dangerous liaisons. ~ part III

Mid-day, deep within the garden rests a sparkling waterfall, which immediately runs down into a clear pool of water. The water is generally cool, the bubbling springs quite refreshing. Although not too deep, but not too shallow. Lush foliage surrounds the waterfall, accessible by only a small path leading into the open clearing. Quite beautiful and serene, the perfect spot for a nice swim, or maybe something else.

A brunette sat at the water’s edge, the soft, luscious grass just ideal to remove his clothing. Matthew slowly removed his shorts, tugging the tight, cotton material from his lower body. Surprisingly enough, there was no erection to spring free this time. He smirked, shaking his head as he calmly let down the loose ponytail, letting the dry curls spill down his back. He casually stood, smiling to himself as he walked into the pool, the water rising just above his waist. He floated over to the waterfall, standing directly underneath it as if it was his own personal shower. And in a way it was. He tilted his head back, letting the water smooth over his body. Tangling his fingers in his hair, he allowed the fresh water to cleanse his entire body.

Matthew quietly hummed to himself, the same symphony that elicited his lips their first kiss from the willing Jeffrey. He almost laughed at the way the younger man ran off, seemingly confused with himself. When would the boy learn? To refuse Matthew was almost a sin in itself. But to indulge yourself in his passion was, well...sexual salvation. His hunger for lust was almost insatiable, ravaging at that. He would have Jeffrey, for that would be his greatest conquest, the most sublime achievement. He chuckled, continuing to quietly sing the tune to no one in particular.

Jeffrey strolled through the garden, completely shirtless. His chest shone with slight perspiration, his entire body sweaty and flustered. He wore only a pair of thin shorts, the cotton material airy and cool. He wore no underwear, it was far too hot for that. Besides, who was around to see anyway? Matthew’s aunt was away horseback riding, and Matthew disappeared after breakfast. Jeffrey recalled the older man’s dark chocolate gaze suggestively melting into his the entire brunch. It wasn’t until the brunette politely excused himself, purposely brushing against Jeffrey’s back, did the younger man begin to wonder.

Jeffrey smiled, reaching down to pick a bright ruby-colored rose from a bush. The fragrance was heavenly, rich to his nostrils and his innocent heart. He could hear the crisp ruffling of another letter stashed within his pocket, almost able to recite a particular passage Madame Reso had written. ‘Asinine qualities and foolish practices..’.

Jeffrey stared down almost guiltily, recalling the events of the night before. He had gotten sleep, but he really couldn’t help but to think of Matthew. The way he looked, the way he smiled, the way his attraction was too obvious. The young man sighed, smiling lightly as he heard the light ripple of a brook, or some other body of water. He gently pushed aside a thick row of ivory, gasping at what he saw.

And what an appealing sight the brunette made. His mouth slightly gaped open to drink some of the water, letting the liquid collect in his mouth before permitting it spill down his chin. His dark curls, glinting with wetness, puddled at his neck as his hands held the spirals up. His muscled arms were stretched up, bent at the elbows to reveal his flawlessly-toned biceps. His gorgeous chest gleamed with droplets of water, the tiny pink buds of his nipples hard and distinct. His pectoral muscles were slightly clenched, rhythmically relaxing as he let the liquid flow down his body. His abdominal muscles were tight, inwardly contracting as he washed his hair.

Jeffrey blinked. It was all he could do. A slight blush set in on his cheeks as he quietly stepped through the small path, taking a seat in a smooth patch of grass just at the edge of the pool. He let his legs dangle over into the water, his knees bent at the grassy bank. He rested back on his hands, nervously stealing glances at Matthew’s gorgeous figure. He closed his eyes momentarily, letting the hot summer sun and the warm breeze take over his thoughts.

He could imagine Matthew crawling between his legs and kissing him breathless, so deeply passionate that his head swum. The brunette would nibble at his neck before trailing down his body, pausing to swirl the sticky warmth of his tongue around the perimeter of his navel. Jeffrey would shiver, and reach down to take a healthy fistful of Matthew’s curls in his hand as the brunette carefully peeled off his shorts and immediately swallowed his cock. His head would fall back in absolute pleasure, colorful strands of hair falling against his tanned skin as he would allow the older man to bring him off. Jeffrey shuddered, erotically dreaming of how perfect Matthew would look with streams of cum splattered against his face. His cock was already beginning to stir amidst the pure material, slightly tenting out his shorts. A soft, amused voice threw him out of his thoughts, and into utter embarrassment.

“Come to join me?”, Matthew briefly lifted an eyebrow, the smirk quite obvious on his lips. He reached out to rest his hand on Jeffrey’s thigh, squeezing it gently.

Jeffrey gasped, his eyes fluttering open as he met Matthew’s knowing gaze. He almost stuttered, clearing his throat as he spoke.

“I-I’m sorry..”, Jeffrey apologized, a bit uneasily, “I was just leaving...”, he quickly lied, biting his lower lip as Matthew laughed, inching closer to rest his hands on each side of the younger man. With a smile, he lifted himself up out of the water, his mouth nearly nuzzled against Jeffrey’s.

“Well, I want you to stay..”, Matthew ran his tongue over his lips, grinning as he slipped his arm around Jeffrey’s waist, pulling him into the water with him.

He chuckled as Jeffrey stumbled into the water, wrapping his arms around the younger man as he held him close. Jeffrey blushed, floating in the water with the brunette. He was almost positive that Matthew could feel his hard-on, since it was nestled right between his thighs. He nervously tilted his chin up a bit, mistakenly brushing his lips against Matthew’s as the brunette leaned down. They stared deep into each other’s eyes, seeming to know what the other was thinking. Jeffrey suddenly burst into a fit of giggles, Matthew laughing along with him as he playfully tickled the younger man.

Matthew reluctantly let his arms slip from Jeffrey’s waist, grinning as he stuck out his tongue, making a silly face at the younger man. Jeffrey laughed, splashing a bit of water over onto Matthew’s chest as he retaliated with a goofy face of his own. Matthew chuckled, spontaneously back-flipping into the water to do a handstand. He slowly floated back against the water, rising to the surface directly in front of Jeffrey. The younger man smiled, resting his head against Matthew’s shoulder as he timidly let his arms encircle the brunette‘s neck.

Matthew genuinely smiled down at him, wrapping his arms around Jeffrey’s slim waist as he slowly leaned down to press his lips against the younger man’s. He really wasn’t sure where it came from, but the spark was there. Something he had never felt before. He didn’t know if it was more than just adoration, for his sake, he hoped it wasn’t. Still, it was the perfect time to admit his ‘feelings’, false or not.

“I’m in love with you..”, Matthew whispered, smiling into Jeffrey’s bright emerald eyes as he murmured softly against the younger man‘s ear.

“When I began to feel actual physical pain whenever you weren’t around, I knew it then...”, the brunette convincingly admitted to the way he felt, much to Jeffrey’s surprise.

Jeffrey gasped softly, closing his eyes as he melted into the kiss. A thousand thoughts flashed through his brain at that same moment. How much he did enjoy being around Matthew, and how sincere he could be at times. But then the other times. When he was absolutely rude, juvenile, and even appalling.

He allowed himself to kiss the brunette, parting his lips and accepting the sweet nectar of his tongue. He moaned against Matthew’s lips, suddenly gasping as he felt Matthew’s fingers squeezing at his backside. Jeffrey frowned. He was still the same person, still the same manipulative man he had met in church. Jeffrey instantly broke their kiss, gently shoving the brunette as his brow furrowed.

Matthew breathed softly, surprised as Jeffrey pushed him away. He didn’t know what to think. He was sure that Jeffrey was nervous and hurt, but he really couldn’t control how his body responded to the younger man.

Jeffrey looked down into the water, angry tears beginning to form in his eyes. He actually began to trust Matthew, but all he wanted to do was take advantage. He blinked slowly, shaking his head as he gradually backed away.

“Y-You have to leave these premises..”, Jeffrey spoke softly, willing himself not to cry, “Or else I will...”, he stared down at his own hands, swaying them in the water.

Matthew lifted an eyebrow, “If you want me to apologize for feeling so strongly about you..”, Matthew quietly laughed, shaking his head lightly, “I’m not going to...”, the brunette sighed, wading over to the edge of the pool and climbing out of the water.

Jeffrey closed his eyes momentarily, turning his back as Matthew dressed. The brunette quickly threw on his silk pants and a sheer shirt, frowning slightly as he saw a piece of manila-colored paper lying in the grass. He swiftly snatched it up the note, slipping it into his own pocket. He would see just who was writing Jeffrey. And that person would have hell to pay. Matthew sighed, glancing over at the younger man one final time.

Matthew tenderly called to him, staring as Jeffrey turned in the water, “I’ll write you everyday...”, the brunette promised softly. The one promise he intended to keep.

Jeffrey nodded lightly, vibrant strands of his hair falling over his eyes as turned to watch Matthew on his way. He shivered momentarily, his eyelids slipping closed. He was almost on the verge of getting out of the water and making his attraction known. In a way, he wanted Matthew to go. And in a way, he didn’t. It was probably for the better. His feelings were growing for the brunette, and he didn’t want to make a harsh mistake and give away his heart. To know that Matthew was in love with him, it filled him with vast confusion. He sighed. He was falling for him. Damn.

With a smile, Matthew turned on his heels to head up the small trail, his sandals crunching in the gravel on the way up to his aunt‘s residence. He smirked. He had Jeffrey in the palm of his hand. Besides, once he read the letter that the anonymous informant had sent to Jeffrey, he would have business to take care of back home. Matthew called on the horse and carriage, stepping into the stagecoach as he demanded to be driven to Monsieur Jericho’s Bastille. With the sharp crack of a whip, and the neighing of the set of horses, the carriage took off down the worn path. Matthew sat straight, a mischievous grin set on his face as he unfolded the letter..
