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March 25th, 2001


The crowd is on its feet. Pyro explodes around the WVW BIGScreen as wrestlers are in the ring. The WVW music fades in to Violent J making his way to the ring.

WELCOME! This night is going to go down in history as we crown our first IC champion, the World belt and Volatile belt are on the line together, some stars are making thier debut AND some are going to be hitting the road in our first bout.

KoThat's right, here in the WVW careers are made and broken in an instant. The losers in the next match are gone for good! Unless of course we have them back for a gimmick battle royal sometime in the future.

olaAnything is possible here in the WVW, ANYTHING! Let's get to that time limit match!

Andy Richter is at ringside.

Andy Richter: The first match of the evening is has a 10 MINUTE TIME LIMIT! Anyone who gets pinned can NEVER return!!!!

The arena goes black , except for green and red lights that flash occasionally . The crows go silent . And it begins to rain inside the arena . It is a harsh tropical rain . Then a door is heard creaking . The the Star Wars Emperial March starts to play and the Predator comes out .

Andy Richter: First, making his way to the ring, weighing in at 250 lbs, from Thailand, The PREDATOR!!!!

Weapon X enters to Prodigy's Firestarter, as fireworks go off on the stage area. He enters through the crowd and gets in the ring.

Andy Richter: His opponent, weighing in at 227 from Detroit, MI... he is WEAPON X!!!!



Predator VS Weapon X VS Violent J VS Dr Cruise VS Chief Lick Carpet VS Monster

A clock is seen in the corner of the screen

All six men are in the ring at this point.

(ding, ding)

The six men start attacking each other. Weapon X gets a headlock on Predator and starts dishing out punches. The Monster is in the corner being double teamed by Violent J and Chief Lick Carpet. Dr Cruise is outside the ring, looking for a weapon.


Weapon X gets the Predator in a sharpshooter but Predator quickly reverses it. Cruise has pulled Violent J out of the ring and is driving his head into the apron. The Monster has Chief Lick Carpet up and drops him with a chokeslam.


Bob This action is pretty intense so far.

KNo it isn't! This sucks, why are we having a jobber match on a PPV?

BWhat? There are NO jobbers in the WVW!

The Predator is caught by the Monster who is about to dump him out of the ring. Chief Lick Carpet rolls him up from behind and the Predator helps with the pin


Monster is GONE!


Violent J and Cruise are fighting outside. Cruise whips Violent J into the crowd. In with the fans is none other than Talen! Talen gets behind Cruise, grabs him by the neck and slams him to the concrete and then goes for a pin!


Dr. Cruise is GONE!


Talen starts fighting with Violent J. Inside the ring Predator DDT's Chief Lick Carpet to the mat. Weapon X kicks Predator and goes for a suplex, but Predator reverses it into a pin.


Weapon X is GONE!


Bob The match is only half over and we already have three less wrestlers on the roster.

KThat's HORRIBLE! It should be MORE!

BWell, Talen is in and he wasn't scheduled! However I have been informed that if he is pinned he is ALSO gone! ANYONE pinned during this match is GONE!

KI should pin YOU then!

Talen and Violent J are back in the ring. Talen bounces off the ropes and gets caught by the Predator who piledrives him. As he does, Chief Lick Carpet comes off the top rope and makes it a spiked pile driver.

Violent J clotheslines the Chief and catches a backdrop from the Predator. Talen comes flying off the top rope and hits Predator with a cross body block.

"Killing Time" hits the arena and Nightmare is seen coming down to the ring.

Bob What is HE doing here now? He has a match later!

KI don't know but if he doesn't watch it, he's going to have a VERY short career!

Nightmare gets in the ring and starts unloading punches on the Predator. Talen tries to slam him but gets a snap powerbomb instead. Nightmare goes for a pin.


Talen is GONE!


Chief Lick Carpet hits Predator with the Carpet Tailer and goes for the pin.


Nightmare breaks the pin. Violent J grabs Predator from behind in a inverted DDT. Nightmare is stomping the Chief in the corner.


The Predator gets Violent J in a nerve hold. Nightmare hits the Chief with a "Bad Dream" - Small Package DDT (T-Bone Suplex into DDT) and goes for a pin.



Chief Lick Carpet is GONE!

Nightmare drops a leg on Predator as he has the move on Violent J and goes for a pin!


The Predator is GONE!


Nightmare rolls up Violent J.




Violent J kicks out! Nightmare hits him with a Bad Dream.


Violent J is GONE!!

(ding, ding,ding)

Andy Richter: Here is the only one left.... NIGHTMARE!!!!!

Nightmare stands in the ring looking dominant. The fans are cheering.

Bob WOW! I wonder if Greg Olson is concerned, he has to face that guy later!

KYeah, I know. The thing is, Nightmare won't be fresh now.

BIt should be interesting to see. Maybe we will get some comments from Olson later, first... let's crown our FIRST IC CHAMPION!!! This is going to be huge!

KoSo, The TCB has three shots tonight and I bet they walk out with FOUR belts!! Wait, make that FIVE!! That's right, I say they take them ALL!!!

I'll believe it when I see it. They're only problem is there are other people with the same shot, so it won't be a walk in the park!


The "Yin-Yang Theme" hits and Yang walks to the ring with his hands in the air. Fans boo like crazy and that just seems to make him more confident.

Andy Richter: From the Mountains of Tibet, he is the MASTER, he is YANG!!!!!

A Chainsaw sounds starts ripping through the arena , as Kodiac walks out with an axe handle in hand, as he gets into the ring he steps over the toprope, he turns around and lets out a great howl, and raises his Axe Handle

Andy Richter: Weighing in at 360, all the way from Alaska, he is the KODIAK WOODSMAN!!!!

Lights flicker then just go out then there is an explosion and "CHAAAAAOOOOOOS" is screamed and the music hit. Kid Chaos comes out and goes wild!

Andy Richter: Weighing in at 180 from Austin, TX, he is KID CHAAAAOOOOSSS!!!!

"Abracadabra" plays as a smoke bomb goes off in the center of the ring. When the smoke clears The Great Marcos is standing in the ring. He pulls a bouquet of roses out of his sleeve and tosses them to the crowd. Then he takes off his cape and hat, folds the cape up, and drops it in the hat. He claps the hat between his hands and it disappears in a flash.

Andy Richter: Weighing in at 230 from Reno, Nevada, he is the GREAT MARCOS!!!!!

Yang VS Kodiac Woodsman VS

Kid Chaos VS The Great Marcos

(Four Way Elimination)



Andy Richter: The next match is a Four Way Elimination for the INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!


(ding, ding)

The four men circle each other. Yang starts bad mouthing the Kodiac Woodsman, who answers with a big uppercut sending Yang to the mat and the fans to their feet.

Marcos and Kid Chaos lock up and Kid Chaos takes a German suplex. Marcos tries to follow up but instead gets sent down with a hip toss.

The Woodsman is after Yang who has escaped to the outside. Yang grabs a chair, but it gets knocked out of his hands with a big boot from the Woodsman. Yang is then lifted up in a gorilla press slam and dropped on the railing.

Inside Marcos and the Kid are going back and forth. Marcos whips the Kid who then does a leap frog over him. Marcos comes back and the Kid slaps a sleeper on him, but Marcos slips right out. They exchange lefts and rights. The Woodsman gets in the ring and takes both thier heads and introduces them in a noggin knocker!

Yang is back in the ring and hits the Woodsman with a face smash to the mat. Kid Chaos then hits Yang with a pump handle slam. Chaos then turns to get Marcos, but Marcos isn't there! Kid Chaos turns back around and there's Marcos with a spinning roundhouse kick for him!

Woodsman and Yang are back at it. Woodsman has Yang on the mat and is slamming his head against the canvas. He drops and elbow but misses and Yang gets a Russian leg sweep bringing him down. He then slaps on a chin lock The Woodsman lifts him up and slams Yang down, breaking out of the hold.

Kid Chaos hits Marcos with a DDT and goes for a flying elbow drop, but the Woodsman catches him in the air. Yang then dropkicks Chaos, causing him to land on the Woodsman for a pin. Yang them lays on Chaos!





The Woodsman has been eliminated!

Great tactic by Yang! See how smart he is?

BMore like conniving. He still has two more guys to take care of!


The Woodsman looks pissed and starts taking it out on Yang! He throws him out of the ring and starts throwing him into the guardrails. Yin runs down and hits the Woodsman from behind. Him and Yang start stomping Woodsman until some security come out to break it up. As Yin is carted out, with the Woodsman, he throws a pair of handcuffs to Yang.

Yang gets into the ring as Marcos is planting Kid Chaos with a running bulldog. He hits Marcos with a flowing neckbreaker. He then handcuffs Marcos to the ropes. The ref is yelling at Yang, but Yang just kicks the vunerable Marcos.

Kid Chaos comes up from behind and nails Yang with a savant kick, sending him into the ropes with Marcos. Yang and Marcos are ties up in the ropes, but in an instant, Marcos is on his feet and YANG IS HANDCUFFED!

Marcos and Kid Chaos start laying the boots in on Yang as Yang curses in Asian.


WOW! Check that out! Marcos just outsmarted Yang...

KNo he didn't! That was a dirty trick.

BIf it is, then Yang deserves it.

Marcos turns and hits Chaos with a European uppercut. Marcos then grabs the handcuff and makes the chain longer by about four feet! Yang looks confused as he takes a swinging neckbreaker.

Marcos then climbs to the top rope, but Chaos is on the other. Chaos flies off and hits the CHAOS BOMB! Chaos goes for the pin.





Marcos grabs Yang and tosses him out of the ring, and the handcuffs are GONE!!


WThis guy really is amazing!

KI thought it was Great.... and it must be some dark magic to get Yang pinned!

BOh stuff it! Yang isn't all that! Now we are down to ONE ON ONE!

Marcos and Kid Chaos are circling each other. They lock up and Marcos goes for an atomic drop, but the Kid uses his agility to hop behind him and get off a swinging neck breaker. Chaos then flips off the ropes and gives Marcos a splash!

Chaos is again on his feet and runs off the ropes but Marcos catches him with a clothesline. Marcos goes for a knee drop, but Kid Chaos rolls out of the way and gets Marcos with a clothesline from hell followed by a schoolboy pin.




And Marcos kicks out. Marcos is on his feet and him and the Kid start punching it out. Marcos gets Chaos into the corner and grabs his leg and flips him to the center of the ring, followed by a legdrop followed by a pin.




Chaos kicks out. Kid is on his feet and whips Marcos into the corner. He gets up on the second turnbuckle and starts laying in punches. The crowd cheers along. Marcos picks up Chaos and slams him to the mat. He rolls him up with a nice bridge.




Chaos kicks out and hits Marcos with a sidewalk slam followed by a tombstone! Kid Chaos gets up to the top turnbuckle and goes for a Chaos bomb, but the ring fills with smoke. Chaos jumps into the smoke and a big THUD is heard.

The smoke clears and Marcos has Chaos pinned!


Chaos reverses it into a small package!




Marcos kicks out! Kid Chaos whips him out of the ring, he goes out after him and nails him with a big axe handle. He turns Marcos around, but it's another guy! Chaos sees Marcos is in the ring, so he goes after him.

Marcos catches a kick by Chaos and nails an enziguri. He then gets a swinging neck breaker. Marcos gets to the top rope and hits the The Grand Finale (Top Rope Somersault Leg Drop)!





(ding, ding, ding)

Andy Richter: Here is your winner... and NEW INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION, THE GREAT MARCOS!!!

The Great Marcos stands in the ring with his belt. The crowd cheers and cheers even louder when he holds the belt over his head and pyro shoots out of it!!!


That is friggin cool! What an awesome champ he is going to be!

KThat's weird, I don't see Yang in the ring, who are YOU talking about?

BOh shut up, don't be all whiny everytime one of the TCB loses, which should be all night! Now, let's take a look at the next PPV.... this one has been AMAZING so far and it has just started.... what's in store in the future??



Actions speak louder than words....

and it's not always clean language!

Next Month... The WVW Superstars dabble in some:

Dirty Deeds

April 22, 2001

Only on PPV!!!


BWow, that's going to be a powederkeg, a real barn torcher, lock the kids up!

KUm, you said that EXACT same thing about this PPV!

And I was RIGHT! Let's get to our next match, two new comers try to make their marks!


Andy Richter: The next match is a KNOCK OUT MATCH! You must knock your opponnent out cold to win. And now, the competitors...

"Killing Time" by Head Pe hits. The fans reaction is mixed, some cheer...

Andy Richter: Weighing in at 234, from Long Beach, CA, NIGHTMARE!!!!

"A Big blast gives welcome to the native of D.C. looks at the crowd runs to the Ring, he leaps in showing very quick and stong legs. .

Andy Richter: Weighing in at 245, GREG OLSON!!!!


Greg Olson VS Nightmare

(Knock-Out Match)


(ding, ding)

Nightmare stares Olson down, who doesn't seem to care. They lock up and Nightmare gets a capture suplex. Olson gets away and bounce off the ropes and hits a necksnap. He then stomps Nightmare in the head and hits a piledriver.

The ref checks Nightmare, but Nightmare is still fully conscious. Nightmare gets a fisherman's DDT and then is on his feet, stomping Olson. Olson grabs Nightmare's leg and whips him to the canvas with it. Nightmare rolls out and pulls Olson out with him.

Olson hits a football tackle sending Nightmare to the mat. Nightmare grabs the mat and pulls it up, sending Olson back first on the concrete.

The ref checks him

He snaps his arm violently away from the ref and swings at Nightmare, who ducks and whips Olson into the ring post. Nightmare goes for a splash, but Olson ducks and Nightmare hits the post.

Olson whips Nightmare into the commentators table.


Oh no, not our table again!

KWe should really get some sort of BRICK table!

BYeah, that would make sense...


Olson takes Nightmare for a ride with a running powerslam connecting with the railing. Nightmare grabs the railing and lifts it so in connects with Olson right in the mouth!

Olson turns to hit Nightmare, but Nightmare blocks and hits a northern lights suplex. Nightmare runs to the apron and flys off it connecting with a Asai moonsault!. Nightmare picks up Olson and brings him over to the exposed concrete. Nightmare sets up for a powerbomb, but Olson takes out his legs and slingshots him.

Both men are down, but not out! Olson is up first and Nightmare is right behind. Olson climbs on the apron and so does Nightmare. Both men are on the apron and start exchanging lefts and rights. Nightmare flips Olson into the ring, and from the apron grabs him and tries a powerbomb. Olson instead uses his leverage to sit on Nightmare's shoulder and starts pummeling him in the head!

Nightmare shoves Olson into the ring and looks dazed. Olson is up tries to shove Nightmare off the apron. Instead, Nightmare holds onto the ropes and propels himself through the ropes and into Olson's midsection. Nightmare lifts him up and places him on the apron. Olson kicks him and climbs the rope as if to do a spinning DDT onto the concrete!

Nightmare hits Olson in the midsection and climbs up on the middle rope with Olson. Nightmare carefully gets Olson into a Russian leg sweep and BOTH MEN HIT THE CONCRETE!

Thier skulls hit the floor with a simutaneous thud. The ref checks both men.

(ding, ding, ding)


Andy Richter: This match has been declared a draw!!!!

The EMT's come to check on the two men.


Shot of backstage.

Tony Slattery:I'm here with Yin, who has a big Hell in a Cell, TLC match...

Yin:That's right, and after I win, not only will I and Yang be champs, but I will make Brother Voodoo realize why I'm as deserving as the next guy.

Yin walks off and Greg Olson and Nightmare are being brought in. They seem to be coming to and when they do, they start fighting all over again!

Tony Slattery: I better get out of here, this one doesn't seem to be over! Back to you Bob and Karl....



Those two better be careful, they might have concussions.

KI'm sure you care. Are you going to check on them every twenty minutes tonight as they sleep?

BUm, no... but we DO have a BIG BIG tag team match! We'll not really tag team, but it IS for the tag team belts!!

Andy Richter: The next match is a HELL IN THE CELL TLC MATCH!

The crowd cheers.


Lights flicker then just go out then there is an explosion and "KAAAACHE" is screamed and the music hit. Kid Kache comes out and goes wild!

Andy Richter:Now in the cage, he is insane, heis chaotic, he is super hard-core, he is....KID KACHE!!!!!! !!!!

The Hell in the Cell begins to lower.

Pyro Hits And the commando walks down saluting the crowd.When he is in the ring he tenses himself up and stands in front of a big pyro blast.

Andy Richter:Now also in the cage, he is america's hero......THE COMMANDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 Balls shoot into the air and the lights go out. The only light you can see is the fire balls. The lights come on and Justin Sane on the ramp with his back to the ring. He turns around and proceeds down the ramp.

Andy Richter:On his way to the ring, he is............JUSTIN SANE!!!!!!!!!!!

The arena goes dark for a minute as a blue spotlight shines throughout the arena like the old Undertaker's intrance. Then you hear a voice whisper "ICE" and then "Dub the Mic" plays from the Beastie Boys and out walks ICE. As ICE walks down the intrance way there are explosions following him then the light come back on

Andy Richter:He is making his way to the ring, his fists are cold, his will is strong, he is.............ICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!

"Yin and Yang's" theme plays, as Yin walks to the ring, laughing as the crowd throws their trash at him.He has a cane in his right hand, and gets into the ring, as Andy Richter announces him

Andy Richter:Now in the cage, he is te painted weirdo, the minister of destruction, and he's the original WVW bad-boy, he's so bad he makes bad look good, he is...........YIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As Able's theme plays, Able walks out to some really whacked pyros. His whole entrance is off cue, and he walks to the ring non-chalantly, as if nothing wrong happened, halfway down the "Men in Black" by Will Smith starts up, and the crowd does'nt know wether to cheer for the MIB, or to boo because of the annoying song, they decide to cheer as the Man in Black walks out, and he and Able begin "boogying" down to the music, making their way to the cage as they do so, Able is the one to enter the cage, as Able walks to the announce table.

Andy Richter: Now in the cage and at the table, they are the current WVW tag team champions, the great group, the magnificent maulers, the crazy conquerors........ABLE AND THE MAN IN BLACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Able & MIB VS Justin Sane VS

ICE VS Commando VS

Kid Kache VSYin

(Hell In A Cell TLC Match, WVW Tag Team Championship)

(ding, ding)

Yin starts off, using his cane to beat the other competitors senseless, whacking each one over the head several times, before setting up a ladder, and climbing up it, raising his cane and waving at the crowd, like he just won or something


BUhm, why is he celebrating?

KoBecause he is the greatest wrestler in the world!


KoOkay, maybe not...


Able is the first one back to his feet, and he runs over, and pushes the ladder, causing Yin to slam into the cage, and causing the crowd to laugh their collective asses off.Able grabs Yin's head, and begins bashing it against the cage, the crowd cheering along with each hit, before Able grabs Yin's head, and lifts him up into a nice Powerbomb onto the hard floor.

Ice meanwhile goes after the commando, punching him a few times, and then hitting a Pump Handle, followed by a suplex onto a ladder.Meanwhile, Justin Sane is really beating on Kid Kache, using a chair as his weapon of choice, finally hitting the Kid so hard that the chair bends from the assault.

Ice meanwhile has climbed to the top of the cage, where he hangs off of it, like the cage was monkey bars on some playground.With the commando's leg caught inbetween the legs of a ladder, Ice jumps down, throwing his whole weight onto it, crushing Commando's leg.


BOh come on, that's just not right.

KoMy name's Bob Dolan and I'm a big two eyed lame-o

What did you say?

KoNothing, nothing at all, hehehehehehe


Commando rolls around in pain, but Ice does'nt seem to care, as he clotheslines Kid Kache from behind hitting his neck with a sick looking clothesline, and as Kid goes down, Justin is already on him with the chair, finally succeeding in busting the young man open.

Outside of the ring, Able is really taking it to Yin, picking him up for a Chokeslam, and then a quick Piledriver onto the concrete, crushing Yin's head.Able grabs a ladder, and sets it up, inside the ring, and Able slowly climbs to the top of it.The fans are cheering like crazy, as Able takes a dive off of the ladder, and crashes to the floor, sadly, Yin has moved, so the entire pain is taken by Able.

In the ring, Ice and Justin Sane are beating on Kache, who is lying on the mat, bleeding like a pig, when suddenlly, Ice goes down, behind him, a barely standing commando is clutching a chair.Justin goes after him, only to be hit with a similar chairshot from Kid Kache.Which he then uses to hit Commando with.Kache quickly sets up another table, and begins piling all of the opponents onto it, finally, all three lie on it, still woozy from the chairshot.

Slowly, Kache begins climbing the cage, and at the top, rips the mesh off, climbing through it, and onto the top of the cell, where he stands perched, a deranged look in his face, even the fans can't believe he'd do something this crazy.

Bob Dolan-Don't do it Kid Kache,you'll kill them, don't, you'll kill yourself

But, Kid Kache jumps through the hole, and splashes onto the 3 men, breaking the table, and leaving all of them dazed, and knocked out on the mat.Kache is the first to stir, and fans cheer as he slowly begins covering Justin Sane, as the referee counts



NO, Yin breaks up the count, and sadly, Kid Kache is too weary to resists, as Yin picks him up, and breaks him in half, but slamming him through a table with monsterous powerbomb.Yin then grabs one of the many chairs littering the ring, and helps every competitor to their feet, only to knock them down with a vicious chairshot, he repeats this until all of them lie in a heap on the mat.He puts one on top of the other, and then to add insult to injury, merely sits down on them for the cover, even the reff seems disgusted as he counts


(outside the ring, Able is moving)


(Able slides into the ring, he jumps towards Yin)


(Able hits Yin, but it is too late, the bell rings)

(ding, ding, ding)

Andy Richter: Here is your winner, and NEW TAG TEAM CHAMPION, YIN!!!!

Yin just stands in the ring like a champion, but the MIB will have nothing of it, as he runs into the cage and begins hammering Yin, but soon the cheers for the beating turn to boos, as Yang runs to the ring, a singapore cane in hand, he quickly gets into the cage, and starts beating the MIB with it, before he and his partner grabs MIB, and to a sort of 3-d to him, but with the MIB's face turned to the roof of the building, creating huge pressure on his neck.

After they take him down, Yin and Yang grab their titles, and then quickly set about unmasking the MIB, they finally work the mask off, to reveal the face of.........................BACKSTREET.

Yin and Yang look a little shocked, and back out of the ring, they walk up the ramp, their faces looking a little worried

NO!!! Not Yin and Yang AGAIN!!!

KI said it, and it happened. Right after the next filler match we will see the final two belts for TCB! Wait a sec, something is happening in the back!


Shot of backstage.

Carnage and Top Dog are seen being stretchered out. Kid Chaos is there.

Kid Chaos: WHAT HAPPENED? This is bullshit! First I get screwed out of the title and then my buddy gets attacked! THERE WILL BE REVENGE ON SATURDAY!!!

Tony Slattery: There is word about something known as "Damage, Inc"...

Kid Chaos: This is that BASTARD, Brother Voodoo! And those Yin and Yank off!

Tony Slattery: So are you going to interfere in his match?

Kid Chaos: No Way! I have to go to the hospital with my buddy. Not to mention, I HOPE Brother Voodoo wins both belts, so I CAN BEAT HIM NEXT WEEK!!!

Kid Chaos walks off.


Well, I guess that kills THAT match up!!

Good, it was a silly one to begin with.

Shush, you! All I know is this is going to be THE match! Pitbull hates Animal, Brother Voodoo hates Pitbull, Roach hates Pitbull, and it goes on and on like that... Let's get it on already!


Andy Richter: And now a 2 FALL match for the WVW VOLATILE CHAMPION and the WVW CHAMPION OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lights turn blue and black, snakes appear on all screens as a digarie-do horn blows, then he arrives, from the shadows of the curtains, Brother Voodoo brings hand fulls of snakes with him to the ring, fans are screaming as they fall loose on the ground and slither away into the masses of fans.

Andy Richter: From the Swamplands, weighing in at 281, it's BROTHER VOODOO!!!!!

A swarm of roaches storm their way into the ring the people run wild in disgust, The Roach appears, he runs wildly to the ring and enters it explosively.

Andy Richter: He is from NYC, he is THE ROACH !!!

"Lords of Brooklyn" hits the PA and Luka Cesare comes down, shadow boxing and flipping off the crowd.

Andy Richter: He is from Flatbush, Brooklyn, he is LUKA "THE ANIMAL" CESARE!!!

(The arena lights dim down, making it hard to see, then the voice of Shaggy 2 Dope and Violent J screams out of the pa system)

Take It

If it was up to me I would never dare you
If it was up to me I would rather spare you
If it was up to me I would try to sway you

Everything is up to him

Everything is up to him

Everything is up to him

Inside out, you have to...

TAKE IT (Do it)

(A huge explosion happens just as Take It is screamed through the speakers, and huge clouds of smoke surround the entrance, and lasercriss cross through the smoke, as a figure steps through the darkness)

(The crowd is already on their feet, screaming like crazy, as "Take it" plays through the arena, and PitBull's logo pulsates on the WVW-tron.PitBull steps out of the smoke, and stares at his opponents, who are already in the ring, and slowly he begins walking to the ring, wearing only a pair of black wrestling tights with PitBull written accross the front.He walks to the ring, a look of pure intensity in his eyes, he slowly goes up the steps, and through the ring ropes, his gaze never leaving his three opponents)

Andy Richter: He is from Baltimore, MD, he is ROB "THE PITBULL" JOHNSON !!!

The crowd is going wild.



Brother Voodoo


Luka "The Animal" Cesare


The Roach


Rob "The Pitbull" Johnson




(ding, ding)

The match has begun. The Animal is just getting in the ring as Pitbull grabs him and throws him to the mat outside. He starts pummelling the Animal with lefts and rights, whiping him from one post to the other, to the guard rail, and then knocking him down with a BIG clothesline, nearly taking his head off!

The Roach and Brother Voodoo are inside watch Pitbull go ape shit on the Animal and stare for a moment before turning there attention to each other. Quickly, they lock up! The Roach brings a knee up into Brother Voodoo's midsection and then drops him with a belly to back suplex. As soon as he hits the mat, Brother Voodoo slaps a triangle hold variation on the Roach.

Outside, Pitbull has put the RETRIBUTION(, he reaches under the other arm, and brings his own arm accross the guys neck, grabbing the other hand, and wrenching both arms out of postion, while making it hard for the man to breathe) on the Animal!

The ref jumps out to check, and Brother Voodoo jumps out as well to break the hold. Brother Voodoo hits Pitbull with a spine buster. The Roach comes out and grabs the Animal and whip him into Brother Voodoo and then tackles both of them! Pitbull is back up and is unloading lefts and rights on Brother Voodoo has the Strong Pimp Hand on Animal. Before Animal can give up, Pitbull is on it, breaking the hold.

The Roach is clearing fans away from the chairs. He takes out a small bottle and starts spraying the chairs. In a moment, he has a match and the CHAIRS ARE UP IN ABLAZE!!!

Brother Voodoo and Pitbull get away from the flames, but the Animal catches fire! The Roach hits him with the Pestilence! The Animal is not on fire, but he is being pinned!







DEAR LORD!! Security is down with fire extinguishers! And the EMT's are taking the Animal away!

Roach is just like that fluid he sprayed, VOLATILE, and the new champ of that name!

UNBELIEVABLE! And we still have the world!


The fire is put out and the match is back in the ring, and with the Animal out already, it has turned into a THREE WAY FOR THE WORLD TITLE!!!

Pitbull slams the Roach and gets a dropkick from Voodoo. Voodoo starts stomping the Roach and then turns to stomping Pitbull. Pitbull takes the Brother's feet from under him and tackles the Roach! The Roach hits Pitbull with a piledriver and then takes a crucifix powerbomb from Brother Voodoo.

Pitbull gets Brother with a twisting bulldog and starts slamming his head in the mat. The Roach comes up from behind and hits Pitbull with a belly to belly suples followed by a pin.


Pitbull kicks out and gets to his feet as Brother Voodoo clotheslines the Roach and then gives him a tilt a whirl backbreaker. Pitbull grabs Brother Voodoo and chokeslams him.

The Roach whips Pitbull into the turnbuckle. Brother Voodoo then whips Roach, yet on the way Pitbull runs from the corner and spears him! He then gets up and slams Brother Voodoo. He slaps on the RETRIBUTION!!

The Roach is quickly on the scene, hiting Pitbull with the PESTILENCE!

Brother Voodoo is up and get the Roach with running powerslam and then goes for the pin on Pitbull!




Pitbull kicks out! The Roach gets to his feet and powerbombs Brother Voodoo! All three men are down!


This is just a war!

And I think Brother Voodoo can still take it! COME ON TCB!!

Any one can take it at this point, ANYONE!!


Brother Voodoo gets to his feet first, followed by Pitbull, they lock up. Brother Voodoo gets a crossface hold. Roach is up and gets over and stomps Brother Voodoo off of the Pitbull

Pitbull is up and hits the Roach with the FINAL DESTINATION! The Roach is down, but Brother Voodoo is able to get Pitbull down and into the STRONG PIMP HAND!

The ref is checking Pitbull. He raises the arm.

It drops once

He raises the arm again.

Again, it drops. The fans are going crazy on thier feet.

Once again, the ref raises the Pitbull's arm....

This time, Pitbull's arm is up and he breaks out! He starts unloading lefts and rights on Brother Voodoo, almost knocking him out of his shoes! The Roach is up again and Pitbull just changes his rage to the Roach. He knocks him with one punch right out of the ring!

The Pitbull follows him out and grabs anything he can get his hands on, chairs, the stairs and start pummeling the Roach. He then slaps on the RETRIBUTION!!

Brother Voodoo is out again and breaks the hold one more time. He gets Pitbull in a backdrop and rolls the Roach into the ring. He and the Roach start brawling it out and Roach catches Brother Voodoo with a jaw breaker! He then probs him up on the top rope for a big superplex!

Pitbull is back in and now he and the Roach are brawling.


This match is brutal!

You said it, I'm getting tired watching it!

Back and forth!!! Every move in the book and somehow they all keep going!


The Roach catches Pitbull with a powerslam followed by a neckbreaker. He goes for a pin.



And the Pitbull kicks out! He is up and know Brother Voodoo is on the scene. He has BOTH the VOLATILE and WORLD belts and he is whipping them at Pitbull and Roach like a maniac! He hits both of them with a few stinging shot sending them to the mat.

The Roach is getting to his feet as Brother Voodoo whips Pitbull into the ropes and Pitbull comes back with a DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE! Nearly sending Brother Voodoo out and sending Roach to the floor. The Pitbull whip Brother Voodoo into the corner and as he bounces back, hits the FINAL DESTINATION! He goes for a pin!

The ref sees it and makes a count...










Andy Richter: Your winner and



Pitbull takes his belt and stands in the ring triumphantly. The CROWD IS WILD!! EVERYONE IS ON THEIR FEET!! Pitbull looks like he might cry, but he is too tough for that so he just screams, "I DID IT!!!"


And we have a NEW champ!


This is a GREAT DAY in WVW HISTORY!!!!
Oh shut up!


Pitbull celebrates with the thousands of fans. Emma runs down the ramp, Pitbull looks shocked, but he still gives her a big hug as we....


Cut to black.

copyright 2001 WVW Entertainment.