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February 25th, 2001


The crowd is going wild. The larger than usual arena is jam packed and the fireworks are going off like crazy. The excitement level is just rising!

Welcome everyone to the VERY FIRST WVW PAY PER VIEW! Tonight is going to out of control with some OUT OF THIS WORLD MATCHES!

KoYou said it, Bob! Besides the talent we've seen grow over the past month, there is also some brand spanking new talent. Tonight, things are really going to explode!

olaThat's right! It's going to be VOLITLE! As we start off with the first segment of a MAIN EVENT THAT WILL SPAN ALL NIGHT! That is definately a first for sports entertainment! Let's go to ringside.

Andy Richter is at ringside.

Andy Richter: The first match of the evening is the beginning of our ROUND ROBIN for the WVW WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!

The arena goes black , except for green and red lights that flash occasionally . The crows go silent . And it begins to rain inside the arena . It is a harsh tropical rain . Then a door is heard creaking . The the Star Wars Emperial March starts to play and the Predator comes out .

Andy Richter: First, making his way to the ring, weighing in at 250 lbs, from Thailand, The PREDATOR!!!!

The crowd cheers as the Predator steps into the ring.

Andy Richter: And his opponent....

'Smells Like Teen Spirit' by Nirvana plays and Diamond comes out to a HUGE pop from the crowd. He walks down to the ring, high fiving all the way. When he gets to the ring he looks skyward, raises his arms and sparks fly all around the top rope, completely circling the ring.

Andy Richter: He is from Los Angeles, he is DIAMOND!!!


The Predator VS Diamond

(Round Robin Match, WVW Championship)

Both men step in the ring. Both are being cheered as they circle around each other. The ref calls for the bell.

(ding, ding)

They lock up. After a brief struggle, Predator shoves Diamond to the mat. Diamond goes to lock up again and gets shoved even farther! He gets up looking a bit surprised. He calls to the fans, who start a "Diamond" chant.

Diamond goes back to lock up, but instead fakes out the Predator and hits him with a clothesline. At once, Predator tries to get to his feet, but instead gets a flowing DDT from Diamond.

Bob It seems that the Predator has a strength advantage, but Diamond has the speed and the crowd on his side.

KWell, they like the Predator too. As if the crowd was any help... let's see what help they are later when Backstreet announces his retirement.

BYou know you're a mean son of a bitch, don't you?

Diamond drops an elbow, but Predator rolls out of the way. Predator gets Diamond up and plants him with a reverse mat slam followed by a nerve pinch.

Diamond is hurting. The ref checks, but Diamond hits Predator and breaks out. Diamond runs against the ropes and gets Predator with a cross body block then rolls him up.


Predator kicks out. Diamond starts laying the punches into Predator. Predator grabs Diamond and throws him to the ropes. He comes up form behind with a big boot that sends Diamond to the floor.

Predator poses, but is cut short by Diamond who grabs his legs and pulls him to the floor. Outside Diamond serves up a dragon suplex followed by a snap suplex onto the concrete. Diamond then rolls him back into the ring.

Inside the Predator tries to fight back, but Diamond is on fire! Lefts and rights, followed by a boot to the gut and a Duster!!

Diamond goes for a pin.



(ding, ding,ding)

Andy Richter: Here is your winner ... DIAMOND!!


Bob That was a hell of a win for Diamond. The next Round Robin match will be Brother Voodoo VS Predator, but that will be a little later on.

KYeah, you've got to give a competitor like Predator... hey that ryhmes... a little time to rest up before he loses again.

BLet me guess, your boy Brother Voodoo is going to win? Whatever... let's get to the next match... two newcomers with one looking for a contract!


Andy Richter: The next match is an INFERNO BARBED WIRE MATCH!

As Andy talks, techs are in the ring, stringing barbed wire around the ropes and setting the fire/gas pipe system around the apron.

Andy Richter: To win, you must SET YOUR OPPONENT ON FIRE!! Making an opponent bleed is simply to your benefit and pin falls DO NOT count! ONLY FIRE!


BI think Andy is a little too into this!

KoSo, I am REALLY into this! BURN, BABY! BURN!

You need some help... seriously....


Andy Richter: And now that the ring is ready, the combatants!

Able is seen walking to the ring. He gets in ring and raises his hands. Some people cheer. He looks disappointed.

Andy Richter: Weighing in at, um... he is from... Somewhere! He is fighting for a contract! He is ABLE!!!

Weapon X enters to Prodigy's Firestarter, as fireworks go off on the stage area. He enters through the crowd and gets in the ring.

Andy Richter: His opponent, weighing in at 227 from Detroit, MI... he is WEAPON X!!!!

Able VS Weapon X

(Barbed-wire Inferno Match)

(ding, ding)

The gas is turned on and the flames circle the rings, reaching up to the middle turnbuckle. (Luckily the ropes are super flame resistant :)

Able and Weapon X lock up. Weapon X irish whips Able into the ropes. Able screams as blood is already been drawn. Weapon X gives a powerful piledriver then goes to the top turnbuckle (very carefully).

Weapon X takes too much time and Able is able to give him a dropkick, sending him crotch first onto the ropes. Weapon X howls as he tries to keep his feet away from the flames. Able grabs him and bounces him up and down to add injury to injury.

Able fisherman suplexes Weapon X off the ropes. He doesn't bother to hold the cradle since, as Andy said, pins do not count.


This is just brutal so far.

Weapon X took a BIG chance going to the top turnbuckle and he sure paid for it!

BThat's what the WVW is all about! Taking chances... now Able seems to be taking a chance.


Able runs to the ropes and does a flip off the middle rope and Weapon X catches him. He holds him up like he is going to powerslam him, but instead runs his face along the top rope! Able is busted open.

Weapon X then powerslams Able. This time it is Weapon X running to the ropes and springing off the TOP rope into a big corkscrew moonsault onto Able.

Weapon X tries to drag Able to the flames, but once he feels the heat... Able starts punching and clawing to get away.

Able connects with a low blow followed by an eye rake. He then takes Weapon X's head and drives his knee up into it again and again. He then whips Weapon X to the ropes and connects with a spinning heel kick.

The two of them then struggle to put the other one in the flames. From the back, walking down the ramp comes a man at almost 7 and a half feet tall! He is very slim and strange looking because of it. He just stares at the ring and smiles.


Who the hell is that? Is he on the roster?

KNot the last I checked! He looks like a friggin monster!

BNo kidding! He's huge and so thin! What is he doing now?

The Monster goes to ringside and grabs a chair. A security guard tries to stop him, but the Monster just picks up the poor guy and tosses him out of the way. He then starts throwing chairs and tables into the ring!

This catches Able's attention who grabs a chair and swings it at Weapon X. He sees it, ducks and grabs a chair for himself. He then slams it at Able, knocking the chair that he had into his face. Able is down.

Weapon X sets up a table. Once he is done, he turns to get a chair shot of his own! Able then sets up the chair and brings it down on Weapon X's throat! Weapon X grabs at his neck in pain.

Able then puts the steel chair up against the flames to heat it. Weapon X gets up and goes to Able but instead of getting a move, he gets hot metal jammed in his mid section! Able then clocks him with the chair again.

The Monster sees the carnage and both men bleeding. He smiles and walks to the back.


What was that all about? Did he really need to make this already violent match that much worse?

KI guess so! Did you see that branding move by Able?

BDid I? That's going to leave a mark!

Able sets up another table as Weapon X gets up. Weapon X delivers a nice hurricanrana to Able sending him to the mat. He then sets him up on the table. He gives a few punches to the head and climbs the top turnbuckle.

Weapon X hits a 450 splash sending both men through the table. After a few moments, both men struggle to their feet. Weapon X ddt's Able onto the remnants of the table.

Weapon X picks Able up and tries to get him to the fire. Able instead hits an inverted atomic drop and then a spinning clothesline.

Able then whips Weapon X to the ropes. Able goes for a move, but Weapon X ducks. He comes back at Able and Able back body drops Weapon X through the other table!

Both men look tired and bloody as Able climbs to the top turnbuckle. He goes for a flying elbow drop, but Weapon X rolls out of the way and Able lands on the broken table.

Both men lay there as the table catches on fire from being too close to the flames! The fire rages quickly and before either man realize, Able is ON FIRE!

(ding, ding, ding)

Andy Richter: Here is your winner... WEAPON X!!!

The flames are shut off, but Able's tights are still in flames! He runs and flips over the top rope and lands on the floor. He rolls around... Staff are quickly on the scene and they douse him with fire extinguishers. Medics then arrive to cart Able off for Medical observation.


What a hell of a match! And we still have some fire left in that Doghouse Match!

KI know what wet dog smells like, but what about burnt dog?

BEwww! Well, we shall see. Poor Able though, he seemed pretty talented... oh well I guess no contract. Now, this has been a hell of a PPV so far and there is SO MUCH left, but let's take a sneak peak at the next one....



The Road to Glory is Hard

The way to Greatness is Long

Next Month... The WVW Superstars will embark on the:

THe March of Pain

March 18, 2001

Only on PPV!!!


BWow, that's going to be a powederkeg, a real barn torcher, lock the kids up!

KSo... you got that all from a vague commercial??

I don't need a commercial to tell me that the WVW has the best PPV'S! I mean this one is great! I give it an 11 out of 10 so far... now let's get to the next match!


Andy Richter: The next match is one fall, standard...

Lights flicker then just go out then there is an explosion and "CHAAAAAOOOOOOS" is screamed and the music hit. Kid Chaos comes out and goes wild!

Andy Richter: Weighing in at 180lbs from Austin, Texas, he is KID CHAOS!!!!

"Let's talk about sex baby!" hits and lights flash, Chief Lick Carpet appears at top of ramp. He sees the crowd and starts to lick air on his way down to the ring.

Andy Richter: Weighing in at 275lbs from Kansas City, he is CHIEF LICK CARPET!!!


Kid Chaos VS Chief Lick Carpet

(Standard Match)


(ding, ding)

The combatants lock up. Chief Lick Carpet brings the Kid's face to his knee. He then pushes him to the mat.

Chief Lick Carpet than stands over Kid Chaos and poses. The Kid brings and knee up and the Chief joins him on the mat.

Kid Chaos is quick to his feet and bouces of the ropes and connects with a clothesline from hell! He goes for a pin.


Chief Lick Carpet is quick to kick out. Both men are on thier feets exchanging punches when the Chief sends Kid Chaos to the mat with a savat kick.


These are two young stallions, really even so far... both want to make it big here in the WVW!

KLet me get this straight, Chief Lick Carpet? What the hell is that?!?!

BIt's like Dancing with Wolves, except he used to lay carpet for a living... lickety split fast, as well I suppose...


The Chief hits a piledriver followed by a DDT. He climbs to the top turnbuckle, but...

Kid Kache grabs him and backdrops him to the floor!

Kid Chaos had the ref distracted and is now on the floor as well. He hits the Chief with an underhook face driver. The ref has started the count.


Kid Chaos picks up the Chief and give him a spinning heel kick.


Kid Chaos goes to roll back in the ring, but the Chief grabs his ankle. Kid Kache goes to drop a knee but misses. Kid Chaos is getting in the ring.


Chief Lick Carpet pulls himself in on Kid Chaos's leg, and avoid a countout. He then hits a belly to belly suplex.

He looks like he is going to cover, but Kid Kache is on the apron! The Chief goes over and nails him with a punch.

However, when he turns back to the Kid, he gets hit with a kick to the stomach and a CHAOS BOMB!

Kid Choas rolls him up.




(ding, ding, ding)


Andy Richter: And the winner is....KID CHAOS!!!!


Shot of backstage.

Tony Slattery:I'm here with Yin, who has a match in a little bit...

Yin: So, here we are at the PPV! Tonight, my brother is going to squish that mutt...

Able is walking by, all bandaged up and looking disappointed. Tony turns to him to get a comment, but Yin stops him.

Yin then turns and clocks Able! Able goes down...

Yin: Don't you worry yourself with that LOSER! Tonight... Dr. Cruise gets a new career, maybe go back to the medical buisness... and Pitbull gets some obedience lessons. And if you don't watch yourself, you'll be on a boat straight back to England! IT'S ALWAYS MY LINE, SO DON'T YOU FORGET IT!

Yin walks off and Tony shrugs, like "What the hell is his problem...

Tony Slattery: Back to you Bob and Karl....



I'm sure I've said it before, but I'll say it again... that Yin is a real jerk.

KYou're just jealous because you wish YOU took out that creep, Backstreet!

BOh, shut up... Let's go to our next Round Robin match!

Andy Richter: The next match is another of our ROUND ROBIN MATCH UPS!

The crowd cheers.


The arena goes black , except for green and red lights that flash occasionally . The crows go silent . And it begins to rain inside the arena . It is a harsh tropical rain . Then a door is heard creaking . The the Star Wars Emperial March starts to play and the Predator comes out .

Andy Richter: First, making his way to the ring, weighing in at 250 lbs, from Thailand, The PREDATOR!!!!

The crowd cheers as the Predator steps into the ring.

Lights turn blue and black, snakes appear on all screens as a digarie-do horn blows, then he arrives, from the shadows of the curtains, Brother Voodoo brings hand fulls of snakes with him to the ring, fans are screaming as they fall loose on the ground and slither away into the masses of fans.

Brother VooDoo is now sporting a small bone, nose piercing as well as his freaky stylish clothes and velvet top hat. The crowd boos as he gets in the ring, waving his hat at them as if they were all beneath him...

Andy Richter: From the Swamplands, weighing in at 281, it's BROTHER VOODOO!!!!!


ThePredator VS Brother Voodoo

(Round Robin Match, WVW Championship)

(ding, ding)

The two competitors circle each other when they suddenly lock up. Brother Voodoo brings a knee up and then connects with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. He then lays a knee into The Predator's forehead. He circles the Predator waiting for him to get up.

When the Predator arises, Brother Voodoo goes for a move, but misses and The Predator hits a thrust kick, followed by a leg sweep.

Brother Voodoo rolls out of the ring and collects himself.


BBrother Voodoo seems to be afraid of the Predator!

KoBah, I'm not even afraid of the Predator.

I'm going to tell him that! I can't wait to see YOU get a MORTAL WOUND!!


The Predator goes after Brother Voodoo, who simply rolls back in the ring. The Predator looks annoyed and starts yelling at Brother Voodoo to make up his mind. Brother Voodoo just stares him down for a moment when he finally waves the Predator to come back in.

The Predator is glad to answer and gets back in and goes to tackle Brother Voodoo, but instead gets hit with a spine buster. Brother Voodoo then picks him up for a scoop slam, followed by a triangle hold.

The ref checks the Predator, but he's not ready to give up, instead he brings Brother Voodoo down and slaps on a nerve hold with armbar.

Brother Voodoo breaks it with a rake to the eyes. He then quickly gets up and as soon as the Predator is on his feet, he sends him back down with a standing clothesline. He then puts on a crossface hold.


BI guess I was wrong, it seems Brother Voodoo wants to make Predator give up.

KoSee, this is why I like Brother Voodoo. The Predator is known for his submission holds, so Brother Voodoo just uses that against him.

Fine, I'll admit that's pretty good...


The Predator breaks out of the hold again, and Brother Voodoo quickly spins around and gets a boston crab.

The crowd is booing.

The Predator gets to the ropes and Brother Voodoo is up and ready for Predator, who goes for a kick in the gut. Brother Voodoo grabs the leg and gets hit with an enziguri. It's Predator's turn as he puts a nerve hold, double trapezius on Brother Voodoo.

Brother Voodoo gets to the ropes and breaks this hold as well. The Predator goes for a DDT but Brother Voodoo goes around and hits an inverted DDT.

Brother Voodoo then goes to drop and elbow, but Predator rolls out of the way. He gets up and runs to the ropes. He tries to hit Brother Voodoo with a clotheline, but the Brother ducks and tries to get another DDT. Instead, The Predator takes him down with a gut buster press slam.

The Predator has Brother Voodoo down and goes for another submission move, but instead is rolled up in a small package.



The Predator breaks out and both men get to thier feet. Brother Voodoo hits a crucifix powerbomb, followed by a couple stomps to the head.

Brother Voodoo climbs the turnbuckle and goes for a guillotine leg drop, but misses! The Predator hits a BIG spinning clothesline! He then hits...


(double arm dragon suplex)

He goes for the pin...




Brother Voodoo kicks out! The Predator looks shocked. He picks Brother Voodoo up, but Brother Voodoo slips behind him and hits a reverse belly to back suplex. He then hits a tilt-a-whirl neckbreaker into a pin!






(ding, ding, ding)

Andy Richter: Here is your winner, BROTHER VOODOO!!


BWOW! What a match-up! Now Predator is out of the competition!

KoIt's Brother Voodoo against Diamond in the Main Event tonight. The winner of that is THE NEW and the FIRST WVW Champion! And I don't think I have to say again who that is going to be!

Sheesh! Now, let's go to the back for something I have NOT been looking forward to...



The camera opens in the dressing room, previously seen in Backstreet's last interview. This time it is filled to capacity with reporters, cameramen and women, and also a few WVW fans. Most of the staff is there, no matter what their job is. From janitors, to even the chauffeurs. But one body is missing out of the mix, the person that is the reason of all this. He is the man who considers himself a wrestling legend, though the fact is that he is far from being a legend. Suddenly, attention is called, and Backstreet enters the room. Everybody applauds.

Backstreet:First of all, I would like to thank you all for coming. I have a few announcements that I would like to make, that will very much impact WVW, its ratings, and most of your lives. I would like to mention first this fact. I have enjoyed my stay in WVW... very little. I am used to being around true wrestlers. Heck, Dwayne and Williams(The Rock™ and Stone Cold™ Steve Austin) were gonna come today that is how good of friends we are. But that isn't the point of today's interview, no no, not at all. It isn't about telling you all how sucky our fed is right now, with wimps for champions, and doctors that suck. I have decided, after much thought and umm... pondering, that it isn't right for me to stay here in the WVW. So, it is my sorrowful duty to announce my retirement as a wrestler.

A few murmurs are heard.

Backstreet: I am not even sure if I will come back to WVW as a staff member, so take your pictures now, because this is the last time you will see me in my ring attire. In a few days, this attire, along with anything else that I have needed in my wrestling career will be on the internet for auction. Most of it will be sold for no less than five hundred dollars, as I am a billion dollar man. So, please before I go, let me roll some footage. Wait a minute, you know what, screw it. I am done with wrestling. Goodbye World Sucky Wrestling!

With this, he steps off of the podium, and walks out of the pressroom, and news reporters start their reports, and the janitors start cleaning again.

Shot of Dr. Cruise walking to the ring for his match when out of nowhere, Yin hits him with a kendo stick, sending him to the floor!


BI don't have a moment to comment on what those scoudrals have done... I guess the next match is starting!

KGeez, I hope Yin doesn't kill Dr. Cruise... I kind of like Kruiz...

What? Oh never mind, the match has started!!


Yin VS Dr. Cruise

(Anywhere Falls)


Yin is sitting on Dr. Cruise's chest, just unloading with rights and lefts. He gets up and poses to the camera. He turns around and gets a savant kick from Dr. Cruise, sending him into the wall.

Yin blocks a punch and whips Dr. Cruise through a near-by door. Yin follows after him.

They are in a stairwell. Yin goes for a clothesline but gets back body dropped down the stairs. As Yin gets up, Cruise goes for a cross body block, but Yin catches him and slams him hard onto the concrete. He then starts laying boots into him. Cruise tries to get away through another door.

Now they are in the downstairs underground parking lot. They are brawling when Cruise gets whipped into a car. The car alarm starts going off. Yin sets Cruise up for a powerbomb through the windsheild (shades of Backstreet!)...

...when Able comes flying off a nearby car and connects with a flying head scissors takedown! Able starts slamming Yin's head into the concrete.

BGOOD! That's what Yin deserves!!

KUgh! Please, Able is just a sore loser who should have been escorted out by security hours ago, and yes I aware that would have been before the PPV started!


Able is yelling at Yin how it's not funny that he didn't get a contract, when the camera pans over and shows Cruise getting a beating...

by "The Pitbull"!

Pitbull lifts Cruise up and gorilla press slams him through the windshield! He then pushes Able out of the way and starts slamming Yin's head into the concrete!

A 2001 Ford Expedition pulls up and Emma gets out. She opens the back of the car. There is a small cage there that she opens up.

"The Pitbull" picks up Yin and throws him in the cage, locks it, then closes the door of the car!

Emma blows Pitbull a kiss as she gets back in the car and drives away.

Pitbull storms off, looking determined.


YES!! YES!! Take that Yin! Now, NOW! It is ONE ONE ONE! HA! This is great!

KWhat about poor Cruise? I hope Kruiz is okay.

Man, oh man... here comes the match I was waiting for, and am even MORE looking forward to... the VOLITLE CHAMPIONSHIP IS ON THE LINE!

Andy Richter: The next match is a Dog House Match for the VOLITILE CHAMPIONSHIP!!

The Hell in the Cell lowers some, lights flash around it and the crowd starts cheering like crazy.

The "Yin-Yang Theme" hits and the cheers turn to massive boos. Yang walks down to the ring holding the tag team belts over his head, screaming, "BOW TO ME! BOW TO THE MASTER!!"

Yang gets in the ring and stands on the top turnbuckle. He poses as the fans start throwing garbage.

The arena lights turn into a dark orange, and red lasers criss-cross through the smoke and haze. "Creeping Death" by Metallice blasts through the speakers, as Rob "PitBull" Johnson walks to the ring.His gaze is focused straight ahead, never faltering.

The crowd cheers grow even louder as Pitbull gets in the ring and attacks Yang. The cage closes in on them.



Yang VS Rob "The Pitbull" Johnson


(ding, ding)

The Pitbull is like a man possesed. He whips Yang from one turnbuckle to the next. He slams him especially hard into one, and Yang almost flips out of the ring!

The Pitbull grabs him before he can and, using the ropes, hits a twisting bulldog! He then just starts choking him out. Pitbull then lifts Yang up in the air and chokeslams out to the floor!

The crowd is electric as Pitbull goes after him.


Yang is going to be the "Career Loser" if this one keeps up! This is why you don't get an angry dog madder than he already was!

Yang can take it, he's tough.

He doesn't look so tough to me!
Oh shut up!


Outside the ring, Yang starts running away from the Pitbull! He then rolls in the ring, with Pitbull "biting at his heels" just to go back outside.

Pitbull grabs him, but Yang whips him into the cage and as Pitbull bounces off, Yang catches him in a huricanrana. Yang then grabs the steel steps and tries to hit Pitbull with them, but misses.

Pitbull kicks Yang and then gives him a swinging DDT into the steps! He then takes Yang's head and slams it into the steps till Yang is busted open!

Pitbull then rolls him back into the ring. Yang rolls out the other side and starts climbing the cage. Pitbull sees this and runs over and tries to grab him. He can't reach the speedy little bastard, so he starts climbing after him.

Yang is almost at the roof of the cage when Pitbull starts exchanging punches with him. Yang grabs him and jumps back. Both men fly off and bounce off the ropes, slamming back into the cage!

Both men are down!

Oh MY GAWD! That was a desperate move by Yang!

KWow, yet very effective! I think we are going to have a new Volitile Champ soon... oky Karl: Don't worry.... Pitbull won't be wrestling anymore in this match...


Yang gets up and rolls into the ring. Pitbull is getting up too as Yang springboards off the tope rope and hits a flying elbow! Pitbull crashes into the cage once again and Yang is up and kicking Pitbull in the head.

Yang grabs the Pitbull's head and starts grating it against the cage. Pitbull give a BIG punch to Yang's midsection, gets up and drops Yang with a pumphandle powerslam.

Pitbull raises his hands in the air and the crowd starts chantin, "PIT-BULL! PIT-BULL!!"

He goes back to Yang who is starting to crawl under the ring. Pitbull looks pissed as he pulls him out by the legs and then slingshoots him into the cage. As Yang bounces off Pitbull catches him with a bulldog lariat.

Yang is in bad shape, so Pitbull goes and gets the smaller cage.

As he comes back with the smaller cage, Yang is going under the ring AGAIN! Pitbull looks angrier than ever as he pulls out Yang once more.

This time Yang has bolt cutter and smacks Pitbull upside the head with them. Pitbull reels as Yang gets up and brings the boltcutters down on Pitbull's forehead, shooting out a stream of blood!

Yang than starts to cut a hole in the cage.

BTHAT BASTARD! Where the hell is he going?? Doesn't he want a title?

KI think he'd rather... um... I don't know, but I still think he is going to win!


Somehow, Pitbull is on his feet. He grabs Yang and snatches the bolt cutters out of his hands. He waves his finger at Yang, like Yang has been a bad boy. He raises the bolt cutters up and is about to hit Yang. Yang is pleading, but then suddenly changes his tune and low blows Pitbull!

Yang then crams Pitbull's head in the small hole he created. He then pulls Pitbull back and forth so that his neck is digging into the cut metal. Yang points skyward and climbs to the top turnbuckle.

NOOOO! Don't do it! Imagine if that metal digs through his throat! IT COULD KILL HIM!

KAnd it would sure give Yang the win!!


Yang comes flying down, but Pitbull gets his head out in time and Yang crashes against the cage. Pitbull then nails Yang with a big underhook jab.

Now its Pitbull's turn as he shoves Yang's head into the hole. He pushes down on Yang's back. He then picks up the bolt cutters and starts SLAMMING them into Yang's back, over and over again!

He reaches over and gets the small cage and SLAMS that down on Yang's back as well!

Pitbull pulls him out and throws him in the ring. He takes the small cage and tosses that in so it lands on Yang!

Pitbull climbs in the ring. Yang is pleading for mercy as he is a bloody mess! Pitbull just laughs.

He lifts Yang into an inverted powerslam, then into a spinning DDT! FINAL DESITNATION!!!

Pitbull then opens the cage and puts Yang into it. He locks it and makes sure it is secure. Than he takes out some lighter fluid and pours it over Yang.

The cage starts to lift, but Pitbull ignores it and lights a match. He drops it on Yang and stands back.


Andy Richter: Your winner and STILL the VOLITILE CHAMPION...... ROB "THE PITBULL" JOHNSON!!!!!!!!!!

The crowd goes wild as staff is quickly in the ring, dousing the flames. EMT's follow almost immediately.

"The Pitbull" grabs his title and walks to the back. Emma comes running out and gives him a big hug.


We had to wait for it, but FINALLY! JUSTICE HAS BEEN SERVED!!!

KYeah, there's always next time. I hear Tony is in the back.


Shot of backstage.

Yin is seen stumbling into the arena. He doesn't look happy.

Yin: Where is he? WHAT HAPPENED?

Tony Slattery: Yin, you can't be happy, Yang just lost, and...

Yin: WHAT?!? NO WAY! That bastard!

Yin gets cut off by a BIG clothesline from Pitbull. He then spits on Yin and walks away with his girl and his belt.

Tony Slattery: One's got to wonder if this is over...


Yang's a peice of burnt toast, but maybe a Pitbull vs Yin match on Saturday Night Strangle, which I heard is expanding to a two hour show!

Gee, you really are a corporate bitch aren't you? YANG IS HURT! Damn! And what about the tag titles?

Pitbull gets to decide. And speaking of titles, let's go to our main event... Andy?
Oh shut up!


Andy Richter: And now the end of our Round Robin tournament in which we shall have our FIRST WVW CHAMPION OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lights turn blue and black, snakes appear on all screens as a digarie-do horn blows, then he arrives, from the shadows of the curtains, Brother Voodoo brings hand fulls of snakes with him to the ring, fans are screaming as they fall loose on the ground and slither away into the masses of fans.

Andy Richter: From the Swamplands, weighing in at 281, it's BROTHER VOODOO!!!!!

'Smells Like Teen Spirit' by Nirvana plays and Diamond comes out to a HUGE pop from the crowd. He walks down to the ring, high fiving all the way. When he gets to the ring he looks skyward, raises his arms and sparks fly all around the top rope, completely circling the ring.

Andy Richter: He is from Los Angeles, he is DIAMOND!!!



Brother Voodoo





(ding, ding)

Diamond and Brother Voodoo stand in the ring, staring each other down, the air is electric... this is a big moment.

They circle each other for a few moments when Brother Voodoo goes for a charge. Diamond ducks and goes around Brother Voodoo and grabs him. It looks like he is going to give him a suplex, but Brother Voodoo powers out.

Brother Voodoo whips Diamond to the ropes and Diamond ducks a clothesline, hits the ropes, comes back and leapfrogs over Brother Voodoo. Diamond bounces on the ropes again and hits Brother Voodoo with a flying lariat.

Brother Voodoo rolls to his feet and connects with a scoopslam, then slaps on an armbar that Diamond quickly escapes.

Both men are back up and circling each other.


This is just back and forth! Offense, defense!

Okay, up and down, black and white... WE GET IT!

This one can go either way!
Oh shut up!


Brother Voodoo knees Diamond in the gut and brings him down with a spinebuster. Diamond tries to retaliate but gets a belly to back suplex for his efforts.

Brother Voodoo climbs the turnbuckles and comes down with a flying headbutt. He covers...


Diamond kicks out and takes Brother Voodoo down with a Russian leg sweep, then slaps on a half nelson sleeper. The ref goes to check Brother Voodoo when Brother Voodoo reverses the hold on Diamond.

Diamond gets to the ropes and the hold is broken.

Brother Voodoo gets Diamond up for a powerbomb, except on the way down, Diamond tries to reverse it and both men hit the mat in a way that looks kind of painfull.


OUCH! I hope Diamond didn't hurt his neck!

Diamond? What about Brother Voodoo??

Yeah, him too... who's this now?
Oh shut up!


From down the ramp comes...


He looks like he is going to get into the ring, when the ref stops him. The Roach grabs the ref and throws him out of the ring and starts pounding on him!

Inside, Diamond is getting to his feet. He goes to see what the hell is going on when Brother Voodoo hits a clothesline from behind followed by a brainbuster.

Brother Voodoo climbs to the top turnbuckle once more, but flies down at the Roach, hitting a guillotine leg drop!!

Brother Voodoo and the Roach start fighting. Diamond gets to his feet and comes out and checks on the ref.

The Roach takes a rat out and shoves it at Brother Voodoo. Brother Voodoo smiles, lowblows him, takes the rat, RIPS IT OPEN, and uses it to draw a symbol on the Roach's back. He then hits a tilt a whirl backbreaker!


That's DISGUSTING! That Roach guy shouldn't even be down here! HE IS RUINING THE MATCH!

You say ruining, but I say he is making it more unpredictable!

Yeah, well, I'll take a good clean predictible... HEY! No it wasn't! It was back and forth, BACK AND FORTH!!!
Oh shut up!


Brother Voodo gets back in the ring where Diamond almost has the ref awake.

Brother Voodoo shoves the rat in Diamond's face, distracting him long enough to hit...


The ref sees it and makes a count...










Andy Richter: Your winner and



The fans boo like crazy and throw a ton of garbage into the ring.

Brother Voodoo takes his new belt and raises it above his head in the center of the ring.


And we have a NEW champ!

I was SOOOOOO right!!!

Shut up....
Oh shut up!


"Creeping Death" hits and Rob "The Pitbull" Johnson comes down!!

The Pitbull and Brother Voodoo stare at each other, when a man jumps out of the crowd and into the ring!

He blindsides the Pitbull and the man and Brother Voodoo start laying a beating down. The man puts a new looking submission hold on the Pitbull (reciever legs crossed behind him with a full nelson) till Pitbull looks to be out, and he still doesn't let go!


What the hell is this???

I know that guy, I saw him on ESPN. He's a shoot fighter, Luka "The Animal" Cesare!

Well, he shouldn't be out here! SECURITY!
Oh shut up!


Brother Voodoo puts the mic up to the man and the man speaks with a Brooklyn accent...

"You better watch your own damn belt before challenging someone else, cuz I'm going to rip it off ya.


He keeps on the hold as Brother Voodoo shows off his new belt and we...


Cut to black.

copyright 2001 WVW Entertainment.