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Saturday Night Strangle

April 7th, 2001


Bob Welcome to Saturday Night Strangle. We have a BIG, BIG card tonight, so let's get underway!

KWhat? No monologue about how amazing the WVW is? Who are you and what did you do with Bob Dolan??

BLet's just start!

Andy Richter is at ringside.

Andy Richter: The first bout is a TRIPLE THREAT!!!

The lights go out followed by a brief explosion and red laser lights "Damage Inc." by Metallica) begins to play. When the lights come back on Kruze is at the top of the ramp dressed in black pants with red trim and black boots and a long black leather coat.

Andy Richter: Weighing in at 332, SCOTT "THE ENFORCER" KRUZE!!!!!

"Lords of Brooklyn" and "The Anima" runs to the ring. He is still sporting burns from the PPV.

Andy Richter: The second competitor... LUKA "THE ANIMAL" CESARE!!!!!!

Before Justin Sane's music even starts... the match has begun!


Scott "The Enforcer" Kruze VS Luka "The Animal" Cesare

VS Justin Sane

(Triple Threat)

(ding, ding)

Kruze is on the Animal as soon as he is in the ring. He is pummeling him with lefts and rights and then hits an near perfect gutwrench suplex

Justin Sane is seen talking in the back with McKay....

McKay: So Justin, why don't you reconsider this wrestling buisness and come join me as a referee. All you do well is take bumps, so it would be perfect!

Justin: Get the hell out of my way! I have a match!

Justin pushes him out of the way and heads to ringside.

McKay: Hmmm, you'll pay for your mistakes...

IN THE RING, Cesare is fighting out of the corner, but Kruze holds his hand behind his head and delivers a powerful punch to the center of his chest. The END

The Animal falls to the mat and Kruze pins him. Meanwhile, Justin Sane is coming down the ramp


Justin is on the apron.


Justin is in the ring!


Justin lands an elbow on Kruze, but too late! The two of them start brawling back and forth. They both fall out of the ring. Justin grabs a chair and hits Kruze. Security is out.

(ding, ding, ding)

Andy Richter: Your winner, SCOTT "THE ENFORCER" KRUZE!!!

Security gets the chair from Justin, but at that moment, Kruze nails him with the END as well! The Animal rolls out and Kruze grabs him. He slaps on what looks like a Steiner Recliner and a sick *SNAP* is heard. The Animal screams, but Kruze won't let go.

Security pry Kruze off. He rolls in the ring and holds his arms up in victory. He turns around and their is the GREAT MARCOS! Marcos kicks Kruze in the stomach and drops him with a DDT! The crowd is on its feet as Marcos struts to the backstage with HIS arms in the air.

Shot of the parking lot. ICE is seen driving in. As he stops, a AX CRASHES INTO HIS WINDSHIELD! It's the Woodsman! The Woodsman dives in through where the windsheild was and he and ICE begin brawling inside the car.

The car must not have been put in park because it starts rolling and hits another car, stopping it! The back door of the car opens and both men tumble out. ICE is to his feet first. He gets the Woodsman and delivers a sit-down powerbomb! The ref is there and starts counting.



The Woodsman kicks out. He gets to his feet and he and ICE are brawling once again. Woodsman whips ICE into a car and clotheslines him onto the hood. Woodsman gets up on the car and tries to piledrive ICE, but ICE instead flips Woodsman over, crashing to the pavement.

ICE drops an elbow onto Woodsman. He gets the Woodsman up and whips him to a dumpster. Woodsman hits it hard. ICE goes for a tackle but the Woodsman gets out of the way and ICE hits the dumpster hard as well.

Woodsman hits with a pump kick followed by a swinging neck breaker. He goes for a pin.



ICE kicks out. Woodsman picks him up and goes to slam ICE, but ICE grabs the top of the dumpster and pulls on it, causing Woodsman's head to slam into it. ICE gets to his feet, lifts up the Woodsman and chokeslams him into the dumpster!

ICE climbs in as well as the ref. You can hear the ref call out...




The ref stands up with ICE's hand raised, and calls out, "YOUR WINNER, ICE!!!"

Those are two young talents that have only begun here in the WVW!

Talented at curing my insomnia... how about some titles?

BYou got it! Here comes the IC match, and as we can see they have just finished putting up the cage...

Andy Richter is at ringside.

Andy Richter: The next match is for the INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP!!

Lights flicker then just go out then there is an explosion and "CHAAAAAOOOOOOS" is screamed and the music hit. Kid Khaos comes out and goes wild!

Andy Richter: From Austin, TX, weighing in at 180, the challenger, KID CHAOS!!!!!

"Abracadabra" plays as a smoke bomb goes off in the center of the ring. When the smoke clears The Great Marcos is standing in the ring. He pulls a bouquet of roses out of his sleeve and tosses them to the crowd. Then he takes off his cape and hat, folds the cape up, and drops it in the hat. He claps the hat between his hands and it disappears in a flash.

Andy Richter: From Reno, NV, the CHAMP... THE GREAT MARCOS!!!!!


Kid Chaos VS The Great Marcos




Both men step in the cage and the door is locked. Kid Chaos goes on the attack with lefts and rights followed by a big reverse kick. Marcos is down and the Kid is on him quick with a knee to the chest and a chinlock

Marcos slips out of the hold and is behind the Kid, catching him with a running bulldog followed by a side suplex. He goes for a splash off the top rope, but this time its the Kid that escapes!

The Kid catches Marcos with a clothesline from hell followed by a pump handle slam. He goes for a pin, but the ref informs him there are NO pins in this cage match!

Chaos looks enraged like he might take it out on the ref, but instead runs to the side and starts to climb out. He gets to the top when Marcos is at his heels, trying to pull him down. Kid Chaos looks like he might get over, but when he lifts his leg over, he realizes that his BOOT LACES ARE TIED TOGETHER! He falls to the mat and Marcos comes off... hitting with a flying clothesline

Chaos gets to his feet but is still having trouble with the laces. He looks up and gets a punch from Marcos followed by a swinging neck breaker


Ha ha, that's funny...

Yeah, real mature. Just like the laxatives I put in your coffee...


Marcos climbs up the side of the cage and at this point sees "The Enforcer" Kruze coming out on the stage with a mic.

Kruze: "What do ya think you're doing in there? Defending MY title? Maybe I should come in there and beat you both through the ring. Just like those two I punked out earlier!

Marcos is at the top of the cage, waving Kruze in, like "Come on, I DARE YA!" He is quickly disrupted by Chaos who lifts him up on his shoulder and falls back, slamming Marcos to the canvas. Kid Chaos is up quick and drops a knee on Marcos followed by a DDT.

The Kid is up on the turnbuckles and comes down, but Marcos catches him and slams him with a belly to belly suplex. The Kid punches him and takes his legs out. He holds Marcos' legs apart and drops a knee between them!

Chaos nails a Chaos bomb.

"The Enforcer" runs and climbs into the cage. Chaos sees him and they start exhcanging punches.


What is Kruze doing?!?

KDefending his belt?

BOh please! He is NOT the champ!

Smoke starts filling the ring and the crowd starts cheering as lights fill the ring. The smoke clears and Marcos is watching Kruze and Chaos... FROM OUTSIDE THE RING!

(ding, ding, ding)

Andy Richter: Here is your winner... and STILL INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION, THE GREAT MARCOS!!!

The Great Marcos grabs the mic

The Great Marcos: Hey Kruze, if you WERE the champ, I guess you just LOST YOUR BELT! You can call me the TWO TIME CHAMP!

Marcos walks up the ring as Kruze and Chaos looked shocked and the crowd is laughing and cheering.


Well, he sure showed Kruze!

KWhat about Kid Chaos? He was doing well and he got screwed!

BI'm sure he'll be a champ sooner or later. Let's check out a commercial and we will be back with some HUGE ACTION! Gaurenteed!


Actions speak louder than words....

and it's not always clean language!

This Month... The WVW Superstars dabble in some:

Dirty Deeds

April 29th, 2001

Only on PPV!!!


We are back!

Great, and it's Carnal Language vs Purga Cliche!

BOh will you stop? These two are the future of this company! Let's go to ringside...

Lights go out, then go back on and sparks fly all ove the place as "Ante up" by Mob plays.

Andy Richter: From Brooklyn, weighing in at 190, CARNAGE!!!!!

Lights go out, as Pyros shoot down the isle, as A Large Figure walks out from the back, wearing a Dark robe, he makes his way to the ring, he steps over the top rope.

Andy Richter: "Now entering the ring, He hails from Death Valley Ca., Standing at 6'10', and weighting in at 350 lbs, he is PURGA TORRIE!!!!!


Carnage VS Purga Torrie

(Standard Match)



(ding, ding)

They lock up and Purga tosses Carnage to the side and starts laying the boots into him. He gets Carnage in a german suplex followed by a power slam. He goes for a pin.


Carnage kicks out and gets to his feet. Purga picks him up for a chokeslam, but Carnage hooks the rope with his leg and pulls them both out of the ring!

Outside, Purga pulls the mat away and tries to slam Carnage, but Carnage slips out. He dropkicks Purga into the ring post and then catches him with a hurricanrana onto the concrete! He tries to get Purga back into the ring, but instead Purga whips him into the announcers table.


Man, I hope they don't break our table...

We seriously need some Spanish announcers...

Carnage hops up on the table and hits a spinning DDT. Carnage gets back in the ring and they lock up. Purga gets Carnage up and drops him with a suplex into a powerbomb. He goes for a pin.



Carnage just barely kicks out. Purga gets Carnage's arm and climps the turnbuckle and starts climbing on the ropes. He is about to jump when Carnage pulls him off and drops him on his head!

Carnage gets up on the turnbuckle and hits a carnage crusher (sort of like a swanton bomb), and goes for a pin...




(ding, ding, ding)

Andy Richter: Here is your winner... CARNAGE!!!!!

BWThe next match is the Boiler Room Brawl! However, Roach gave up the VC belt earlier this week, so tonight we will have a NEW champ!

KMaybe it'll be the janitor! I mean, he works in the boiler room.

What the hell are talking about??


Shot of backstage.

Tony Slattery:Nightmare and Olson have just entered the boiler room. This should be interesting!..




Nightmare VS Greg Olson

(Boiler Room Brawl, WVW VOLATILE Championship)

(ding, ding)

Nightmare and Olson are down in the boiler room. They circle each other when Olson goes for a leg takedown. Nightmare dodges it and tries to whip Olson into a pipe, but Olson ducks. He grabs a board and swings it at Nightmare. Nightmare ducks.

Nightmare finds a chain and whips it at Olson, knocking the board out of his hands. He then wraps the chain around his fist and smiles. Olson tackles him to the floor and Nightmare starts unloading punches. Olson rolls away, but Nightmare is after him.

Nightmare hits acapture suplex and starts with more punches. Olson gets a lowblow and grabs a pipe. He smacks Nightmare in the back with it and then nails a full nelson slam. He goes for the door, but Nightmare grabs his leg and trips him.

Nightmare takes the chain and wraps it around Olson's legs. He then finds a barrel and drops it on Olson's head! He smirks as he drops a leg as well...

Nightmare climbs up on one of the tanks and comes down with a front flip leg drop, but Olson rolls out of the way and Nightmare hits the concrete hard!


This is brutal so far...

KoBrutal is one way of putting it...

I know, I just said that!

KoWhen are those laxatives going to kick in...


Olson gets to his feet and hits Nightmare with a double axe handle chop. He picks him up for a powerbomb, but Nightmare has a board and gets him in the gut with it. Nightmare runs at him, but Olson whips him into one of the tanks and starts slamming his head against it. Nightmare falls to the ground and Olson gets the pipe again.

Olson swings the pipe at Nightmare, but he ducks and gets a sidewalk slam. Nightmare gets to his feet and goes for the door. Olson grabs his leg. Suddenly....


A white flash and the camera cuts out!!!


BWhat the hell was THAT?!?

KoI think the elements just exploded!

Can we get another camera?!?

KoI don't know... the whole backstage may have just blown to bits!


Shot of backstage.

The door is seen blown off the boiler room! EMT's rush in to help Olson and Nightmare.

Tony Slattery: It seems that one of the TANKS EXPLODED! We don't know if it was an accident or what. The EMT's are getting Olson and Nightmare. I hope they are still alive!

The EMT's stretcher out Olson first. He seems battered, but still alive. The ref runs to him and places the belt on his chest.

Tony Slattery: Well, I hear they are hurt... but it could have been worse... (sees Olson with the belt) OH MY! Thanks to the EMT's... GREG OLSON IS THE NEW VOLATILE CHAMP!!!


Bob They are lucky they are alive, and OLSON IS THE CHAMP??? I'd like to know how the hell that explosion happened!

KI wonder who's better, Yang or Brother Voodoo?

BWell, I guess there is nothing we can do but continue with the matches!

Andy Richter is at ringside.

Andy Richter: The next match of the evening is a #1 contenders match!!

The "Yin/Yang Theme" hits and Yang walks out proudly with his tag team belt. The fans boo wildly.

Andy Richter: From the the Mountains of Tibet and one half of the Tag Team Champions, it's YANG!!!!!

Lights turn blue and black, snakes appear on all screens as a digarie-do horn blows, then he arrives, from the shadows of the curtains, Brother Voodoo brings hand fulls of snakes with him to the ring, fans are screaming as they fall loose on the ground and slither away into the masses of fans.

Andy Richter: From the Swamplands, weighing in at 281, it's BROTHER VOODOO!!!!!


Yang VS Brother Voodoo

(#1 Contenders Match)

Yang eyes Brother Voodoo as he begins to circle. They lock up and Broter Voodoo shoves Yang to the ground. He looks annoyed. He goes for a hurricanrana, but the Brother just tosses him. Yang rolls out of the ring and storms around.

Inside, Brother Voodoo is smiling. Yang grabs a chair and tries to bring it in the ring. The ref grabs it from Yang and then yells at him. Brother Voodoo grabs the chair and now the ref is yelling at him too.

Yang has another chair and he brings it in the ring. He and Brother Voodoo stare each other down as either one is about to attack the other... when suddenly...

THEY HIT THE REF SIMUTANEOUSLY! The ref goes down. Yang nails him of the top rope with a Y-Bomb. Brother Voodoo then slaps on the Strong Pimp Hand.

Bob What is the deal here?!? WHAT DID THE REF EVER DO TO THEM??

KWhat DID he do for them? Ah, I'm sure he's just in the wrong place at the wrong time!

BThe TCB is out of control!

Yang grabs the mic as Brother Voodoo continues the punishment.

Yang: You foolish bastards! I bet you though I, the Master, and the Lord of Voodoo would actually fight... maybe even injure ourselves. Maybe cut ourselves open for your sadistic pleasure... IT WILL NOT HAPPEN! The blood, the pain, that is for our OPPONENTS! And who are our opponents? Why, anyone who is weak... all of you, the entire WVW roster and even this stupid, stinking ref!!

Brother Voodoo lets go of the ref and Yang starts to pound on him. Brother Voodoo takes the mic.

Brother Voodoo:I hearby announce myself as the #1 contender! Pitbull, at the PPV, I will take back what is mine, the WVW WORLD TITLE! If for some reason, I come down with some illness in one of the backwoods arenas they force us to wrestle at... then Yang shall take my place. For I announce Yang as the #2 contender!

Bob What? This is ridiculous! Brother Voodoo doesn't have the right.

KSure he does, he's the best wrestler here! Hey wait... coming to the ring...


Roach gets in the ring and grabs the mic out of Brother Voodoo's hand.

Roach:Why don't you two freaks just do us all a favor, AND SHUT IT! (the crowd roars its approval) There's only one person that's #1 for the World Belt, and that's ME! Why? Two reasons... I'm too damn good for any other belt, and secondly...

Roach throws down the mic and starts taking turns slugging Brother Voodoo and Yang. He takes Yang and throws him out of the ring and then hits Brother Voodoo with a Pestilence! Brother Voodoo rolls out of the ring and Roach raises his hands as the crowd is on its feet

"Shitlist" by L7 hits and CEO Schell makes his way to the ring. People start booing. He gets in and now he's on the mic. "Roach, you ingrate! You gave up the Volitale title and you pretty much quit. Now, you're back, and you want a World Title match?? You have some nerve. Well, since there aren't many Main Eventers around, it is either you or Brother Voodoo for the title. I'm going to have to think..."

While the boss speaks, Roach reaches into his pocket and suddenly cuts off the sentence with a FIREBALL!! THE CEO IS ON FIRE!!!!! He drops and starts to roll around , but the fire increases and his clothes are ablaze, ALONG WITH HIS HAIR!

Security runs down and gets the CEO out, but he is in a great deal of pain. EMT's arrive and rush him out of there. Roach is standing by at ringside, smiling an evil smile. The crowd is silent.

Bob Uh... um... I...

KYeah, I know. That was... unbelivable.




Bob and Karl make a run for it as Roach hits the announcer table with ANOTHER FIREBALL! He then tosses fuel to the fire and in seconds, the ringside is ablaze!

He then gets in the ring and starts lighting the ropes on fire too!!!!!!

The "Yin-Yang Theme" hits and Yin runs to the ring. The fans are just screaming at this point!

Yin jumps in the ring and hits Roach with a surprise clothesline. The Roach gets back on his feet and starts exchanging punches with Yin. Roach takes Yin's head and smashes it into the turnbuckle, very close to the clames! Yin responds with an elbow to the gut. Roach whips Yin the the blazing ropes, but Yin reverses it and sends Roach to the side of the ring NOT on fire.

Yin runs at Roach and catches him with a sideslam. He then drops an elbow. He takes Roach's head and starts slamming it into the mat. He goes for a pin...

BUT THERE'S NO REF! And NO announcers! This is quite the IMPROMPTU, poorly planned match!

Yin realizes there's no ref. He goes out and gets the ring bell. He gets back in the ring and catches a belly to belly suplex from the Roach. Roach picks up Yin, but Yin has the ring bell and hits Roach with it. Roach is sent back.

Yin picks up Roach by the neck with two hands, high into the air, and tries to throw him into the flames. Roach kicks Yin in the face and both men go down.

Yin is up first and DDT's Roach onto the ring bell! He then starts stomping on Roach's head. Roach is broken open. Yin sets up for the Deep Sleep (inverted tombstone)... but Roach reverses the move, has Yin up and throws him onto the FLAMING ROPES!

Yin falls out of the ring in flames! Security is there, just having put out the commentators and start spraying Yin with the extinguishers.

Cut to the back....

CEO Schell is seen being carted into an ambulance and taken away. Nearby stands David McKay

Tony Slattery: David McKay! Did you have something to do with tonight's events?Did you have Roach take out the CEO??

David McKay: Not at all. I am just an observer for this one. quite an interested observer. See, if the CEO isn't here to run the place... then I guess I am in charge.

Tony Slattery: Who said? You have no authority to...

David McKay: Oh, but I do. And if you don't like it I will have you replaced by Monday. That's all for now... I have to go make further plans...

Tony Slattery: Where's Pitbull? He had a match with Yin!

McKay just walks off, leaving Tony and all of us wondering....


Cut to black.

copyright 2001 WVW Entertainment.