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Dirty Deeds

April 29th, 2001


The crowd is on its feet. Pyro explodes around the WVW BIGScreen. The venue is bigger than normal and EVERYONE seems to be on their feet waving a sign.

My GOD! What a night! The electricity is unbelievable... all my hairs are on end. ALL the titles are on the line tonight, and I think the question is WHERE IS PITBULL??

Hiding, I would suppose. I'm surprised he's hiding from Emma, DAMN she is HOT! He must of gone yellow AND gay! Maybe now that the hulky guy is looking for him he will crawl his way back.

olaOh, STOP! And how would you now if a guy was hulky? Oh who cares... let's start this off with a first, and a TITLE!

Andy Richter is at ringside.

Andy Richter: The first match of the evening is the VERY FIRST.... FIRST BLOOD BATTLE ROYAL!!!! (the fans cheer like mad, some chant, "We want blood!")

2 Balls shoot into the air and the lights go out. The only light you can see is the fire balls. The lights come on and im on the ramp with my back to the ring. I turn around and proceed to the ramp.

Andy Richter: First, making his way to the ring, weighing in at 250 lbs, from Middlesborough, JUSTIN SANE!!!!

In the back we see David McKay talking with Oz, giving him a few words before he gets out.

McKay:I'll be out there when they raise your hand in victory, and you can shine up the belt while I announce the NEW MAIN EVENT! It should piss of the fans, which makes me very happy indeed.

Oz smiles and heads for the ring.

Back in the ring, Justin Sane is eyeing down the arrived Commando. Able is stepping through the ropes and looks psyched.

A Chainsaw sounds starts ripping through the arena , as Kodiac walks out with an axe handle in hand, as he gets into the ring he steps over the toprope, he turns around and lets out a great howl, and raises his Axe Handle

Andy Richter: His opponent, weighing in at 227 from Juno, Alaska, it's the KODIAC WOODSMAN!!!!

The arena goes dark. "Tourniquet" by Marilyn Manson starts to play.

Up on the WVW BigScreen is Luka "The Animal" Cesare. Or IS IT? He is very pale and his eyes are black. Exodus is next to him tied to a pole.

"The Animal": You may think you know me, but the fact is, I AM NOT WHAT I SEEM! What you saw spoke little because it was a fake. It was a shell of what I am. When it was snapped and broken by so many, it learned to REGROW. It learned many things, things I shall teach you all about pain, about darkness...
Now, I would love to come all make you bleed for a little gold, but I am already quite busy making someone BLEED! Slowly, and painfully... the way it should be!

He turns to Exodus so you can not see him. Screams fill the arena. As "The Animal" is heard whispering, "Say my name, slave....".... and then a scream of "CEREBERUS! AHHHH! NOT MY FACE!!!

The transmission in the arena goes dead and everyone is very queit....

What the hell is going on?? I thought the Main Event changing was crazy, but WHAT THE HELL has happened to Animal?

KoHell, indeed.... I think I have some serious goosebumbs here. Can I go home?

olaNo! The match hasn't even started and I am in shock!

A fog fills the entrance way as "Damage Inc." by Metallica starts. OZ walks through the fog and to the ring dressed in black long shorts with 2 shoulder straps trimmed in dark green with black and green boots. After reaching the ring he climbs up on the apron, holding the top rope he leans back and lets out a scream while pyros go off down the ramp way from the ring.

Andy Richter: His opponent, weighing in at 578 from Kosactstan, Soviet Republic, it's OZ!!!!

The arena goes dark for a minute as a blue spotlight shines throughout the arena like the old Undertaker's intrance. Then you hear a voice whisper "ICE" and then "Dub the Mic" plays from the Beastie Boys and out walks ICE. As ICE walks down the intrance way there are explosions following him then the light come back on

Andy Richter: His opponent, weighing in at 320 , the WVW VOLATILE CHAMPION, ICE!!!!



ICE (c.) VS Justin Sane X VS Able VS The Commando VS The Kodiac Woodsman VS OZ


(ding, ding)

The six men start attacking each other. Oz grabs Justin Sane and the Kodiac Woodsman and tosses them out of the ring. Able and the Commando are exchanging blows when ICE grabs both thier heads and starts bashing them together.

Outside, Justin Sane and the Woodsman are going at it. Justin hits a dropkick sending the Woodsman into the railing. Sane goes for a tackle, but the Woodsman dodges it and Sane goes face first. Woodsman picks him up and plants him in the mat.

ICE hits Commando with a powerbomb but then takes a flying clothesline from Able, but doesn't go down. Oz is in the corner. He takes a chain from his pocket and wraps it around his fist. Able and ICE are fighting at it. Oz kneels on Commado's chest and starts pounding on his forehead.... After a few punches, the Commando is splurting blood!

The Commando is out!

Bob Oh my, that's gross and its only the first.

KYeah, gross that the Commando is fighting like his 18th Volatile Championship match.

BMaybe his lucky number is 19, although I highly doubt it...

Outside Justin Sane is setting the Woodsan on the table. He gets up on the apron with a chair and goes flying onto the Woodsman, but the Woodsman grabs his two-by-four and blocks. Justin's chair hits the board, cracking it and sending the chair into his face, BUSTING HIM OPEN!

Justin Sane is out!

Able rolls Woodsman back in the ring and grabs a piece of the wood. He gets in the ring and Oz grabs him by one hand and the wood by the other. He pulls Able into the corner by the hair and starts jabbing the sharp piece of wood into Able's face, cutting him open!

Able is out!

The Woodsman tries to slam ICE, but ICE is too heavy for him and ICE shoves him off. Oz has the chain off and whips both of them in the face, sending them both into the ropes, checking themselves for blood.

Bob Ouch! That's gotta hurt...

KAre you sure, want me to try it on you?

BI don't want you trying anything on me!! Let's pay attention, we are down to three...

KI think Woodsman got a nick, good thing he's not anemic or he would be out of this one...

Woodsman and ICE run of the ropes and knock Oz to the mat. They start stomping him. Woodsman grabs the chain... and hits ICE! ICE doesn't bleed, but he looks pissed. He grabs Woodsman by the neck and nails him with a chokelsam! He starts driving his knee into the Woodsman's nose, busting it open!

Kodiac Woodsman is out!

Bob Wowee! We are down to the BIG MEN, both over 7 feet tall!

KThat's A LOT of blood!

ICE and Oz start exchanging fists. ICE whips Oz into the ropes and gets him with a big boot followed by a sidewalk slam. He goes and gets the chain and wraps it around his fist.

ICE goes to punch Oz, but Oz grabs him by the neck, gets up and gives him some big headbutts followed by a short arm clothesline. He picks up the piece of wood and tries to jam in ICE's face, but ICE dodges and is on his feet. Both men lock up and struggle for control.

McKay is seen coming down to the ring with a mic. He gets up on the apron.

ICE shoves Oz to the corner, but McKay catches his eye. He goes over and grabs McKay by the shirt and starts shaking him!

Oz comes up from behind with the chain, but ICE sees him and drops with a facebuster. He turns back to McKay and lifts him off the mat. Oz is seen playing with his boots... he takes of the bottom of the boots to reveal CLEATS!

ICE throws McKay into the ring. Oz grabs him and whips him into the ropes. He goes for a kick, but ICE ducks it, goes off the ropes. On the way back, Oz hits a kick to the face, and with the cleats, busts ICE open!!!

(ding, ding,ding)

Andy Richter: The winner, and NEEEEEW VOLATILE CHAMPION, OZ!!!!!

Oz stands on ICE's face with all his weight on him!!! He hops off to show ICE's face with small gashes all over dribbling blood all over the mat. ICE looks dazed.

McKay:I guess YOU won't be in the Main Event, LOOOOSER! However, I just recieved word that we have found Pitbull. It seems he is laid up in a hospital in Philadelphia. He WILL NOT be here tonight!

The crowd boos like crazy.

McKay:Don't believe me? Check... this... out!

McKay points to the WVW BigScreen and there is a shot with Pitbull in a hospital bed hooked up to IV's looking like he is a coma. The bottom of the screen reads, "LIVE FROM PHILADELPHIA, PA". Oz and McKay laugh.

McKay: However, we still need a Main Event, so... it will be a Rain of Fire match, for the WVW World Title, starring the Roach, and this man.....

"Killing Time" by Head PE hits and Nightmare walks to the ring....

The crowd boos as Nightmare gets in the ring and grabs the mic.

Nightmare: Thanks, Mr. McKay. I don't know which makes me happier, this title shot or not having to fight Olson again. I'm thinking Olson shouldn't be left out in the cold... so I picked his type of match for him....

He takes out a piece of paper and hands it to McKay. McKay opens it and laughs.

McKay: Sounds good. Olson has the stipulation where he has to wear a STRAIGHTJACKET! And his opponent, who has picked a FINISHER stipulation.... and hell, just for fun let's make this a TITLE MATCH.... his opponet?

McKay and Nightmare both point at OZ! Oz holds up the Volatile Championship and smiles. "Damage Inc." plays and they walk out.

Bob Finally! I can't believe this? What happened to Pitbull? Why is he in the hospital?

KI dunno, needed a good spay? All I want to see I Olson get killed, er I mean beat by Oz, in his first title defense!

BIt might be the shortest reign ever! And speaking of titles, let's check out the TAG TEAM TITLES!

The "Yin-Yang Theme" hits, Yin and Yang walk to the ring with thier hands in the air. Fans boo like crazy and that just seems to make him more confident.

Andy Richter: From the Mountains of Tibet, the TAG TEAM CHAMPS, YIN & YANG!!!!!


Lights go out, then go back on and sparks fly all ove the place as "Ante up" by Mob plays. Carnage and Kid Kache come to the ring.

Andy Richter: Weighing in at 400, CARNAGE AND KID KACHE!!!!

Yin & Yang VS Carnage and Kid Kache


(ding, ding)

All four men going on the attack. The ref tries to get them to the corners, but there is no DQ, so they just ignore him. Carnage is slugging it out with Yang as Yin takes Kid Kache and tosses him out of the ring. Yin grabs Carnage, lifts him high with a press slam and drops him to the mat. Yang drops and elbow followed by Yin with a legdrop.

They stand up over Carnage and pose to the anger of the fans. The turn and get a double chair shotfrom Kid Kache! He hits Yang again, sending him out of the ring. He turns to hit Yin, but Yin just punches him through the chair!

Carnage comes up from behind and gets Yin with a low-blow followed by a swinging DDT. Carnage goes for a pin.



Yin pushes Carnage off of him. Yang is back in the ring with the ring bell and nails Kid Kache with it. He then goes after Carnage, but Carnage kicks it out of his hand and then bodyslams Yang onto the bell. He turns to get a kick in the gut from Yin, followed by a brainbuster. Yin goes for a pin.



Kid Kache breaks the pin. But Yang is up and they lock up, toppling out of the ring. Carnage gets Yin in a lying armbar.


This is back and forth! And I so want to see Yin and Yang get theirs!

If they are so bad, you should get in there and mix it up.

BUm, uh... let's watch!


Yang and Kid Kache are on the outside fighting when Kid Chaos comes out of the crowd with a bat and hits Yang! The Kids starts stomping Yang.

At the same time, Yin and Carnage are going at it when Brother Voodoo is on the scene! Yin and Brother Voodoo start double teaming Carnage.


Damn, just when we were having an actual fair fight in this fed!

KYou really think the champs vs the punks is a fair fight?

BDo Yin & Yang give you royalty checks or something?!?

Purga Torrie is now in the ring attacking Brother Voodoo. Yin gets Carnage and is about to hit the Deep Sleep when the Kids come in and hit him with a double DDT! Carnage comes off the top turnbuckle with a Carnage Crusher! Carnage, Kid Kache AND Kid Chaos get on top of Yin! The ref counts....





(ding, ding, ding)

Andy Richter: Here is your winners... and NEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS, CARNAGE AND KID KACHE!!!!

Brother Voodoo and Purga Torrie have fought into the back as the new Champs and Kid Chaos cut through the crowd. Yin and Yang stand in the ring looking pissed as the crowd cheers at their loss!


Now, that was pretty damn amusing!

KYeah, you must go to funerals for chuckles, you sick bastard.... What a ROBBERY!!!!

BWhatever, we have NEW TAG TEAM CHAMPS!! I wonder if they can hold onto them till our next PPV.... May Madness!



Springtime, it brings flowers, sunshine, and....


Next Month... The WVW Superstars feel the:

May 27, 2001

Only on PPV!!!


BWAnother month till our fourth PPV, and anything can happen between now and then? Who will be champ? Will there be new talent?

KWill my stocks go up? Look, who knows?

And who knows who's going to win the next match? I guess we will have to wait and see. Kid Chaos takes on Shogun in a match he called "Wussy".... let's see how he fairs!


Andy Richter: The next match is a KICK FIGHTING MATCH! You must knock your opponnent to the mat THREE times to win!

Lights flicker then just go out then there is an explosion and "CHAAAAAOOOOOOS" is screamed and the music hit. Kid Khaos comes out and goes wild!

Andy Richter: Weighing in at 180, from Austin, TX, KID CHAOS!!!!

" "Damage Inc." starts to play as Shogun wears to the top of the ramp. He is dressed in long black baggy pants and carries a kendo stick. At the top of the ramp he raises the kendo stick and Pyros go off around him.

Andy Richter: Weighing in at 225, SHOGUN!!!!


Kid Chaos VS Shogun

(Kick Fighting Match)


(ding, ding)

Kid Chaos and Shogun circle each other, staring each other down. Shogun goes on the attack with a Jumping Round kick, followed by two Jumping back kicks knocking the Kid for a loop, and sending him against the ropes. Chaos runs at Shogun, but Shogun whips him to the ropes and as Chaos comes back, nails him with a spin kick sending him to the mat!

The ref holds up one finger indicating Shogun got a fall. Kid Chaos smacks the mat in frustration and gets back to his feet. Shogun smiles and waves him on.

Chaos locks up with him getting Shogun into a behind wristlock. Shogun kicks back, getting Chaos off, then nails a crescent kick followend by a scissors kick sending the Kid to the mat again!

The ref holds up two fingers. Chaos gets up holding his head yelling something about the match being "Bullshit!"


Chaos better get focused, he is three falls from winning where Shogun needs only one more!

KYa know, Bob, kicks just keep on getting harder to find....

BYou sure get your kicks making bad jokes.


Chaos shakes his head to get motivated and locks up with Shogun again. Shogun pushes him back and goes for a kick, but Chaos blocks it. He hits a sweeping kick and takes Shogun's legs out form under him. Shogun goes to the mat and the ref holds up one finger on one hand and two on the other.

Shogun goes for Chaos, but Chaos whips him into the corner. Chaos starts unloading kicks, with a big spinning heel kick finisher that nearly knocks Shogun out of the ring! He pulls Shogun out and tries to whip him into the opposite corner, but Shogun reverses it.

The Kid runs into the corner, but hops onto the second turnbuckle, jumps back and hits a dropkick sending Shogun down once again.

The ref indicates a tie.

The two men are up and start the attack in the middle of the ring, kicking back and forth. Shogun ducks a high kick and then Chaos hops over a low kick. Back and forth flurry of kicks and blocks.

Shogun gets a kick to the groin that the ref misses, and Chaos bends to the pain. Shogun hits him with a kick straight to the chin sending him down.

(ding, ding, ding)


Andy Richter: And the winner is.... SHOGUN!!!!

Chaos looks pissed. He grabs a chair and hurries in the ring, but Shogun is on the ramp with his hands raised. They stare each other down and Shogun backs slowly to the locker rooms.


That one was a heck of a match, and the next one should be....

KThat much more hecker?

BHuh? I just know its for the Intercontinental Championship and it is quite an unusual match. We are going to cut to outside where a big metal box is about to be suspended thirty feet in the air. But first, the participants have to get IN that box...

Shot of what looks like a parking lot. A crane has a large black box connected to it with a heavy chain. The box is settled on the ground with a door on the front.

Kruze is seen waiting with McKay. He is looking around and Marcos is no where to be seen. Kruze is heard to say something like, "Where the hell is he?" and McKay responds, "Probably chickened out."

Hands come out of the door and pull Kruze in, shutting the door.


The Great Marcos VS Scott "The Enforcer" Kruze


The camera cuts to the inside of the box where the Great Marcos is pummeling Kruze with lefts and rights. He whips Kruze into the side of the box making a big thud! Marcos hits a inverted DDT.

Camera cuts to the outside showing the box being elevated.

Back in the box, the Marcos drops an elbow, but Kruze manages to get out of the way. Kruze gets to his feet and tackles Marcos, hitting the side of the box. The momentum swings the box and both men fall to their feet. The manage to balance and get back up. The lock up and Kruze hiptosses Marcos and gets a gutwrench suplex rattling the box and knocking Marcos for a loop. Kruze gets on top of Marcos and slams his head into the floor again and again.

Kruze gets to his feet. He picks up Marcos for a move but instead gets hit with a European uppercut followed by a Russian leg sweep. Now its Marcos' turn to slam Kruze's head into the floor.

Kruze pushes Marcos off and gets to his feet. They lock up and Kruze gets a knee to the gut. He goes for a big punch, but Marcos ducks. Marcos runs at Kruze but he throws him to the wall. As Marcos comes off, Kruze backdrops Marcos out of the camera's view. The shot cuts to another camera, but its still only Kruze. Kruze looks around to see that he is alone!!

Shot cuts to the outside to show MARCOS ON TOP OF THE BOX!!! He raises his hands and then starts playing with the heavy chain....


BThat's INCREDIBLE! What is he doing now???


He can't be! NO! NO!


Marcos unhooks the box and IT FALLS TO THE GROUND! When it lands it falls in on itself!

Marcos begins to descend as the crane lowers him on the chain. Once he gets to the ground, he about to go to the box... when over walks a woman.....

She points her sword at him... Marcos looks confused, but before he can act, he gets attacked from behind by....

These two men (?) pummel Marcos to the ground and hold him down. The woman takes his hand and CUTS OF HIS FINGER!

She holds the finger in her hand and a RING appears on it. She smiles and motions for the two men to follow her.


BWho the hell are they?

KoDon't you watch SXW? That's Damona, Whitesnake, and one of the Four Horsemen! They came for one of the rings....

That was Ric Flair? Damn he let himself go!

KoNo, no, no... oh forget it... Just worry about SXW and maybe the world if that crazy bitch gets all the ring cuz then she has this ultimate power thing!


Kruze crawls out from the box and stumbles to his feet. Marcos is down and out and clutching his bleeding hand. EMT's rush out to help him.

Cut to inside the arena....

Andy Richter: Here is your winner, and NEW INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION.... SCOTT "THE ENFORCER" KRUZE!!!!

Back outside, McKay looks nervous after what just happened. He has the IC belt and hands it to Kruze. He then hurries Kruze out of there.


BThis is INSANE! Marcos lost his belt and his FINGER?!?!

KSucks to be him... what about the next match? Someone is going to be BURIED ALIVE!

I don't know if I can handle that! This show has been pretty damn graphic so far....


Andy Richter: The next match is a BURIED ALIVE MATCH! The rules are simple enough...

Andy Richter: Now entering the ring, He hails from Death Valley Ca., Standing at 6'10', and weighting in at 350 lbs, he is PURGA TORRIE!!!!

" Lights turn blue and black, snakes appear on all screens as a digarie-do horn blows, then he arrives, from the shadows of the curtains, Brother Voodoo brings hand fulls of snakes with him to the ring, fans are screaming as they fall loose on the ground and slither away into the masses of fans.

Andy Richter: Coming in from the Swamplands, the leader of TCB, BROTHER VOODOO!!!!


Purga Torrie VS Brother Voodoo

(Buried Alive Match)


(ding, ding)

Brother Voodoo is arguing with the crowd, yelling at them, purga Torrie watches from the other side of the ring, until he seems to have had enough, and runs over, landing a fore-arm smash to the back of VooDoo's head, taking him down.The crowd is happy that Voodoo is shut up for once.

Purga picks Voodoo up, lifting him up, and draping his neck accross the top rope, the pressure causes Voodoo to claw at his neck, gasping for air, Purga Torrie quickly catches Voodoo as he walks backwards from the ropes, choking, and hits a belly to back suplex, taking him down hard.Purga Torrie tries a massive leg-drop, but misses, landing hard on his tailbone.As he looks up, Voodoo kicks him right in the face with a massive right kick.

Purga Torrie hits the mat hard, but is quickly back to his feet, only to be speared bt Brother Voodoo, who then picks him back up, and throws him out of the ring, slowly draging him towards the open grave, shovels sticking in the dirt.Voodoo grabs one of the shovels, and attempts to smash Purga Torrie's face with it, but Purga Torrie just manages to avoid quite possibly being killed.


Voodoo is sick, he almost killed Purga Torrie

KWell, we do have a grave right here where he could be buried

BYou have issues...


Purge Torrie has grabbed a shovel of his own, and he and Brother Voodoo start sparring with the shovels, looking like a goofy version of the great warriors of the past, Purga Torrie gains the upper hand, beaning Voodoo over the head with the shovel

Purga Torrie picks Voodoo back up, and then tombstone piledrives his head onto the dirt.Voodoo rolls a few feet, and after a few more helpful kicks from Purga Torrie to keep him rolling, he falls into the grave, his face falling right into the dirt, his body slumped over from the blow.

Purga Torrie starts to shovel dirt on Voodoo, when Yin and Yang come out to help Voodoo, but Purga Torrie sees them coming, and after taking a few punches, throws Yin into some electrical equipment, giving him a small shock, a knocking him out.Yang goes down after a tremendous shovelshot, his head bouncing off of the concrete surrounding the dirt.

Meanwhile, Voodoo has gotten back to his feet, and is about to get out of the dirt, as Purga Torrie turns around, Voodoo locks in his strong pimp hand.

Out from the back comes CEREBERUS! He takes the shovel and clocks Brother Voodoo with it. Yang is back up and starts fighting with Cereberus

Brother Voodoo slumps into the grave. Purga Torrie is getting to his feet when Brother Voodoo comes out of the grave with a HISSING SNAKE! He thrusts it towards Purga, but he dodges it. Out from the back comes EXODUS! He looks like a zombie! He distracts Brother Voodoo causing the snake to BITE BROTHER VOODOO!

Voodoo looks sick and passes out into the grave. Purga Torrie and Exodus start shoveling dirt onto him again. Cereberus has taken care of Yang and he comes over and shovels as well! Soon it begins to add up, when the last trace of Brother Voodoo disappears, the ref is satisfied, and calls for the bell to be rung

(ding, ding, ding)


Andy Richter: The winner of this match... PURGA TORRIE!!!!



I guess Voodoo got a taste of his own medicine.

KYou are confused again... he NEEDS medicine cuz he got a taste of the VENOM! Get it?

BIt is just a saying... let's go to the ring were we are about to have our SECOND VOLATILE CHAMPIONSHIP!

McKay and Oz are in the ring. McKay is holding a straight jacket and Oz is holding his belt.

A Big blast gives welcome to the native of D.C. looks at the crowd runs to the Ring, he leaps in showing very quick and stong legs.

Olson gets in the ring, not looking happy. McKay makes the ref put the straightjacket on him.


Oz VS Greg Olson


(ding, ding)

Once the last strap is secure on the jacket, Oz starts pummeling Olson with lefts and rights. Oz connects with a big kick in the gut followed by a shoulder breaker. Oz puts his foot on the fallen Olson and poses and smiles. Boos fill the arena.


BThis is disgusting!

KoSeriously, the fans booing such a finely executed shoulder breaker!

This was a set-up and Olson should be commended for going through with it.

KoDon't you mean commited? He's dressed for it...


Oz drops a elbow, but Olson rolls out of the way! Olson springs to his feet and starts stomping Oz. Oz grabs Olson's leg and gets a enziguri! Oz looks stunned.

Olson quickly gets up and drives his shoulder into the back of Oz's leg, sending Oz down to one knee. Olson then sends him all the way to the mat with a dropkick! Outside, McKay looks like he might have a heart attack.

Olson gets to the top turnbuckle and gets a flying leg drop. He goes for the pin!



Oz tosses Olson up and over the ref! Oz gets to his feet and looks MAD!


BThat was AMAZING! Olson was so, SO close and that was with no arms!

KoYeah, but at the expense of getting a BIG man angry. A few more minutes and he will have no arms for REAL!


Oz picks up Olson and powerbombs him to the mat. He picks him up again and delivers The Abyss (face first Choke Slam), his finisher....

(ding, ding, ding)

Andy Richter: Here is your winner, and STILL VOLATILE CHAMPION.... OZ!!!!!!

Oz picks up Olson and gives him ANOTHER Abyss! McKay gets in with the belt looking very happy. Oz throws Olson out of the ring and holds up his belt.

That wasn't a match, it was a big joke planned by McKay!!!

KAnd with a pretty good punchline!


Shot of backstage.

Emma is seen walking into the building....


It looks like Pitbull's woman is here... its a damn shame the champ isn't.

Although the NEW champ will be here right after the Main Event.....


Andy Richter: And now the RAIN OF FIRE MATCH to decide the WVW CHAMPION OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!

A swarm of roaches storm their way into the ring the people run wild in disgust, The Roach appears, he runs wildly to the ring and enters it explosively.

Andy Richter: He is from NYC, he is THE ROACH !!!

Roach gets in the ring with the cage surrounding it, and waits for his opponent, hoping to get the world title, when all of a sudden, Damage INC plays, and out walks McKay, with all of his troops in tow, Roach looks extremely pissed off by Mckay's presence, and Mckay looks around at the booing fans. McKay is holding the World Belt and a mic...

McKay:And now, the man I shall present this belt to later this evening, the NEXT Champion of the Woooooooooooooorld! NIGHTMARE!!!!!!!!

"Killing Time" by Head Pe plays and Nightmare walks out. He stands with Damage Inc, outside of the cage, staring at Roach who is standing inside.

Shot of backstage.

Tony Slattery:I'm here with Emma.... how's Pitbull?..

Emma:I have a little story to show, Mr. Director... please roll the video....

(The camera switches from the arena to shot of a sparesly lighted room just outside of Philadelphia.A large burly man is sitting behind an avalanche of papers, the old wooden chair straining under his weight, when his door opens, a small bell above the door ringing to announce the intrusion, and two figures step in, one big, the other small in size, at least compared to the height of the large individual.)

Foreman-I'm busy, come back later.

Larger Figure-No time, we need some answers now.

Foreman-What tells you that I have the answers.

(The two figures step forward, and into the weak light of one of the lamps.The taller figures has a neatly trimmed blond haircut, and a distinguished face, but the WVW audience knows who it is, Jason Westlake, and the smaller figure is Emma)

Jason-I think you can halp me, and you will help me, one way or another

Foreman-Listen buddy, I don't care who you are, or what you...HEY, what the hell

(Jason quickly walked over to the large man, and picks him up, placing an arm accross his throat in a type of choke, as he begins to ask him questions)

Jason-Ok, no you're gonna listen, and you're gonna answer, understand?(Foreman nods)Good good, well, almost three weeks ago, a bus stopped here, fancy, with a picture of a PitBull on the front, you see that?

Foreman-Yeah, yeah yeah yeah, I saw that, I saw dat, I know what bus you mean

Jason-I thought you did, why don't you tell me what happened that day.

Foreman-Well, they pulled in to gas, and then they left

Emma-I'd like to beleive you, really, I would, but you see, my friend here has a short fuse, come on Jason, elt him go, let's not have a repeat of last time, the guy's still in the hospital

Jason-Hmm, I think I'll just beat this guy up here for ticking me off, a principal type of thing ya know, why don't you wait outside Emma

Emma-Hmm, ok, just don't get all bloody again, ok, the car's dirty enough

(Emma begins to leave)

Foreman-No, wiat, wait, I was lying, he did'nt just gas and, go, there was another car that pulled in, this big truck, f-150 I think, a couple of guys got out, but they only pumped like 5 bucks worth of gas, they seemed more focused on that bus, than on the gas, fuckers even spilled some on the ground, them pumps are supposed to stop automatically, mine don't work so well anymnore, sprayed the gas out, idiots just left, did'nt care at all.

Jason-You did'nt get their liscence plate did you?

Foreman-No, I did'nt, but check the security cams, they usually pick it up

Jason-See, now was'nt that easy, give us the damn tape.

(The foreman is let go, and walks over to his desk, he opens a drawer, and searcehs through it, it is littered full of tapes, he takes out one, and gives it to Jason, who thanks him, and walks back outside with Emma.They are now in the store area of the gasstation, where a bored clerk is watching some old movie, on a crappy tv.Jason jumps over the counter, shoves him away, and pops their tape in.They forward it to where the foreman said he had seen the men, and sure enough, a big, souped up ford F-150 truck pulls up.And further away, stands PitBull's bus, with pitBull himself lounging outside, talking with the busdriver, a small tear runs down Emma's face as she sees him, so happy and calm)

(One of the men who got out is hidden by the shadows, as he fills up the tank with gas, the other one however, is stretching from driving, his face is turned from the camera, but one can see that he is tall, and well built.Slowly, he begins turning around, wearing mirrored type sunglasses, but despite this, Emma knows exactly who the man on the tape is)

Emma-Fuck, that Kruze, Scott"The Enforcer" Kruze, I should have guessed that McKay was behind this shit, motherfucker, goddamn.

Jason-Wait a second, did you say David McKay

Emma-Yeah, that's his name, David McKay, why, argh, who cares, let's just go find Rob, fast forward.

(Jason, presses fast forward, but he still thinks about McKay, somehow that name seems very familiar to him.A few minutes later, Jason sees something very important, the third man gets out of the truck, and quickly sneaks up to the van.When PitBull and his driver are'nt paying attention, he gets onto the bus, Kruze, and the other mystery man stop what they are doing, and get back into their car, but don't start it, until they see PitBull's bus leave, they put the car in gear, and drive out of the parkinglot, following them)

Jason-Goddamn, this was a huge plan, must have taken some time to orchestrate, we know who has him, but how do we get to him?

Emma-I don't think McKay would keep PitBull, too dangerous, he has cameraguys sneaking around him all the time, I think he'd love to get rid of evidence as quickly as possible, OF COURSE, Jason, get your cellphone, call all the hospitals, and see if they got someone matching PitBull's description

Jason-I already checked hospitals for PitBull, I got nuttin

Emma-They would think you'd try to find Rob Johnson, so they must have given him some other name when they dropped him off, oh god, quick, call

(Jason is already dialing, after the third phonecall, he starts to lose hope, only two hopsitals left in the immediate area, but he keeps a sliver of hope as the phone rings.A nurse picks up, and Jason quickly asks her if there is someone there matching Pitbull's description, he starts to give out Rob's description, when the woman on the other end already says...)

Nurse-Yeah, yeah, we have someone here just like that, guy's called Alex Franks, he was in bad condition when he came in, he seems to have lost his mind too, claiming he's this guy called PitBull, saying he's some great world champion wrestler, he did'nt beleive him, but we treated his broken arm, his shoulder's pretty bad, we had to implant some metal in it to heal it, people that brought him in said they found him in some street, must've been hit by a car, does that help.

Jason-Very, we'll be right down

(Jason and Emma run out of the store, and get into Jason's diablo, and quickly leave the gasstation.Jason drives like a maniac, doing over 100 miles an hour as he screams down the highway, weaving in and out of traffic once back in town, and finally stopping infront of a hospital.He and Emma get out of the car, and run inside, and up to the desk)

Jason-I called earlier, asking about a guy named Johnson, you said you had a guy of his description, called Franks, Alex, that right

Nurse-Yes, and you are

Emma-He's my husband

Nurse-Well, then you can visit him, just go down this hallway, and then right, left, and right again, it's room 245

(Emma and Jason are already running down the hallway, weaving through the maze of hallways, until they make it to room 245.The door is ajar, and Emma and Jason storm into the room.There is only one bed in the room, with one individual lying upon it.He is tall, and well muscled, dressed in a hopsital gown, but he is also the WVW world champion, he is Rob "PitBull" Johnson.Emma and Jason have done it, they have found Rob, but it is too late, there is no way that they can make it from the hospital to the arena in time for his match, but Emma does'nt care, she has her husband back, she walks over, and shakes him a little, trying to wake him up, making sure not to touch his cast on his right arm and shoulder.PitBull's eyes open, and he looks up at Emma)

Rob-Emma, oh thank god, finally somceone can get me out of this hellhole

Emma-Of course, of course

Rob-What day is it?

Jason-Uhm, it sunday man.

Rob-Wait a minute, who the hell is that, I know that voice...(looks at Jason)...WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE, you in on this shit with Mckay, you fucking two-timing bastard

Emma-Rob, no, he helped me find you, he's sorry for what happened all those years ago, he was the one who found you Rob, he's sorry, really, I trust him, so can you

Rob-That true, you helped her find me?

Jason-Yeah, I guess it was my way of proving that I was sorry for the shit I caused all those years ago, that's why I helped man, believe it or not, I've watched your career

Rob-Wait a minute did you say it's sunday?


Rob-Shit, I gotta get to the arena, I got a match

Emma-Too late, the title match is in like 2 hours, you could'nt get there, even if you were in the position to fight

Rob-Fuck McKay, fuck that damn bastard, he stole the belt from me, I will get even with that bastard, believe that

Jason-Yeah, in time, let's just get you out of this damn hospital, place gives me the creeps.

(As the camera fades out, Jason and Emma re carefully helping PitBull up.

Back to Tony and Emma......

Tony Slattery: So, if you were with Pitbull, does that mean???....

Emma:You better BELIEVE IT!!!!



(The arena lights dim down, making it hard to see, then the voice of Shaggy 2 Dope and Violent J screams out of the pa system)

Take It

If it was up to me I would never dare you
If it was up to me I would rather spare you
If it was up to me I would try to sway you

Everything is up to him

Everything is up to him

Everything is up to him

Inside out, you have to...

TAKE IT (Do it)

PITBULL, IT"S PITBULL, PITBULL'S HERE, what do you say now Mckay

KWhat is this, this can't be happening, no,nononononononono, I won't allow it, how can he be here

The fans go absoloutly insane, as a determined looking PitBull heads down to the ring, Shogun,Ox, and the Enforcer all walk up to meet him, but PitBull seems ready, bringing up a bat previously hidden, taking down all three men with it, PitBull looks around at the bodies lying around him, and then at the two men in the ring.The fans are cheering like crazy, blowing the roof off of the arena.PitBull slowly takes off his tanktop, puts his title down, throws the bat away, and then runs, sliding into the ring, where Nightmare and Roach have started to go at it!

Nightmare tries to stomp on PitBull's arm, which is still in a light cast, but PitBull manages to move, slamming his good elbow into Nightmare's face.PitBull catches Roach with his good arm, and then suplexes Nighmare out of the ring. The ref locks the door from the outside and THE MATCH BEGINS!



The Roach


Rob "The Pitbull" Johnson




(ding, ding)

The two men go at it inside the enclosed cage. At the top of the cage are what looks like fire sprinklers, yet just a little different since they are attached to gas tanks that sit on top of the cage!

Pitbull is enloading lefts and rights on Roach. He whips him into the side of the cage and then knocks him down with a big clothesline. Pitbull goes for a DDT, but Roach gets out of it and connects with a jawbreaker! He then hiptosses Pitbull to the mat and puts on a chinlock.

Pitbull powers out and whips Roach to the corner. He goes rushing in and Roach gets out of the way and slams his head into the turnbuckle. Roach then slams Pitbull to the mat and slaps on a clawhold.

Outside, McKay is trying to get to the controls of the sprinklers. He is yelling at the ref who is stopping him. Ref waves his hand and out comes security! They escort McKay and Damage Inc out of the arena!


That McKay is disgusting! He was trying to burn both men!

Now, THAT would have been interesting! What's with the party pooper security???

I say thank God for security!


Inside the ring, Pitbull powers out of the clawhold and gets Roach to the mat with a bulldog lariat. He drops a few knees into the Roach's back and tries to but on the Retribution, but Roach manages to get away.

Roach gets Pitbull up and drops him with a running powerslam! He stomps on Pitbull and heads for the door. The ref begins unlocking it, but Pitbull is up! He gets Roach from behind with a bulldog and follows it up with a pump handle powerslam.

This time Pitbull looks to be heading for the door, but Roach grabs him by the ring and takes him down. Roach looks to be going for an ankle lock, but Pitbull stops him with a kick to the face. Both men get to their feet and lock up.


This is a real see-saw match, I have butterflies in your stomach!

Ha, they match the cobwebs in your head!!

Any minute now and that ring will be ablaze!!


Pitbull gets control of the lockup and pushes Roach into the corner. Roach climbs to the second turnbuckle and gets a football tackle off of the ropes, sending both men to the mat. Roach is up and gets Pitbull to his feet for a standing piledriver.

Roach begins to choke out the Pitbull to the boos of the fans. Pitbull strugles but seems to be weakening from the lack of air, when...

He grabs Roach's face and rakes his eyes. Roach lets go of the choke and Pitbull rolls out of the way.

Pitbull grabs Roach, but gets a PESTILENCE!



One minute till the stench of burnt dog hair!

It can't be! Pitbull can't become a fireball after such a comeback!


Roach gets to the door, but Pitbull grabs his leg. Roach looks down at the fallen champ and starts to laugh! Pitbull strugles to his feet. Roach looks like he is about to deliver another Pestilence when Pitbull kicks him in the groin!

Roach folds and Pitbull gets on the RETRIBUTION! Roach looks to be in pain, but this match can not be won by a submission. After a bit, Pitbull lets go. He picks up Roach and starts unloading lefts and rights.

Roach tries to fight back and slams Pitbull's head into the cage over and over, breaking Pitbull open. The Roach then hits a belly to belly suplex. He throws Pitbull into the corner.

Roach gets Pitbull up on the top turnbuckle. He is about to hit a superplex when Pitbull powers out, turns Roach around and hits a FINAL DESTINATION OFF THE TOP ROPE!

Bloody and battered, Pitbull crawls to the door and the ref unlocks it. Pitbull climbs out and gets to the controls.... and in a flash...





Andy Richter: Your winner and



Pitbull takes his belt and the belt McKay had brought stands on the ramp triumphantly.

Inside the ring, The Roach's clothes are on fire as he begins to roll around to put them out. EMT's and security run in the ring.

PitBull goes up the ramp, holding his injured arm as he walks, at the top of the ramp, he stops again, looks at both titles, and then throws McKay's away, holding the WVW title high into the air.



Chill out, old man!!!

WHAT AN UNBELIEVABLE PPV!!! See ya all next Sunday!


Pitbull celebrates as Emma comes out to join him and we...


Cut to black.

copyright 2001 WVW Entertainment.