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Time Of Terror

May 13, 2001


Bob Welcome everyone, and a Happy Mothers Day to all!

KIt seems a few wrestlers were busy this past week shopping for thier mothers and that's why it has been a little quieter than usual...

BCertainly has been but that all changes TONIGHT!! We have titles on the line in the Main Event as Damage Inc tries to score its final belt. First, though, we get to check out some new comers!

Andy Richter is at ringside.

Andy Richter: The first bout is a ROOKIE MATCH!!!

Darkside comes out with his hands in the air in a pentagram-like shape. When he reaches the ring he spits red mist into the air.

Andy Richter: Weighing in at 284, he is DARKSIDE!!!!!

"Believer" by BT hits and "rave-like" lights pulsate through out the arena.

Andy Richter: Weighing in at 230, it's ARCANE!!!!!


Darkside VS Arcane

(Rookie Match)

Darkside and Arcane circle each other. They lock up and Darkside get the advatage. He catches Arcane with a vertibreaker and sends him to the mat. He drops a punch and goes for a submission, but Arcane gets out of the way.

Arcane hits a crescent kick and follows it up by locking on a half nelson. Darkside struggles a bit before sending them both into the ropes, breaking the hold.

These two seem like well rounded athletes.

I guess that's one way of putting it. What's their names again? Fibbity and flabbity or something like that?

Mmm, well Mr. Funny Guy, I'm sure they don't give a crap what your name is!

Darkside throws Arcane into the ropes and he comes off with a drokick, but Darkside ducks and comes back with a Harlem side kick followed by an impaler DDT. He goes for the pin...



Arcane kicks out. Darkside goes for a chokeslam, but Arcane kicks him in the gut and hits a DDT and then quickly slaps on a Boston crab.

The ref checks Darkside. Darkside tries to get to the ropes to break the hold. The ropes are too far away, so he tries to power out! Arcane starts to slip, so he lets go of the move and changes it into an ankle lock! Darkside looks to be in trouble

The ref checks Darkside again. He won't give up despite the pain. He crawl to the ropes slowly but surely. He is about to grab the bottome rope when Arcane lets go of the hold and starts laying the boots into Darkside. He picks Darkside up and goes for a slam, but Darkside stops him and slams Arcane to the mat instead!

Darkside is favoring his ankle, but he still able to get Arcane up and drop him with a running powerbomb.

He goes for the pin



Arcane breaks the pin. Both men get to thier feet and lock up. Arcane tries to kick Darkside, but Darkside won't have it and he throws Arcane to the mat. He goes to hit a leg drop, but Arcane gets out of the way. Arcane is up and puts the DRAGON SLEEPER on Darkside. The ref checks Darkside's arm.

He lifts it once and it drops.

He does this a second time.

He goes for a third... Arcane tightens the hold, and Darkside's arm goes down for a third time!

Andy Richter: Your winner, ARCANE!!!!!

Out of nowhere comes Cereberus and Exodus. They nail Arcane from behind and start to pummel him. Purga Torrie gets in the ring with a shovel and starts smashing it over Darkside. The two rookies are down and Cereberus takes the mic.

Cereberus: These young whelps had no idea, but they should have. They have fallen at the hands of the NEW EVIL... they have fallen to me... like all the WVW shall! Later tonight, it is you and I, Mr. Voodoo. Be prepared to be BROKEN! For I and Purga Torrie plan on expanding our army. We plan on taking over. TCB? Damage, INC? There are no "stables" in hell, ONLY PAIN! THE PAIN I BRING!

They continue to pummel Arcane and Darkside until security gets in the ring and clears them out.

These guys are really gaining some momentum. And as far as I know, they still have Yang!

That can't be good. I can only imagine the torture... on second thought, I don't want to!

BThe only thing that matters is what goes down in the ring!

Or in the next match... a NUT HOUSE!

Kid Chaos is seen walking down the halls of the mental institution. He walks into a rec room and sees Justin Sane... they start going at it!

Kid Chaos picks up Justin and slams him onto a ping pong table. He starts pounding his head with lefts and rights. He stands up on the table and gives Justin a pump handle slam right through the table!

Kid Chaos goes for a pin. The ref is just now coming in the room. Once the ref gets in position, Justin kicks out. Justin has a ping pong paddle in his hand and smacks it over Kid Chaos' head! He then suplexes Chaos to the ground. He tries to drop and elbow, but Chaos rolls out of the way.

Chaos is on his feet and starts stomping Justin Sane. He grabs a picture off the wall and smashes it over Justin's head and follows it with a side walk slam. He looks to be going for a pin when another of the patients gets in his face. Kid Chaos looks at him with confusion.


Chaos pushes him out of the way and gets caught by a twist of fate from Justin Sane. Sane goes for the pin.



Chaos kicks out.

Who the hell was THAT guy? He's still yelling!

How should I know? Isn't that weird looking fat lady in the background your mom? Shouldn't you be there visiting her on this day?

Cut the crap... this is an important match!

Chaos is up and nails an axe kick sending Justin to the ground. He picks up the patient who is yelling and slams him on Justin! And the guy doesn't stop yelling his little tirade over and over!

As Justin pushes the patient off of him, Chaos comes of another table with a CHAOS BOMB!! He goes for a pin.




Andy Richter: Your winner, and #1 CONTENTER FOR THE IC BELT, KID CHAOS!!!!!

Kid Chaos is up and celebrating when three big male nurses come in and put a straight jacket on him! A shot outside shows McKay filling out forms.

McKay: Yes, this "Kid Chaos" will need a few weeks of observation. I need to get back to the arena, so whatever medication you give him will be fine with the WVW...

McKay walks off as Chaos is dragged into a room!

Just when I think McKay has gone too far, he goes farther!

I guess Chaos will have to wait till he gets "better" to challenge Kruze!

BThere's nothing wrong with him!

I guess you never heard a Kid Chaos interview... Maybe he will be back for the PPV, maybe... let's check out another match...

Andy Richter is at ringside.

Andy Richter: The next match is a HARDCORE MATCH!!!

The "Yin-Yang" theme hits and Yin walks out with a kendo stick, ready to go.

Andy Richter: From the Mountains of Tibet, representing TCB, YIN!!!!!!

A Big blast gives welcome to the native of D.C. looks at the crowd runs to the Ring, he leaps in showing very quick and stong legs.

Andy Richter:His opponent, from Washington, DC., GREG OLSON!!!!!!


Yin VS Greg Olson

(Hardcore Match)


ding, ding

Yin starts slamming Greg Olson with the Kendo stick over and over again, breaking him open. He then starts choking Greg Olson out. Purga Torrie starts to walk down to the ring. Yin sees him and goes to the ropes and starts to yell at him.

Greg Olson comes from behind and starts choking Yin on the ropes. Purga gets on the apron and starts helping Olson! And Olson doesn't seem to mind!

Cereberus and Exodus hit the ring and they join in stomping on Yin. Olson drops Yin with a full nelson slam! Purga is in and has the kendo stick. He is driving it into Yin's stomach...

The odds are too great!

Is Olson with Cereberus and Purga?

BI don't know, I just know that he doesn't need help like this!

Brother Voodoo hits the ring and starts exchanging punches with Cereberus and Exodus! Thier fight spills out to the floor. Yin is somehow on his feet. He throws Purga out and drops Greg Olson with a chokeslam. Brother Voodoo slides in a chair and Yin drops Olson on the chair with a DEEP SLEEP!!


(ding, ding, ding)

Andy Richter: Here is your winner... YIN!!!!!!!!

Yin gets out of the ring and he and Brother Voodoo are fighting with Exodus and Purga Torrie. Cereberus slides in the ring and grabs Greg Olson. He throws Olson out of the ring and drags him to the back by the hair! On the way, he takes out a knife and smiles maliciously...


Oh no! Is that what he meant by expanding the army?

I guess so, and it seems Olson is going to be getting some "initiation"... SHEESH!!

Maybe after this match, we will have this mess straightened out....


Hey, Ladies, shaving a hassle? Go to France! Seats now half price, call Air France...

WVW Time Of Terror, what every SXW fan is watching!



We're back and the next match should be interesting.

A nightstick on a pole match? Has Big Bossman signed onto the roster and I havn't heard?

No, you dope. See, McKay had his security beat up Marcos last week with NIGHTSTICKS and then arrested, so now Marcos gets a chance to beat Shogun with one...

Unless Shogun gets it first....

"Damage, INC" plays once again as Shogun walks to the ring.

Andy Richter: "Now entering the ring, from Damage, INC, SHOGUN!!!!!

"Abracadabra" plays as a smoke bomb goes off in the center of the ring. When the smoke clears The Great Marcos is standing in the ring. He pulls a bouquet of roses out of his sleeve and tosses them to the crowd. Then he takes off his cape and hat, folds the cape up, and drops it in the hat. He claps the hat between his hands and it disappears in a flash.

Andy Richter: From Reno, NV, the magnificent, the stunning, the GREAT MARCOS!!!!!


The Great Marcos VS Shogun

(Nightstick on a Pole Match)



(ding, ding)

Both men circle each other, taking turns eyeing each other and eyeing the nightstick high above the one corner. They lock up.

Marcos gets a bridging double arm bar taking Shogun to the mat. After a few moments, Marcos goes around and gets a full nelson. Shogun tries to break out, but Marcos gets to his feet and nails Shogun with a piledriver

Marcos goes to the turnbuckle and starts to climb up to get the nightstick. Shogun gets to his feet and fall against the ropes, shaking Marcos and causing him to lose his balance. Marcos falls, but manages to stay on his feet, until Shogun hits him with a clothesline followed by a half nelson chokehold.

Shogun lets go of the hold and drives a knee into Marcos' back. He goes for the nightstick, but Marcos is quickly up. He gets Shogun on his shoulder and falls backwards, slamming Shogun to the mat.


This one is over once someone gets the nightstick...

How do you figure? I thought there was supposed to be a pin!

Marcos is up and climps to the nightstick. He has it in his hand when Shogun grabs his leg and uses it to whip him to the mat. Shogun nails a belly to back suplex followed by a tornado DDT.

Shogun raises his hands over Marcos and goes for the nightstick. However when he gets up to it, ITS GONE!!!

Shogun turns around to get whacked in the face with the nightstick by Marcos! Shogun falls to the mat. Marcos whacks him over the head a few times, then chokes him some. He whips Shogun into the ropes and catches Shogun right in the forehead as he comes off!

Marcos hits a swinging neck breaker followed by the The Grand Finale (Top Rope Somersault Leg Drop)!! He goes for a pin...




(ding, ding, ding)

Andy Richter: Here is your winner...THE GREAT MARCOS!!!!!!

Marcos' grabs the mic and stands over the fallen Shogun...

(ding, ding, ding)

The Great Marcos: And for my next trick, I shall help Kid Chaos escape from your bosses' trap! This will lead to the Grand Finale of I and Chaos taking your and Oz's tag team belts, NEXT WEEK! As by orders of Mr. Noodle Boy!

Marcos bows to the crowd as smoke fills the ring. When the smoke disappears, Marcos is gone as well!!

BWWow, that should be a hell of a match!

KYeah, good luck getting into a mental institution to break out a patient... no way... next thing you know he will be breaking into the pentagon.

You really don't watch SXW, do you? One more match till the Main Event...


Andy Richter: The next match is Barbed Wire Match!!!

Lights turn blue and black, snakes appear on all screens as a digarie-do horn blows, then he arrives, from the shadows of the curtains, Brother Voodoo brings hand fulls of snakes with him to the ring, fans are screaming as they fall loose on the ground and slither away into the masses of fans.

Andy Richter: Now entering the ring, He hails from the Swamplands, the leader of TCB, BROTHER VOODOO!!!!!

Cereberus is seen on the WVWBigScreen. He has Greg Olson tied to a table in the background, out of focus but obviously bloody. Cereberus is smiling with his bloody knife.

Cereberus: Sorry, Voodoo man, I have ceremonies to deal with... I guess I forfiet... this loss will be my gain. WATCH YOUR BACK! Soon, YOU WILL BE HERE WITH ME! HAHAHAHAHA!

Brother Voodoo stands in the barbed wire surrounded ring, looking pissed. He then suddenly shrugs and puts his hand up in victory...

Andy Richter: Your winner, by forfiet, BROTHER VOODOO!!!!!

Damn, I knew Cereberus was "evil", but that was a rip-off!

Rip-off? Don't give that maniac any ideas, for Olson's sake!

BOy, well... we finally have some titles on the line!


Andy Richter: The next match is the MAIN EVENT for the WVW VOLATILE CHAMPIONSHIP and the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP, in a 6-Person Tag...

"Killing Time" - (Hed) pe hits and the fans start to boo. Nightmare walks down with his world belt, followed by McKay and Oz with his belt

Andy Richter: Now entering the ring, representing Damage, Inc, DAVID MCKAY, OZ, AND NIGHTMARE!!!!!

"Noodle Brain" by the Queers hit and Crazy Noodle Boy and Wanda come down to a big pop....

Andy Richter: Now entering the ring, the opponets, WANDA AND CRAZY NOODLE BOY!!!!!

"Creeping Death" by Metallica hits. The lights pulsate and the crowds go crazy....

Andy Richter: Fighting with them, now entering the ring, he is the WVW WORLD CHAMPION OF THE WORLD... ROB "THE PITBULL" JOHNSON!!!!!

Oz, Nightmare, & David Mckay
Rob "The Pitbull" Johnson, Crazy Noodle Boy & Wanda



(6-Person Tag)

Crazy Noodle Boy and the Pitbull start off against Nightmare and Oz. Pitbull goes for the attack, tackling Nightmare into the corner. He unloads rights and lefts. He then throws him to the mat with a belly to back suplex

CNB jumps on Oz's back and Oz shakes him off. Oz nails CNB with a big boot followed by a powerslam, almost planting him through the mat!

Oz goes over and grabs Pitbull by the back of his head and throws him across the ring! He runs for a big clothesline but Pitbull ducks it, but then gets a dropkick from Nightmare. Nightmare then hits a capture suplex.

Oz gets CNB to his feet and whips him to the corner. Wanda tags her self in and faces off with Oz. Oz nearly laughs his head off but stops short when he gets a KNEE TO THE GROIN! Oz is on his knees! Wanda hits a DDT which doesn't seem strong enough to distract Oz from his groin pain.

Pitbull has Nightmare in chicken wing hold when McKay comes in and stomps him. Pitbull looks mad and grabs McKay by the throat and starts choking him out, to the cheers of the crowd.

Yeah, Pitbull! Choke that little pipsqueek!

Yeah, real brave picking on a buisnessman.

If he didn't want to play, he shouldn't have showed up!

Nightmare gets Pitbull from behind with the BAD DREAM! He goes for the pin...



Wanda breaks the pin and gets a clothesline from Oz! Crazy Noodle Boy looks pissed and attacks Oz with lefts and rights! He slaps on the SNAKE PULL!(modified mandible claw). Oz goes down to one knee...

Pitbull is up and he and Nightmare are locked up. They spill out to the floor. Pitbull gets on the RETRIBUTION but McKay tries to break it up with a chair. He misses Pitbull and hits Nightmare!

Inside the ring, Crazy Noodle Boy has Oz down on the mat. Wanda gets to her feet and falls on Oz. The ref counts...




Andy Richter: Your winner, Rob "The Pitbull" Johnson, Crazy Noodle Boy, and Wanda... and the NEW VOLATILE CHAMPION, WANDA !!!!!

Oz is on his feet and after Wanda, but Crazy Noodle Boy gets her and the belt out of there!


Great, I bet she'll dye it pink or something.

BThis is GREAT!!!

Pitbull starts beating on McKay and Nightmare, but Oz gets him from behind with the The Abyss. He throws him in the ring. Shogun appears and the four of them stomp Pitbull.

Suddenly, Jason Westlake runs down to the ring and starts kicking McKay to the mat, followed by Shogun, and he is about to get Nightmare when Oz gives him an Abyss as well!

McKay brings in a chair and hands it to Nightmare who starts wailing on Pitbull, busting him open! Oz and Shogun are double teaming Jason. Both men are being beaten and Nightmare holds up the World Belt as "Damage, Inc" hits the PA and we...


Cut to black.

copyright 2001 WVW Entertainment.