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Time of Terror for Sunday
April 15, 2001

Cameras pan through the crowd picking out sings reading "McKay is Hitler reborn", "Pitbull for Prez", "Marry me Marco". Pyros go off down the entranceway and the camera changes to the announce table.


Bob Dolan: This is ridiculous, it is Easter Sunday. We should be with our families. Who does David McKay think he is anyway?

Kookie Karl: Ah you should probably call him Mr. McKay of Mr. McKay the great I heard he was talking about replacing you with a circus chimp.

Bob Dolan: I guess Time of Terror is fitting, for what looks like McKay's reign of terror here.

"Damage Inc." plays through the PA system as McKay makes his way down the ring to the announcers table.

McKay: I thought I would join you and get an up close look at the action here tonight.

Kookie Karl: Bob, here comes your pink slip.

Andy Richter: Ladies and gentle men, making his way to the ring The Commando

Pyro Hits And he walks down saluting the crowd. When he is in the ring he tenses himself up and stands in front of a big pyro blast.

Andy Richter: And his opponent form Middlesbrough. Justin Sane!!!

2 Balls shoot into the air and the lights go out. The only light seen is the fireballs. The lights come on and Justin is on the ramp with his back to the ring. He turns around and proceeds to the ramp.
Justin Sane VS The Commando

(Standard Match)

Justin is on Commando pushing him back into the corner. Justin attempts a whip out of the corner but is reversed into a short arm clothesline. Justin is down and dazed, Commando off the ropes…

Bob Dolan: These two have shown a lot of heart in a short period of time here in the WVW.

Kooky Karl: Too bad that is about all they have shown us. Would someone wake me up when this is over.

Commando connects with a drop kick that knocks Justin out of the ring. Justin is down and digging under the ring while Commando celebrates.

Kooky Karl: Oh boy, I can see the insanity coming out of Justin now. Someone tell me when this gets exciting.

Bob Dolan: For the first time I think you might be right. Justin appears to be pulling a chair out from under the ring. And what the hell is Mr. McKay doing up on the apron.

McKay distracts commando and the ref. Justin back in the ring, he is all over Commando with the chair. Commando is down and out. The cover…1…2…3!

Andy Richter: Your winner, JUSTIN SANE!

"Damage Inc." plays as Kruze walks out from back stage. He lifts the mic in his hand to his mouth and begins to speak as he walks down to the ring.

Kruze: Cut the music. Justin let me be the first to congratulate you on your first victory here in the WVW. Now that you have proven yourself worthy I would also like to invite you to join us in Damage Inc.

Kruze climbs into the ring and reaches out to hand the mic to Justin who still has a shocked look on his face. Justin reaches out for the mic and Kruze levels him with a vicious clothesline. Then begins stomping on him. Commando is up and jumps on Kruze coming to Justin's aid. Commando whips Kruze into the ropes and then bounces off the other ropes attempting to shoulder block Kruze. Kruze charges off the ropes and drops Commando with a big boot to the face. Kruze tosses Commando out of the ring to the floor with a release belly-to-back suplex. Justin is back up and stuns Kruze with a dropkick.

Bob Dolan: McKay why are you doing this? Your thug could have just ended Commando's career.

Kooky Karl: If only we could be that lucky.

Justin and Kruze exchange a series of punches in the center of the ring, until Kruze gets the upper hand. Kruze locks Justin up and lifts him into the air, dropping him on his face. Kruze picks he mic up from the mat.

Kruze: Do you think I would actually invite you to join us? Look at you, you're pathetic. Just another piece of garbage here in the WVW.

Kruze locks the PENATLY BOX (modified Stiner Recliner) on Justin. Immediately Justin starts to scream and tap on the mat. Refs are out trying to get Kruze to release the hold. Kruze only smiles at them and pulls harder trying to snap Justin's back.

Bob Dolan: You are a some sick men. What is the meaning of this? Why would you do this to a couple of young men who are only trying to make a name for them selves?

McKay: Why? Why? Because I want to send a message to everyone here in the WVW, I want them to all know who is in charge and where they stand.

Kookie Karl: Yeah Bob, shut up can't you see Mr. McKay is trying to send a message?

Abracadabra begins to play and the ring fills with smoke. Marcos is in the ring and breaks the hold with a spinning roundhouse kick to Kruze. The Ref calls for the bell. Marcos is on top of Kruze and giving him all he can handle. Marcos is blatantly choking Kruze, the ref checks with Kruze.

Bob Dolan: Looks like your boy "The Enforcer" came in here a little over confident. I think it is about time someone put this thug in his place. Who better to make Kruze disappear then our own magician Marcos.

McKay: I though you were suppost to be impartial in this Dolan. I would suggest that you start doing your job and stop expressing your personal views or you might find yourself in the street.

Kooky Karl: Told you that you were getting a pink slip tonight Bob.

The Great Marcos VS The Enforcer Scott Kruze

(I Quit Match)

Kruze is back up, he has Marcos in a front face lock, Spike DDT. Kruze has Marcos in a full mount, talking trash to him as he lays the fists into Marcos's head. Kruze has Marcos back up now Rolling Thunder Suplex. Kruze has Marcos's leg and attempts a Spinning-Toe-Hold. Marcos wiggles his way out, both men back to their feet. Marcos with a Russian Leg Sweep, then up to the top rope Splash.

Bob Dolan: It looks like Marcos wants to end this, he has Kruze in a Sharp Shooter. Kruze is in the center of the ring and I don't think he is going to be able to get out of this. Mr. McKay, I think this might be a short reign of terror for Damage Inc. Mr. McKay?

Kooky Karl: I don't think you are going to get an answer, not that you deserve one. McKay is climbing into the ring.

Bob Dolan: This is ridiculous. Kruze can't get the job done so McKay has to help him.

McKay in the ring, Marcos sees him coming and greets him with a European Uppercut. Marcos is all over McKay. He has McKay by the hair, McKay up and over the top rope. Marcos turns around and is nailed with a Flying Clothesline. Kruze has Marcos in the Penalty Box. Marcos trying to hold out while the Ref checks him.

Bob Dolan: What was the meaning of that McKay? Marcos had this match won.

McKay: The key word there is had. Just don't forget he attacked me.

Kooky Karl: Yeah, what business die Marcos have attacking a upstanding innocent man like Mr. McKay. He only wants what is best for the WVW.

Bob Dolan: He only wants what is best for himself.

Marcos looks like he is about unconscious. The lights go out in the arena.

McKay: Marcos gave up. I heard him. He quit.

The lights come back on and both men are face down in the ring. The ref starts a count…1 …2 …3 …4 …5 …6 …7 …8 …9 …10

Andy Richter: This match has been declared a No Contest.

Bob Dolan: Marcos was screwed in that match thanks to you McKay. He should have had the win.

Kooky Karl: What about Kruze? It was over the next thing we know both men are out cold on the mat.

Bob Dolan: Things never should have gotten that far. Let's go to the next match. We have a return match from last week with…

McKay: No we don't I decided that neither one of these two has done enough to impress me to deserve a match on my show. We will go directly to the Lumberjack match.

Andy Richter: The next match will be a no ref Lumberjack match for the Volatile Championship. First the Lumberjacks.

The lumberjacks come down to the ring, they are all no name wrestlers who are used mainly for dark matches and house shows. Then the more noticeable wrestlers enter.

Lights flicker then just go out then there is an explosion and "CHAAAAAOOOOOOS" is screamed and the music hit. Kid Khaos comes out and goes wild!

A Chainsaw sounds starts ripping through the arena , as Kodiac walks out with an axe handle in hand, as he gets into the ring he steps over the top rope, he turns around and lets out a great howl, and raises his Axe Handle

Damage Inc by Metallica starts and at the top of the ramp Kruze appears still holding his head. Standing next to him is a man that is bald and much shorter and dressed in black loose fitting pants with traditional Japanese tattoos covering his upper body. Both men walk down to the ring.

McKay: I would like to introduce you to Shogun. An old friend of mine and the newest member of Damage Inc. here in the WVW.

Andy Richter: Now for the Principals. First form Long Beach, CA Nightmare!

"Killing Time" by (Hed) pe starts as Nightmare walks down to the ring while the fans boo him.

Andy Richter: His opponent and the WVW Volatile Champion Greg Olson!

A Big blast gives welcome to the native of D.C. looks at the crowd runs to the Ring, he leaps in showing very quick and strong legs.

A fog fills the entranceway and children can be heard playing. Then there is a voice over the Pa, "Welcome to the land of OZ". As the fog clears a huge man appears at the entranceway, he is well over 7' and looks to be pushing 600 lbs. He lifts a mic and begins to speak.

OZ: I though I would show up and make sure everything here is on the level. I hope you don't mind.

McKay: Who… What… He has no right to be here!

Bob Dolan: It looks like the tables may have been turned on Damage Inc.

Greg Olson VS Nightmare

(Lumberjack Referees Match)
OZ makes his way to the ring and the match starts. Nightmare and Olson meet in the center of the ring and exchange a series of punches. Olson gets the upper hand and tries to end things quick with a Cradle Suplex into a pin. Chaos is in the ring to make the count… 1… Kruze is in the ring and breaks the count. Kruze and Chaos are going at it in the center of the ring right next to Olson and Nightmare. Nightmare drops Olson with a Reverse Suplex then turns to Chaos. Kruze and Nightmare are taking turns pummeling Chaos. Olson is back up and takes down Nightmare and Kruze with a Football Tackle. Olson on top of Nightmare and whips him into the turnbuckle. Kruze and Chaos are still fighting up the ramp and out of the arena.

McKay: Chaos ruined the Intercontinental match and now he is trying to ruin this one. And this OZ guy had better not try anything stupid or he may find his career short lived.

Bob Dolan: I hope he gives you and Damage Inc. what you deserve.

Nightmare and Olson are still going back and forth in the ring. Nightmare throws Olson out to Shoguns feet. Shogun gets Olson in a Leg Lock Submission. The other wrestlers are on top of Shogun, Olson rolls back in to the ring as Shogun fights with the other lumberjacks. Nightmare has Olson BAD DREAM (Small Package DDT)! The cover, OZ is up and over the ropes.

Bob Dolan: McKay, it looks like no matter how hard you try this isn't the night for Damage Inc. I think OZ is about to set things right.

OZ is motioning for Nightmare to get off of Olson. Nightmare is up and motioning for OZ to come and get some. OZ helps Olson to his feet. OZ has Olson by the back of the neck and delivers The Abyss (face first choke slam). Nightmare with the cover… OZ counts…1…2…3!

Andy Richter: Your winner and new Volatile Champion NIGHTMARE!

McKay: It looks like OZ gave Damage Inc what we deserve. I would like to show you the greatest force in the WVW. Damage Inc. Mr. Kruze, Nightmare, Shogun, and OZ. Now we have some other business to take care of. Have a nice night.

Bob Dolan: This is just disgusting, McKay thinks he can do what ever he pleases here.

Kooky Karl: Wish he would get rid of you old man.

Andy Richter: Next is a 4 corner match. Making his way to the ring. From Death Valley Purga Tori!

Lights go out, as Pyros shoot down the isle, as A Large Figure walks out from the back, wearing a Dark robe, he makes his way to the ring, he steps over the top rope.

Andy Richter: Next representing TCB Yin!

The Yin Yang theme starts and Yin comes down to the ring.

Andy Richter: Now on his way to the ring Able!

Purga Torrie

(4 Way)
Able comes out and stumbles down to the ring. Carnage comes running down the ramp and blindsides Able. Carnage slides into the ring and goes after Purga. Yin stands back and appears top be content to let Carnage and Purga wear each other out. Carnage is going to town Carnage sends Purga into the ropes and connects with a Super Kick. Purga is down and Carnage goes after Yin.

Bob Dolan: Carnage really looks like he is trying to prove something here.

Carnage has Yin and suplexes him out of the ring. Carnage up to the top rope Carnage Crusher (modified Swanton) to Yin on the outside. Yin and Carnage are both down on the outside.

Kookie Karl: That was the stupidest thing I have ever seen. Why would Carnage take himself out of a match like that?

Bob Dolan: He is trying to prove himself and what better way then to issue out a through butt whippin to everyone in this match.

Able slides back into the ring. Purga Tori with Fallen From Grace (Superplex from top rope into Jackhammer). 1…2…Carnage back in the ring…3!

Andy Richter: The Winner Purga Tori!

Carnage and Purga start exchanging punches until security comes out to break them up.

Bob Dolan: Let's go back to Tony who is with The Roach.

Slattery: Roach this looks like a custom made match for you.

Roach: Voodoo, finally I get the chance to light someone up in the ring. You are going to get a chance to feel the flame.

Roach leaves and makes his way to the ring.

Bob Dolan: I can't believe we are actually going to see and batch involving a blow torch.

Andy Richter: Now coming to the ring from the TCB Brother Voodoo

Lights turn blue and black, snakes appear on all screens as a digarie-do horn blows, then he arrives, from the shadows of the curtains, Brother Voodoo brings hands full of snakes with him to the ring, fans are screaming as they fall loose on the ground and slither away into the masses of fans.

Andy Richter: His opponent from New York City Roach

A swarm of roaches storm their way into the ring the people run wild in disgust, The Roach appears, he runs wildly to the ring and enters it explosively.

Bob Dolan: Roach has a bucket in his hand, I think we are in for some nasty fighting, this won't be a trade technical moves type match. This is going to be to see who gets the Pitbull at Dirty Deeds.

The Roach VS Brother Voodoo

(#1 Contender Blow Torch on a Pole Match)
Roach sets down the bucket and looks up at the blowtorch with a smile. Voodoo comes in and hits Roach with a Single arm DDT. Voodoo stopping on Roach who looks to be laughing. Voodoo picks roach up and Roach with a Jawbreaker.

Bob Dolan: Why is Roach laughing?

Kookie Karl: This is his type of match he gets to light someone up.

Roach is grinding Voodoo's face into the cage ripping him open. Roach throws Voodoo back into the ring and delivers a Standing pile Driver. Roach is climbing the cage.

Bob Dolan: Good God he is actually going to light Voodoo up with that torch.

Kookie Karl: That is the only way to win the match. Why do you think it is called a set your opponent ablaze match?

Bob Dolan: This is disgusting, I can't believe they would let a match like this happen.

Roach is down with the torch and going back over to the bucket he brought with him. Voodoo is up and charging Roach. Roach grabs Voodoo by the throat Pestilence (choke slam). Roach takes the bucket and dumps the contents on Voodoo.

Bob Dolan: NO! He Can't! That is gasoline!

Roach digs in his pants and pulls out a pack of cigarettes. He lights one with the blowtorch. After taking a few drags he flicks it on Voodoo who is instantly consumed in flames. Roach sits down in the corner laughing.

Kookie Karl: It will be Roach vs. "The Pitbull" rob Johnson and Dirty Deeds.

Bob Dolan: Who cares, we need a fire crew and some EMTs out here this is just sick. McKay is a disturbed man.

EMTs armed with fire extinguishers run down to the ring as Roach continues to laugh.



Cut to black.

copyright 2001 WVW Entertainment.