Career Story
Now that i am wrestling in other feds i have been fortunate enough so far to meet some great people. in jap there is fat frank and glen strange and in jcw there is ricky o and some of the other boys, also ecpw. everybody i met so far have been nothing but nice to me. some guys talk about some horror stories about some promotions and promoters, but i have had the luck to run in to good people. i am glad i'm getting work in other promotions because it is giving me the chance to wrestle other guys and gain alot more experience and work better. at jcw i worked a battle royal the first time and i guess my attitude was good enough that they asked me to come back for a try out.
while i was at the jcw show i ran into glen strange and he asked me to be in a match with three other liwf guys (papadon, havoc, and deacon riot) against lathion our trainer. i asked homicide for his advice and he told me i should go for it. going in our main goal was to impress fat frank and glen strange. during the match we noticed frank and glen come to ringside and observe us. afterwards both frank and glen told us that they were impressed by us and would use us again.
then i went on to work a six man tournement with papadon and havoc as my partners. we were beat in the first round but i accomplished what i wanted i impressed ricky o enough that he said that he said he would use me on the regular.
i also have gone down to ecpw and got to work. i will be going down to ecpw agian at the end of november and hope to get on the roster full time. but i will never stop wrestling on the liwf cards cuase like they say never forget where you came from cause you never know when you'll be back there. well that is it for now. see you on the flipside.