::Stephanie's Fourth Byte This::

Stephanie on Byte This for the fourth time! (4/6/01)

Friday, April 6, 2001
Hosts: The Coach and Dr. Tom Prichard
Report by: Kevin Gregg (Power Wrestling)

Kevin Kelly and Dr. Tom Prichard started off the show, and they had an extra chair next to them, seemingly waiting for a third guest. Kevin Kelly said that Stephanie was going to be joining them, and she has some thoughts about Wrestlemania, and everything that has gone on for the past week with her father, and Triple H winning the WWF Intercontinental Championship. Wrestlemania is going to go down in the books as one of the greatest of all time! Stephanie joined the show in the studio and she greeted Tom and ignored Kevin. Kevin says that it had to be a rough week. Wrestlemania was tremendous, and for Stephanie, it had to be a tough night. Stephanie says that Wrestlemania is the biggest event in history for the McMahon family. Vince McMahon created Wrestlemania. And what happened, it was completely ridiculous. Now her mother is un-medicated. Who stopped the medication and gave that order? For Trish Stratus to slap Stephanie's father in the face and then have the nerve to take her on in a whipping match and spank her. Ugh. Triple H was completely screwed at Wrestlemania, but he gave the Undertaker his just due on RAW. Stephanie doesn't live in the past. Look at today. Right now, her husband, Triple H, Stone Cold and Vince McMahon are all aligned. If Stephanie were Kevin, she wouldn't get too uppedy with her interviews, because he'll get slapped around. Kevin says that it's unfair that The Rock won't get his chance at revenge. Stephanie says that The Rock has had many chances, and he got beat at Wrestlemania and on Monday night.

The Rock is beat. Kevin says the only reason that Vince didn't fire him, is because Shane is lurking out there with the competing wrestling company. Business is business, and Stephanie's father is a smart man. He's not going to allow The Rock to come back and get revenge, and he's not going to allow The Rock work for the other guys. Stephanie got up and slapped Kevin Kelly as he drilled her with questions like that. Stephanie says that she hopes everyone is watching at what a wuss that Kevin Kelly is. He cowered down! Was that not a total puss reaction? That was better than the slap! Tom says that he has felt Stephanie's slaps and kicks, and Stephanie says she has never slapped Tom. Tom asks Stephanie what was going through her mind when Trish Stratus came down to ringside with Linda. Came up over Vince, as if she was going to help him and then slapped him? Stephanie says she has never liked Trish. Trish has always tried to get involved with the McMahon Family business. She doesn't know if Trish wants to be a part of the McMahon Family or what, but she has to understand that there's only one dominant female.

For Trish to slap Vince, everything that Vince has done for her, she's going to get what's coming to her. Kevin asks Stephanie for thoughts on what Linda said. Stephanie said that Linda said she's going to have a surprise on RAW is WAR on Monday night. Kevin asks her what this is going to mean. Stephanie says that if you listened to what Linda had to say, mommy dearest, she's still using the name McMahon and she's debating on making a change. Read into that what you will, and she's back in power as the CEO and making Stephanie's life hell. Stephanie is just too busy right now and she has way too much work to do. Stephanie got up, ready to leave and Tom says that he was upset with what Trish did and the way things came about at Wrestlemania. You could hear Kevin talking in the background and Stephanie yelled at him, thinking that he left. Tom says that some people say that this is an unholy trinity, and Stephanie seemed to like that. When asked about making up with her mom, Stephanie said that her mom has never treated her right. This goes back very deep.

Stephanie has to leave and Tom thanks Stephanie for joining the show. Stephanie thanks Tom for getting rid of Kevin Kelly. Tom says he's a coward and Stephanie says no wonder he's a hermaphrodite!

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