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Time Of Terror

May 6, 2001


Bob Welcome to Time of Terror! What an INCREDIBLE PPV, and just a few weeks till the next one. Pitbull is still champ, but Damage, Inc is encroaching. They already have half the titles!

KWhich means they still are looking for the other half. Not to mention, there are still a lot of other guys looking for belts...

BI think that is the smartest thing you ever said! Kid Chaos fights The Great Marcos to see who takes on "The Enforcer". First, let's take a look at a guy who was involved in some strange happenings at "Dirty Deeds"... Exodus!

Andy Richter is at ringside.

Andy Richter: The first bout is a PARKING LOT MATCH!!!

A shot of the parking lot shows some fans on the outskirts, security keeping them at bay. Yang walks on the scene as his music plays in the arena.

Andy Richter: Representing TCB, he is the MASTER, he is YANG!!!!!

Cereberus: Introducing, my slave... Exodus. Exodus, I know you can here me... BRING THE DARK ONE TO ME.... or pay dearly!!!!!!


Yang VS Exodus

(Parking Lot Match)

Yang locks up with Exodus. He hiptosses him on the hood of a car and starts slamming his head back. He drops and elbow onto his chest and then rolls him onto the ground.

Exouds brings a big fist up and gets Yang in the gut. He picks him up and slams him to the concrete. He opens up the trunk of a car and takes out a tire iron. He brings it down towards Yang's head, but Yang rolls out of the way just as the metal makes a mark on the concrete!

Yang is up and trying to get a shot in, but Exodus is swinging the tire iron around like a maniac!

What happened to this guy? Is he possessed or what?

I don't know but he is pretty creepy, although not as creepy as the "new and improved" Animal, now known as Cereberus.

I never imagined a losing streak could drive someone so far over the edge...

Yang blocks a shot from the tire iron, but it still hurts as it strikes his forearm. Yang grabs Exodus' leg and takes him down, knocking the weapon from his hand. He drives a foot into Exodus' crotch and does a back flip splash of a nearby bumper. He goes for a pin...



Exodus grabs for the tire iron...


Andy Richter: Your winner, YANG!!!!!

Cereberus is shown in the ring... SMILING?!?

Yang is up and celebrating in his unique cocky style. Exodus comes up from behind and SLAMS the tire iron across the back of Yang's skull! Yang falls like a ton of bricks. Exodus goes to the side lines and grabs a stretcher. He throws Yang on and straps him in. He starts pushing him to the ring.

Cereberus is in the ring with the mic.

Cereberus: TCB... your end is here. You shall become my slaves or die. And in your death you shall be my slaves nonetheless! Brother Voodoo, you claim to influence the dark powers with your powders? It doesn't seem to be working, for you do not control me, for I AM THE DARK POWER!

Exodus brings Yang to the ring on the stretcher. Cereberus joins him on the ramp. He takes out a knife and looks to want to carve up Yang!

Brother Voodoo and Yin come running down the ramp and start pounding on Exodus and Cereberus. Yin throws Exodus in the ring and starts stomping him. On the ramp, Brother Voodoo and Cereberus exchange lefts and rights, when Purga Torrie jumps out from the crowd!

Purga grabs Brother Voodoo and drops him with a neckbreaker. He starts punching Brother Voodoo as Cereberus rolls the stretcher with Yang strapped in to the back. Inside the ring, Yin drops Exodus with a "Deep Sleep" and runs after Cereberus. Purga Torrie, tries to stop him and they get into a brawl that leads to the back. Brother Voodoo is the last, but on their trail...

I have to say, I really hate Yang, but I am worried for his life...

This is some freaky *&^@!

BWhoa, this is a family show!

Then why the *&#% are people getting kidnapped, sliced up, and generally all around &*^#$% up?!?


Andy Richter is at ringside.

Andy Richter: The next match is for the #1 CONTENDERSHIP for the IC TITLE!!!

Lights flicker then just go out then there is an explosion and "CHAAAAAOOOOOOS" is screamed and the music hit. Kid Khaos comes out and goes wild!

Andy Richter: From Austin, TX, weighing in at 180lbs, KID CHAOS!!!!!!

"Abracadabra" plays as a smoke bomb goes off in the center of the ring. When the smoke clears The Great Marcos is standing in the ring. He pulls a bouquet of roses out of his sleeve and tosses them to the crowd. Then he takes off his cape and hat, folds the cape up, and drops it in the hat. He claps the hat between his hands and it disappears in a flash.

Andy Richter:His opponent, from Reno, NV, a good wrestler and a great magician, THE GREAT MARCOS!!!!!!

"Damage, Inc." starts to play and out walks Scott "The Enforcer" Kruze! In a referee shirt!


Kid Chaos VS The Great Marcos

(#1 Contendership Match)

Special Referee



ding, ding

Marcos and Kruze have a staredown when Chaos hits Marcos with a high kick. He staggers back against the ropes, and Chaos whips him to the corner. Chaos starts unloading punches, and Kruze grabs him and throws him to the mat!

Kruze:"Watch the closed fists!"

Chaos starts unloading curses and gets in Kruze's face. Marcos taps Chaos on the shoulder. When the Kid turns around, Marcos gives him a short armed clothesline followed by a German suplex. Marcos goes for a pin. Kruze circles around and by the time he starts to count, Chaos has kicked out.

Marcos shakes his head and mutters, "Predictible! Horrible showman...". Marcos gets Chaos to his feet and gets hit with a kick, followed by a DDT. Chaos goes for a cover... Kruze hurries to the mat...


Chaos picks Marcos up and gets in Kruze's face. "I DON'T NEED A FAST COUNT!". Kruze shrugs and looks to turn away, but instead gets Chaos with "The END" (heart punch). Chaos goes down.

Kruze then attacks Marcos and they start exchanging punches!

And Kruze calls himself the Enforcer! I guess that has nothing to do with being a good referee!

He's not so bad, I mean its not like he gets knocked by the simplest touch!

BWho've you been touching? Can we pay attention to the match, or rather the atrocity?!?!

Marcos drops Kruze with a side suplex, and then gets up and goes after the Kid, who is also up. They exchange some kicks and Marcos then locks up and gets the Kid down with a Russian leg sweep. He tries for a scissor lock, but the Kid gets away.

Chaos grabs Marcos as he is getting up, but gets a low blow from Kruze! Kruze than hits Marcos with the END! Kruze takes Kid Chaos and puts him on Marcos...



Not a fast count!

KThat wasn't so fast, your wife tells me you're a LOT faster!!

(ding, ding, ding)

Andy Richter: Here is your winner... KID CHAOS!!!!!!!!

"Damage INC" hits the PA and the group of the same name comes to the ring led by McKay and about 15 security guards! McKay grabs the mic.

McKay: Arrest the Magician! And get the short one ready for his next match!

Security put cuffs on Marcos. He smiles, knowing what's going to happen next, except he doesn't expect all of them to START BEATING HIM WITH NIGHTSTICKS! They drag his body out so that is just Damage, INC and Kid Chaos.

McKay: Get ready for your Ladder Match later tonight, versus Justin Sane, for the #1 Contender's spot! And don't even think of complaining, becuase YOU ASKED FOR IT!

Kid Chaos shrugs as if he is fine with that arrangement. McKay nods as if he is not impressed with Chaos' willingness. He glances at Damage, INC and they begin to attack the Kid!


This is a new low! Oz, Shogun, Nightmare, Kruze... FOUR MEN versus the one smaller Kid Chaos!

Ya gotta admit it's pretty chaotic. The Kid's gotta like it by default!

Here comes the backup!!....

Kid Kache and Carnage run in with thier tag team titles and start whipping them at Oz and Shogun!

Damage, INC takes a few shots, but start coming back and seem to have the Kids and Carnage out when "Creeping Death" hits, the fans go nuts, AND THE WORLD CHAMP HITS THE RING!

Pitbull runs in, throwing out McKay, nearly knocking Kruze out of his shoes with a clothesline and gets Nightmare in the corner with a flurry of punches, knocking him RIGHT OUT! Kid Kache, Kid Chaos and Carnage are able to knock Shogun and Oz out.

It's a staredown from the ring to Damage, INC, outside as we cut to....


Brother Voodoo's Voodoo Doll, the Roach's Roach Farm, Pitbull's Choke Chain... all this and more on WVW-bay auctions!

Tired of the same old salad? Then try, new "Jailhouse Dressing". Now available in Spicy and Extra Gooey.....


We're back and control has been taken and we are ready for our Tag Team Match...

Hmm, probably because McKay wants to get those belts for his guys.

I just hope Pitbull watches Kid Kache's and Carnage's backs...

Lights go out, then go back on and sparks fly all ove the place as "Ante up" by Mob plays.

Andy Richter: From Brooklyn, weighing in at 400lbs, the TAG TEAM CHAMPS, KID KACHE & CARNAGE!!!!!

"Damage, INC" plays once again as Shogun and Oz walk to the ring.

Andy Richter: "Now entering the ring, the challengers, SHOGUN AND OZ!!!!!


Carnage & Kid Kache VS Shogun & OZ




(ding, ding)

Oz and Kid Kache start off. Oz grabs Kache and throws him into the corner and starts to choke him with a big boot. The ref starts a count, so Oz lets it go and drives an elbow into Kache's chest. He whips Kache into his corner and distracts the ref as Shogun starts choking him out!

Oz tags in Shogun and they double slam Kache to the mat. Shogun goes for a pin.



Kache kicks out and gets to his feet. He dropkicks Shogun and tags in Carnage. They whip Shogun into the corner and start double teaming him. The ref gets Kache in the corner. Carnage and Shogun lock up.


So far, so good, only a minimun of cheating on Oz and Shogun's part...

Hey, give them a chance, the match just started!

Carnage hiptosses Shogun and drops a leg, but misses. Shogun gets a tornado DDT and locks on an armbar submission.

The move isn't on long when Kache comes in to break it up. Oz comes in and a brawl ensues. Oz throws Kache out of the ring. Shogun whips Carnage into a chokeslam from Oz. Shogun goes for a pin...



Carnage kicks out. The ref tries to get Oz back to his corner, but instead he gets out of the ring and starts fighting with Kache outside. Kache gets a chair, but Oz punches the chair sending it into his face!

Inside Shogun gets a jumping back kick and goes for a spinning roundhouse, but Carnage ducks it and gets a spine buster.

Outside Oz and Kache are fighting back and forth. Kache tries to whip Oz into the railing, but Oz reverses it and sends Kache into the second row! Oz then goes under the ring and pulls out a ladder and slides it in the ring.

Carnage picks it up and drives it into Shogun! He then places it on him and does a lionsault off the ropes! He looks hurt, but not as bad as Shogun. Carnage sets up the ladder and gives the sign for the Carnage Crusher! He climbs to the top of the ladder...

But Oz gets in and knocks the ladder over, sending Carnage landing on the ropes right on his neck! Shogun grabs him and locks in the Heel Hook – Opponents leg is grapevined with their foot locked in Shoguns armpit. Both hands are locked near the back of the heel with the arm crossing the body crossing his opponent’s ankle. Shogun twists his upper body and arches his hack putting enormous pressure in the ankle and knee.

Carnage taps!

(ding, ding, ding)

Andy Richter: Here is your winner...And NEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS, OZ AND SHOGUN!!!!!!

Kid Chaos runs in the ring and starts fighting with Oz! Kid Kache is back in the ring and starts fighting with Shogun.

McKay comes down to the ring, with security and Justin Sane in his straight jacket. McKay motions to the cieling and a key is seen lowered on a chain. He has security let Justin go. Justin runs in the ring as a bell is rang.


Justin props the ladder up, goes to the top and grabs the key. The bell rings again!

(ding, ding, ding)

Andy Richter: Here is your #1 Contender, JUSTIN SANE!!!!!!!!

Justin runs out with the key and security puts him back in the jacket. Oz and Shogun get out of the ring with their belts and join McKay on the ramp.

McKay: Now that we have a new number one contender, I guess he can go back to the asylum, FOR GOOD! HAHAHA!

Justin gets dragged away looking upset. Kid Chaos, Carnage and Kid Kache look REALLY pissed. They are waving for Shogun and Oz to get back in the ring, but they just smile and walk off with thier belts...

BWOH NO! This is an outrage! Two screwjobs in a row! SOMEONE HAS TO STOP MCKAY!

KI don't know, I hear CEO Schell is going to be out for a while.. and when he gets back what can he do?

SOMETHING! Anyting! Arrrgh, lets get to the next match....


Andy Richter: The next match is Standard Match...

Lights go out, as Pyros shoot down the isle, as A Large Figure walks out from the back, wearing a Dark robe, he makes his way to the ring, he steps over the top rope.

Andy Richter: Now entering the ring, He hails from Death Valley Ca., Standing at 6'10', and weighting in at 350 lbs, he is PURGA TORRIE!!!!!

A Big blast gives welcome to the native of D.C. looks at the crowd runs to the Ring, he leaps in showing very quick and stong legs.

Andy Richter: Now entering the ring, from Washington, DC, weighing in at 245, GREG OLSON!!!!!


Purga Torrie VS Greg Olson

(Standard Match)

Purga and Olson lock up. Olson grabs Purga in a side headlock and brings him to the mat. He quickly gets to Purga's leg and tries for a leg lock, but Purga rolls out of the way and quickly gets to his feet.

Olson catches a leg sweep and follows it with a neck snap. Purga is on the mat and Olson tries for a full nelson slam, but Purga blocks and hits a side slam.

Bob This is a heck of a match so far.

KHey, what were you saying before about the language?

Purga whips Olson off the ropes and gets a fall away slam. Olson looks hurt. Purga drops a knee and rolls up Olson.

The ref counts a one and Olson kicks out and tries to get to his feet. Purga is right on top of him catching Olson with a suplex into a powerbomb! He goes for a pin...



Olson kicks out again. Purga gets Olson to his feet and gets a slap across the chest followed by a spin kick. Olson gets Purga with a scorpian death drop! He then slaps on the clawhold. Purga goes to one knee... then to the other knee. Olson shoves him back and gets the shoulders down...



Purga kicks out!

Bob Wow, one close pin fall after another! You can keep a good man down, I guess....

KQuite a coincidence, that's what the ladies say about me, if you catch my drift.

Bob I sure do, ever consider switching to a higher quality soap?

Olson gets Purga back up and Purga slams him to the mat. All of a sudden Yin is in the ring with a chair! Purga sees him and is ready to attack when...


ding, ding, ding

Andy Richter: Your winner, by DQ, GREG OLSON!!!!!

Yin throws the chair down and gets in Purga's face, he is yelling at him.

Yin: Where the hell is he??

Purga smiles and leans back, flipping over the ropes. He glances back only slightly before he walks through the crowd, leaving Yin in the ring looking confused and angry.

This Purga Torrie is a real freak, huh? And his friends are not much better.

Will you EVER stop being jealous of people with friends, Bob?

BWith friends, like you... Who needs torture? Let's go to our Main Event and see if Damage, INC. can pull off a Grand Slam, or if the Pitbull will just bite them down to size?


Andy Richter: The next match is the MAIN EVENT for the WVW WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP...

"Killing Time" - (Hed) pe hits and the fans start to boo.

Andy Richter: Now entering the ring, He hails from Long Beach, California... he is NIGHTMARE !!!!!

"Creeping Death" by Metallica hits. The lights pulsate and the crowds go crazy....

Andy Richter: Now entering the ring, he is the WVW WORLD CHAMPION OF THE WORLD... ROB "THE PITBULL" JOHNSON!!!!!

Shot of the entrance from backstage. No Pitbull... when the music changes to "Damage, Inc." the cheers turn to boos as we see David McKay walk out with the WVW World Title. He walks to the ring. Nightmare feings surprise.

McKay: I am SO SORRY to announce, but Pitbull has been ARRESTED for assault and battery. I can't get into details, but let's say as the guy in charge, I am sick of his behavior. I am stripping him, and I am crowning the NEW CHAMPION.... NIGHTMARE!!!!

Nightmare poses with his new belt when... a voice booms from above....


McKay and Nightmare look at each other as if this wasn't part of the plan. The voice continues....

I said that I was coming... and now.... I am here to ruin your plans, I ...AM HERE....NOW!

The arena goes black. Lights then start flashing and a spotlight focuses on the top of the ramp where we see a... WOMAN....

Woman: Hey, Mr. McKay... you may or may not know me... but you ever here of nepotism?

A spotlight goes on McKay, as if he is being questioned. He looks confused.

McKay Yeah, so... what the hell are you talking about?

Woman: Well, let's just say that I am related to CEO Schell... he is my FUTURE FATHER-IN-LAW!

She holds up her hand to show a big diamond.

McKay: That proves nothing! Schell doesn't have any kids?!? Show me the kid! Show me the son! SHOW ME!!!

The woman smiles and points.

Woman: Look... beeeehind YOOOOOOU!!!

The lights come up...

And right behind Mckay...

With a Big smile is....


Crazy Noodle Boy slaps the dreaded SNAKE PULL on McKay and he starts floundering like a fish. Nightmare whacks CNB with his belt, but CNB just smiles. He tosses McKay aside and Nightmare rolls out of the ring. He grabs McKay who is holding his tongue and they walk off.


That explains alot of the booking around here.

BThis is GREAT!!!

The Woman runs to the ring and gives CNB a big kiss. She grabs the mic.

Woman:And once Mr. Marcos springs Pitbull from jail, we're all going to the WVW penthouse for our ENGAGEMENT PARTY!!!

The crowd cheeers... CNB grabs the mic...

CNB:Next week, my book comes alive... the rumours of my death were poppy cock! This is my crazy house and I DO WINDOWS!!!! And I hope INKY HEAD LIKE A SIDE OF MCPAIN WITH THAT!!!!

Balloons fall as the new couple kiss and we....


Cut to black.

copyright 2001 WVW Entertainment.