burn. ~ part II

"A silver lining of clouds shines on people Jesus couldn't save.." [Stephan Jenkins]


A single carriage embarked upon the streets, a costly stagecoach being tugged along by a duo of mares; one a dusty, ebony black, the other a crisply-pronounced ivory white. The horse and carriage is quickly yanked along, the sharp snap of a leather whip striking the tender muscle stretched across the width of the horse’s backside; eliciting a pitiful neigh from the animal’s mouth. The wheels turned slowly, creaking with the evidence of a few jagged splinters, sour stains of curdled milk, and the decrepit remnants of fertile soil. A man pulled the carriage to a stop, the slowing clomp lifting him a slight space from his seat; the permanent subtlety etched across his face developing into a tiny sigh. He quickly hopped down to draw open the carriage door, nearly kneeling as he tipped the wrinkled brown leather hat to shade his expressionless gaze. The color of his eyes seemingly dipped in a crystal-turquoise, the distinct blend of emerald and azure sparkling innocently.

Adam. Copeland. Not anyone of dire importance, really. Or at least he thought so. He was dazzlingly-attractive, sure; but it was now his occupation steer the two men towards any destination they desired. But like so many others, he didn’t recognize the dangerous intent of his passengers, and was easily swayed by the frivolous toss of gold coins. Escaped from the rubber tie tying fragrant waves to the nape of his neck, a playful flurry of long blonde tresses blew against the stream of sudden wind; his attention lightly distracted by the gentle caress of his own curls against his cheek. Wool-encased fingers gripped the metal handle and easily opened the coach door, his face blazing with fire as he attempted not to stare at the two. But it was no use, actually..

The two brothers, completely engrossed with each other, openly groped and fondled one another; their breathless moans seemingly capturing Adam’s attention for a moment. He peered up at the duo with jealous eyes, the glint of gray and faint green sweeping the stunning array of raw sexuality. Jeffrey sat back against the burgundy-colored material of the seat, shamelessly spreading his legs as Matthew fervently encircled his waist against his crotch. The brunette sat atop his brother’s lap, the gentle squeeze of Jeffrey’s gloved fingertips against his flushed cheeks tilting his head to the side. They kissed with serious depth; their luscious lips parted in a lusty gape as their tongues messily bound together by the licking caress of saliva.

Matthew moaned softly, his hips grinding in a tantalizing rhythm of insatiable desire and uncontrolled need. His fingers were wound in the colorful hues adorning his brother’s head; the attractive gloss painted onto his well-manicured nails lightly twisted a few strands of tangerine orange and intense pink. His free hand rested atop his brother’s, nearly delightful with lust as Jeffrey kneaded and squeezed at his swollen cock. His hips rolled up at his brother’s experienced fingers, deeply aroused as the sharp clink of the raking nails pinched the silver hoops pierced through the foreskin of his member. Jeffrey suddenly broke their passionate kiss, the smeared sparkle of his brother’s lipstick sloppily claiming his mouth. But noticeably, the Matthew’s hips never stopped their meticulous movement; the brunette’s light giggles accompanied by a soft kiss.

“We’ve arrived already?”, Jeffrey softly inquired, his vocal cords strumming with a hearty Welsh accent. He stole his heated gaze from the brunette to raise a neatly-slit eyebrow, arched in illustrious curiosity. Adam stared for a brief moment, before blushing lightly once more, accompanied with a light nod.

“Sire Jericho’s residence...”, Adam spoke quietly, burying his tattered gloves into his fleece-lined pockets, his collar sharply turned up against the chilly night air.

The dark gray coat hugged his body, its big buttons tightly stitched to the dense fabric. His pants, a thin cotton, were a reddish-brown sketched with a pale yellow plaid; baggy and shapeless as they puddled at his worn boots. He tried to keep his eyes on the ground beneath his heels, for when he raised his sight, the brunette’s gaze knowingly burned into his. The smirk covering the brunette’s face frightened him, as if he was searching for something in his expression that wasn’t evident. Adam brought his lightly clenched fist up to his mouth for a soft cough, his eyes flickering up beneath the circumference of his cap.

The brunette bit Jeffrey’s plump bottom lip, leaving a suckling bruise as he slipped off of the warmth of his brother’s lap. Matthew’s gaze remained focused on Adam’s as he easily stepped to the ground; the wonder presented in the blonde’s eyes causing him to laugh softly. As if in an instant, his fingers flicked from his pocket to produce a crisp note; rubbing the money between the slit space of his index and middle fingers before reaching forward to press the thin rectangle against Adam’s mouth. Matthew smiled brilliantly, silently giggling as the serious undertone of his fiery gaze went unnoticed; more than pleased as Adam accepted the exchange.

The brunette’s eyes smoothly lifted with a smug grin, splashes of claret coloring his mouth in a fine, bright cherry stain; the blinding flash of his grin a sinful pink. He could still taste the blood on his lips, and it still provided a radiant high; his desire impossibly worsened. Not that he objected. Would you ever know how it felt to float on an obnoxious evil so shameless and absolute? Probably not. And perhaps that’s where you fall short. Matthew smirked and straightened his collar, oddly spinning and dancing in the most elegant of manners.

Jeffrey followed in his wake, nonchalantly smiling at the driver before strolling up the rain-puddled walk with the brunette. The stained fabric of his clothes still displayed his criminal indulgence; dried plasma stinging a bright ruby, blemishing the lapels of his overcoat and clinging to his skin as a lusty reminder. Splatters of tarnished maroon plastered his face; his lips and chin a dull burgundy. His tongue licked the corners of his mouth to familiarize itself with the tangy substance; quick flashes of a few hours before flooding his thoughts. His playfulness unhampered; his left wrist twisting as the heavy black case swung against his curled fingers, his brother’s giggles not forgotten as the brunette laid his head onto his awaiting shoulder. Blended hazel, distilled red-wine, and hazy onyx made up Matthew’s charismatic gaze; Jeffrey smiling as he noticed a faint tinge of bright olive along the border of the brunette’s iris. How was it possible that Matthew somehow obtained the eye color of victims or even lovers that somehow touched a special spot in his mind? He would never know. Neither would anyone else.

Jeffrey only pulled him closer, arching an eyebrow in a debonair manner as his fingertips wound amidst the older man’s freshly-dyed tresses. Simply beautiful. His brother was now a gorgeously-embellished redhead. Coppery-red strands intertwined between the webbed gaps of his fingers like spun silk; the heavy throb of arousal filling his senses once more. Even Matthew’s eyebrows were perfected in the same vibrant, cranberry tint; the color even presenting itself proudly at the touch of hair just beneath his lower lip.

The tussled, wild curls were still thrown up into a ponytail; hidden beneath the dark purple material of the shadowy brim of the top-hat. One unique curl of lime green still fell against his flushed cheeks; truly standing out amongst the scarlet, coiled twists decorating his head. Jeffrey leaned down to brush his parted lips against his brother’s relaxed jawline, kissing him sweetly as they cuddled closer; Matthew’s fingers blatantly rested on the younger man’s crotch. And with a tempting squeeze, a slow smirk arose against his features.

“If possible, behave yourself..”, Matthew laughed sluggishly, his lips brushing against the silver hoops hanging from his brother’s left earlobe. The clink of his teeth against the circumference of the metallic circle delightfully ringing in his ears.

“Don’t I always?”, Jeffrey grinned fiendishly, planting a soft kiss to the older man’s nose before Matthew sniggered and slowly moved away before resting his enticing stare upon the splintered wood. Cocking his head to the side, a sick smile covered his face as he looked even deeper and found exactly what he was searching for..


The quaint cottage rested somewhat farther ahead of the town; the sky blue borderline trim settling unnoticed into the long stretch of similarly painted homes. Thrust deep into the higher aspects of the middle-class, the streets were somehow devoid of any feces or sewer that naturally plagued the lower dregs of society; the cobblestone even shimmering with a fresh sprinkle of rain. The shadowed clouds seemed to roll over the particular residence, ignited the thick crackle of lightning splitting a tree in half and the numbing acoustic of strong thunder. The silent creak of a tiny wooden sign rocking on silver chains from the metallic handle on the door. Not only did it inform visitors of the broken family living beyond the entrance, but the deep recession of forgotten love. And how amused were any such visitors, such as they should be..

The wind viciously blazed through the window; the sharp slam of the wooden shutters flung back against the wall unknowingly plunging the blonde woman even deeper into her dream. All she could envision was utter darkness. But the sensation of feeling, that’s where the dream really forced her to succumb to its erotic pleasures. The soft purse of a suckling mouth attached to her neck, tonguing her pulse with light darts and swirls of the tip of the curled muscle. Fragrant locks spilled against her skin as a warm pair of fingertips skimmed her nipples; exquisitely pulling and flicking his nails against the taut flesh. The prominent swell of her breasts were enclosed by warm palms, skillfully brushing the thumb’s printed pad against the round globes; lost in the most innocent deception of a faint smirk against the exposed skin of her neck.

Fingers suddenly dipped down to plunge between her creamy thighs; the pleasure so immaculate and profound that it swallowed her whole, as a single draught of ecstasy just as taunting as the composer’s opus of lust. She writhed and squirmed against his skilled hands, soft, floating moans manipulatively torn from her throat as she gave herself freely, willingly. Her body arched and twitched with the deep exploration of the trio of fingers; nearly weeping aloud as she sought what she had always wanted. Satisfaction. Subconsciously, she laughed softly; her voice nothing more than a mere gesture of misery.

And then, it was almost as if she couldn’t breathe; a vibrant bed of colors flashing and blinking beneath the elasticity of her eyelids. She sought for a meaning to it all, a true explanation of her husband’s disappearance, and why she was haunted by ghastly details of his true affairs. Christopher always gave the appearance of a decent gentleman; one that was searching for that special something to ease his sweltering guilt. Or someone. And the answers seemed so close. As if she could stretch within her own means and toy with the bitter horror of her realities and mold them into exactly what she wanted. But that wasn’t to be had, and she awoke suddenly; gasping and choking on the somber, damp air that swarmed her bed.

Carys Jericho. 23 years old. Unbeknownst widow. Her life was one big fallacy after another. From her past to her present, she had actually been one of the loveliest women in Cardiff. She could’ve acquainted any gentleman she desired; and she did. That is until she met Christopher, and instantly followed her heart into his bedroom. Immediately losing herself to his charming whims, they were soon married and ‘happy’. Or at least she thought. To believe that her husband had actually left their home to partake in scandalous affairs with other men wasn’t to be so. What could she say? Soon, her entire family became the scrutiny of the entire town; her entire life a meaningless tease. It would’ve been heartbreaking if she actually could bring herself to realize. Realize that she had nothing. But she wasn’t to be bothered with such details. It didn’t matter anymore. She breathed heavily and buried her head between splayed hands.

Fuck. She cursed herself for even allowing such thoughts to reside in her slumber. Combing fingertips through the pale beauty of light blonde waves; healthy lips parted to release the overlooked breath she’d been guarding, sitting up to swing her legs besides the perimeter of the mattress. Faint emerald and sparkling gray blurrily focused to peer through the soft howling whoosh of a chilly wind penetrating the house. She shivered. How many times had she woke up and imagines her legs wound around Christopher’s grinding hips, his bent fingers pinning her own to the linen as his cock wetly slid in and out of her body. His delicious mouth was always on hers; his tongue liquefying her limbs until he’d moan out someone else’s name. A gentleman’s. It was always bittersweet.

She smiled faintly, wrapping the sleek muscles of her calves into the sheets, her flesh lavishing in the bunched rolls of silk linen. She was nude; and somehow beautified by the insistent ache between her legs. As if she wasn’t already kissed with the dramatic innocence of gorgeous splendor. Her flushed cheek was sadly turned against the mattress; the soft glow of pink and faint, contrasting traces of crimson. Her gaze, full of icy regret and buried sorrow, seemed frozen in a trance, before eventually letting her thin eyelids curtain her stare. Eyebrows carefully trimmed to precisely fit her face; each hair seemingly flawless. Light blonde eyelashes, forming a golden semi-circle of a convex oval; curved upwards of their own accord. Her nose was small and cute, her nostrils expanding a bit at each deep sigh. Tenderly swollen with some unseen lips pressed to her own, her mouth was calmly molded into a light pucker; her tongue rested in the warm hollow sunken just behind her lower row of teeth. Smooth jawline leading to an equally smooth chin; her skin a brilliant combination of rich cream and natural bronze.

Firm, round shoulders flowed from the light imminence of her breastbone; the rhythm of her expanding lungs resulting in the predictable rise and fall of her chest. And from beneath the charred-gray wool blanket dispersed in a whirled current; the supple, exposed curve of her breast perked against the itchy fabric, the tight skin of an erect nipple temptingly peeking from the edge of the blanket. Shifting slightly, her stomach tightened and then relaxed; the slowly-diminishing bulge of her lower abdomen only deepening her melancholy emotions. She sighed. A miscarriage. How could she ever explain that? She wouldn’t. Besides, she wasn’t even sure if Christopher was ever to return home.

She hadn’t even noticed she was with-child until Christopher left 5 months ago; the knowledge alone filling her with an unspeakable joy. It wasn’t as if the sensation was new or even unfamiliar, for not only 4 years earlier, she’d given birth to their first and only child. But something about that time was different. The hopeful sensation that he would stay still enough to care for his family? Ha. Even now, it seemed strangely humorous. She loved him deeply, still. Even the wind bristling through the open window seemed to silently laugh at her misfortunes; a sharp, tingling chill knocking her from her confusing thoughts for a mere moment..

The doorway. Silence. She frowned for a moment, forcing squinting eyes to inspect the swinging object rhythmically rocking back and forth. An agitating creak accompanied the mysterious sway; the lifeless twist of a bowed head suddenly coming into focus. The tender sorrow of a deep-indigo gaze strangely peered straight into her own. Her eyes darted up briefly to notice the faint outline of a perfectly-tied noose, the dense rope unceremoniously thick. The small head twisted into an odd position, dangling loosely with horrific intent; a sudden glowing beam of moonlight striking the figure and lifting it into gruesome proportions.

And there was her only child; golden wisps of blonde shadowing his limp expression, awkwardly shadowed over the rosy flush of his cheeks in pale streaks; his lips harshly parted in a rough gaping of his mouth. Lips once soft and full, were painted with a bloody trail; the witness of a wetly-passionate kiss etched in tart plasma. Nipples erect from a final shiver; pink and swollen as his mouth; sticky plasma clinging to his colorless flesh and spilling against the flat contour of his stomach. Round, supple backside sprinkled with the brutal lashings of the sharp perimeter of a metallic knife; numerous swirls and twists perverting the sensitive skin. His clothes were evermore forgotten, shredded and tossed from his body to rest in a tattered hump underneath his swinging form.

And through what the shadows allowed her; the horrid wound covering his bare midsection was actually a gaping hole; sadistically gouged out with the fanciest of blades. Refracting streams of moonlight fell through the hideous cavity; his insides hollow and empty. It wasn’t until then that she noticed that the rope wrapped just beneath his chin was heavy with a thick scarlet liquid; and that the twine was actually was his large intestines, wound around the dark slit of his throat. Stretched across the narrow expanse of the boy’s exposed trachea was the slippery thread of muscle; coiled and rolled in a repulsive cylinder. Sparkling ruby dripped freely from the swaying body; a glimmering pool of crimson running between the untouched crevices of the wooden floorboards before cruelly disappearing beneath her bed. She screamed, but the recognition of terror never escaped her lips. Ever. And suddenly, two figures slowly appeared from the dim darkness, knowing smirks owning their features as one arched a trim eyebrow at her. Even though she knew it was wrong, and that perhaps it simply wasn’t allowed; she sat, and ultimately became mesmerized when them both.

There calmly stood a duo of unabashed terror, dangerously aware of their brilliantly-thrilling talents. And they laughed. Quite amusingly, in fact. But their attentions weren’t focused on her, of course. They evilly gazed at the hanging corpse, even taking the time to seemingly inspect the inert body with warm fingertips; small, pleased moans leaking from their lips as their hands delved in the syrupy ponds of blood gathered at their feet. And then instantly, brown eyes were laid upon her own; the tiny hint of a grin exposing itself underneath the tipped brim of a top-hat, the warm glint of his tongue capturing his luscious bottom lip. Black rubber smudged across the floor as he scandalously spread his legs, the sheer mesh of deep eggplant stretched against the delicious skin of his inner thighs; the creamiest complexion of his flesh almost glowing against the muted light.

Completely laced to the top; two joining patches of purple material adhering his boots together, his knees adorned with bright flashes of dried blood. His gaze was darkly playful and forebodingly humorous; the heated tip of his tongue sucking away the red substance wetting his fingertips. Beautiful tendrils of cherry and dazzling emerald fell against colored cheeks; giggling softly as he ground back against the thick cock pressed at the inviting swell of his backside. Obviously his brother’s. Jeffrey’s hair, damply curled, fell against the left side of his face as he bent forward to nuzzle his mouth against Matthew’s; the bowler hat somehow remaining atop his skull. Enticing the soft, sloppy sound of their shameless kisses, the heavy symphony of their insatiable cravings filled the entire room. His fingers lewdly dipped beneath the older man’s skirt to knead and manipulate Matthew’s pulsing member; using a plasma-slickened fist to insistently stroke at his brother’s erection. His free hand remained on the redhead’s swiveling waist; their tongues remaining locked in a desirable embrace as Jeffrey’s fingers melded into the tempting curves of scrumptious hips; their rhythm brazenly fluent.

Ashamed, she watched the gorgeously-evil display; her upper row of teeth continuously worrying her lower lip. And then she began to scream, seemingly frightened of all they had to offer. Her mind spun with nightmarish realities; her eyes blurrily watching a dizzy gawk, her stomach tingling with the deepest effects of nausea. She was sure she would regurgitate. But she didn’t. With shaky fingers, she pinched her wrist. Fuck. A fool for her own hellish desires. Ha. But still. She couldn’t look away. Even as her son hung in the burrows of death. The most disturbing thought of all. She barely could bring herself to care. And neither could they..

Matthew was absolutely aware that his clothes were rumpled and wrinkled with the weight of blood, and for some reason, it didn’t bother him. Not that it would. His mind reluctantly reverting back to the woman weeping amidst the crisp sheets. Matthew knew she recognized him. She always would. He’d gotten Christopher to fuck him right in front of her only a few years earlier. He didn’t think she’d ever forget the passionate look in his eyes as he was repeatedly filled with her husband’s delicious cock. The nostalgia alone made him smile evilly. As always.

“Mrs. Jericho, I believe...”, Matthew addressed her with a flick of his tongue, his voice deep and knowing as he gazed at her with the fire of a thousand fold.

Jeffrey leaned against the redhead, the blonde smirking as the tip of his tongue continuously scraped against the pointed tips of his incisor teeth. Carys stared in disbelief, unbridled shock quickening her heartbeat as she looked back and forth between the two men; the stinging repetition of bile actually rising in her throat as the blonde twirled against his upturned palm the smooth handle of a razored knife. Matthew swiftly stepped forward to cup her backside in his free hand, roughly pulling her close as his head tilted to rouse at her ear.

“We’ve ravaged your son, and now for devouring your pussy...”, Matthew giggled and slurped at her cheek, his tongue seductively lapping at her skin.

Matthew...”, Jeffrey playfully glowered at his brother, his eyebrows raised in expectation, “Your manners?“, the fiery blonde settled into a wicked grin as his gaze lightened with the mischief of amusement.

Matthew clutched the blonde woman closer to his body, “Apologies..”, he smirked as the thick bulge of his cock rudely pressed to her inner thigh, “I shall make a proper feast of your vagina...”

And with that, he yanked aside the lace-embroidered linen covering her body, harshly jerking out her tongue in one abrupt motion before kissing her deeply. She shrieked and wept in sheer misery, her pitiful moans serving but else to awaken his desires even further. Wet, slimy amounts of blood poured from her mouth into his own, slickening the soft flesh of his cheeks as it freely dripped from her chin onto the cherry-wood frame of the doorway. The width of his tongue eagerly caressed the severed vessels and veins, suckling the essence of the crimson cells into his mouth, his lips pressed against hers as his mind. Even as she squirmed and writhed against him, he embraced her; owning her as his throat squeezed in the liquid in several draughts; the squishy sound of his mouth crushing hers becoming quite sickening. She choked as she swallowed the bitter plasma, warm and conspiring as it poured down her throat in a gush of red; the pain so utterly excruciating that she slumped against his chest.

She actually feared she might ingest the unattached muscle itself, but that was soon to be rid when his fingers plucked the detached tongue from the white sheets, soon followed by a gruesome plop as safely dropped into his pocket. Barely noticing the warm fingers curved against the thick blade; a final moan pulled from her throat as cold metal repeatedly slashed through her neck. And with a simple, circular twist of his wrist, her throat was cruelly slit from ear to ear, bright surges of blood trickling down her clefted chin. Severed. Almost. Grin. Matthew slowly raised his hand to wipe her saliva from his upper lip; lost in an apparent daze as he tucked the stitched leather handle back into his coat pocket. That was all. She really wouldn’t have to worry about much anymore. Except of course how they were to dispose of her body..

Smirking, Matthew removed his top hat to place atop her slumping head, locking his heels to rest back against his knees. The circumference shaded her still-flittering eyelids and the gaping sensitivity of her mouth. Silent screeches rang in his ears, their symphony drumming against the darkness accompanying the insides. Pretty auburn eyes fell to his own hands, the warmest fluid dribbling between the gaps of his fingers to spread in damp little spots upon the bed. White. Red. He watched the plasma travel down his upturned palms, down the skin covering bluish veins of his wrists, only to selfishly streak down his elbows and drip off the protruding, rounded bone. His could feel his last wish of sanity slipping from hazy eyes and foggy thoughts. The only thing he could feel was the steady pulse of his cock; thumping between his inner thighs. And subconsciously, he could hear the soft sound of his brother’s lips pressed to the boy’s, the light tremble of his mouth against forbidden flesh almost unnoticed.

Matthew’s gaze flickered up to suddenly capture Jeffrey’s, still embracing the unconscious woman as the disturbing sparkle in his eyes became clearly evident in the blonde’s as well. As insane as it was, they both knew what they had to do to ultimately ease their yearning. The kind that frightened most. His heart beat against the diminishing rap of the woman’s organ, gasping softly as he saw in Jeffrey’s gaze what was intensely present in his own. Uncontainable desire. He watched closely as the brunette crawled atop the mattress, glistening perspiration clinging to his skin as he shifted behind the nearly-collapsed body of the unresponsive body; smirking as he nuzzled his chin in the curved space over her shoulder. Leaning forward to slide his nipples against the bare skin of her back, tilting his head so his lips softly brushed against Matthew’s. Assorted tendrils of turquoise, pink, and blonde tangled with piercing scarlet; damp curls shielding their breathtaking expressions as they harmoniously breathed against one another. Blinding perfection. And he wanted to say something, but words would spoil the moment. So he didn’t.

Instead, he pulled away with a wicked grin, rude thoughts suddenly possessing his mind as he slid the weight of the black surgical case to rest at his feet. Kneeling on the bed, the creak of old, worn springs ringing out into the black midnight, his fingers popping the metallic locks to produce the almost diabolical glint of silver. Freshly-polished and skillfully-used, expensive instruments resting within the softest purple velvet; each specific mechanism rested within their particular outline. He could get never tire of gazing at the rows upon rows of metal, that familiar burn within his groin almost whispering his name. Or was that his brain? He was never sure.

Fingers trailing over the chilly stainless metal; the prestigious drill-end of a medium-sized scalpel capturing his full attention. With a smile, he turned his head to the side and picked up the silver device, twirling it against his fingers before removing a huge sphere of silver cord, the twine thick and unbelievably strong. Sharp hooks addressed the ends of the metallic rope; the point of each hook slimming out into thin, elongated straws of metal before curving back into a fine edge.

Sadistically peering up at the four timber bedposts at each corner of her bed; the deep auburn wood speckled with small holes and lighter colored knots. They were sturdy enough to achieve exactly what he wanted. Mesmerized, he carefully stood at the head of the mattress to attach the hooks into the finished posts, digging them deep enough so that they weren’t to move at all. Repeating the same exact process on the other set of wooden pillars, he knew they were long enough to stretch to the middle of the bed, leaving the hooks dangling against the sheets. There would be a use for them a bit later. He was sure of it. Ridiculously pleased, he knelt beside the body, running his fingertips against her right elbow; lightly pulling at the wrinkled skin with his middle finger as his thumb curved around to push at the pliant muscle residing just atop. He shifted to straddle her upper body, spreading his legs as his rubber heels dug into the linen-covered sides of her comatose figure. His pants unzipped, his shirt open to reveal a dazzling set of pectoral muscles, his stomach slanted as it clenched inwards, his erect cock splattered with the crimson residue of a fresh kill, his plump backside hovered over her abdomen as one hand wrapped amongst the spilled sheets, a single palm resting downward against the fabric. The sudden gleam of metal shone against the dusty beams of the full moon, the sharp perimeter of the scalpel placed at the middle of her elbow; giggling quietly as he went to work.

Matthew glanced up at the nude body; refusing a soft moan from his throat as his eyes glazed over the intriguing flesh. Gorgeous spirals of blood were swirled into her skin with his own hungry fingertips, trickling against her breasts and the shimmering mound of her femininity. Soaked with blood, kissed with his own thirsty lips; her inner thighs smeared with plasma and stickiness. Wildly frizzy curls adorned her head as her neck titled back against the bed, the whites of her eyes oddly focused on her own reflection plastered against the windowpane. Zealous gray and teal were glinting within the night, almost rolled upwards in her skull. Beautiful. Matthew smirked immorally, dipping down to bury his face against her neck. The slight scent of perfume mingled with the bright crimson, his tongue obscenely spreading the folds of skin with a skillful flicker of the muscle. Blood dripped into his warm mouth, each soft sigh escaping from his lips echoing against her the underside of her chin. He lavished in her true submission, slurping and drinking from the flowing weakness; his thighs spread as his cock peeked from beneath the sheer, bunched netting of his skirt.

Each time he bent forward or shifted his weight, the laced tops of leather boots nudging against his stiff member, the sensation only serving to deepen his desire. Red covered his mouth and collected on his curved tongue, oozing down his throat in healthy streams. And so he rose, only to carefully grab the crosshatched handle of a thicker scalpel, smiling as he dragged the blade against her legs, delighted as a thin trickle of blood leaked from the small incision. He twirled the instrument’s edge down to her knee, the sharp crack of the blade delving past her kneecap playing in his ears as he carved straight through the back of the muscles and joints, the perfect, tiny circle completely hollowed. Sliding the metal tool out of the wound, he pressed the tip of his middle finger into the space; curving and stretching the flesh surrounding the short tunnel. Easily slipping in and out of the deep cut, his wrist replicated the same exact incision on the other knee; grinning mischievously as he fit both his thumbs into the twin holes, completely void of any tissue or veins, but strong enough to still bind together. And then it all came together. He peered up at Jeffrey, magenta strands of hair spilled over the twinkling genius of his gaze as he lazily blinked at the sight before him.

Jeffrey had completely drilled through the bone and muscle of the woman’s elbows, somehow stringing the dense, metal cord through the holes before attaching the hooks back to their origin at the tops of the bedposts. It was as if she was kneeling upright, except her body hunched over onto her elbows, which were slightly suspended above the bed. Her upper body slightly tilted forward, her head bowed in a hanging position as her wrists limply hung downward, streaks of blonde falling over her face as her body slumped lifelessly. Metal bondage. Jeffrey only grinned. Deviously. Using the remaining cords to thrust into the hollow spaces of her knees, he spread her legs and hooked them back to the posts at the foot of the mattress, so that her ass was superbly upturned in a bowing position. Her body lightly raised above the bed with the system of pulleys and levers, not only her backside fully exposed but her crotch as well. He could see her clitoris, smothered with ruby wetness, swollen and begging to be thumbed, subtly peeking from a soft nest of pale curls.

Jeffrey roughly tangled his fingers in her hair, suddenly tugging her back to rest against his chest, smirking as he presented the meticulous assortment of metal adorning her face. Her lips were extended back to display several teeth, her jaws stretched wide as two thin, metal hooks were digging into the insides of her cheeks, the raw nub of her severed tongue exposed in a sinister display; the sharp ends of the cords connected to each other at the back of her head. Clasped together, a sadistic muzzle of sorts leaving her mouth gaping and the elasticity of her lips strangely extended to create light wrinkles against her chin.

Matthew gasped. The vision was more spectacular than he could have ever imagined. And then he remembered. He leaned down to remove a broad needle and the substantial width of metallic thread, strewn with orangey-yellow thread and fabric to produce a sparkly yawn. From the velvet encasing of the onyx-colored case, he withdrew Shane’s erect cock, somehow still intact from a few hours earlier. A sufficient amount of flesh surrounded the base of the member, the blood dried but the shaft still warm against his fingers. He knew it would come into importance sometime. He knelt between the woman’s thighs, his tongue snaking out as he pressed his mouth to her vagina, smirking against her as the tip expertly lapped up the excess amount of wetness. She tasted deliciously creamy as he swallowed the rare mixture; his mind swimming with sheer arousal; a deep moan tearing from his lips before he went to work once more.

He placed the base of the cock just above her opening, concentrating intensely as he gingerly stitched the detached muscle against her clitoris, triggering the slight twitch of nerves within the tiny nub. The thick needlepoint dipped below the epidermis and upwards again, a tattooed pattern of sutured skin as he accurately stitched big, symmetrical X’s around the base of the cock. He firmly sewed the organ to her body, drawing up the final stitch before tying and knotting the durable thread. The member awkwardly bobbed between her legs, thick and hard, jutting upward towards her belly-button and streaking slender traces of plasma onto her milky flesh. Carefully placing the needle within the confines of its particular compartment before bending forward to nuzzle his brilliantly-upturned nose against the blood-smeared base of her cock, his tongue dipping between the syrupy folds of her pussy before dragging up to trace the prominent vein on the underside of the shaft. Smirking, he peered up into his brother’s heated gaze, giving a lusty swirl of his tongue against the beautiful erection. The entire action in itself was heavily erotic, and although he was never one to fancy women, he could lose himself in this one. At least she had a cock.

Jeffrey giggled. This was pure genius. He’d separated her head from her body by digging a humongous blade within the horrendous gash, circling the handle around her neck. And then following Matthew’s example, he’d stitched and sewn the skull on backwards, completely reattaching her head to her neck. Blood still dripped from the crossed thread, down her spine and spilling down against her breasts, the scarlet flesh somehow brightening the light-pink shade of her nipples. And when he looked over her shoulder, a curly nest of burgundy was buried against her bosom, kissing and nipping at her bare cleavage. Grinning, Matthew’s lips were suddenly pressed to his, attracted to the light sway of her dangling body as the blonde’s fingers stole down to caress the older man’s backside. Lusciously-irresistible against his smooth palms, he pulled the brunette closer; his throbbing cock nestled against the woman’s curvacious backside, the thick shaft methodically sliding against the lips of her vagina.

A wicked smile spread across his face as he reached down to extract a long, heavy, carving knife; its razored edge wonderfully sharpened and prepared. Jeffrey brushed the cool metallic handle against his sack, moaning softly as he shadowed it along his cock; shivering with anticipation as he reveled in his crescendo of need. Brutally, wordlessly, the knife delved within the entrance of her pussy, viciously swirling and paring into the clenched tunnel before completely slicing upwards through the opening of her anus. Never slowing his movements, his wrist twisted and shoved the blade deeper, relishing in the amount of blood leaking from her body onto his; messily dripping from the violent gouging. He slid the knife further, surprised as it pressed against her stomach; the stretchy expanse of muscle soft against the border of the stiletto-like edge.

With a yank, the instrument, covered in gooey plasma and the residue of broken tissue and veins, was removed from the fresh, joint opening. Jeffrey smirked. Fantastically insane. But that was the best part. His cock thumped against the split entrance, that certain aching desire controlling his thoughts and forcing a shudder to ripple throughout his body. The discs of her spine felt incredible against his chest, lightly bulging against his tightened abdominal muscles and brushing against his skin whenever he moved. It became irrepressible, uncontrollable. His lips parted to leak a lusty groan produced by the strumming of his vocal cords, his teeth lightly worrying his bottom lip.

“I wanna fuck..”, Jeffrey moaned softly, his voice, thickly-slurred with passion, his fiendish smirk buzzing against Matthew’s mouth. His tongue teasingly slipped between velvet warmth to lock into a scorching kiss as Matthew eagerly deepened the embrace.

The swollen tip of his cock firmly pressed against the supple curve of the woman’s backside, his hand stealing downwards to brush stained fingers against her navel before curling around the brunette’s dripping cock. The squishy sound of their bodies meshing together in a trio of corruption filled the room, his fist pumping up and down the aching shaft. In an upward motion, Jeffrey positioned Matthew’s cock at the glistening entrance of the woman’s pussy, lightly smearing the brunette’s pre-cum in silken, cropped wisps of pubic hair. Kissing the brunette with unbridled fervor, he swiftly thrust his brother’s cock into the wetly-contracted opening, smirking as Matthew instantly gripped his hips and hers, deeply plunging into her body.

The sensation was filled with hellish lust, the forgotten feeling dragging a breathy groan deep from the depths of Matthew’s throat; his head resting against her shoulder and Jeffrey’s neck as his brother swiftly continued to jerk his cock. With a sinful laugh and a tender kiss to the blonde’s neck, Matthew pulled out of the comforting warmth to slicken the woman’s cock with a tangy blend of blood and saliva, deep-throating the sizable girth with unequaled ease, his tongue flicking at the cockhead when his mouth slid upwards.

The stitches teased at his gaping lips, his jaws unhinged as he rhythmically sucked at her cock, his tongue indolently trailing against the ridges located on the underside. Eyes blearily flickering open, he grinned sluggishly and hitched up his skirt a little, his fingers grabbing the transparent fabric and tugging it to bunch around his hips; igniting the sharp slap of his balls against his upper thigh. The thick cock rested against his cheekbone, brushing against the splotched skin as he breathed deeply, his lips rested against the soft coils sprinkled at the base of her cock. Spinning around to thrust his ass upwards, his fingers splayed against the sheets as he rocked back against the woman’s body; his eyes blurrily full of ardor. He reached behind him to grip the considerable length, his moans nothing more than soft gasps as the tip teasingly grazed his the puckered opening of his anus.

And with a sharp snap of Jeffrey’s hips, Matthew could feel the blonde’s cock penetrate the scarred depths, and instantly, her cock was shoved into his ass, wetly thrusting between the delicious halves. And then it was like a reoccurring haze of ecstasy, his body slumped forward and clinging to the sheets; his mouth agape as her cock continuously plunged into his warmth. His opening crudely stretched, his knees wantonly placed on opposite sides of the mattress, his spine curved, damp hair shadowing his euphoric expression as he senselessly received the fucking he so rightfully deserved. And don’t think that a subconscious smirk didn’t rule his features. Because it definitely did.

Jeffrey’s trembling fingers still held the solid handle of the knife as the aggressive repetition of his thrusts drove him crazy; his cock forcibly ripping her body into two separate halves. Warm fingers squeezing her unresponsive waist, his hips rocking in erratic reverie; his tongue licking the streaming blood seeping from her throat wound. And he’d never seen someone more alive. It was as if she was writhing and moaning against him, silently begging for more as his cock filled her with perfect accord; her ass bouncing atop his lap with unwavering speed. Perfumed tresses would spill against his nostrils as he fucked her as deeply as she wished, pulling numerous moans of pure desire from shaky lips. In hindsight, he could feel her muscles contract around his thickness, urging all of his desires, his sins, his transgressions to become hers. And he’d give it all to her.

Fiery crimson stained his hands as the blade stabbed deep into her left breast, blood only surging his true anger as his waist ground against her body with a fierce evil, shocked gasps ripped from his mouth as the rapid pace rose to nearly deadly. He could feel the saturated head of his cock pierce her sweltering insides, the sudden, quick rolling of his hips affecting how hard her cock slid into Matthew’s ass. So he thrusted feverishly, his eyes closed tightly as desire-filled moans captured in the back of his throat; charismatic passion inflamed his body in a thick heat. Strands of the entire spectrum plastered against his flushed cheeks as he fucked her totally, nuzzling his chin against the space just above her shoulder, his lower lip tucked beneath an upper row of teeth. Fuck.

The handle of the blade left his slippery grip, hidden as it plopped to the sheets. Bent fingers sliding into the warm space just behind the backs of her thighs, the bloody flesh felt heavenly against the assorted lines sketched into his palms; gripping the sliced skin of her legs as his cock viciously pumped into her slashed opening. He was faintly aware of the swinging motion of her body, each powerful plunge reacting to shove her cock even harder into the brunette's backside.

Smirking like the devil himself, he pried her legs apart even wider, the metal ropes swaying back and forth in a mindless rhythm; the sleek muscles of his flexed biceps tightened as he relentlessly humped at the bloody, gaping shred of subcutaneous tissue. Droplets of perspiration blended with the light tint of plasma dripped down the bulging ripples of his spine, collecting at the cleft of his ass before wetly disappearing between the clenching globes. And he created the most beautiful spectacle of calculated lust and desire; his body contorted in pure ecstasy as he allowed his mind to drift from insane consciousness.

Matthew shrieked and moaned incoherently, the ivory sheets soaked with perspiration and wet traces of blood, the slick muscles of his inner thighs glistening with moisture. He wasn’t even sure he was still able to breathe. His nails dug into the mattress, clawing at the sheets as he spread his legs even wider, his balls heavily swinging against the mattress as he nearly settled into a quasi-split. His boots were folded beneath his weight as his hips slammed back and forth, entirely buried to the hilt with the absolute thickness of her cock. Jeffrey’s shattering rhythm insistently tore wails and screams from his mouth, but for some reason he couldn’t hear his own voice. Lust clouded his vision so completely that he momentarily forgot his name, only to be reminded as his prostate was cleverly manipulated by the persistent accuracy of the warm cockhead. He could feel Jeffrey’s cock tearing the corpse in half, her slim waist being dissected by a thick shaft.

Matthew shivered. Somehow Jeffrey’s hand had crawled around to quickly assist in guiding the thick cock into his backside; the sporadic method of Matthew’s hips signaling his impending release. Malicious. Beautiful. Somehow obtaining his balance, he closed his hand around his own cock, his head tossed back as his mind-numbing orgasm grabbed his body and forced it to submit to its whim. Creamy jets of cum spurted from the tip of his dick as his tightly-clenched fist milked his own release, eyelids slipping closed as glossy nails raked up and down his erection; screeching wildly as he collapsed against the bed. Shit. A pleasurable ache accompanied his bruised inner thighs as he screamed and writhed against the linen, his tresses flying as he relished in the sensations. He could feel himself cascading into unspeakable desires, lusty moans spilling from his lips as he curled against the bed, completely satisfied. For once.

Release. Jeffrey suddenly gripped the woman’s hips, growling deeply as his thumbs hooked into the fleshy space between her ribs as he powerfully forced his member through the expandable muscle of her stomach. The sac collapsed around his cock as his hips propelled forward; the tip of his dick breaching through the tiny hole of her navel, rudely stretching the opening as he flooded her insides. Warm cum splattered against Matthew’s back as Jeffrey’s fingertips penetrated the woman’s ribcage, moaning deeply as he cracked and tore through the bone marrow with his curved thumbs. With a final smirk to her lips, he sprawled forward against the brunette’s body, feeling quite faint as his cock continued to empty itself against his brother’s skin. Heh..

Matthew still wasn’t sure who moved first, or who regained consciousness before the other. The brunette lay on his stomach, turning his cheek to lazily rest against the wrinkled sheets, the soft cotton fabric warmly sticking to his skin. Eyelids fluttered open to reveal vivid brown orbs, the center of the white spheres sparkling with the intense mixture of several shades of devious color. His opening remained full of cock, pressing the bottoms of his palms into the stained mattress, igniting the faint beauty of his moans as he shoved back against the deceased corpse. His ass brushed against the mushy wetness of the stitches uniting the cock to the inert groin; his entrance unnaturally stretched. The limp member, enveloped in a humid coat of plasma, was removed as the brunette shifted forward to groggily climb to his feet; his light stumble quite graceful, in fact. Jeffrey was gone. The simple thought alone made him light-headed. Or maybe it was the musky scent of death filling his nostrils. Maybe not.

Smoothing down the crinkled material of his skirt to rest in its original position against his thighs, his fingers straightening his violet overcoat and perfecting the collar once more. In the most dignified of manners, he perched the coordinating top-hat onto his head, bloody fingerprints planting their mark into the circumference of the brim. With a single, elegantly-charming pull, the left side of his face was shaded once more. And with a light glance, his eyes swept over the horrid disfigurement of the now-unidentifiable woman, her body pitifully hanging from metal chains and hooks; miserably loitering above her own bed. She looked of a careless sacrifice; an abandoned soul. Her lips remained twisted against the cords pulling her mouth into the most terrifying of positions, the bleak, defeated gray of her iris forever staring into oblivion.

Matthew turned on his thick heels, staring towards the threshold of the doorway before swiveling on his toes to stare at the woman once more. Smirk. He couldn't leave without taking something. He scooted onto the bed, listening to the unforgiving creak of decaying mattress springs; his gaze aimed on the ripped opening of her midsection. The slippery warmth of digestive muscle oozed from her once-clipped and tied umbilical cord; her voluptuous figure brutally split in half from her waist to the underside of her breasts. Firmly planting his knees on either side of her suffering body, intently peering into the deep severity of the separation of flesh; steady fingertips delving into the open cavity of her abdomen. And with a slight flick of his wrist, the apparent gleam of surgical scissors blazed through his dark intent; his fingers busily controlling the snipping sharpness of the jagged tip of the instrument. A long strand of lime-green hung over the fierce concentration of dazzling brown; sparking the hair a rich crimson as it dipped into the collection of stale blood.

The brunette carefully cut the vessels and surrounding tissue around the organs; utterly fascinated as he slowly lifted the metallic tool from the fresh incisions. With a final, sharp yank, the coupled organs wet and solid against the grasp of his palms; a crass expression covering his face. Fallopian tubes. The squishy firmness of her uterus. An extremely inappropriate hysterectomy. Matthew grinned. He even removed the expandable sac of her bladder. How rude. Tucking the dripping evidence of unbearably criminal actions into his pocket, warm fingertips patted it closed as he stepped onto the wooden floor, the side of his tongue wickedly captured at the corner of his mouth.

As bizarre as it seemed, Matthew knew she’d enjoyed every second of the casual torture; the drying plasma seeping from her slashed breast appearing a dim navy in the obscured shadows streaking through the glass against her molested flesh. He bent forward to part his lips against the single, untouched nipple, his tongue adeptly curled around the taut flesh. Soft, curled ends of hair brushing against her exposed neck as his mouth kissed her breast an amused farewell. And with a defined smirk, he strolled to the doorway, ghosting fingertips against the pale, freckled jaw of the boy; squeezing his mouth into a light pucker before returning to the early morning breeze. The sky, a bluish smoke-gray, dark in its intentions and mysteries; dotted with the light flicker of stellar constellations and wild bunches of stars. Matthew smirked. He could’ve sworn he saw a handprint of blood etched into the horse’s muscled back. He blinked. The driver remained perched atop his seat, strands of blonde blowing in the wind as his lips curved into a light smile; his knowing expression burning a hole into the brunette's striking gaze.

Adam arched an eyebrow. He knew. But for some reason, it only filled him with a perverted sense of amusement; his tongue dragging over his lips as he smoothly twirled the wide handle of the whip against his palm. He lightly pulled at the reins with fingertips pushing through the cut openings of tattered gloves, nails scraping against the material as he quickly flitted his gaze to focus into the thick fog ahead. As strange as the prospect was, he didn't want to their next object of misguided affection.

Jeffrey stood, grinning wickedly as he clicked his rubber heels together, bowler hat acutely-angled at 45 degrees; the tip of his tongue tracing the plump moistness of his upper lip. Jeffrey bowed his head lightly, gorgeous strands of cerulean and blonde spilling over his emerald gaze; the expensive material of light-violet gloves prying the door open as Matthew eyed him seriously. The brunette pressed closer, the seductive heat of his voice swimming into the blonde’s ear as his body melted against the younger man’s.

“Paris?”, Matthew whispered, a smart eyebrow raised in dire suspicion as the unbuttoned coattails had their way with the wind, flickering and playing in the cool gusts of air. Jeffrey lightly nestled his cheek against the brunette’s, the heavy scent of arousal etched into his skin.

“I think we shall..", Jeffrey smirked darkly, stunning green swirling in his gaze as he laughed softly, “Besides, a beret would look ravishing on me...”

Matthew giggled softly, shaking his head as he climbed into the awaiting stagecoach, digging in his pocket to rest his fingertips against the woman’s tongue. Comfort. Jeffrey followed suit, shutting the door as he smirked and wrapped an arm around the brunette's waist, gently pulling him closer. Crossing his legs for a mere moment, the brunette stared out the tiny rectangular window, attaching Christopher’s glasses to his face once more. The silver wire felt cold against his face, clearly peering through prescription lenses as he leaned back against the fabric endowing the seats, listening as the wheels began to turn with an annoying squeak. His head tilted to rest against Jeffrey's shoulder, the bumpy roads jolting his thoughts as his fingers squeezed and trailed upwards against the expensive velour encasing the blonde's thigh.

Wales. Indeed quite a lovely word. They had embellished evil victory upon the towne, and enjoyed themselves tremendously in the process. A beautiful residence of the revolting sin. Gorgeously transformed and utterly exploited into the playground of sadistic violence and enjoyable corruption. The scenery became a passing blur as the brunette settled back against the cushioned back of the seat, the underlying humor in his smirk lighting his features in a superb fashion. And he almost didn't want to leave. Rightfully so. But something in the mysteriously-steady melody of his heartbeat signaled an impending hunger; the simplistic beginning of another ravenous indulgence. And you'd never know. Unless of course they wanted you to...


the end.

return to slash jazz.