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March 3rd, 2001


The crowd is going wild. A shot of the ring shows the competitors entering for the battle royal.

Good evening everyone! I'm Bob Dolan and this is Kooky Karl. BIG NIGHT! The Main Event is now going to be for the TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP! We are going to have a SURPRISE GUEST joining us for commentary!

That's right, it's going to be huge. First, let's start our road to the First IC champ, or rather the March of Pain?

March 25th, only on PPV! Let's go to ringside...

Andy Richter is at ringside.

Andy Richter: The first match is a 10 man over the top battle royal. The winner gets a spot in the four way elimation match at the PPV for the IC champ!



10 Man Over the Top Battle Royal

(IC Qualifying)

(ding, ding)

The bell rings and all 10 contestants start swing lefts and rights in all directions, its a regular pier six brawl!

The large Sperminator goes after the smaller Kid Chaos and Talen. He tries to double chokeslam them out of the ring, but instead they lowblow and hit him with a double dropkick.

Weapon X has Diamond in the corner and he is wailing away with chops. He goes for a huricanrana but Diamond holds onto the ropes. He grabs Weapon X and slingshoots him out of the ring, but Weapon X doesn't go all the way out. He gets to the top rope and hits Diamond with a tornado DDT.

Dr. Cruise and Triple X have Violent J on the ropes and are about to tip him over when Z comes over and hits Dr. Cruise with neckbreaker.

Violent J gives Triple X an uppercut and tries to lift him up for a suplex out of the ring. The Predator comes over and kicks Violent J in the gut and catches Triple X on the way down, but Triple X slips out and gives Predator a backbreaker.

The Sperminator grabs Diamond by the head and tosses him out!

Diamond is eliminated.

The Sperminator gloats, but turns around to get a clothesline from hell from Weapon X, sending him out to the floor.

The Sperminator is eliminated.

Bob Wow, that was quick! Now we are down to eight.

KIt seemed like no one would be eliminated for a while there. This has been a real brawl.

BSure is, everyone involved should be real sore tomorrow.

Violent J has a sleeper hold on Triple X. Dr. Cruise comes over and grabs Violent J by the hair and drags him over to the ropes. Dr. Cruise starts twitching as Kruiz starts to appear. Violent J gives him an eye gouge then picks him up for a powerbomb and drops him outside the ring!

Dr. Cruise is eliminated.

Talen and Kid Chaos seem to be teaming up and are working the Predator over. Talen ties Predator in the ropes and Kid Chaos is kicking him in the face. Kid Chaos gives Talen the sign and they lift Predator up by the legs, and using the ropes for leverage, flip him out.

The Predator is eliminated.

Z has Triple X on the top turnbuckle. He goes to give a frankensteiner, but Triple X pulls him over so he falls out of the ring.

Z is eliminated.

As Triple X is still on the top turnbuckle, Violent J whips Weapon X into the ropes. The shaking of the ropes knocks Triple X out of the ring!

Triple X is eliminated.

Now it's down to four men, Violent J, Weapon X, Kid Chaos, and Talen.

Kid Chaos hits Violent J with a big boot followed by a sidwalk slam.

Weapon X and Talen are tied up in the corner. Talen is trying to get Weapon X over, but Weapon X springs off the ropes and slams Talen's head into the mat.

Kid Chaos lowblows Violent J and gives an axekick Weapon X. Then Kid Chaos and Talen back body drop Weapon X out of the ring.

Weapon X is eliminated.

Kid Chaos looks to be going after Violent J, but instead takes Talen and throws him out!

Talen is eliminated.

Talen looks pissed, but Kid Chaos just flips him off. Kid Kache comes out of nowhere and hits Talen with a chair! He then piledrives him on the chair and spits on him!

Violent J gives Kid Chaos a bulldog. Kid Kache is on the apron with the chair. Violent J grabs the chair and turns around to get it dropkicked into his face. Kid Chaos then throws him out.

Violent J is elimated.

(ding, ding, ding)

Andy Richter: Here is your winner ... KID CHAOS!!


Bob Just an intense match! What a way to kick off the show!

KI liked Kid Chaos' strategy of making Talen his friend, then turning on him when he least suspected. Real smart. And Kid Kache didn't hurt!

BI'm sure he is happy. He now gets to be in that IC match. LOOK! Chief Lick Carpet is in the ring!



Kid Kache VS Chief Lick Carpet

(Grudge Match)

(ding, ding)

Chief Lick Carpet slams Kid Kache to the mat and starts laying the boots into him. Kid Chaos comes in and catches the Chief with a kick and a underhook face driver.

Kid Kache then puts the chair over the Chief's leg and stomps on it!


What is this? A handicap match?

It will be after they break his leg!

BThis is not right!


Kid Kache hits a flowing DDT and goes for a pin.



KNice! Good teaming.

BThis was supposed to be one on one!


(ding, ding, ding)

Andy Richter: Here is your winner... KID KACHE!!!

Kid Chaos and Kid Kache walk out of the ring. Chief Lick Carpet gets to his feet and look angry!

Chief: This isn't over! I'll get someone to watch my back and then they ARE FINISHED!!!


That's a great idea. He should even the odds.

KI don't know, it is hard to find a friend around here.

BBut it IS easy to find someone else who wants to kick some smarmy little rookies's ass! Let's get to the next match... oops, first a commercial.



From the makers of all those reality vidoes, comes the best ever! "When Animals Attack.... Girls Gone Wild!" See sexy girls try to take off thier clothes, but fail miserable when an angry bear gets in the way. Call 1-888-NEEDLESSGORE! NOW!

Watch more TV, it's better than life....


BWe are back, and the next match should be interesting. Yin seems to be on his own now a days.

KIt doesn't matter, he's still going to whup Able!

Either way, Able still has that contract. Let's go to the match.


Andy Richter: The next match is one fall, standard...

Able walks to the ring, the fans cheer... they are starting to get into this wierdo.

Andy Richter: He just got a contract, he is ABLE!!!!

"Yin-Yang theme" hits and Yin comes out. He doesn't look happy as he storms the ring.

Andy Richter: Weighing in at 315lbs from the Mountains of Tibet, he is YIN!!!


Able VS Yin

(Standard Match)


(ding, ding)

Yin grabs Able and lifts him up and brings him down hard with a shoulder breaker. He then starts pounding on him. Able rolls out of the ring.

Yin follows him and gets caught with a clothesline. He then follows up with a STD. The ref starts the count...


Able lets go and brings Yin to his feet. Yin picks him up and chokeslams him through the commentators table.

Yin then gets in the ring.


Hey, we need a table!

KYeah, where are we going to keep our tasty glass of water?

BAnd what about poor Able? I hope he is okay.


Able tries to get to the ring, but from out of the crowd comes "The Animal" Luka Cesare. He puts his patented "Curbside" submission move on Able. The ref sees it.

(ding, ding, ding)


Andy Richter: And the winner via DQ is....ABLE!!!

Luka lets go of Able and looks at the ring at Yin. Yin is smiling. He points to Luka and says "SEE YOU LATER!" He then leaves and "The Animal goes back into the crowd.

Shot of backstage.

Tony Slattery:I'm here with CEO Brian Schell, who has some info on tonight's match...

CEO SCHELL: That's right, Tony. Tonight, "Pitbull will put his tag title on the line, but only Pitbull can be pinned for the title. Oh, and it will also be a three way match...

CEO Schell walks off.

Tony Slattery: What? THREE WAY? Who's the third team? I have to find out! Back to you Bob and Kev....



A third team? This should be interesting.

KI bet I know, but I ain't saying!

BOh, you don't know what you are talking about most of the time! Let's just get to our next match!

Andy Richter: The next match is a Table Match!

The crowd cheers.

Pyro Hits And he walks down saluting the crowd.When he is
in the ring he tenses himself up and stands in front of a big pyro blast.

Andy Richter: First, making his way to the ring, weighing in at 565lbs, from the Millitary Compound, The COMMANDO!!!

The crowd cheers as the Commando steps into the ring.

The Monster walks down, hair wet with a chair in his hand. He gives a maniacal stare as he steps in the ring.

Andy Richter: From Canada, weighing in at 210, it's MONSTER!!!!!


The Commando VS Monster

(Table Match)

(ding, ding)

They go at it, the Commando picks and slams Monster. He then drops a knee on the Monster's shoulder.

The Monster grabs the Commando's leg and flips him to the mat. The Monster gets out of the ring and starts throwing tables in.

The Commando starts setting them up.


BIs this a match, or are they preparing for a dinner party?

KoMaybe they should have dinner, Monster looks like he needs a little meat on his bones.

He's a little thin, but he seems wily.


The Commando reaches over the rope and pulls Monster in by his hair. They exchange blows and Commando drops Monster with a belly to back suplex, followed by a jack hammer slam.

He then sets Monster up on the table and goes to the top turnbuckle for a moonsault onto the table. Monster rolls off and Commando goes through the table!


BThat doesn't count! Monster has to put Commando through himself!

KoThat's not right. Stupid rules.

Monster has a good shot now that Commando took that table...


The Monster picks up the Commando and gives him a neckbreaker followed by a knee to the crotch.

The ref warns Monster.

Monster tries to get the Commando up in a piledriver, but can't get Commando up. Commando lifts him up and over through a table!

(ding, ding, ding)

Andy Richter: Here is your winner, THE COMMANDO!!


BThat was quick. Monster must wish he didn't put in all those tables... it was kind of hard to miss one!

KoI think Monster just likes tables, not so much now!

Let's check out a commercial while we wait for a... wait, Commano is still in the ring... and he has the mic!


THE COMMANDO: Pitbull, I'm calling your ass out! You said you would defend that damn title any time of the day, so you get it out here so I can take it from you!

"Creepin Death" hits and Pitbull storms the ring, tossing the belt to the side as he gets in the ring.

Rob "The Pitbull" Johnson VS The Commando



The Pitbull and the Commando stare each other down with Pitbull staring technically up.

Commando goes for a punch, but Pitbull blocks it and unleashes a flurry of lefts and rights, leaving the Commando stunned.

The Pitbull whips Commando into the ropes and as Commando comes back, Pitbull nails him with a flying shoulder tackle.

Commando is still on his feet! So, Pitbull aims and spears the back of Commando's knees, toppling the big man. He slaps on an ankle lock and the Commando is screaming!

BYikes! Pitbull is sure dominating this impromptu match!

KWho cares? I'm going to go take a nap...


The Commando reaches the ropes, thanks to his height and reach. Pitbull starts "stomping a mudhole" into him. The Commando rolls out of the ring.


The Commando excepts the challenge and gets back in the ring. They brawl and the Commando gets the better of this one with a side slam. He then picks up Pitbull and powerbombs him.

Commando goes for the pin.



Pitbull kicks out. Commando starts pounding him in the face and then gets a chin lock. Pitbull drives an elbow into his gut and breaks the hold.

Pitbull hits a swinging DDT and then starts slamming Commando's head into the mat. Commando gets to his feet and whip Pitbull to the ropes.

Pitbull comes off with a dropkick and sends the Commando down.


What a match! And it wasn't even planned!


Wow, you're a jerk off. You're loss! What a match!


The Commando avoids a clothesline and lifts Pitbull up in a chokeslam, but as he is upthere, Pitbull kicks him in the face.

Pitbull gets out of the Commando's grip and hits a spinning DDT in what looks like a variation of the Final Destination!

He goes for the pin.







The Pitbull really proves he is a fighting champ. Wake up, jerky!

Huh? Oh, yeah. Thanks. I bet you woke me up for the commercial.

Oh right, commercial!
Oh shut up!




David Arquette, Pauly Shore, finally together... in, "Which One Is Most Annoying?" . Try to answer the unanswerable as these two make you want to die. NOW IN THEATERS.
Forget the white meat and try BLUE meat....Remeber the Blue Toritia chip craze, now it's time for the Blue Meat craze, "Arnold's Two Month Old Beef". Now in stores.



The next match should be GREAT! Pitbull defends his tag titles.

KHe should get Brother Voodoo to share the belts with him, that way he would have a chance...


Shot of backstage.

Tony Slattery: I have yet to find out who the third team is, although I am sure it is NOT Exodus and Barry Horrowitz. Back to you!


I think Tony is slipping

Well, hey, what's that music?

I don't know, but it sounds ROYAL!
Oh shut up!


From the back, all decked out, with his crown is JERRY "THE KING" LAWLER!!!

The King makes his way to the broadcasting table.



KWhy not? I need the work now that MC-er, pending lawsuit, um, you-know-who dropped my wife with no reason... It's a pleasure to be here! If Heenan can do WOW, I can do the WVW!

What a treat! This should be an even more explosive match!


Andy Richter: And now the main event, for the WVW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP!

A swarm of roaches storm their way into the ring the people run wild in disgust, The Roach appears, he runs wildly to the ring and enters it explosively.

Andy Richter: From New York City, weighing in at 322, it's THE ROACH!!!!! And his partner....

"The Game" by Motorhead hits. "The Animal" comes to the ring, punching the air, getting pumped...

Andy Richter: From Brooklyn, NY, weighing in at 260, it's "THE ANIMAL" LUKA CESARE!!

Lights turn blue and black, snakes appear on all screens as a digarie-do horn blows, then he arrives, from the shadows of the curtains, Brother Voodoo brings hand fulls of snakes with him to the ring, fans are screaming as they fall loose on the ground and slither away into the masses of fans.

Andy Richter: From the Swamplands, weighing in at 281, it's BROTHER VOODOO!!!!! And his partner....

The arena lights turn into a dark orange, and red lasers criss-cross through the smoke and haze. "Creeping Death" by Metallice blasts through the speakers, as Rob "PitBull" Johnson walks to the ring.His gaze is focused straight ahead, never faltering.

Andy Richter: He is from Baltimore, MD, he is the TAG TEAM CHAMP!!! He is ROB "THE PITBULL" JOHNSON!!



Brother Voodoo and "The Pitbull"


The Roach and "The Animal"


(Three Way?)


(ding, ding)

Brother Voodoo and The Roach start it off. The Roach applies a claw, but Brother Voodoo soon breaks out with a kick to the gut followed by a standing clothesline.

Brother Voodoo drops an elbow, but the Roach rolls out of the way and makes the tag.

The Animal and the Roach whip Brother Voodoo into the corner. The Roach does a charge and slams into him, and then the Animal drops him with a full nelson slam.

The Animal then tries a belly to belly suplex but Brother Voodoo reverses it. He then hits a spinebuster.

Brother Voodoo tags in The Pitbull and the crowd goes wild. The cheers turn to boos as The Animal tags in the Roach.


The crowd really wanted to see The Animal and the Pitbull go at it.

So do I, I've never seen them wrestle but I heard they are pretty good.

You betcha, even better than certain wrestlers signed to a certain fed... let's get back to action.
Oh shut up!


The Roach gets a jawbreaker followed by a bodyslam. He starts to claw at Pitbull's eyes, and the ref counts. Brother Voodoo comes in and gives a big boot to the back of the Roach's head.

Pitbull hits a suplex powerslam, followed by a twisting bulldog. He goes for a cover.



The Animal breaks the count with a flying headbutt connecting squarely with the Pitbull's skull. The ref tries to gain control as Brother Voodoo comes in the ring.

The ref is pushing Brother Voodoo to the corner. The Roach and the Animal are double teaming the Pitbull...


"Yin-Yang Theme" hits

Yin and Yang come down the ramp, Yang is wearing a mask similiar to his old makeup. They get up on the apron in an empty corner.

They look at each other when Yang nods and gets in the ring. He starts laying boots to the Pitbull.

Pitbull sees him and looks PISSED. He grabs Yang's leg and shakes his head, "OH NO YOU DON'T"

The Roach and the Animal hit him in the back and Yang catches him with an enziguri.

Pitbull is getting triple teamed when Emma comes running down and jumps on the apron. Yin grabs her.


What is Yin going to do with that poor girl?

I don't know! Maybe we will get to see some PUPPIES!!! Right? Pitbull and the PUPPIES?

Anything to help Pitbull... I... guess....
Oh shut up!


Yin rips her shirt off and Lawler goes nuts, as does the crowd. He shoves her off the apron.

Brother Voodoo is in the ring and is giving a right to the Roach and then a right to the Animal. He gives the Roach a scoop slam, and then throws the Animal out of the ring.

Meanwhile, Yin and Yang are still pounding on the Pitbull.

Brother Voodoo is fighting with the Roach and the ref doesn't know what to do. He starts pushing the Roach to his corner.

Brother Voodoo turns to Yin, Yang and Pitbull. He goes to clothesline Yin and Yang, but instead...

gives Pitbull a "Strong Pimp Hand" (submission)!

Yang distracts the ref as Yin stomps Pitbull as he is in Brother Voodoo's clutches!


WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? Is EVERYONE against the Pitbull?!?!?

I'm not, he's got a hot chick... too bad she's out cold, maybe I should go help her....

Oh, stay where you are. Jeez, although you are better than Karl.
Oh shut up!


Brother Voodoo lets go and Yin hits the Big Sleep (inverted tombstone).

Yang comes off the top rope with a Y-Bomb (cannonball off the top) and goes for a pin.

The ref counts.










Andy Richter: Your winner and NEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS..... YIN AND YANG!

The fans boo like crazy and throw a ton of garbage into the ring. (poor janitors!)

Brother Voodoo takes his belt as Yin and Yang get theirs. They raise their belts over their heads and leave the ring.

In the ring, "The Animal" puts the Pitbull in the Curbside!


And we have NEW tag team champions! Yin and Yang have pulled a fast one again! THIS IS HORRIBLE!

WOW!! This is great!

No, it is NOT! It is horrible, you should listen.
Oh shut up!


The Roach sees the unconscious Emma. He smiles maliciously and picks her up and carries her off!


Where is he going with her? That creep!

I knew I should have grabbed her while I could!

This is the worst night ever!
Oh shut up!


"The Animal" has let go of the hold. He holds the VC title in his hands over the downed Pitbull. Boos are heard as we...

Cut to black.

copyright 2001 WVW Entertainment.