dangerous liaisons. ~ part vi

Jeffrey sat on a swing in the middle of the garden, his legs folding underneath his seat as he swung back and forth. Another swing rested beside him, perilously empty and vacant. A big, sturdy, oak tree swayed above, the long ropes that held the swings were tied to the thickest part of the branches. Lush, green leaves covered the tree, the soft melody of a few birds coordinating in the night. Jeffrey tilted his head back with a grin, closing his eyes tight as he invited the imaginative sounds to take over his mind.

The pair of baby blue pants he wore fluttered in the light gust, the tiny, pink buds of his nipples standing erect to the summer heat. Beads of moisture stuck to his chest, his glistening pectoral muscles slick with perspiration. His abdominal muscles contracted and relaxed with each graceful motion, the tiny silver hoop he had pierced into his navel sparkling against the moonlight.

His fingers were loosely wrapped around the ropes attached to the wooden seat, his cheek nuzzled against the thick, bristle twine. The muscles in his arms flexed as he pulled and pushed, his soft voice humming a song to himself. Vibrant strands of hair blew in the warm breeze with each gentle push of air hitting his back.

Jeffrey smiled. His heart still swam. He had read Matthew’s letter yesterday morning, surprised at his tenacity. The words made him melt. The older man seemed extremely sincere and observant. He still wasn’t sure if he was in love with the brunette, but he did regret making him leave a few days ago. His heart ached at the thoughts of Matthew leaving so suddenly.

Jeffrey glanced down at the grass beneath him, giggling as he dipped down to brush his toes against the ground. The happy, lively symphony playing on the phonograph set onto the ground rung out into the silent night, and immediately catching Matthew’s ears.

Matthew smirked, stepping through the underbrush to observe the younger man. Jeffrey was still swinging back and forth, softly singing along with the popular tune. The younger man was so stunningly beautiful that just about anything he did was fascinating. The brunette paused to take in his beauty, before taking a seat in the swing next to him. He watched Jeffrey, his eyes glazed over as he became enraptured with his splendor.

Jeffrey’s eyes flickered open, his surprised gaze meeting Matthew’s. He stopped swinging to immediately throw his arms around the older man’s neck, smiling as he hugged him close. His heart was beating rapidly, and he knew it wasn’t just from the exercise. He giggled softly, deeply melting into the brunette’s embrace.

“I missed you..”, Jeffrey whispered, his voice gentle and sincere. He didn’t even need a reply, he could easily tell that Matthew missed him too. While he still didn’t completely trust the brunette, he really couldn’t control his feelings. Over the past few days, Jeffrey realized that all he could do was return Matthew’s sentiments, and well...sacrifice himself for their love.

He wanted Matthew so badly it hurt. The erotic daydreams he had been having forced him to wantonly masturbate almost everywhere. The garden, his bedroom, the bath. And the images were always different, so enthralling, so pleasurable. Tonight was the night. He would give his heart and soul completely to Matthew, no matter how wrong it was.

Matthew breathed, wrapping his arms around Jeffrey’s waist and holding him tight to his chest. His lips tenderly brushed against the top of the younger man’s pretty head, his upturned nose buried amidst the perfumed strands of hair. He smirked to himself. He had Jeffrey just where he wanted him. He leaned down to capture Jeffrey’s lips in a searing kiss, his fingers curled under the younger man’s chin.

He could feel Jeffrey shudder against his body, his warm tongue meshing with the younger man’s for a brief moment. Barely breaking their deep kiss, he felt Jeffrey‘s hand slide up to his knee, giving his hand a light squeeze before leading him out of the garden. The marble stairs slapped under their bare feet as they climbed the winding staircase, the soft sound of their lips joining together filling the silence.

Opening the door, Jeffrey’s hand was tangled in Matthew’s curls, moaning against the brunette’s mouth as they stumbled into the room. Slumping against the older man’s chest, his lust-filled gaze heatedly melted into Matthew’s. He reluctantly broke the kiss to close the door behind him, his shaky fingers twisting the key inside the lock. His cock was already stirring to life amidst the cotton material of his pants, needfully pushing against Matthew’s upper thigh. He carefully sat on the bed, lifting his hips to slide his trousers off his body, blushing as he exposed himself to Matthew.

Matthew bit his lip. Jeffrey was beyond gorgeous. His beautiful erection jutted up from a small patch of dark blonde hair nested at the base of his cock. Tiny beads of pre-cum already collected at the tip, lightly dribbling down his rigid shaft. This was it. He was going to fuck Jeffrey. Matthew moaned inwardly, blinking at the most innocent, dazzling sight he’d ever had the chance to view. This wasn’t right. He didn’t want to take Jeffrey like this. He cared too much for him. Matthew’s gaze flickered down to the hardwood floors, tears beginning to well up in his burnt hazel eyes.

“I--I can’t do this...”, Matthew shook his head, stealing one last glance at Jeffrey before unlocking the door and walking out of the room. He quickly closed it behind him, resting his forehead against the wooden material. He could hear Jeffrey begin to cry, his loud sobbing absolutely breaking his heart. With a frown, Matthew made his way back to his own room.

Jeffrey sat on the bed, his head bowed in complete shame. Why didn’t Matthew want him now? Was he too ugly? Too pathetic? Too weak? He sobbed to himself, burying his face in his hands. Embarrassed. He quickly reached down and grabbed his pants, slipping them onto his waist and gathered his belongings. He was leaving. Tonight. He couldn’t deal with it anymore.

Throwing miscellaneous items into his travel case, he slipped on a pair of sandals, his wet tears blurring his vision. Dashing down the stairs, a servant awaited a horse and carriage. With a toss of a few gold coins, he climbed into the stagecoach, sniveling as he glanced up at the balcony to Matthew’s room, the lights still on. He didn’t know who he was anymore. And he really didn’t care. He was done with Matthew. His heart slumped lifelessly in his chest. Completely shattered. With a teary sigh, he heard the snap of a whip, the horse-drawn carriage being pulled down the dirt trail.

Matthew lay on his bed, in complete shambles with himself, his thoughts, his feelings. When he looked at Jeffrey on that bed, his immaculate gaze peering up at him in the most innocent of ways, well...he was frightened. Frightened to hurt Jeffrey, or love someone for the first time. Ever.

Matthew’s brow furrowed as he heard the distinct sound of wheels rolling down a bumpy path. He jumped up from the mattress, promptly running out to the balcony that overlooked the grounds. He watched the carriage disappear into the night, angrily glaring over at his servant.

“What the fuck are you waiting for?! Follow him!”, Matthew screamed, beyond furious with himself. The servant nodded, scurrying out of the room to chase behind the carriage. He grabbed a stallion from the stables, quickly heading off to obey Matthew’s wishes. He would find out where Monsieur Jeffrey Nero was heading to. At least if he wanted to keep his head.

The brunette yanked at his hair, immensely frustrated with himself. Damn! Sighing deeply, his hands gripped tight to the rail of the balcony, his piercing brown eyes filled with rage. He stared out into the dark midnight for a moment longer, before heading back into his room. The bright stars twinkled against the dark blanket of night, the moon’s glowing beams casting obscured shadows upon everything it touched..
