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March 17th, 2001


The crowd is going wild. Music blares and pyro explodes!

Here we are folks, only ONE week away from The March of Pain! One week till we see our first IC champ crowned!

That's right, and also a two fall four way match for the World and Volatile Titles. "

That should be INTENSE! As it will be tonight, let's go to our IC qualifying matchup...




Andy Richter is at ringside.

Andy Richter: The first match is tag team IC qualifying match...

The arena goes dark for a minute as a blue spotlight shines throughout the arena like the old Undertaker's intrance. Then you hear a voice whisper "ICE" and then "Dub the Mic" plays from the Beastie Boys and out walks ICE. As ICE walks down the intrance way there are explosions following him then the light come back on.

Andy Richter: Weighing in at 320lbs, he is ICE!!!! And his partner...

2 Balls shoot into the air and the lights go out. The only light you can see is the fire balls. The lights come on and im on the ramp with my back to the ring. I turn around and proceed to the ramp.

Andy Richter: Weighing in at 250lbs from Middlesborough, he is JUSTIN SANE!!!!

"The Yin-Yang Theme" hits and Yang struts down. Boos are heard all around.

Andy Richter: He is part of the TCB, from the Mountains of Tibet, he is YANG!!!! And his partner...

"Abracadabra" plays as a smoke bomb goes off in the center of the ring. When the smoke clears The Great Marcos is standing in the ring. He pulls a bouquet of roses out of his sleeve and tosses them to the crowd. Then he takes off his cape and hat, folds the cape up, and drops it in the hat. He claps the hat between his hands and it disappears in a flash.

Andy Richter: He is part of the TCB, from the Mountains of Tibet, he is YANG!!!! And his partner...


ICE & Justin Sane VS Yang & The Great Marcos

(Tag Team Match)

(IC Qualifying)

(ding, ding)

ICE and Yang start of. They circle each other, with Yang looking up at the taller ICE, who just smiles. Yang tries to whip ICE, but he stands his ground and gives a suplex to Yang. Yang quickly rolls out. Yang grabs a chair, but the ref yells at him. Justing Sane comes around and clotheslines Yang to the floor.

Inside, the Great Marcos has attacked ICE from behind and is pummeling him in the corner. ICE graps Marcos and throws him outside the ring

Outside, all four men are going at it and the ref is trying to get some control. Justin Sane and Yang get back in the ring and start duking it out. Yang whips Justin into the ropes and hits him with a solid dropkick. Yang goes for the pin, but the ref reminds him that Justin is not legal. Justin pushes Yang off of him as ICE gets back in. ICE hits Yang with a Sambo slam and then piledrives him. He goes for the pin, but Marcos is quickly in to break it.

Bob So far this has been quite chaotic!

KDon't mention chaos or that punk might come out!

BI wouldn't be surprised since he is fighting the winners, then again he has a big tag team match of his own to worry about...

ICE tags in Justin Sane. Justin Sane gives a snap suplex to Yang. He tries for a slam, but Yang reverses it and plants him into the mat. He then tags in Marcos.

Marcos catches Justin with a running bulldog followed by a Russian leg sweep. He goes for a pin.



Justin breaks out and is on his feet. He goes to the corner where ICE was and yells at him for not trying to break the pin. ICE rolls his eyes and Justin hits him! ICE tries to get in the ring, but the ref stops him

Yang and Marcos hit Justin with a double clothesline and now Yang is the legal man. Yang slaps a STF on Justin and tries to make him submit.

Justin grabs the rope and Yang has to break the hold. Justin hits Yang with a snap suplex followed by a lionsault.

Justin then tags in ICE and hits him with a DDT! He then stands on the apron as Yang and Marcos double team ICE.

Marcos connects with a swinging neck breaker. ICE is down and Marcos goes to the top rope. Yang is going under the ring for something, and Justin sees this and goes after him. Justin and Yang start brawling on the outside. Marcos hits his Grand Finale (Top Rope Somersault Leg Drop)

He goes for the pin.




(ding, ding, ding)

Andy Richter: Here is your winners ... YANG AND THE GREAT MARCOS!!!!

ICE looks pissed as Justin Sane comes back in the ring. They exchange words and then fists! Security comes out to break them up, but when they finally do, they just get back to each other to exchange more punches. This happens a few times till finally they are seperated.


Bob Wow, bad blood sure formed quick between those two!

KBut thanks to them, it will be Yang vs Great Marcos vs Kodiac Woodsman vs Kid Chaos at the March of Pain!.

BPlus, ICE and Justin Sane may square off! We will have to wait and see.


Andy Richter: The next match is for the WVW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP!!!

Andy Richter: Weighing in at 385. it's KID CHAOS AND KID KACHE!!...

As his theme plays, Able and his partner walk out to some really whacked pyros. His whole entrance is off cue, and he walks to the ring non-chalantly, as if nothing wrong happened.

Andy Richter: Weighing in at a combined weight of 590, your tag team champions, ABLE AND THE MAN IN BLACK!!!!


Able and Man in Black


Kid Chaos and Kid Kache

(Standard Match)


(ding, ding)

Able and Kid Kache start off. Able locks up with Kache and hits a neckbreaker. he then drops and elbow and tags in the Man in Black. Able then goes over and gets a shot in on Kid Chaos as well. Kid Chaos curses at him and reaches out for a tag.

The MIB cuts off the ring and hits a side walk slam. He then whips Kid Kache into the turnbuckles and he and Able start unloading lefts and rights. Kid Chaos tries to save him, but the ref stops him.

Able tags in and MIB sets Kache up over his knee and Able drives a knee down into his back. Able hits a chokeslam and goes for the pin.


Kid Chaos runs in and breaks the pin. He hits Able with a axe kick. Kid Kache slams Able and tags Kid Chaos in.

Kid Chaos goes wild on Able with lefts and rights and then runs over and dropkicks the MIB off the apron.

Kid Chaos was cut off to long, and the energy level sure exploded!

KJust imagine if the Kid can win this and then the 4 way next week, double champion!

BThat sure is planning ahead!


Able goes for a big kick, but Kid Chaos ducks it and the ref goes down. Kid Chaos whips Able into the corner and lays a bunch of kicks into him. He then jumps around him, and Able falls flat on his face as Chaos is on the top rope. Chaos drops a big elbow!

Yin and Yang hit the ring. Kooky Karl is just mentioning how they are here to get revenge on Able when Yang grabs a chair and lays out Kid Chaos! Yin dumps Able out of the ring and grabs a chair himself. Kid Kache tries to get in, but Yin nails him with the chair and does the same when the MIB tries to get in.

Yang is choking Kid Chaos by having the chair open and sitting on him! Yin is keep everyone out.

That is until the Kodiac Woodsman and the Great Marcos storm the ring! They are followed by Able, then Kid Kache and then the MIB! The ref wakes up to see a 7 man brawl!

(ding, ding, ding)


Andy Richter: This match has been declared a DQ! Still the WVW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS! ABLE AND THE MAN IN BLACK!!!!!

The brawl is continuing as a dumpster is being rolled to ringside.

Shot of backstage.

Tony SlatteryI'm here with theRoach! What about this next match??

The Roach: I am looking forward to it. I love venom and they love me, so much they will serve me. Snakes are dark creatures that shall serve me and eat Yin, as I serve him peice, by peice, by peice!

The Roach walks off.

Tony Slattery: My, how very gruesome. Back to you Karl and Bob...



I don't like the Roach and I do not like those comments!

KThe Roach is a man of his word, so Yin should be worried!

BPiece by piece? I hope it's just a metaphor, we will be right back!...



Did you know, is still open?
Stay tuned for stuff. (the advertising staff is tired this week).


Andy Richter: The next match is a SNAKE MATCH!

The crowd cheers in anticipation.

A swarm of roaches storm their way into the ring the people run wild in disgust, The Roach appears, he runs wildly to the ring and enters it explosively.

Andy Richter: First, making his way to the ring, weighing in at 322lbs, from New York City, he is THE ROACH!!!

The crowd boos wildly as the Roach steps into the ring.

"Yin-Yang theme" starts to play and Yin walks out on the stage with Brother Voodoo next to him!!.

Andy Richter: From the Mountains of Tibet, weighing in at 315, YIN!!!!!


Yin VS The Roach

(Snake Match)


Yin and the Roach are quickly locked up. The two big men try to throw each other around, ending up in more of a shoving match. Roach brings up a big knee into Yin and then slams his face into the turnbuckle. He drops Yin on his head with a big backdrop.

The Roach sees Brother Voodoo outside holding a snake. The Roach curses and spits but Brother Voodoo stares as if in a trance.

Yin comes up behind and hits an inverted DDT. Yin gives the sign to Brother Voodoo who goes over and opens up the dumpster. Brother Voodoo looks in and smiles. The camera peers in and sees that the dumpster is half full of slithering slimy snakes.

Yin leads the Roach over to the ropes.

BIs this one over already?

KI think Brother Voodoo puts some trance on the Roach! One move and he looks out already!


The Roach was playing possum as he punches Yin in the jaw and hits a running powerslam. The Roach then stomps Yin down.

Brother Voodoo is up on the apron, but Roach runs over and knocks him off, sending him smashing into the side of the dumpster! The Roach then turns back on Yin, hitting him with a football tackle. Yin fights back and slaps on a bearhug

Yin holds the move for a while, and the Roach looks like he is fading. The ref doesn't check the arm since Yin can't win the match this way. Yin gives some more force to the move and the Roach starts to yell.... and then...


Yin releases the hold (naturally) and grabs at the blood flowing from the side of his head. The Roach smiles as blood is dripping of his chin. He leans over the ropes and SPITS YIN'S EAR into the DUMPSTER OF SNAKES!!


OH NO! That is DISGUSTING! Is that what he meant by piece by piece??? EWWW!!!

KDoes the Roach win? He did get SOME of Yin in that dumpster!

No way, it has to be the WHOLE! I sure hope he doesn't continue this method!


Roach takes Yin and punches him where the wound is, Yin screams and tries to fight back. Brother Voodoo is in the ring!

Brother and the Roach are hitting lefts and rights pretty evenly when Yin comes from behind and picks up the Roach and hits a atomic drop followed by a big boot

Roach is down and Yin again signals for the dumpster to be open. Brother Voodoo goes out to open it.

Yin picks up the Roach but gets a big chop to the chest instead. The Roach hits the PESTILENCE!, and slingshots Yin out of the ring as Brother Voodoo is opening the dumpster.

Brother Voodoo doesn't seem to notice that it was Yin as a body flies in the dumpster! So, he closes the lid and locks it!


Andy Richter: The winner is ... THE ROACH!!!!

Brother Voodoo's eyes open as he hears this and looks in the ring to see the Roach smirking at him. Brother Voodoo tries to get the lock off, but can't. He curses at Roach and goes to the back for help for Yin, who is locked in the dumpster.


Wow, that was a crazy match. The Tribe Called Ba-wa- something can not be happy! This is just more fuel to that fire that will be the March of Pain!

You are such a strange little man, but some how I still agree!

I hear there is a big announcement after this commercial! Something about a big brawl or something!




Coming soon.... "The Pitbull World Tour"!

Don't forget, next week is that big WVW PPV, The March of Pain, so call your cable company NOW! Any second now and the phone will be busy and you will MISS IT! And all your friends will hate you, so CALL NOW!!


Shot of backstage.

Tony SlatteryI'm just spoke with CEO Brian Schell, he informed me that Yang, The Great Marcos, Kid Chaos and the Kodian Woodsman were last seen in the parking lot, brawling ever since that tag match. No one knows where they are now, and the Lumberjack match has been cancelled. "The Animal" was supposedly sent home by Mr. Schell. Now, back to ring side!


Jeez, those guys might be fighting till next week! This really is a march to that IC belt!

KWe get it, we get it, the March of Pain, but what about this main event?...

***********LAST WEEK*************

Emma even gets into it and starts clawing the Roach in the eyes!

Suddenly Emma falls backward. She looks dizzy. Pitbull screams out to her, "You okay?"


What's the deal with Emma??

KShe looks like she ate at Mother Dolan's house!

I wonder if... OH NO! EWWW!


Emma suddenly pukes up this red looking liquid all over the ringside. Pitbull's eyes almost pop out of his head at the sight of this. He runs to her, but the Roach trips him and slaps on an ankle lock!


We believe that was the work of Brother Voodoo! And next up the Pitbull goes for revenge!

And the Brother goes for the Volatile Championship!

This should be INTENSE, AWESOME, and VOLATILE!!!


Andy Richter: The next match is for the WVW VOLATILE CHAMPIONSHIP! It is an "FIRST BLOOD" match!

Lights turn blue and black, snakes appear on all screens as a digarie-do horn blows, then he arrives, from the shadows of the curtains, Brother Voodoo brings hand fulls of snakes with him to the ring, fans are screaming as they fall loose on the ground and slither away into the masses of fans.

Andy Richter: And his opponent, from the Swamplands, weighing in at 281, it's BROTHER VOODOO!!!!!

"Take It On" by ICP hits and the Pitbull runs to the ring with his belt...

Andy Richter: (seeing Pitbull rush the ring, talks fast:) The VOLATILE CHAMP!! ROB "THE PITBULL"JOHNSON!!!



Brother Voodoo


Rob "The Pitbull" Johnson




(ding, ding)

Brother Voodoo and the Pitbull exchange lefts and rights. Brother Voodoo whips the Pitbull into the ropes, but the Pitbull just comes back with a big clothesline! He then gets on the Brother and pins him down with his knees as he unloads lefts and rights. The Brother knocks him off and rolls out of the ring

The Pitbull chases after him and gets a kick to the gut for his effort. Brother Voodoo then takes Pitbull and slams his head into the guardrail, followed by the ring post.

Brother Voodoo is about to smash Pitbull's head into the ring stairs, but Pitbull drops the Brother with a sideslam. He then picks up the stairs and drops them on the Brother. He places the steps on the Brother and stomps on them!


OUCH! That's got to hurt! The underside of those steps there are kind of sharp.

Wow, who would of thought, Pitbull trying to get his opponent to bleed in a FIRST BLOOD MATCH!.

Excuse me!


Brother Voodoo is able to get out from under the steps, and Pitbull tries to get him locked up, but the Brother back drops him through the announcer's table! Brother Voodoo gets to his feet and gets a peice of the table and starts to shove it into Pitbull's throat!

Pitbull struggles and is able to kick Brother Voodoo and get the piece of table away from his throat. He grabs a monitor and smashes it over Brother Voodoo's head!

Pitbull checks for blood to no avail. Pitbull grabs the bell hammer and smashes the monitor's screen and takes a shard of glass. Brother Voodoo knocks it out of his hand and they start to brawl. Pitbull still has the hammer and hits Brother Voodoo over the back with it.


This is VICIOUS! And we no longer have our monitor!

So what??The action is RIGHT IN FRONT OF US!

What if it spills into the back??!


The ringside is a mess as Brother Voodoo and the Pitbull are trying to make each other bleed. The Pitbull goes for the Final Destination, but Brother Voodoo escapes and applies the STRONG PIMP HAND!


The Strong Pimp Hand! I don't think that is going to win this one!

Yeah, but it couldn't hurt!

Well, it could hurt the Pitbull!


The Pitbull powers out and Brother Voodoo goes for a chair, but gets the FINAL DESTINATION instead!!!

Out of the crowd comes the Animal and smashes bat over the Pitbull's back! The Animal then takes the monitor and crams it over Pitbull's head, and then hits it with the bat!

The Pitbull falls back and the monitor falls off to show blood everywhere!





Andy Richter: Your winner and NEW VOLATILE CHAMPION... BROTHER VOODOO!!!!


This is ridiculous! The Animal totally screwed the Pitbull! That guy has been a pain! He doesn't talk, all he does is sneak attack Pitbull!

And he also screwed Brother Voodoo last week, so maybe this is a payback.

Either way next week should be interesting....



Brother Voodoo is in the ring with his title, and Yin and Yang have made it back from their respective prediciments to celebrate with thier partner.

The Animal gets in to celebrate as well. Brother Voodoo has the mic.

Brother Voodoo:Since you gave me a hand, I would like to announce the newest member of our Tribe... NOT YOU!!!

At this Yin, Yang and Brother Voodoo attack the Animal.... as we......

Cut to black.

copyright 2001 WVW Entertainment.