::Stephanie betrays Vince at Armageddon::

Stephanie betrays Vince at Armageddon

John Powell
December 13, 1999

You gotta feel sorry for Vinnie Mac. The guy can't even trust his own family. Son Shane challenged his Daddy's authority with The Corporate Ministry backing him up. McMahon's wife, Linda, sided with McMahon's mortal enemy Steve Austin in their feud. So, it was just a matter of time before daddy's little girl - Stephanie - followed suit and stabbed her father in the back too. Maybe McMahon would be better off if he kicked his ungrateful brood to the curb and formally adopted The Stooges and Max Mini.

Stephanie had a front row seat to the main event at the WWF's Armageddon pay-per-view as Vince McMahon sought to defend his daughter's honor against DX leader - Triple H - in a No Holds Barred match up. The stipulations being if Triple H won he got a WWF World Title shot. If McMahon was victorious, Triple H would bow out of the sneaky marriage he'd roped Stephanie into.

Little did Daddy Vinnie Mac know that it was all a swerve masterminded by Triple H and Stephanie.

A first-rate candidate for the Worst Match Of 1999, the preposterous Armageddon main event proved that nothing short of a nuclear blast can stop WWF owner Vince McMahon. It's a bird. It's a plane. No, it's Super McMahon, don't you know. I am sure Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior would be proud of Vince's performance.

Feeling oh-so-scared of the 53-year-old McMahon, Triple H brought his trusty sledgehammer to the ring as a great equalizer. The ref quickly forced Helmsley to hand it over. To justify McMahon holding his own against a REAL wrestler, Vinnie Mac threw that blinding powder in his eyes to start the match. McMahon's arsenal consisted of Atomic Haymakers and Lithuanian clotheslines which totally stunned the seasoned veteran. McMahon and Helmsley brawled into the crowd and into a dark corridor making it almost impossible to see what was going on. McMahon crashed against a set of steel doors. They traded blows back to the retaining fence where McMahon backdropped Triple over it.

Mankind made a guest appearance trucking down a shopping cart full of plunder for McMahon. Inside the cart were metal street signs, a steel bar, a crutch and a host of other dangerous objects. Wisely, McMahon chooses an aluminum trash can lid to beat Helmsley with. A low blow by Helmsley concludes the assault inspired by Duke "The Dumpster". Triple H stopped to rise his eyes out with bottled water. McMahon brained him some more with a trash can.

McMahon fished out a crutch smashing it over Triple H's back. Choked by McMahon, Helmsley rammed his head into the steel ring steps. Both men battled back to the shopping cart taking turns using chains and street signs on each other. At the war-themed set outside the entrance way, Hunter binged McMahon's head off the front of a helicopter and a troop carrier (not a "people mover", Jim Ross). A metal equipment case, a sand bag and the shopping cart itself collided with McMahon's seemingly Titanium-alloy-lined noggin'. Other war machines came into play when Hunter spun a machine gun around clocking Vince and McMahon bonked Triple H with a flap (not a "rotor", Jerry Lawler) on the helicopter.

Hunter fled the arena. Cursing his name, McMahon stumbled around a dark parking lot for an eternity looking for Helmsley. Signaling his intention to run Vinnie Mac over, Triple H leaned on his horn. In a scary moment depending on your feelings about him, McMahon dove out of the way as the car Hunter was driving glanced off a wall. Hunter threw McMahon into several parked cars and a vending machine. Returning inside, Vinnie Mac picked up a steel pipe. Hunter climbed up a tall steel rigging apparatus to escape but McMahon followed. Hunter knocked Vinnie Mac off the rigging. McMahon fell on a carefully camouflaged air bag below noticeable when Hunter's feet sunk into it as he climbed down. McMahon finally bladed.

Hunter left McMahon in a heap so he could taunt Stephanie at ringside. "Tell me how it feels to see your daddy get his ass kicked. It must be killing you. Does he ever stay down?" said Helmsley asking the question a legion of bewildered fans were pondering at that precise moment as McMahon staggered to the ring.

Hunter was about to clobber McMahon with a metal pipe in the head, thought better of it and retrieved his sledgehammer. McMahon low-blowed Triple H just as he was about to cave his skull in. McMahon hit Hemsley in the gut with the metal pipe. Vinnie Mac raised the sledgehammer to splatter Triple H's brains all over the canvass. Stephanie stepped between them begging her father to give her the sledgehammer. Stephanie reared back with the hammer but she couldn't bring herself to do it. Triple H took possession of the sledgehammer hitting McMahon in the bread basket and the head for the pinfall finishing the bout which clocked in at a monstrous 29 minutes and 59 seconds.

Hunter teased bringing the hammer down on Stephanie while she knelt over her fallen father. Hunter dropped the hammer. Stephanie hugged and kissed Triple H.

Ah, young love. Stephanie McMahon is evil, I tell you...eeeevil!

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