better man is, and Triple H is going to prove it. Hunter is going to take Austin down. It's not going to be pretty, and Stephanie is nervous, but she knows in the end that Triple H will prevail. The caller asks Stephanie if Triple H is teaching her some moves, and Stephanie says it's a secret. The caller says that he can show Stephanie some moves, such as a waist lock take down. Stephanie asks the caller if he can take her down, and he says that he doesn't know, but he would have a lot of fun trying. The caller asks what match Chris Benoit is in, and then he says that he is a big fan of Chris Benoit. Stephanie tells him what match that Chris Benoit is, and then the caller and Stephanie bash Chris Jericho. He's a good wrestler, but he gets on the caller's nerves.

The caller asks Kevin when he's going to get back at The Rock for all the shit he does to him. Kevin says that he'll do that on his own time. The caller asks Tom a question, and is he still training people with the WWF? Tom says that he does a little bit of everything. On occasion, he trains people, when it calls for it. Right now, they are going into WWF Tough Enough, and people are sending in tapes. Tazz is going to be one of the main trainers, as well as Al Snow. That's going to be another venue, and you couldn't pick two better guys. Stephanie mentions Jackie, and the caller says that people were dropping like flies when Tazz was training people. Tom says that Tazz will treat them with just enough respect to let them know that you are going to have respect to make it.

Kevin's son was in the studio, and Stephanie told Kevin that she wasn't going to slap him, because his son was there. Stephanie seemed to like Kevin's kid as she said he was very cute. Kevin brought his son onto the show, and he said that since he won't get slapped, he's going to bring his son every week! No Way Out is this Sunday on pay per view, and it will be Stephanie against Trish Stratus. Stephanie says that she's going to be holding nothing back. She's going to take Trish down to the depths of hell. Trish will never know the fury that Stephanie will unleash on her! Tom wishes Stephanie good luck in her match. Kevin says that it's going to be a very entertaining match, and The Rock will be the guest on WWF Byte This!, next week. Kevin talks about Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin's match at No Way Out, and Stephanie says that Triple H is the dominant man, and Stephanie is the dominant female.

Kevin Kelly, Stephanie and Dr. Tom Prichard wrap up the show, and that's the end of Byte This!, until next week!

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