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Rob "The Pitbull" Johnson

Rob "The Pitbull" Johnson
Strength                    HometownBaltimore, MD 
Speed                    Stable 
Vitality                    EscortEmma
Charisma                    Titles



"Creeping Death" ,by Metallica


Tough as nails, but with a funny side to him.He will beat you up in the ring, and then laugh about it backstage, he wants nothing handed to him, and would prefer to lose three times, than get handed a single oppertunity. A 6'5" powerhouse, with tanned skin, wears a black tanktop cut open down the sides to the ring, takes it off before the match, wears baggy training type pants with a pitbull on one pantleg, and Rob Johnson written down the other pant leg.He has a tatoo of a pitbull on his left bicep, a rinbg of barbwire around his right arm, and has a tatoo of his father and mother on his chest.

The camera slowly fades in, showing a wide-angled view of what appears to be a harbor. The first rays of sunlight are showing, casting their rays onto small tugboats going out to sea, while large navy carriers loom over them. Seagulls begin their first flights of the day, at first silently gulling, but soon their sounds filling the air.Occasionally they swoop down towards some fisherman who are cleaning fish, attempting to steal a tasty meal, but to no avail. The camera continues to pan, finally settling on something that seems out of place, a large, well muscled man sitting at a table outside a coffee house, he is sipping from a cup, and his gaze is focused on the rising sun.The crew approaches him, and when he notices them, he waves them over.The crew moves closer, and positions the camera on the table, as to show a side-view of this man.
The man is wearing sunglasses, and has short black hair.His torso is covered by a t-shirt bearing a picture of a PitBull, and over the t-shirt is a leather jacket.He takes one more sip of coffee, before half turning towards the camera
Man-Well, I was wondering when you would get here, but no matter, I guess you must be wondering who I am, that is simple, my name is Rob Johnson, a.k.a PitBull, and I would like to take you on a little trip through my life.
PitBull-You see, I had a great childhood, loving parents, great friends, great teachers, life was just fine and dandy, until that one night, one night, some damn drunken driver killed my parents, and took everything away from me. I had no relatives, all my so-called friends left, and I was stuck getting shipped from fosterhome to fosterhome, and all this before I was 12.
So, when I turned 18, I had had enough, and I left.I had a hundred bucks in my pocket, and the clothes on my back, but I had no place to live, and no place to turn to, until I met Jason that fateful night.
I had been living in the park, and had been eating at a local diner, when this guy came in.Tall, lanky blond guy, who had a black eye the size of chicago, and he sat next to me, and we got to talkin.Turns out, he was a fighter in the local underground fighting circuit, and he had finally beaten everyone last night, which was a great achievement, but it also meant that he had to retire, those were the rules.
I became interested, I don't know why, but it sounded appealing, and after some more talking, Jason agreed to train me.We started that day, he had me swim in these freezing waters for about 5 hours, just to see if I could learn to overcome pain.Jason put me through some of the worst torture you can imagine, but it worked, and it showed when I nearly killed the first guy I ever faced.
After fighting for just 2 years, I was up for the grand fight, I was going to face the undefeaten warrior himself, I had to go against the last grand champion, and that was..JASON.
Sure, it may seem hard to fight a friend, but we both agreed to not hold back, and give everyone a good match, well, later that night, I earned my nickname.I tore into Jason, using everything he taught me to fight against him, but it still did not seem like enough, that is when I discovered my inner animal, and it was in that state that I did the unthinkable, I nearly crippled Jason.
He is pissed at me now, but you don't understand what it felt like, that primal instinct, it was exhilarating, I could smell the blood, and fear, I felt great as my punches rained down upon my former mentor.
Well, I conquered the mountain, and I decided to look for new challenges, and of course, my gaze shifted towards the wrestling world.I joined a fed, had some good success, I won all the titles before it closed down, with me as their last world champ.From their I became commishioner in another fed, but all that desk crap just was'nt for me, so I looked for a new place to have some fun, and this place, the ETW looks great.
I don't expect anything here, I will just come in, try my best, and try to earn your respect.I will lose some, I will win some, but along the way, I will plan to bust some heads open.
So, ETW, I look forward to facing your best, and I will earn my keep here, but along the place I plan to make money, and win titles, because I am the big dog, and all of you are just in my yard.....