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Strength                    HometownLong Beach, CA 
Speed                    Stable 
Vitality                    EscortNone
Charisma                    Titles



"Killing Time" - (Hed) pe


Born and raised on the beaches of cali, he has partied his life away, thrown his life away. But now he's ready for a change. Ever since he was a child he watched wrestling, finally , having no other resort than stepping into the squared circle, Nightmare , is living his dream. He is ready to fight through all comers. Nightmare has been given the nickname "NC-17" , formerly known as Nightmare Creature he is thought of as deadly and not for the weak at heart... just a little thing he picked up. He'll thrash you with his biting wit, he'll overcome you with his uncanny power, Nightmare wears a pair of black tights that read "Nightmare" on the back in a green font. He has black boots with green shin guards on it. He either wears a white wife beater or sometimes a shirt of his favorite bands to the ring.. He has long black hair with tints of green and other colors weaving this way and that.. Nightmare is covered in tattoos