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The camera pans around the small arena. The crowd may be small, but they are quite loud. Some pyro and explosions go off as loud guitar riffs echo through the arena. The camera cuts to Bob Dolan and Kooky Karl at the commentating table.

Bob Dolan: AND WELCOME TO SATURDAY NIGHT STRANGLE! We are in for quite a night as the new stars of the WVW square off to see who's going to be the WORLD CHAMP!

Kooky Karl: That's right... the one with the best win/loss record at the big PPV will be the World Champ. There are some good guys on the roster, but tonight they can see if they will be great. And that no talent, Backstreet squares off against another nobody!

Dolan shoots Karl a dirty look.

Bob Dolan: What? Do you work for SXW or something?? It's going to be a HELL of a fight in Junkyard Match! I can't wait. First, let's go to the Lottery Matches. Since there are only a few matches tonight, there will be NO TIME LIMITS!!! Andy Richter is ringside about to pick our combatants!

Andy is seen at ringside with a small box. He pulls out a paper and reads it.

Andy Richter:Our first combatant shall be.... DIAMOND!!!

After a few moments, 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' by Nirvana plays and Diamond comes out to a HUGE pop from the crowd. He walks down to the ring, high fiving all the way. When he gets to the ring he looks skyward, raises his arms and sparks fly all around the top rope, completely circling the ring.

Andy Richter:Weighing in at 255 from Los Angeles, CA, Diamond!!!

Andy reaches into the box once more and takes out another paper. He reads it.

Andy Richter: And his opponet will be... BROTHER VOODOO!!!

Lights turn blue and black, snakes appear on all screens as a digarie-do horn blows, then he arrives, from the shadows of the curtains, Brother Voodoo brings hand fulls of snakes with him to the ring, fans are screaming as they fall loose on the ground and slither away into the masses of fans. Brother Voodoo walks around the ring.

Andy Richter:On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 281 from Swamplands, Brother Voodoo!!! (crowd boos feverishly)

Brother Voodoo vs. Diamond (Non-Title Match, No Time Limit)

Diamond tests out the ropes as Brother Voodoo stares him down

(the bell rings)

Diamond is taken by surprise with a standing clothesline. Diamond trys for a Russian Leg Sweep but Brother Voodoo avoids it.

Brother Voodoo lifts Diamond, runs, then a big powerslam! Brother Voodoo scoops Diamond up and slams him to the mat once again. Brother Voodoo stands staring at the crowd as Diamond grabs his back in pain

Bob Dolan:This Brother Voodoo is a real weirdo...

Kooky Karl: I don't know... I like him. I see some real potential. What is he meditating? If he ignored the crowd a little more...

Bob Dolan:Whoa! Here comes Diamond!

Diamond is up and grabs the Brother for a Multiple German Suplex!. He springs to his feet and drops a fist, then goes for the pin...

Ref Morley gets a one only when Brother Voodoo lifts a shoulder. Diamond brings Brother Voodoo over to the corner. He climbs to the second turnbuckle and motions to the crowd. The crowd cheers. They are ready to count as Diamond starts laying in the punches, however by "2!" Brother Voodoo carries Diamond to the center og the ring and nails and inverted atomic drop.

Brother Voodoo plants a DDT on Diamond and stands up.

Bob Dolan:Just solid wrestling so far, as the tide goes back and forth!

Kooky Karl:Oh leave the cliches at home, Dolan! This match is going to be a bloody ritual before we know it!

Diamond manages to get back to his feet as he and Brother Voodoo exchange lefts and rights. Diamond trys for a Dragon suplex but is blocked by Brother Voodoo who turns it into a soop slam. Brother Voodoo picks up Diamond and puts on a crossface hold.

The crowd chants "Diamond! Diamond!"

Bob Dolan:The crowd is really behind Diamond! And I have to agree with them!

Kooky Karl: Well then, I guess you're as stupid as the crowd. Brother Voodoo is gonna squash this chump.

Bob Dolan: Maybe the Brother can get one of his snakes to help him out.

Kooky Karl: Hey, was that a racial comment?

Diamond picks Brother Voodoo up and side slams his way out of the crossface. He then puts on his own submission move, a reverse chin lock.

Referee Andrew Morley is checking for a tap out.... Brother Voodoo trys to escape. Brother Voodoo gets some leverage and shoves Diamond to the ropes. They struggle as Diamond keeps on the hold when they both tumble over the ropes to the floor!

Andrew Morley starts the count (...1)
Brother Voodoo climbs to his feet.

Brother Voodoo slams Diamond head with a DDT right into the gaurd rail! He to look under the ring for weapons.
As he lifts the apron... A MAN comes out...
He is dressed in all black, black robes, hair, face paint, with whites painted under his eyes. He looks to be a cruiser weight, possibly Asian in background...


Brother Voodoo watches as the Man in Black attacks a standing Diamond with a wild hurricarana! He then starts pounding on Diamond. The ref stops the count and rings for the bell!

Bob Dolan: WHO THE HELL IS THAT?? What is going on?

Kooky Karl: That must be one of Voodoo's friends. I guess he can't get the job done after all!

Bob Dolan:This is ridiculous! That match was going so damn well, too!

Andy Richter is seen about to make an announcement, when he hears something in his ear peice. Then he makes the announcement

Andy Richter:I just got word from the President of the WVW, this match will NOT end in a DQ! This is not crash TV, this is the WVW! THE MATCH WILL CONTINUE!!! (the crowd roars in approval)

Bob Dolan: Fabulous! This match deserves a more decisive ending! Maybe later we will find out who the man in black is... Could it be the SXW owner?

Kooky Karl: Oh, who cares? I have a feeling though that Brother Voodoo does NOT know that individual.

The Man in Black is escorted to the back by security as Brother Voodoo looks on in confusion. He then turns his attention to Diamond who is climbing back into the ring. Brother Voodoo taunts him to hurry up.

Diamond tries to run at Brother Voodoo, but is floored with a clothesline. Brother Voodoo then lifts him up and delivers a spine buster.

A "Voodoo sucks" chants start in the crowd.

Diamond gets dropped with another brainbuster! Brother Voodoo stands over Diamond raising his hands as if he is starting a ritual.

Kooky Karl: See! I knew it! Here comes the sacrifice!

Bob Dolan: This isn't fair... ever since that stupid man in black!

The boos turn to cheer as Diamond brings a knee up right into Brother Voodoo nether-regions! OUCH! Diamond sweeps his legs out from under him and starts working on the knee. Diamond then brings Brother Voodoo to his feet and tries to put on a half-nelson sleep. Brother Voodoo is about to reverse the advantage when Diamond whips him in the corner. He climbs on the second turnbuckle and delivers the punches he wanted to before!

Crowd: "1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10!!!"

Diamond sets Brother Voodoo for a superplex but in MIDAIR Brother Voodoo reverse and brings Diamond down with a version of THE LAST PIN (tilt a whirl neckbreaker followed by a pin)

Andrew Morley counts.

...1 ...2 ...3

Andy Richter: Here is your winner by pinfall... BROTHER VOODOO!!!

Bob Dolan:I can't help to think that that mystery man caused Diamond the match!

Kooky Karl: Oh give it up, old man... Diamond was going to lose, I knew it. The match was just quicker than it would have been. And what about that finisher??

Bob Dolan: Impressive. More matches to come! STAY TUNED!!

Brother Voodoo stalks the ring as we cut to commmercial


Now on video! Corey Heldman and Corey Haim in the teen sex romp, "Totally Doin' It!" You will laugh your teen butt off!

"WVW:The Music" Coming out as soon as we can afford the rights.

The show comes back with a shot of the audience, signs like "WVW... cool" and "I'm waiting to see who to root for!". Kooky Karl and Bob Dolan are sitting at the commentating desk. Karl has the "wrestler" box in front of him.

Bob Dolan:And we are back! The excitement is underway as we just had Brother Voodoo beating Diamond in what I would call a controversial match. Karl, what are you doing with that box?

Kooky Karl: Well, Andy was having so much fun with the box, I figured I'd give it a play! I will announce the next match!

Bob Dolan: Whoa! First, Tony Slattery is in the back with the mystery man that interfered in the last match. Tony?

Cut to the back arena hallway where Tony Slattery is watching the Man in Black eat a donut at the buffet table.

Tony Slattery: That's right, Bob! I have the mystery man, or the man in black, which I prefer... Man in black? May I have comments? Do you work for Brother Voodoo?

Man in Black:I work for no one! I am here because I am the best. I AM THE MASTER!!! That is all you need to know!

He walks off

Tony Slattery: Wow! A wrestler of few words, what's next? Karl is going to say something smart? Back to you, Bob!

Bob Dolan: Wow! The Master? That's an odd name, eh, Kooky Karl?

Kooky Karl: What the hell was that?? Where does that stupid Limey get off calling me stupid? You know what he is? HE IS AN AS-

Bob Dolan: Are you going to announce that next match? Or should we rename the show, "Karl's Saturday Night Ranting and Raving?".

Kooky Karl: Oh yeah...

Karl gets up with the box and grabs the Mic.

Kooky Karl: Now, for the next match... I know all of you are excited to find out who....

The arena goes black , except for green and red lights that flash occasionally . The crows go silent . And it begins to rain inside the arena . It is a harsh tropical rain . Then a door is heard creaking . The the Star Wars Imperial March starts to play and the Predator comes out .

Karl: Oh yeah, there's only two guys left...

He hands the mic back to Andy.

Andy Richter:This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 250 from Thailand, The Predator!!! (crowd cheers ******)

Lights go out, bunsen burner appears on Titan Tron and arena goes dark. No music is heard. He appears from behind the curtain with a bunsen burner in his hand. And some glasses perched on the front of his nose.

Andy Richter: - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 from Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England, Dr. Cruise! (crowd boos ***)

The Predator vs. Dr. Cruise/Kruiz (Non-Title Match/ No Time Limit)

Once in the ring, Dr. Cruise reels from a sudden scissor kick under the chin, from the top rope!

(ding, ding, ding)

The Predator locks on the unusual nerve hold, double trapezius. Dr Cruise looks to be in trouble, luckily he realizes he is close to the ropes and grabs them. The Predator breaks the hold. He gets to his feet and starts stomping Dr. Cruise.

Dr Cruise grabs the Predator's foot and spins him around. The Predator takes an inverted atomic drop from Dr. Cruise. The Predator ignores it and slams Dr. Cruise's head to the mat with a DDT

The Predator stands up. Dr. Cruise also get to his feet and lifts The Predator up and drops him on his knee. Dr. Cruise tries to apply the Walls of Jericho, but The Predator escapes.

Bob Dolan:The Predator is a tough one to trap in a hold like that.

Kooky Karl: Maybe he's so slippery because he doesn't shower enough. He is from Thailand, ya know...

Bob Dolan: Hey! Watch it before I drop you with DDT!!!

The Predator is powerslamed by Dr. Cruise and goes for a pin.

Andrew Morley counts the pin.

...1 ...2

The Predator breaks the pin and then takes Dr. Cruise to the mat with a leg lever. The Predator goes for a pin.

Andrew Morley counts.


Dr. Cruise gets the shoulder up, quick.

Kooky Karl: Don't they know there is no time limit? What's the rush here?

Bob Dolan: Cruise doesn't want to take too much punishment from the Predator!

Kooky Karl:You are such a mark... whoa! Here comes Cruise!

The Predator tosses Dr. Cruise out of the ring. Dr. Cruise almost hits the commentators table! The Predator goes running across the ring and springboards off the top rope. He comes down hard on Dr. Cruise, sending both combatants to the floor.

The Predator is first to his feet. He slams Dr. Cruise's head against the guard rail. Dr. Cruise comes back with a heart punch and then slams The Predator's head into the guardrail repeatedly. Dr. Cruise then throws him over the guardrail, making fans scurry. He lifts up the Predator and piledrives him into a vacated chair. He goes for another, but Predator flips him back over the guardrail.

After a few moments, both men are on their feet. Cruise goes for a chop, but Predator gets him with a boot to the stomach first. Then he almost puts Dr. Cruise through the ground with a piledriver reverse glory special!

Bob Dolan: OH MY!! He nearly took his head off!

Kooky Karl: Or at least almost smooshed it. That Predator is an animal!

The Predator rolls Dr. Cruise into the ring and then follows. The Predator runs at Cruise with an elbow, but Dr. Cruise pulls the ref in the way. Ref Morley takes the hit and he is down! The Predator is distracted long enough to take a neckbreaker from Dr. Cruise.

Dr. Cruise looks winded. He reaches in his pocket and takes out a small vile. He opens it, takes a sip, and the LIGHTS START TO FLASH, then go DARK!

Kooky Karl: Did someone forget to pay the electricity bill??

Bob Dolan: I think I know what is going on...

The lights come on and Kruiz is standing in the ring! Predator goes for an attack, but Kruiz instead hits him with a stunner.

Kruiz covers The Predator,but the ref is still out. Kruiz jumps up and tries to wake up the ref. Ref Morley is coming to, so Kruiz poses and covers The Predator.

The ref shakes his head, and points at Kruiz.

Bob Dolan: The ref doesn't regognize Kruiz as Dr. Cruise!

Kooky Karl: Didn't that idiot do his homework?!? READ THE BIOS, FOOL!!!

Bob Dolan: Oh, no!

The Predator graps Kruiz by the throat. The crowd goes wild. He lifts him high above the ground and chokeslams Kruiz into the turnbuckles. He then hiptosses him to the mat.

The Predator puts on a nerve hold with armbar, trying to weaken Kruiz. Kruiz tries to break out with an elbow to the gut; but The Predator takes Kruiz by surprise with a nerve strike, followed by a DDT underhook.

"Predator" chants start.

The Predator puts Kruiz in a reverse chin lock and puts on the pressure.

Andrew Morley asks Dr. Cruise/Kruiz if he quits. At this point, Dr. Cruise is back. The ref looks confused.

Dr. Cruise/Kruiz is fighting the hold. ... The Predator tightens the hold. ... ... Dr. Cruise/Kruiz taps out.

(ding, ding, ding)

Andy Richter: The winner by submission.... THE PREDATOR!!!

Dr. Cruise is incensed. He grabs Andrew Morley and demands some answers. Morley looks confused.

Dr. Cruise:DAMN IT! That was my experimental formula! It would have worked if not for you!!

Dr. Cruise drops Morley with a stunner and leaves the ring

Bob Dolan:Dr. Cruise better watch his temper! Still, a strange, but exciting match. The excitement meter tonight is definately on "WOW!"

Kooky Karl: Yeah, Dr Cruise got SO screwed. I am going to personally bitch-slap Andrew Morley for being a nincompoop.

Bob Dolan: That's have to wait for more comercials! STAY TUNED!


Drink BUZZ BEER. It's the beer Stone Cold would be drinking if he was wrestling here!

Join the Barry Horowitz School of Wrestling. Because there are always positions open for jobbers!

And we are back with shots of the audiece. Tons of signs like "I passed up free tix to Nitro" and "!".

Shot of the back where the Man in Black is on the phone with someone. He is smiling

Tony Slattery is with Diamond.

Tony Slattery: So, how about that match with Brother Voodoo?

Diamond: This is only the beginning! I still have time to get that World Belt! Next time, The Diamond will shine!

Diamond storms of and Tony Slattery shrugs.

Shot of the nearby Junkyard, full of garbage, etc. Back to the commentating table.

Bob Dolan: The next match is so intense, we are going to get straight into it!

Kooky Karl: This is going to be great... Backstreet is going to get squashed!

Bob Dolan: Let's go then!

Back to the Junkyard where Backstreet and Ron "The Pitbull" Johnson are there and staring each other down.

Backstreet vs. Rob "The Pitbull" Johnson


Suddenly, the competitors lock up....

They shove each other back and forth when "The Pitbull" kicks Backstreet. Backstreet shoulder tackles Rob "The Pitbull" Johnson. They exhcange punches on the ground. Backstreet gets to his feet and lifts Johnson up and plants him with a painful gutwrench gut buster.

Backstreet then starts looking for a weapon. He finds a muffler and goes to hit "The Pitbull" who sidesteps it and gets Backstreet with a DDT. Backstreet low blows Rob "The Pitbull" Johnson. They both get to thier feet slowly. Backstreet whips "The Pitbull" into a fridge and picks up the muffler

Backstreet nails Johnson in the head. He then opens the fridge and puts "The Pitbull"'s head into it. He then closes the door on "The Pitbull"'s head again and again!

Backstreet then goes to find more to play with. Backstreet finds a big oil barrel and start to roll it over. He doesn't see that "The Pitbull" has climbed to the top of the fridge. Rob "The Pitbull" Johnson connects with a missle dropkick!

Rob "The Pitbull" Johnson gets up. Backstreet takes an underhook suplex from Rob "The Pitbull" Johnson. Johnson sees the oil barrel and lifts it up, then drops it on Backstreet.THUNK!

"The Pitbull" drops an elbow, but Backstreet grabs a nearby pipe and puts it in the way. Both men are down.. Backstreet is up first... Johnson is up...Swinging Neck-Breaker from Backstreet takes Rob "The Pitbull" Johnson down.

Backstreet grabs a bag of garbage and starts hitting the "Pitbull" with it. The bag breaks open and garbage covers Johnson.

Backstreet goes over to an abandoned car and tries to take the antennae off of it. Out of the car steps a LARGE man dressed all in white, white face paint, white robes, white hair, and black marks under his eyes. He kicks Backstreet and then POWERBOMBS him THROUGH the car's WINDSHIELD. He then pulls Backstreet out and whips him to "Pitbull" who is still wiping garbage out of his eyes.

Backstreet is powerslamed by Rob "The Pitbull" Johnson. Johnson then whips Backstreet by the head and drives a swinging DDT. Rob "The Pitbull" Johnson lifts Backstreet into an inverted powerslam, then into a spinning DDT! FINAL DESITNATION!!!

Rob "The Pitbull" Johnson covers Backstreet hooking the leg.

Out runs Andrew Morley who counts the pin.

...1 ...2 ...3

Back in the arean, people cheer! The commentators looks shocked.

Bob Dolan: What?!? Another mystery man? This time in white?

Kooky Karl: I knew it! Backstreet's career is over!

Bob Dolan: Well, congrats to Rob "The Pitbull" Johnson, but I can't imagine he will be happy when he finds out he got help.

"The Pitbull" is seen on the WVWScreen, standing on a garbage heap holding the belt over his head....


The crowd goes wild

A shot outside shows a limo pulling up...

Kooky Karl: Wow, do we get limos now? I hate taking the bus this time at night.

Bob Dolan: No! That must be the SXW owner! THE SXW OWNER IS HERE!!!!!

Cut to commercial....


The Wassup guys vs those stupid frogs! Tonight on "Annoying Psuedo-celebrity Deathmatch"!!!

Ever think you're boobies are too small? Your wee-wee doesn't measure up? Then buy the "Stebster's Dictionary" and learn how to use REAL words. GROW UP! READ A BOOK!

Back in the arena, music hits and the Man in Black and the Man in White walk out on stage. They are holding the WVW tag team straps! The Man in Black speaks.

Man in Black: We are Yin and Yang, and we are the NEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS! Why? Because we SAID SO!

He hands the mic to the big man, who is Yin.

Yin:There are no other tag teams, just us. And any that come will be destroyed, by just us. That is because our way is the way! Deal with it.

He hands the mic back to Yang.


The music hits again. They pose with the belts, and then walk out.

Kooky Karl: So I guess we have Tag Team Champions now... that's convienient.

Bob Dolan: How dare they?? Who do they think they are? Wait!!There is someone getting out of the limo!!

Shot in the back of the limo. A man gets out and opens the trunk. He takes out a wheelchair and unfolds it. He wheels it to the back and the rear door opens, out steps, with the aid of crutches... CRIPPLER CALHOUN!!!

Bob Dolan: It's Crippler Calhoun! It's Crippler Calhoun!

Kooky Karl: Well, that's interesting!

Bob Dolan: And we are all out of time! See you next week!!

Cut to black.

copyright 2001 WVW Entertainment.