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Saturday Night Strangle

March 31st, 2001


The crowd is waving thier signs in a sea of slogans, like "Pitbull is my dad" and "Saturday Night IS CHAOS!".

Slattery is in the parking lot as a black BMW Z8 Roadster pulls up. McKay gets out to the BMW dressed in his normal dark colored Armani suit. Slattery approaches him.

Slattery: We didn’t expect to see you here tonight Mr. McKay. Do you have anything to say to the WVW wrestlers?

McKay: I have a surprise in store for your fans tonight. I think you will like this little addition I plan on making to tonight’s show.

McKay keeps walking to the building.

Slattery: It looks like David McKay is going to liven things up here on Saturday Night Strangle.

Pyro explodes around the WVW BIGScreen as CEO Schell is seen in his office.

What an EXPOSIVE night set here, and there's the CEO on the BIGScreen. I wonder what's going on?.

CEO Schell: I have decided that tonight's big 6 man tag is TOO big for one fall, so I am going to make it an ELIMINATION match! And if Yin and Yang care to, they may defend thier tag team belts. AND the winner of the match will face Pitbull at Dirty Deeds in April. If there is more than one man standing at the end of the match... they get decide who gets the spot. I have spoken.

"My Way" by Limp Bizkit blasts through the arena as the CEO's office fades out and we cut to Bob and Karl.

What a matchup, and it was tense before! And what a night we have for you after a monumental PPV, our biggest ever!

KoYou bet, as every champion puts thier belt on the line. We may have cooked Roach, a Russian champ, and an ABLE world champ by the end of it all.

olaVery clever. Every belt that is if Yin and Yang have the guts! Let's get to our first match which is sort of a continuation of a match from the PPV. That match didn't have a real ending, but this one will!

Andy Richter: The next match is a 2 OUT OF 3 FALLS MATCH!

"Killing Time" by Head Pe hits. Lights flash on and off as the fans cheer.

Andy Richter: Weighing in at 234, from Long Beach, CA, NIGHTMARE!!!!

"A Big blast gives welcome to the native of D.C. looks at the crowd runs to the Ring, he leaps in showing very quick and stong legs. .

Andy Richter: Weighing in at 245, GREG OLSON!!!!


Greg Olson VS Nightmare

(2 Out of 3 Falls Match)


(ding, ding)

Nightmare smiles at Olson with a hint of sarcasm. Olson just stares at him. They circle each other when they suddenly lock up. Olson shoves Nightmare against the ropes and slaps on a clawhold. After a moment, Nightmare kicks his way out and whips Olson to the corner. Nightmare grabs him and gives a snap powerbomb. Nightmare trys to score a DVD, but Olson gets away from him.

Both men are on their feet circling. They lock up and Nightmare is about to get the advantage when Olson gets behind him and puts on a half-nelson, holds it for awhile and then slams him. Olson stands above him looking cocky, saying, "I read that in a book!"

Olson starts stomping Nightmare, but Nightmare trips him up and drops and elbow on him. He then gets a necksnapper and rolls up Olson.




Olson kicks out and slams Nightmare to the mat. Nightmare gets to his feet but up and into a gorilla press slam. Nightmare hits the mat and Olson is on him with a full nelson. Nightmare tries to fight out, but Olson slams him instead. Olson goes for a pin.




Nightmare kicks out and gets to his feet. They lock up and Olson lifts Nightmare up in a suplex, but Nightmare reverses and gets Olson with a Northern lights suplex

. He then drives a knee into Olson's chest, gets him up and whips him into the ropes. Olson comes back and nails a punch and goes for another that Nightmare blocks. Nightmare goes for a side slam, but Olson flips around and hits a scorpian death drop.

Olson goes for a pin.





"First fall goes to GREG OLSOOOON!!!!!


And the first fall goes to Olson! It's going to be tough getting two falls in a row! Nightmare's gotta be worried.

KI don't know, I guy that walks in the fed and ends not one, not two... but FOUR CAREERS in ONE night!

BTrue, but those guys weren't very good, and this Greg Olson could very well take this match two in a row! I guess we'll have to wait and see...


Nightmare is on his feet and doesn't look happy. He turns to Olson who has a big shit eating grin on his face. Nightmare growls and spears Olson to the mat! He starts unloading lefts and rights. He picks up Olson and whips him to one corner and then to the reverse. As Olson comes out of the corner, Nightmare gives him a big backdrop!

Olson is taken aback as he rolls out of the ring. Nightmare in on the pursuit. Outside the two men start brawling, lefts and rights.... Olson gives Nightmare a inverted DDT onto the steps!

The ref starts the count...


Nightmare punches Olson in the gut and hits a cradle DDT


If they get counted out, both get a loss... that means Olson wins!

KThat would SUCK! They better get thier asses in the ring!

Nightmare rolls Olson in the ring and gets in as well. Olson gets the advantage on Nightmare with a big double ax handle chop and nearly floors Nightmare. He then tries for a suplex, but Nightmare instead gets the suplex, a fisherman's suplex. The ref counts.





"The Second Fall is awarded to NIGHTMAAAAARE!!!!"

Now it's all even and both men are again on their feet. They lock up and Olson throws Nightmare to the corner. He runs at Nightmare, but Nightmare does a slide under his legs and rolls him up!

The ref goes for the count, but Olson is quickly up. He hits Nightmare with a neck snap and sets him up for a powerbomb, but Nightmare manages to get Olson's legs from under him. Nightmare twists Olson around and slaps on the Ne-Han - Camel clutch while holding their arms like full nelson . The ref checks to see if Olson is out.

Olson tries to fight out with no avail. Nightmare lets go and slams Olson's head into the mat over and over. He gets Olson to his feet and Olson gets a kick followed by a pump handle slam. Olson gets Nightmare up and goes for the DEATHGRIP!.

Olson has Nightmare for a few moments before he graps Olson by the tights and sends him head first into the top turnbuckle. Olson comes off and Nightmare hits him with the Bad Dream!!.

The ref counts...





(ding, ding, ding)


Andy Richter: The winner of the match is NIGHTMARE!!!!!!

Nightmare raises his arms in victory, but Greg Olson gets him from behind and gets on the Deathgrip again... this time in the middle of the ring. Security runs in and after a fighting with Olson gets off the hold. Olson starts to walk out cocky when Nightmare is back up and gets on the Ne-Han!! Security tries to get some control.


Well, I thought this one was over.... maybe once security gets control!

KIt's very rare that two men hate each other like that right off the bat! I wonder if those head injuries have anything to do with it?

BNo, that's just the spirit of the WVW, the spirit of the fight isn't stopped by a mere bell. Speaking of fighters, the next match has a hell of a fighter... one who went through the "March of Pain" and came out a champion. It's the Great Marcos! And he has a hell of a fight on his hands with this rookie horse!

Andy Richter is at ringside.

Andy Richter: The next match is for the INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!

Russian music plays, no pyro. The Russian walks out and flexes for the crowd, either to heel heat or face pops, depending on the opponent and the circumstances. He walks out with his trainer, Slovakav behind him, with a red robe and on the back in bold yellow letters "The Russian"..

Andy Richter: First, making his way to the ring, weighing in at 289 lbs, from Moscow, The RUSSIAN!!!!

"Abracadabra" plays as a smoke bomb goes off in the center of the ring. When the smoke clears The Great Marcos is standing in the ring. He pulls a bouquet of roses out of his sleeve and tosses them to the crowd. Then he takes off his cape and hat, folds the cape up, and drops it in the hat. He claps the hat between his hands and it disappears in a flash.

Andy Richter: Weighing in at 230 from Reno, Nevada, he is the champion, the GREAT MARCOS!!!!!

The Russian VS The Great Marcos

(Standard Match)


(ding, ding)

The Russian sttacks the Great Marcos as he enters the ring. The Russian hits him with a right hook, a left hook, and then a clothesline to the mat. He goes for a pin, but Marcos quickly kicks out.

Marcos avoids another clothesline and takes the Russian down with a side suplex, followed up by a bridging double arm bar. The Russian breaks out but is thrown off by the attack. He goes to roll out of the ring, but the Great Marcos catches him. Marcos whips the Russian and connects with a spinning roundhouse kick. Slovakav hops up on the apron.

The ref is distracted and Slovakov slides the bucket he carries to ringside in. The ref sees it and puts it off in the corner. As he is doing this, the Russian whips the Great Marcos into him! The ref is down!


This isn't right! The Russian should be able to fight his own fight.

Well, he is Russian, isn't he? Doesn't he need to cheat?

BGive me a break! The Cold War is OVER, get out of the 80's! Although some of the tunes are still good...


Great Marcos takes the Russian to the mat with a running bulldog. He goes for the pin, but sees that ref is down, and that Slovakav is coming in the ring! Marcos grabs Slovakav and nails him with a swinging neck breaker nearly taking off his head. He turns back to the Russian and gets a barage of middle kicks, high kicks and a left cross.

The Russian gets cocky and struts a little as Marcos is on the mat. He turns to Marcos, but Marcos has VANISHED! He turns and looks to see Marcos on the top turnbuckle. Marcos flies and gets the Russian with flying dropkick sending him to the floor.

The Russian looks frustrated so he goes to the bucket for a "little help". He reaches in and pulls out... A RABBIT! AND IT BITES HIM! He screams and Marcos pulls him into the ring.



KDamn, I bet its rabid too.

BI just SAID it was a RABBIT! You should try keeping up.

The Russian is distracted by the pain in his hands as Marcos gives him a BIG piledriver

Marcos gets to the top rope and hits the The Grand Finale (Top Rope Somersault Leg Drop)!





(ding, ding, ding)

Andy Richter: Here is your winner... and STILL INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION, THE GREAT MARCOS!!!

The Great Marcos stands in the ring with his belt. He is waving to the fans when a large man with long black hair comes in the ring and hits him from behind. He turns Marcos around with his left hand he holds Marcos's hand behind his head and delivers a powerful punch to the center of Marcos' chest. Marcos is knocked to the mat. The Man stands over him and smiles.

Damage Inc. by Metallica starts and David McKay starts making his way to the ring with a microphone.

McKay: OK Mr. Kruze that is good, would you please show “The Great Marlow” THE END.

Kruze delivers “The End” to Marcos (the punch AGAIN!) and then tosses him out of the ring. McKay climbs in to the ring.

McKay: Please, allow me to introduce my associate. This is “The Enforcer” Scott Kruze. Mr. Kruze is a very close associate of mine who specializes in not so subtle persuasion.

Kruze: Let me make one thing clear to all of you. I’m not going to tip toe around worrying about who I piss off, my job is simple I eliminate the opposition. Those of you who line up on the wrong side of the line are going to have to answer to me, and you just saw a small taste of what that is like. I hurt people and I am good at it. Those of you unfortunate enough to have to enter this ring to face me will find that out all to quickly. I AM YOUR ALPHA AND OMEGA.

McKay: I get what I want and tonight I wanted to teach all of you a lesson. And like a good teacher I will continue to teach these lessons until you have learned them. I have also decides that this pathetic two-bit parlor trickster “The Great Marlow” does not deserve the Intercontinental Title. This title should got to someone more deserving, someone that the fans and other wrestlers here in the WVW can look up to. Someone like Mr. Kruze here. Mr. Kruze I hereby declare you the new Intercontinental Champion.

McKay picks up the Intercontinental Belt and hands it to Kruze who drapes it over his right shoulder.

Kruze: This will make a nice addition to our collection. Thank you sir. I just want to say it is an honor to represent you, my fans, as your Intercontinental Champ.

McKay: We must be leaving now, there is other business for us to attend to. Remember my scouts are watching so please try and do something impressive.

“Damage Inc.” starts up as McKay and Kruze leave to a hail of boos from the crowd.


Who the hell does David McKay think he is??

KOur new boss?

BNo! This fed is doing fine without him! CEO Schell will take care of this nimrod... let's take a commercial.... Stay tuned because up next is CANE!



Get your "JUST LIKE MAGIC" t-shirt and "I'm your F'N MESSIAH" mug, now at WVW Shopspree!

Dirty Deeds

April 22, 2001

Only on PPV!!!


BWWe're back and this next match started weeks ago during the March to the PPV!

KYeah, ICE and Justin Sane tag teamed and lost big time cuz ICE absolutely sucks.

I am officially ignoring you! The fact is, Justin and him just didn't get along and every since have wanted to clobber each other... let's take a look as we go to the ring.


The WVW crew is seen dumping dozens of canes around ringside and tossing a few in the ring itself.

Andy Richter: The next match is a CANE MATCH!

The crowd cheers.


2 Balls shoot into the air and the lights go out. The only light you can see is the fire balls. The lights come on and Justin Sane on the ramp with his back to the ring. He turns around and proceeds down the ramp.

Andy Richter:On his way to the ring, he is............JUSTIN SANE!!!!!!!!!!!

The arena goes dark for a minute as a blue spotlight shines throughout the arena like the old Undertaker's intrance. Then you hear a voice whisper "ICE" and then "Dub the Mic" plays from the Beastie Boys and out walks ICE. As ICE walks down the intrance way there are explosions following him then the light come back on

Andy Richter:He is making his way to the ring, his fists are cold, his will is strong, he is.............ICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!

Justin Sane VS ICE


(ding, ding)

Justin grabs a cane right off the bat and attacks ICE, but ICE has two which he uses to block. ICE gets Justin Sane in the back with one and then sticks the other intertwined in Justin's legs. He then kkocks him to the mat with a punch. Justin is down and ICE unloads with a cane on his head! Justinc gets out of the ring to recover

ICE stands on the second turnbuckle and taunts Justin with the cane. Justin grabs his legs and trips him. He then works the cane so that ICE's feet are jammed in between the turnbuckles.. ICE is in a tree of woe and Justin gets in the ring and starts clobbering him with a cane.


BWow, ICE is in a bad position!

KoI've seen worse.

Oh yeah? Where?

KoI think it was a porno...


ICE suddenly breaks the cane holding him with the power of his legs! ICE is up and blocks a cane shot from Justin. He then sends Sane to the mat with a facebuster followed by a sit down powerbomb. He goes for a pin...




Justin kicks out. ICE goes for a flying headbutt but Jusitn holds a cane up and ICE comes down on it, CATCHING HIM IN THE EYE!!! ICE looks to be in pain as he holds his injured eye. Justin nails ICE with a twist of fate followed by a 450 moonsault!


BOUCH! That's gotta hurt.

KoThe wrestling moves or the sharp thing in the eye?

I was thinking BOTH!

KoIt's all fun and games till someone loses an eye!


Justin goes for a pin




ICE kicks out! Justin picks him up and props him in the corner. He grabs a cane and runs to clothesline ICE with it, but missies and the cane snaps under his weight. ICE has a cane and brings it up into Justin's crothc. (OUCH!) ICE then picks Justin up and slams him to the mat. He jabs Justin in the gut with the cane and then breaks it over his head!

Sane grabs anearby cane and gets ICE right in the knee, then smashes it into his other knee. Justin then lifts ICE up with a suplex and brings him crashing down on a few canes. Ice is down on the mat and Sane starts chocking him with a cane to the point that it breaks! Justin gets ICE up.

Justin hits another twist of fate! He goes for a pin.





ICE kicks out! Justin goes to the top and comes off for an impaler, but ICE rolls out of the way. Sane hits the mat HARD! ICE hits Justin with a big chokeslam. He then jabs Sane in the neck with a cane and slams him with ANOTHER chokeslam!

ICE goes and sets up about 10 canes across the top, middle, and bottom turnbuckle of a corner. He then picks up Sane, but Sane surprises him with a DDT. Justin then whips him to the "cane" corner, but ICE reverses it and sends him into the opposite corner.

ICE goes to pummel Justin, standing on the 2nd turnbuckle, but Justin shoves him away. Justin goes for a running clothesline, but ICE grabs him, and with the momentum, sends him into the corner of canes! SMASH!

ICE hits the "ICE PICK"- One Arm Driver and goes for the pin!






(ding, ding, ding)

Andy Richter: Here is your winner, ICE!!!!

Shot of backstage.

CEO Schell is sitting at his desk. Nightmare walks in the room.

Nightmare:I beat Olson, now I WANT ROACH!

CEO Schell: I don't know, Olson already asked me for a shot against Roach, and I know the Great Marcos has his eye on him as well. It seems Roach is more hunted now a days then the champ.

Nightmare:Something about that belt, I guess.

CEO Schell: Who's to say he has the belt after tonight? Okay, I will have a triple threat match here next week, you... Olson... and the Roach. Whether it's for the belt depends on tonight's match!

Nightmare smiles and walks off.



That should be an interesting match!

KNot if the Commando wins tonight...

BWell, speaking of Commando and Roach, I hear the remote house has been set up and it's time for the "Burning Down the House" match. I believe the ref is there now and the flames are about to begin!

The Roach VS The Commando

("Burning Down The House" Match)


The ref is standing in the middle of the basement with Roach on one side and the Commando on the other. The ref drops his arms and gets the hell out of there! As he is running out, he yells, "FIRE IN THE HOLE!"

The Commando runs at Roach who hiptosses him onto a pile of bricks. Commando grabs a wrench off the floor and hits the Roach in the leg. The Roach grabs a pipe and smacks Commando over the head with it and then piledrives him on the concrete floor.

Roach gives a wave and heads for the stairs. Commando somehow gets to his feet and grabs Roach's leg, tripping him and sending him falling on the wood stairs. Commando gets Roach up, and as they are both on the stairs, POWERBOMBS ROACH THROUGH THE STAIRS!

However, now Commando can't get up to the second level. He finds a ladder and sets it up over where the steps where and starts climbing up. The smoke is starting to build. Roach comes up from underneath and lifts the ladder and sends it crashing, with Commando, to the floor! Roach then hops up and grabs a step and lifts himself to the 1st level.

Commando then gets the ladder back up and gets to the first level as well. He then pulls the ladder up with him to use as a weapon, however it took him so long to do this, it gave Roach plenty of time to get a dining room chair! Roach smashes the chair over Commando's head. The ladder falls to the ground and Commando trips on it to Roach. Roach whips Commando into the kitchen.

FLAMES are starting to be seen as some of the walls are engulfed. Roach follows Commando into the kithcen. Commando knocks the fridge over and Roach just barely dodges it!

Commando tries for a suplex, but gets a fit of coughing from all the smoke that is starting to build. Roach slams his head into the sink and starts running the water, as if he is trying to drown him! Roach is laughing with evil pleasure.

Commando fights back, and Roach lets go. Commando stumbles back into a WALL OF FLAMES! HE SCREAMS! Roach has some fire as well, a BURNING PEICE OF WOOD that he smashes over the Commando's head. The Roach then hits the PESTILENCE!!

However, the floor boards are weak from the fire and COMMANDO FALLS STRAIGHT THROUGH TO THE BASEMENT!!!

Roach goes for the door, but there is too many flames, so he takes the window!

Outside, Roach runs for safety and raises his hands in victory!

Roach turns to see the house engulfed in flames when it suddenly collapses on itself!

Cut to Bob and Karl who look mortified!


KMan, that can't be good for ratings!

Roach watches the remains of the house burn. All of a sudden from the smoke walks THE GREAT MARCOS carrrying the Commando in his arms! He smiles and places the Commando down. The EMT's surround the two. However when the stretcher comes, they put the Commando on it and Marcos is NOWHERE TO BE SEEN!

Roach looks on with a puzzled and almost annoyed look on his face



Don't forget Daylight Savings Time!

Stay tuned for some crappy movie that we are sure you will like because you like wrestling.


BWI still can't believe my eyes! We thought Commando was dead!

KWhich was only a problem in the most legal sense.

Man, Great Marcos... Kruze... Roach... all these elements PLUS Nightmare and Olson. Speaking of explosive elements....


Andy Richter: The next match is the BIG 6 MAN TAG ELIMINATION MATCH!

The crowd cheers.


"CHAAAAOOOOOOS!" is screamed through the arena as Kid Chaos, Kid Kache and Carnage make their way to the ring.

Andy Richter:On thier way to the ring, they are ............KID CHAOS, KID KACHE AND CAAAARNAGE!!!!!!!!!

A variation of the "Yin Yang Theme" plays, as a didjeridu has been mixed in. Brother Voodoo, and Yin & Yang make their way to the ring.

Andy Richter:And their opponents, The TRIBE CALLED BACA, BOOKO, BEECH, oh forget it, T.... C... BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

Kid Chaos, Kid Kache, and Carnage


(ding, ding)

Each team takes their corner and Yang and Kid Kache start it off. Kache shoves Yang, who comes back with a kick to the midsection, and backs Kache to the ropes. Yang whips Kache and hits him with a high kick as he comes off the ropes. He gets Kache on the mat and starts unloading chops to his chest. Kache slips out from under Yang and hits a dropkick followed by a hiptoss.

Yang looks upset and Kache just laughs, which is cut short by Yin who has come in and hits Kache from behind. Yin and Yang give Kache a double slam to the mat.. The ref yells at them for not making a tag, so Yang slaps Yin and gets back to the corner.

Now it is Yin and Kache. Yin grabs by the neck and just tosses him. Carnage comes off the top and hits Yin with a cross body block! The rest of the Tribe run in and the ref tries to stop them.

Carnage and Kache whip Yin to their corner and, along with Chaos, pummel on Yin. The ref turns and they all act innocent!

Carnage kicks Yin in the gut and drives his face into the mat with a leg drop! Quickly he runs to the top turnbuckle and hits a Carnage Crusher (modified swanton). He goes for a pin and again the rest of the Tribe try to get in, but the ref stops them.

Yin, meanwhile, shoves out of the pin, but is hit immediately with a Chaotic Bomb from Kid Chaos and Carnage is back on for the pin. The ref counts...





Carnage and his teammates start celebrating.

"Yin has been ELIMINATED!"

Order is totally lost as Carnage, Chaos and Kache are in the ring with the Tag belts... Yang is outside with Yin.


Wait a minute, Yang has the mic.

What? What the hell does HE have to say.... that Yin's a BIG LOSER???

Yang gets on the mic....

"Hey, you idiots! You think you got our belts? You should LISTEN more and talk your CRAP less! Maybe if you got some education you could follow directions. CEO-man said we COULD put our belts up if we WANTED... well.... WE DIDN'T WANT TO! And we NEVER said we did!!"

BIG booing fills the arena as the ref takes the belts and gives them back to Yin and Yang. He sends Kache and Chaos back to their corner as Yang sends Yin off with the belt.

From behind, Brother Voodoo catches Carnage in the Strong Pimp Hand! He has it right in the middle of the ring! Chaos and Kache try to help, but the ref won't let them in, threatening disqualification.

Carnage takes as much as he can and taps out!

"Carnage has been ELIMINATED!!"

Kache runs in and nail Brother Voodoo with a big DDT and then starts laying the punches on. Brother Voodoo grabs the ref and pulls him in the way and the REF gets HIT!

Yin and Yang hit the ring! Yang kicks Chaos off the apron and Yin lifts up Kache. Yang comes off the top as Yin drops Kache for the PATH OF ENLIGHTENMENT!

Yin gets out of the ring as Yang gets to the corner. Brother Voodoo covers Kache.




"Kid Kache has been ELIMINATED!!"

The Tribe sure are screwing the Kids and Carnage!!

No way, if those punks can't take the heat.... and speaking of heat it looks like we have some HOT handicap action on our hands!

I think Chaos can do it!

Yeah okay, a guy that couldn't manage to get the IC is going to take down the former world champ and one half of the tag champs!

Kid Chaos looks a little nervous as Brother Voodoo and Yang stare him down. He looks to the crowd for support and they start to cheer. Yang gives the thumbs up to Brother Voodoo and goes to the corner. Brother Voodoo locks up with Kid Chaos.

Brother Voodoo scoopslams the Kid to the mat and slaps on a triangle hold. The crowd starts stamping its feet and the Kid is able to get to the rope and break the hold.

Chaos is up and circling Brother Voodoo, they lock up and Brother Voodoo gets sent to the mat with a hiptoss. The Kid follows it up with dropkick to the back of his head! Brother makes it to his feet to meet a barage of punches and crescent kicks! The crowd is on its feet as Brother Voodoo is sent into the corner!

Chaos goes for a underhook face smasher, but Voodoo breaks his arms out and picks up the Kid and nails an inverted atomic drop followed by a spinebuster

Brother Voodoo goes for a pin.




The Kid kicks out and gets to his feet. Brother Voodoo grabs him and throws him into the corner. Chaos hops the the second turnbuckle and scores a flying clothesline followed up with a Chaos-sault. He goes for a pin.




Voodoo tosses Chaos off of him and gets to his feet. Kid Chaos runs off the rope and goes for a clothesline, but Brother Voodoo grabs his arm for an armbar takedown. Chaos turns it into a chinlock and then switches it to a sleeper!

Voodoo seems to be out and Yang tries to get in the ring, but the ref won't let him. Chaos goes for a flying elbow off the top rope, but Voodoo was feigning sleep and just rolls out of the way! Voodoo is up, gets Chaos to his feet and hits THE LAST PIN!!!





(ding, ding, ding)


Andy Richter: The winners and survivors of the match, YANG AND BROTHER VOODOO!!!!!!

Brother Voodoo gets on the mic. "Pitbull, I'll see YOU at Dirty Dee-" Yang cuts him off by grabbing the mic. They have some words and Brother Voodoo just walks out of the ring. Yang throws the mic down and walks after him.

Shot of backstage.

Tony Slattery: Before the Main Event, I will try and get a word with the champ. He seems to be the only one NOT to adress this threat by David McKay.

Rob "The Pitbull" walks by looking pumped, with the belt over his shoulder. Tony puts the mic in front of him. He pushes it out of the way and keeps walking.

Tony Slattery: Pitbull, words on the match, McKay, anything?

Pitbull just walks off to the ring.


Interesting.... but Pitbull sure looks pumped, and ABLE!!

Wake up, I already made the nightly Able joke... I'm just ready for Backstreet to change his name to Ready.

Right, well, this should be the first straight up World Title match we've had in a while, so let's go to ringside!


Andy Richter: And the MAIN EVENT for the WVW WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP !!!!!!!!!!!!

Music plays as Able stumbles his way to the ring, Backstreet walking with him. Some fans cheer, but most are saving thier energy....

Andy Richter: First the challenger, led to the ring by Backstreet, ABLE!!!!!!

(A huge explosion happens just as Take It is screamed through the speakers, and huge clouds of smoke surround the entrance, and lasercriss cross through the smoke, as a figure steps through the darkness)

(The crowd is already on their feet, screaming like crazy, as "Take it" plays through the arena, and PitBull's logo pulsates on the WVWBIGScreen .PitBull steps out of the smoke, and slowly he begins walking to the ring, wearing only a pair of black wrestling tights with PitBull written accross the front.He walks to the ring, a look of pure intensity in his eyes, he slowly goes up the steps, and through the ring ropes, his gaze never leaving his three opponents)

Andy Richter: He is from Baltimore, MD, he is ROB "THE PITBULL" JOHNSON !!!

The crowd is going wild.





Rob "The Pitbull" Johnson



(ding, ding)

Able looks kind of nervous as the Pitbull throws his belt to the side and stares a hole through him. Backstreet pats Able on the back, says good luck and goes to the floor.

Able and Pitbull circle each other for a while when they finally lock up. Able gets a wristlock and looks like he just won something. His smile is quickly kissing the mat as the Pitbull hits him with a bulldog lariat followed by a swining DDT and a suplex powerslam!

Able rolls out of the ring and looks dazed. Backstreet comes to his aid. However, Pitbull is quickly out, nearly punching Backstreet out of his shoes and throwing Able back in the ring. Pitbull goes in after him, but Able rolls out on the other side.

Able: "I don't think I'm ready for this!"


I have to say it's quite noble of Able to admit such a thing!

Pfft!! I could have told him that a week ago when I read the upcoming card! WHO BOOKED THIS CRAP?!?

Oh, be nice! This still has the potential for a classic bout!


Able turns to escape into the crowd, but there stands PURGA TORRIE and Z!!! They start punching him! Backstreet comes over to help! Able escapes back into the ring.

Able ducks a clothesline and gets a clothesline of his own... except Pitbull doesn't go down. Able gives him a few punches, but Pitbull just lifts him up in a


! He then slaps on the RETRIBUTION!


(ding, ding, ding!!!)


Andy Richter: Your winner and STILL WVW CHAMPION, ROB "THE PITBULL" JOHNSON!!!

Pitbull takes his belt and stands in the ring. Outside Able, Backstreet, Purga Torrie, and Z have been joined by Top Dog and The Russian! There is a huge brawl. Pitbull calls for the mike...

Pitbull:All you pups out there, and all the whelps in the back... I AM THE BIG DOG IN THIS YARD! This is MY belt! Any one want a shot? YOU BETTER THINK TWICE! I'm not your pushover, I'm just the F*#&ING MESSIAH!


Wow! I guess the champ has spoken with action and words tonight!


Join us next week to see how all this turns out!!!!
Oh shut up!


David McKay is seen in the back, watching Pitbull on the monitor. He is smiling.

"Perfect.... Juuuuust perfect!"

He laughs as we....


Cut to black.

copyright 2001 WVW Entertainment.