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Time Of Terror

April 22nd, 2001


Bob Welcome to Time of Terror! The bad news is McKay is still in charge, but the good news is we have a great card and Damage, INC just might get theirs!

KMan, I hate working Sunday!

BThen hope CEO Schell gets better or maybe someone will take apart Damage Inc.! Let's get to ringside and cross our fingers!

Andy Richter is at ringside.

Andy Richter: The first bout is a TAG TEAM MATCH-UP!!!

A fog fills the entrance way as "Damage Inc." by Metallica starts. OZ walks through the fog and to the ring dressed in black long shorts with 2 shoulder straps trimmed in dark green with black and green boots. Shogun is with him, dressed in long black baggy pants and carries a kendo stick. At the top of the ramp he raises the kendo stick and Pyros go off around him.After reaching the ring OZ climbs up on the apron, holding the top rope he leans back and lets out a scream while pyros go off down the ramp way from the ring..

Andy Richter: Representing Damage, Inc., at the combined weight of 803 lbs, OZ AND SHOGUN!!!!!

Andy Richter: Their opponents at the combined weight of 475 lbs, THE GREAT MARCOS AND GREG OLSON!!!!!!


The Great Marcos & Greg Olson


Oz & Shogun

(Tag Team)

The smoke clears and Oz and Shogun are waiting for Marcos and Olson, but they are standing right behind them! The crowd cheers as Oz and Shogun turn around and Marcos and Olson start laying in the punches! The ref gains control and gets Marcos and Oz to their corners

Olson gets Shogun with a german suplex, followed by an armbar. Shogun hits Olson with a kick to the stomach and gets a belly to back suplex. He drops and elbow, but Olson rolls out of the way to tag in Marcos.

Marcos and Olson put Shogun down with a double hip toss and simutaneously drop a fist! Marcos gets Shogun up, but Shogun gives him a rake to the eyes and hits a jumping round kick, sending Marcos to the mat. Shogun gets Marcos up with a chinlock but then releases it to whip him into Damage, Inc.'s corner.

Oz starts choking Marcos out while Shogun distracts the ref. Olson tries to get in, but of course the ref sees THIS and runs to stop him.

Oh come on!

Yeah, really, you would think with Oz's size he wouldn't waste his time choking and just pop Marcos's head right off!

Give me a break...

Shogun goes for a running dropkick on the tied up Marcos, but as he does Marcos in a instant gets to the mat and Shogun nails Oz! Oz goes flying off the apron!

Marcos hits Shogun with a piledriver and tags in Olson who gets up on the top turnbuckle and hits a flying leg drop. He gets up, tags Marcos and Marcos executes a The Grand Finale (Top Rope Somersault Leg Drop)! He goes for the pin.



Oz gets in the ring...


Andy Richter: Your winners , GREG OLSON AND THE GREAT MARCOS!!!!!

Oz picks up Olson with one hand and slams him to the mat with a The Abyss (face first Choke Slam)! The Great Marcos is on his feet and then suddenly on the mat again as he gets an Abyss as well!

"The Enforcer" Kruze hits the ring and helps Shogun, now on his feet, stomp a mudhole into Marcos and Olson. Oz brings in two chairs and lays them on the mat. He picks up both Marcos and Olson and gives them a double Abyss onto the chairs!

Kruze gets a bag from under the ring and brings it in. From out of it he takes two pairs of chains and chains Marcos' hands to his feet as Shogun and Oz do the same to Olson. McKay is seen rolling a dumpster down to the ring with some security.

Oz lifts up each Olson and Marcos, one at a time, and dumps them into the dumpster. McKay has security lock the dumpster and take it to the back.

McKay then gets in the ring. Security brings in a KEG of BEER! They all get chairs and sit in the ring to celebrate. Kruze starts serving the beer and it looks like a party!

What the hell is this? A fraternity?

Looks like They Kicka Ass! Hee, hee!

BWhen Kruze claimed to be the Alpha, I didn't realize he meant Alpha Sigma Pi...

McKay grabs a mic...

MCKAY: I guess its time to interview the combatants for the Dirty Deeds main event, although I doubt they would want to say too much in the ring here with the men of Damage, Inc....

Everyone in the ring laughs at this...

MCKAY: Then again, interview matter little at this point! Will Roach take the belt? Will Pitbull retain? It matters little since I have the answer to that question already. The winner will be who I say the champion is! Now, let's interview a REAL champion...

"Killing Time" - (Hed) pe hits and Nightmare makes his way to the ring with his Volatile Title over his shoulder.

Nightmare gets in the ring and the party continues. Oz even gets out a table and puts a tablecloth on it! Nightmare grabs the mic.

Nightmare:So, it seems that at the PPV, I'm going to be fighting Greg Olson, AGAIN! Sometimes I wonder if I am in this fed to wrestler or to be Greg Olson's mat buddy. Mr. McKay, can we do something about this repetitive nonsense?

The fans are booing as McKay grabs the mic from Nightmare when...

The arena goes dark for a minute as a blue spotlight shines throughout the arena. Then you hear a voice whisper "ICE" and then "Dub the Mic" plays from the Beastie Boys and out walks ICE. As ICE walks down the entrance way there are explosions following him then the light come back on.

IT'S ICE! IT'S ICE! Maybe HE can take down Damage, Inc.!

Yeah, right... if he has a flame thrower and five friends!

BHe's walking to the ring! THIS SHOULD BE INTERESTING!!!

The fans are on their feet as ICE stands outside the ring and stares down Oz, Shogun, Nightmare, McKay, and "The Enforcer".

At this point, some fans may have noticed, but no one ever SIPPED thier beers, they just held them and suddenly they start pooring them on the table. Kruze gets the keg and starts pumping beer on the table. Nightmare lights a match and throws it on the table, and it goes UP IN A FIREBALL!

Damage Inc. is waving ICE to get in the ring, AND HE DOES! They attack him and McKay is ringing for the bell....


Nightmare VS ICE




ding, ding

Damage Inc attack ICE as he steps in the ring. ICE pushes away Shogun and McKay, and starts pounding on Kruze when Oz hits him with a BIG left and Nightmare drops him with a neckbreaker

McKay is up and he is pointing at the table. Oz gets ICE up in the air for an Abyss and all of them are pointing at the flaming table when....


THE GREAT MARCOS AND GREG OLSON RUN IN WITH FIRE EXTINGUISHERS! The whole ring fills with white foam. Marcos nails Kruze in the head with the extinguisher and Olson suplexs Shogun out of the ring! Marcos and Olson then get Oz and flip him to the floor. McKay is yelling at them, so ICE clocks him with two extinguishers!!!

The ring is cleared except for ICE and Nightmare. Nightmare goes for a slam, but ICE reverses it into a tornado DDT. ICE gets Nightmare up and whips him to the corner. ICE climbs to the second turnbuckle and starts unloading. Oz is up on the apron, grabs ICE and throws him out of the ring!

Fans are going crazy as there is also a brawl on the outside with Olson, Marcos, Kruze, and Shogun. Things are pretty even until Oz comes over (after helping Nightmare). Damage Inc. seems to be winning the unofficial fight when...

Lights flicker then just go out then there is an explosion and "CHAAAAAOOOOOOS" is screamed and the music hit. Kid Chaos, Kid Kache, and Carnage come out and start attacking Oz!!

Jeez... and I thought this place was out of control before, but this is just wacky!

I think we should join in! I used to be quite an athlete!

BCollegiate ping pong won't help you now, Pumpkin Head!

Nightmare and ICE are exchanging lefts and rights outside the ring. Nightmare kicks ICE in the gut and goes for a suplex, but ICE is too large and he can't get him up. Instead, ICE lays Nightmare out with a pump handle slam. ICE drops a BIG knee and drives his boot into Nightmare a few times.

ICE gets the keg that is now lying outside the ring. He sees the side that reads, "GAS" and decides that it's his turn to use it. He turns to the announcer table and starts spraying it!



KYeah, sounds good... I'm all out of marshmellows!

ICE sets the commentators table on fire and turns and gets hit right in the head with the ring steps, courtesy of Nightmare! Nightmare then slams ICE's head into the guard rail. He then hits a cradle DDT and slaps on the NE-HAN!!

Meanwhile, the other brawl is still going on. Oz hits Kid Kache with a slam, but then gets a dropkick from Carnage! Kid Chaos is exchanging kicks with Shogun, and the Great Marcos has Kruze on the ground, trying to get on a chicken wing....

Nightmare is getting ICE to his feet and looks to be setting up for a Bad Dream... He gets a tap on his shoulder... he turns around and its Greg Olson! Olson slaps on the Tongan Death Grip!

ICE gets to his feet and sees what is going on. He grabs Nightmare out of the hold and hits the "ICE PICK"- One Arm Driver right through the BURNING TABLE!!!

(ding, ding, ding)

Andy Richter: Here is your winner... and NEW VOLATILE CHAMPION, ICE!!!!!!!!

Security runs out, trying to gain control, put out fires... etc....

Shot of Backstage where Bob Dola, Kooky Karl, and Tony Slattery are at the buffet table


Ladies and gentleman, we have a NEW Volatile Champion amoung complete and utter chaos!

KWhat about Kid Chaos?Oh, I get it!

BHe still has a BIG gauntlet match, and Carnage takes on Yang! I hope they didn't get hurt in the melee!

KAnd it would serve them right! I didn't see TCB out there risking their health!

This would probably be a good time for a commercial while everything gets cleaned up.....


Brother Voodoo's Voodoo Doll, the Roach's Roach Farm, Pitbull's Choke Chain... all this and more on WVW-bay auctions!

One Week from NOW, Only on PPV!


We're back at a new table and everyone has been seperated.

Ah, the magic of television.

BAnd now two men that MIGHT be facing off at the PPV for the Tag Team Titles...

Lights go out, then go back on and sparks fly all ove the place as "Ante up" by Mob plays.

Andy Richter: From Brooklyn, weighing in at 190, CARNAGE!!!!!

The "Yin-Yang" Theme hits and Yang walks down along with Yin, both displaying the tag belts to the boos of the crowd.

Andy Richter: "Now entering the ring, He hails from the mountains of Tibet, and one half of the Tag Team Champions, YANG!!!!!


Carnage VS Yang

(Standard Match)



(ding, ding)

Yin and Yang get in the ring and Carnage yells at them that Yin should get the hell out of the ring. Yang tries to explain, and seems to be friendly when Yin nails Carnage from behind and slams him to the mat. The ref starts yelling at him and chases him out of the ring.

Yang is on the fallen Carnage, driving his head into the mat. Yang goes for a sharpshooter, but Carnage pushes him with his foot and sends him flying into the corner. Outside, Yin sits at the broadcasters desk.


Oh great, I guess we have company...

You almost don't sound happy to have such an athlete in your presence!

Show respect, you little worm! I am a THREE time Tag Champion! This little scrub in here thinks he has what it takes? That's funny enough to keep me from burying him right here and now!

Carnage hiptosses Yang and Yang comes back but takes a spear followed by a flurry of punches. Carnage goes for slam, but Yang reverses it into a face smasher. Yang throws Carnage into the ropes and goes to back body drop him, but Carnage gets a sunset flip and covers...



Yang kicks out. He is on his feet and starts kicking Carnage. Carnage catches his leg and gets an enziguri for his efforts. Yang is on him and locks in a sleeper. Carnage is able to get to his feet and slam Yang into the turnbuckles

Carnage runs off the ropes and hits a big scissors kick followed by a spine buster. He tries a DDT but Yang lifts him up and lands a inverted atomic drop. He runs off the ropes and hits a legdrop.

Yang goes to the ropes and flies into the air for a Y-Bomb, but Carnage gets out of the way. Carnage gets a solid DDT and follows it with a Carnage Crusher!! Carnage goes for a pin.



YANG KICKS OUT! Carnage looks frustrated but doesn't give up. He starts laying the boots into Yang when Yin is up on the apron. Carnage runs and knocks Yin for a look with a flying forearm. Carnage turns back to Yang and recieves a twist of fate and Yang covers him.



CARNAGE KICKS OUT!! Yang gets him to his feet and sets up a underhook face smasher, but Carnage flips him over and onto the mat. Carnage whip Yang into Yin and as Yang bounces of, Carnage hits him with a jackhammer and goes for the pin...




(ding, ding, ding)

Andy Richter: Here is your winner... CARNAGE!!!!!

BWWow, what a match! If Kid Kache can beat his friend tonight, we may have new tag champs at the PPV!

KEver here of luck? You know like how you are lucky your father was ever drunk enough to have sex with your moth-

HEY!! SHUT UP! Let's get to the Main Event. I guess it's the main event since it is the last match, and what a match it is! WE HAVE CAREERS ON THE LINE! Let's get to ringside....


Andy Richter is at ringside. Justin Sane is in the ring. Kodiac Woodsman and Purga Torrie are at ringside.

Andy Richter: The next match is a GAUNTLET MATCH!! The first fall is for Kid Chaos's job, second for Carnage, third for Kid Kache's and the last one for a title shot!

Lights flicker then just go out then there is an explosion and "CHAAAAAOOOOOOS" is screamed and the music hit. Kid Chaos comes out and goes wild! Kid Kache is at his side.

Andy Richter: From the Austin, TX, it's KID CHAOS!!!!!


Kid Chaos

Justin Sane,

Purga Torrie

Kodiac Woodsman,

& Kid Kache

(Gauntlet Match)

Kid Chaos hits the ring and attacks Justin Sane with a flurry of punches. Justin tries to get a DDT, but the Kid lifts a knee to his midsection and drops him with one! He goes for a pin, but Justin breaks out right away. Justin gets Kid Chaos with a snap suplex and tries for a powerbomb, but Chaos takes his legs out from him and puts on a figure four!

Justin gets to the ropes. Chaos breaks the hold but gets as Justin gets up, Chaos wraps him up in a small package...




Immediately, Purga Torrie hits the ring and starts nailing Kid Chaos with double axe handles and knife-edge chops. Purga hits a press slam followed by a leg drop. He goes for a pin!



Bob Is this the end of Carnage??

KYes! YES! YES!!!!!

KID CHAOS KICKS OUT! Purga picks up Kid Chaos, but Chaos gets a low blow that the ref misses and drops Purga with a DDT! Carnage hits the ring and goes to the top turbuckle and comes flying down with a Carnage Crusher. He rolls out and Kid Chaos goes for the pin...



Purga Torrie kicks out. He hits Chaos with a clothesline and then drops and elbow. Kid Chaos somehow gets to his feet and Purga gets a powerbomb into a piledriver.

Purga goes off the ropes, but BROTHER VOODOO is there and grabs him. Purga looks at him pissed, but Brother Voodoo smiles as he holds out a snake and it BITES PURGA TORRIE!!

Purga looks woozy and falls to the mat...

Bob Where the hell did Brother Voodoo come from??

KI don't know but know he's gone! Hey how does that song go, "I'm not the one who's so far away when I feel the snake bite enter my vain... Voodoo"??

Kid Chaos comes off with a flying elbow drop and goes for a pin...




Purga is out and the Woodsman runs in the ring. Chaos looks spent and the Woodsman is fresh! The Woodsman gets the Kid with a swinging neck breaker followed by a piledriver. He takes Chaos's arm and does a move called the Cutdown where he walks the rope and then springs off, nearly knocking Chaos' head off!

The Woodsman sets up and hits the Timber--( Puts the Opponent into a powerbomb Position, then falls backwards droping the oponents face first into the turnbuckle). He goes for the pin....



Kid Kache is in and breaks the count! The ref starts yelling at him and gets him out of the ring. From out of the crowd comes ABLE!!! He has a two-by-four and cracks it over the Woodsman's head, breaking him wide open! Kid Chaos hits a pump handle slam and goes for the pin. The ref turns to see the pin and counts...




Able grabs a mic....

Able: I just heard in the back that the First Blood Battle Royal at the PPV is now for the VOLATILE CHAMPIONSHIP! And guess who's going to win? ME!!!!

Justin Sane hits Able from behind. From the back comes Commando, Exodus, and "The Animal" Luka Cesare! A BIG BRAWL breaks out!

Bob Man, not this again! But what about that match announced? First ever "First Blood Battle Royal"!

KYeah, I know I'm not deaf... you DO KNOW that this match isn't over, right?


Kid Kache and Kid Chaos are looking at each other. Kid Chaos looks beat, but willing to go. Kid Kache points at his jaw like Chaos should take a free shot. Chaos shrugs and gives a big spinning heel kick to Kache.

Kache hits the mat like someone shot him and Chaos goes for the pin.



Shogun is in the ring and pulls Chaos off and starts beating on Kache! The ref rings the bell...

ding, ding, ding

Andy Richter: Your winner, by DQ, and getting a title shot at Dirty Deeds, KID KACHE!!!!!

Yin and Yang hit the ring and along with Shogun starting beating Kid Chaos and Kid Kache.

Carnage runs in the ring, but on his heels are the rest of Damage Inc. They get Carnage from behind and throw him in the ring.

Chaos, Kache, and Carnage are laid out. Yin and Yang suddenly find themselves in a stare down with Damage, INC.

Bob I'm so confused, I don't know who to root for... I mean, who deserves a beating more?

KYou got it all wrong, talent doesn't beat talent, and that's what these guys are...

BI don't know...

Brother Voodoo appears mysteriously once again at ring side and waves Yin and Yang to leave. They walk out, never breaking a stare with McKay and his gang. The TCB walk out looking at Damage, Inc. who stare back as we.......


Cut to black.

copyright 2001 WVW Entertainment.