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*There's Something About Leila...*

Webmistress Kitty!

Name: Leila (pronounced "Lie-La")
Birthplace: Brooklyn, New York
Current Location: Pennsylvania
Age: 16
Grade: 11th
Birthday: December 29, 1987
Hair Color: Natural Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Nationalities: American, Polish(Mom), Egyptian(Dad)
Zodiac Sign? Capricorn
Status Single
Fav Flowers: Roses, Carnations, Dandelions
Fav. Singers: O-Town, CKy, Michael Jackson, Aaliyah, Bee Gees, Good Charlotte, No Doubt
Fav. Colors: Red, Blue, Black, Silver & Pink
Fav Cereals: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Wheaties, Count Chocoula
Fav. Sports Boxing, Basketball & Soccer
Fav. Athletes: Prince Naseem Hamed, Laila Ali, Allen Iverson, Bam Margera (pro sk8er)
Fav. Shows: Making The Band, Celebrity Undercover, Jackass, MADTV & Saturday Night Live
Fav. Movies: Scream, CryBaby, Coyote Ugly, Miss Congeniality, Big Daddy & 13 Ghosts
Fav. Actress: Sandra Bullock, Cameron Diaz, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Reese Witherspoon
Fav. Actors Chris Tucker, Matthew Lillard, Adam Sandler, Josh Hartnett, Ryan Phillipe, Shane West
Fav. Animals I love them all, but I'd choose tigers, monkeys, dolphins, dogs & cats if I had to
Fav Video Game Ready To Rumble, Streetfighter, No Mercy, Crazy Taxi
Fav. Magazine: Teen, Seventeen, Teen People, Cosmo Girl
AOL/AIM S/N's: HardyzGurl666, II babi kitty II, JacobZLiLRebel21
Yahoo S/N: otownchick21
I truly Y : O-Town, The Hardy Boyz (WWF/WWE), Animals & Music
I Like: Q102, Beaches, nice peepz, O-Town, Hardy Boyz, tripping/falling accidently, daydreamin'
I Dislike: N*Sync, rude people, fakes, styes, mushrooms, drugs, alcohol, smoking
My Dreams/Goals: Meeting O-Town, Meeting WWF/WWE's Hardy Boyz, getting good grades & helping people
Chocolate/Vanilla? Chocolate
Coke/Pepsi? Pepsi
Truth/Dare? Truth & don't hold it against me :Þ
Sunset/Sunrise? Both are beautiful
If I could be a drink.. I'd be water..because it's pure & simple
Silver/Gold? Silver, but the Gold from Egypt is beautiful
Live/Rerun? Both but I prefer LIVE
Righty/Lefty? Righty
FUN FACT! My first concert was in NJ called Q Concert 12 & was the first time I saw O-TOWN live! Q102 ROCKS! I LOVE U GUYZ!
FUN FACT! My sister's ex goes to the same skool Ryan Phillipe did in Delaware & knows him too!
FUN FACT! If I could be any animal, I would be a Tiger because they are strong & I just Y them!
Not So Fun Fact I have a kidney infection & the medicine I took had steriods in it & it made me fat
I am a true: Daughter, sister, O-Town Fan, survivor, punk, daydreamer, supporter, friend

A Little Survey For Fun!!!

Hahahaha. I made this animation :D


Me & Bam Margera from MTV's Jackass at Bam's movie shoot in West Chester on 10-14-01. He was really sweet!

Me & Bam's girlfriend, Jenn Rivell outside of the bar where the movie took place on 10-14-01.

Me & Jenn again before the movie crew packed up to leave on 10-14-01.

Me & Ryan Dunn from Jackass after they finished the movie on 10-14-01. He was so funny!

I'm on the left (wearing the flag shirt) and my friend Jessica is on the right on July 4th, 2001

Me and Jess just goofin' off on July 4th, 2001

L to R: George, Sharif(my bro), Me, Mona(my sis), Dan, Monika, Jessica

That's my brother, Sharif and my sister, Mona

Me posing a Hardy shirt

Mona & I back in 1997

Mona w/ her boyfriend on New Years Eve

This is my article of the November 2000 issue of POWERBOMB! And that's my 7th grade picture! It's bad scanning though!

Don't I look so cute?

† R.I.P †
JULY 2000-APRIL 2001

My Grandmother

My Grandmother's Dog, Rex

My Dog, Lucky

not the answer
We won't forget.
We WILL Prevail.


Shout-Outs go 2: All my friends- "I love U guyz & u rock! (Anthony, Matt, Laura, Chrissy, Flizz, Rob, Kathryn, Sharonda, Mandy, Quinn, Denise, Ally, Chris, Kim, Mike, Monika) †God Bless U!†" & Jessica (her pics R above w/ me)- "Gurl, I miss U & LYLAS 4eva! Remember how we 1st started 2 love O-Town at the same time! U deserve da best & †God Bless You!† I'll hopefully c~ya in Florida!"